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Response of three soils in the derived savanna zone of southwestern Nigeria to combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizer as affecting phosphorus fractions

Year 2018, , 187 - 194, 01.04.2018


inputs to the soil are primarily from the application of fertilizer P and
organic resources. A ten week incubation study was carried out to determine the
effects of organic and inorganic P sources on phosphorus fractions in three
derived savanna soils. Poultry manure was applied at 0, 0.75g, 1.5g, 2.25g and
3g per 300g weight of soil while single superphosphate was applied at 0.0023g,
0.0046g, 0.0069g and 0.0092g per 300g of soil. Sampling was done at two weeks
interval. At 0 week of the incubation study, Ekiti series had the largest
amount of P fractions i.e. Fe-P, Al-P, residual P, reductant soluble P,
occluded P, organic P and occluded P while Ca-P was high in Apomu series.
However, increases in Fe-P, Al-P, Ca-P and organic P were observed in the three
soil series evaluated and poultry manure was notably effective in reducing P
occlusion. In conclusion, it was observed that irrespective of the soil series
at different stages of the incubation studies, poultry manure and the combined
application of poultry manure and Single superphosphate was highly effective in
increasing P fractions.


  • Adesanwo, O.O., Odu, U.V., Thompson, O.F., 2013. Dynamics of potassium in representative soil series of southwestern Nigeria. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 44(22): 3259-3266.
  • Amanullah, M.M, Sekar, S., Muthukrishnan, P., 2010. Prospects and potential of poultrymanure. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 9(4): 172-182.
  • Ayeni, L.S., 2010. Integrated application of cocoa pod ash and NPK fertilizer: Effect on soil and plant nutrient status and maize performance-Field experiment. Journal of American Sciences 6(6): 96-102.
  • Bray, R.H., Kurtz, L.T., 1945. Determination of total, organic, and available forms of phosphorus in soils. Soil Science 59 (1): 39–45.
  • Brookes, P., 2001. The soil microbial biomass: Concept, measurement and applications in soil ecosystem research. Microbes and Environments 16(3): 131-140.
  • Chang, S.C., Jackson, M.L., 1957. Fractionation of soil phosphates. Soil Science 84 (2): 133-144.
  • Daly, K., Styles, D., Lalor, S., Wall, D.P., 2015. Phosphorus sorption, supply potential and availability in soils with contrasting parent material and soil chemical properties. European Journal of Soil Science 66(4): 792-801.
  • Eghball, B., 2003. Leaching of phosphorus fractions following manure or compost application. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 34(19-20): 2803-2815.
  • FAO, 2014. World Soil Resources Reports No. 106. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (FAO), Rome, Italy. Available at [access date: 17.06.2017]:
  • Fan, J., Hao., M.D., Wang, Y.G., 2003. Effects of rotation and fertilization on soil fertility on upland of Loess Plateau. Research in Soil Water Conservation 10(1) : 31–36 [in Chinese].
  • GenStat., 2011 GenStat Discovery Edition 4, Release 10.3DE (PC/Windows 7). VSN International Ltd., Rothamsted Experimