Research Article
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Evaluation of land suitability for main irrigated crops in the North-Western Region of Libya

Year 2018, , 73 - 86, 01.01.2018


Land suitability analysis can help to achieve
sustainable crop production with a proper use of the natural resources. The
current study was carried out on the soils of north-western area of Libya to
assess their morphological, physical and chemical properties and their
suitability for growing irrigated crops. The studied area lies between
latitudes 32° 30′ 00.9" and 32° 57′ 34.2'' N and between longitudes 11°
35′ 08.4" and 11° 45′ 09.2" E. Two suitability methods (Sys
&Verhey and Storie methods) were used to assess the land suitability of
this area. According to Sys and Verhye method, the soils of the studied area
varied in the suitability for irrigation between highly suitable (S1) to
marginally suitable (S3). However, according to modified Storie index method
the soils productivity, ranged from excellent (grade 1) for agriculture to
non-agricultural (grade 6). The modified Storie index method was more effective
in assessing the land suitability of this area. The drip irrigation system was
also more suitable than surface irrigation method for most of the soils of the
studied area. The indeces of soil suitability rating and percentage for growing
alfalfa, sorghum, barley, maize, millets, wheat and safflower were higher
compared to those for growing soybean, sunflower and sesame. Onion
green pepper crops were moderately suitable to be grown in 42% of the soils of
the studied area while
the other vegetables were not suitable to be
grown in most of the soils of
the studied area. The evaluated fruit
trees could be arranged according to the soil suitability rating and percentage
in the order of date palm > olives > guava > citrus > banana. The
results also revealed that the studied area has a good potential to produce the
selected crops under irrigation provided that the water requirements for these
crops are met. The main limiting factors for land suitability for growing crops
are soil texture, soil depth, calcium carbonate, alkaline pH and soil salinity.


  • AbdelRahman, M.A.E., Natarajan, A., Hegde, R., 2016.Assessment of land suitability and capability by integrating remote sensing and GIS for agriculture in Chamarajanagar district, Karnataka, India. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 19(1): 125–141.
  • Ahmed, M.A.E., 2016. Land evaluation of Gharb El-Mawhob Area, El Dakhla Oasis, New Valley, Egypt. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.
  • Albaji, M., Nasab, S.B., Kashkoli, H.A., Naseri, A., 2009. Comparison of different irrigation methods based on the parametric evaluation approach in the plain West of Shush, Iran. Irrigation and Drainage 59(5): 547-558.
  • Bashour, I.I., Sayegh, A.H., 2007. Methods of analysis for soils of arid and semi-arid region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 119p. Available at [access date : 13.07.2017]:
  • Ben-Mahmoud, R., Mansur, S., Al-Gomati, A., 2000. Land degradation and desertification in Libya Tripoli. In: Desertification in the Third Millennium. Alsharhan, A.S., Wood, W.W., Goudie, A.S., Fowler, A., Abdellatif, E.M. (Eds.). Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers, Lisse, The Netherlands. pp.339-350.
  • Briza, Y., Delionardo, F., Spisni, A., 2001, Land evaluation in the province of Ben Sliman, Morocco. 21st Course Professional Master. Remote Sensing and Natural Resources Evaluation. 10 November 2000 – 22 June 2001, IAO Florence, Italy. 21: 62-78.
  • Darwish, K.M., Kawy, W.A.A., 2014. Land suitability decision support for assessing land use changes in areas west of Nile Delta, Egypt. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 7(3): 865–875.
  • Dengiz, O., 2006. Comparison of different irrigation methods based on the parametric evaluation approach. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 30(1): 21-29.
  • Diallo, M.D., Wood, S.A., Diallo , A., Mahatma-Saleh, M., Ndiaye , O., Tine, A.K., Ngamb, T., Guisse, M., Seck, S., Diop, A., Guisse, A., 2016. Soil suitability for the production of rice, groundnut, and cassava in the peri-urban Niayes zone, Senegal. Soil and Tillage Research 155: 412–420.
  • Elaalem, M., 2010. The application of land evaluation techniques in Jeffara Plain in Libya using Fuzzy Methods. Ph.D thesis, Department of Geography, University of Leicester. Leicester, UK.
  • Fanning, D.S., Fanning, M.C.B., 1989. Soil morphology, genesis and classification. John Wiley & Sons.Inc., New York, USA. 395p.
  • FAO. 1988. Salt-Affected Soils and Their Management. Soils Bulletin No. 39. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 131p. Available at [access date : 13.07.2017]:
  • FAO. 2006. Guideline for soil description, fourth edition. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 97p. Available at [access date : 13.07.2017]:
  • Gavlak, R., Horneck, D., Miller, R.O., 2005. Soil, plant and water reference methods for the western region. 3rd Edition. WREP 125. Oregon, USA. Available at [access date : 13.07.2017]:
  • He, Y., Yao, Y., Chen, Y., Ongaro, L., 2011.Regional Land Suitability Assessment for Tree Crops Using Remote Sensing and GIS. International Conference on Computer Distributed Control and Intelligent Environmental Monitoring, 19-20 February 2011, Changsha, China. pp. 354–363.
  • Kamali, A,, Sarmadian, F., Mahmoodi, S., 2012. Land suitability modeling for sustainable agriculture using MicroLEIS DSS and remote sensing in an arid region of Iran. Elixir Agriculture 42: 6516-6519.
  • Mbodj, C., Mahjoub, I., Sghaiev, N., 2004. Land evaluation in the oudrmel catchment, Tunisia. 24th Course Professional Master. Geometric and Natural Resources Evaluation, 10 November 2003 - 23 June 2004, IAO Florence, Italy. 21: 41-72.
  • Mehdi, J., Mohammad, A., Gharibzadeh, A., 2012. Investigating the Suitability of Lands for Surface and Under-Pressure (Drip and Sprinkler) Irrigation in Miheh Plain. Research Journal of Environmental Sciences 6(2): 51-61.
  • Mu, Y., 2006. Developing a suitability index for residential land use: A case study in Dianchi drainage area. MSc Thesis. University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Available at [access date : 13.07.2017]:
  • Nasab, S.B., Albaji, M., Naseri, A., 2010. Investigation of different irrigation systems based on the parametric evaluation approach in Boneh Basht plain, Iran. African Journal of Agricultural Research 5(5): 372-379.
  • Nelson, R.E., 1982. Carbonates and gypsum. In: Methods of Soil Analysis Part 2 Chemical and Microbiological Properties. Page, A.L. et al. (Eds). American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 181–198.
  • Nwer, B.A. B., 2005. The application of land evaluation technique in the north-east of Libya. Ph.D Thesis, Faculty of Environment, Cranfield University, UK. Available at [access date : 13.07.2017]:
  • O’Geen, A.T., Southard, S.B., Southard, R.J., 2008. A revised Storie Index for use with digital soils information. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, ANR Publication 8335, USA. Available at [access date: 13.07.2017]:
  • Pan, G., Pan, J., 2012. Research in crop land suitability analysis based on GIS. In: Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture. Li, D., Chen, Y., (Eds.). IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 369. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. pp. 314–325.
  • Prakash, T.N., 2003. Land suitability analysis for agricultural crops: A fuzzy multicriteria decision making approach, science in geoinformatics. ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands. pp. 6–13.
  • Rhoades, J.D., 1982. Soluble salts. In: Methods of Soil Analysis Part 2 Chemical and Microbiological Properties. Page, A.L. et al. (Eds). American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp.167-180.
  • Sayed, A.S.A., 2013. Evaluation of the land resources for agricultural development - case study: El-Hammam canal and its extension, NW Coast of Egypt. Ph.D Thesis, Department Geowissenschaften, Universität Hamburg, Germany. Available at [access date: 13.07.2017]:
  • Shahbazzi, F., Jafarzadeh, A.A., Sarmadian, F., Neyshaboury, M.R., Oustan, S., Anaya- Ramero, M., De La Rossa, D., 2009. Suitability of wheat, maize, sugar beet and potato using MicroLEIS DSS software in Ahar area, Northwest of Iran. American- Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Science 5(1): 45-52.
  • Soil Survey Staff, 1975. Soil Munsell Color Charts, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), USA.
  • Soil Survey Staff, 2014. Keys to Soil Taxonomy. 12rd Edition. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service. USA. Available at [access date: 13.07.2017]:
  • Storie, R.E., 1978. Storie index soil rating (revised). Special Publication 3203. Division of Agricultural Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA.
  • Sys, C.E., Van Ranst, E., Debaveye, J., Beernaert, F., 1993. Land evaluation. Part III: Crop requirements. Agricultural Publications No.7, G.A.D.C., Brussels, Belgium, 191p. Available at [access date: 13.07.2017]:
  • Sys, C., Van Ranst, E., Debaveye, J., 1991. Land evaluation. Part 1: Principles in land evaluation and crop production calculations. General Administration for Development Cooperation (GADC), Agricultural Publications No 7. Brussels, Belgium. 274p.
  • Sys, C., Verheye, W., 1978. An Attempt to the evaluation of physical land characteristics for irrigation according to the FAO framework for land evaluation. State University of Ghent, International Training Centre for Post-Graduate Soil Scientists, Ghent, Belgium. pp. 66-78.
Year 2018, , 73 - 86, 01.01.2018



  • AbdelRahman, M.A.E., Natarajan, A., Hegde, R., 2016.Assessment of land suitability and capability by integrating remote sensing and GIS for agriculture in Chamarajanagar district, Karnataka, India. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 19(1): 125–141.
  • Ahmed, M.A.E., 2016. Land evaluation of Gharb El-Mawhob Area, El Dakhla Oasis, New Valley, Egypt. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.
  • Albaji, M., Nasab, S.B., Kashkoli, H.A., Naseri, A., 2009. Comparison of different irrigation methods based on the parametric evaluation approach in the plain West of Shush, Iran. Irrigation and Drainage 59(5): 547-558.
  • Bashour, I.I., Sayegh, A.H., 2007. Methods of analysis for soils of arid and semi-arid region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 119p. Available at [access date : 13.07.2017]:
  • Ben-Mahmoud, R., Mansur, S., Al-Gomati, A., 2000. Land degradation and desertification in Libya Tripoli. In: Desertification in the Third Millennium. Alsharhan, A.S., Wood, W.W., Goudie, A.S., Fowler, A., Abdellatif, E.M. (Eds.). Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers, Lisse, The Netherlands. pp.339-350.
  • Briza, Y., Delionardo, F., Spisni, A., 2001, Land evaluation in the province of Ben Sliman, Morocco. 21st Course Professional Master. Remote Sensing and Natural Resources Evaluation. 10 November 2000 – 22 June 2001, IAO Florence, Italy. 21: 62-78.
  • Darwish, K.M., Kawy, W.A.A., 2014. Land suitability decision support for assessing land use changes in areas west of Nile Delta, Egypt. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 7(3): 865–875.
  • Dengiz, O., 2006. Comparison of different irrigation methods based on the parametric evaluation approach. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 30(1): 21-29.
  • Diallo, M.D., Wood, S.A., Diallo , A., Mahatma-Saleh, M., Ndiaye , O., Tine, A.K., Ngamb, T., Guisse, M., Seck, S., Diop, A., Guisse, A., 2016. Soil suitability for the production of rice, groundnut, and cassava in the peri-urban Niayes zone, Senegal. Soil and Tillage Research 155: 412–420.
  • Elaalem, M., 2010. The application of land evaluation techniques in Jeffara Plain in Libya using Fuzzy Methods. Ph.D thesis, Department of Geography, University of Leicester. Leicester, UK.
  • Fanning, D.S., Fanning, M.C.B., 1989. Soil morphology, genesis and classification. John Wiley & Sons.Inc., New York, USA. 395p.
  • FAO. 1988. Salt-Affected Soils and Their Management. Soils Bulletin No. 39. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 131p. Available at [access date : 13.07.2017]:
  • FAO. 2006. Guideline for soil description, fourth edition. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 97p. Available at [access date : 13.07.2017]:
  • Gavlak, R., Horneck, D., Miller, R.O., 2005. Soil, plant and water reference methods for the western region. 3rd Edition. WREP 125. Oregon, USA. Available at [access date : 13.07.2017]:
  • He, Y., Yao, Y., Chen, Y., Ongaro, L., 2011.Regional Land Suitability Assessment for Tree Crops Using Remote Sensing and GIS. International Conference on Computer Distributed Control and Intelligent Environmental Monitoring, 19-20 February 2011, Changsha, China. pp. 354–363.
  • Kamali, A,, Sarmadian, F., Mahmoodi, S., 2012. Land suitability modeling for sustainable agriculture using MicroLEIS DSS and remote sensing in an arid region of Iran. Elixir Agriculture 42: 6516-6519.
  • Mbodj, C., Mahjoub, I., Sghaiev, N., 2004. Land evaluation in the oudrmel catchment, Tunisia. 24th Course Professional Master. Geometric and Natural Resources Evaluation, 10 November 2003 - 23 June 2004, IAO Florence, Italy. 21: 41-72.
  • Mehdi, J., Mohammad, A., Gharibzadeh, A., 2012. Investigating the Suitability of Lands for Surface and Under-Pressure (Drip and Sprinkler) Irrigation in Miheh Plain. Research Journal of Environmental Sciences 6(2): 51-61.
  • Mu, Y., 2006. Developing a suitability index for residential land use: A case study in Dianchi drainage area. MSc Thesis. University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Available at [access date : 13.07.2017]:
  • Nasab, S.B., Albaji, M., Naseri, A., 2010. Investigation of different irrigation systems based on the parametric evaluation approach in Boneh Basht plain, Iran. African Journal of Agricultural Research 5(5): 372-379.
  • Nelson, R.E., 1982. Carbonates and gypsum. In: Methods of Soil Analysis Part 2 Chemical and Microbiological Properties. Page, A.L. et al. (Eds). American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 181–198.
  • Nwer, B.A. B., 2005. The application of land evaluation technique in the north-east of Libya. Ph.D Thesis, Faculty of Environment, Cranfield University, UK. Available at [access date : 13.07.2017]:
  • O’Geen, A.T., Southard, S.B., Southard, R.J., 2008. A revised Storie Index for use with digital soils information. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, ANR Publication 8335, USA. Available at [access date: 13.07.2017]:
  • Pan, G., Pan, J., 2012. Research in crop land suitability analysis based on GIS. In: Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture. Li, D., Chen, Y., (Eds.). IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 369. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. pp. 314–325.
  • Prakash, T.N., 2003. Land suitability analysis for agricultural crops: A fuzzy multicriteria decision making approach, science in geoinformatics. ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands. pp. 6–13.
  • Rhoades, J.D., 1982. Soluble salts. In: Methods of Soil Analysis Part 2 Chemical and Microbiological Properties. Page, A.L. et al. (Eds). American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp.167-180.
  • Sayed, A.S.A., 2013. Evaluation of the land resources for agricultural development - case study: El-Hammam canal and its extension, NW Coast of Egypt. Ph.D Thesis, Department Geowissenschaften, Universität Hamburg, Germany. Available at [access date: 13.07.2017]:
  • Shahbazzi, F., Jafarzadeh, A.A., Sarmadian, F., Neyshaboury, M.R., Oustan, S., Anaya- Ramero, M., De La Rossa, D., 2009. Suitability of wheat, maize, sugar beet and potato using MicroLEIS DSS software in Ahar area, Northwest of Iran. American- Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Science 5(1): 45-52.
  • Soil Survey Staff, 1975. Soil Munsell Color Charts, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), USA.
  • Soil Survey Staff, 2014. Keys to Soil Taxonomy. 12rd Edition. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service. USA. Available at [access date: 13.07.2017]:
  • Storie, R.E., 1978. Storie index soil rating (revised). Special Publication 3203. Division of Agricultural Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA.
  • Sys, C.E., Van Ranst, E., Debaveye, J., Beernaert, F., 1993. Land evaluation. Part III: Crop requirements. Agricultural Publications No.7, G.A.D.C., Brussels, Belgium, 191p. Available at [access date: 13.07.2017]:
  • Sys, C., Van Ranst, E., Debaveye, J., 1991. Land evaluation. Part 1: Principles in land evaluation and crop production calculations. General Administration for Development Cooperation (GADC), Agricultural Publications No 7. Brussels, Belgium. 274p.
  • Sys, C., Verheye, W., 1978. An Attempt to the evaluation of physical land characteristics for irrigation according to the FAO framework for land evaluation. State University of Ghent, International Training Centre for Post-Graduate Soil Scientists, Ghent, Belgium. pp. 66-78.
There are 34 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Salah Hassanien Abd El-aziz This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Abd El-aziz, S. H. (2018). Evaluation of land suitability for main irrigated crops in the North-Western Region of Libya. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 7(1), 73-86.

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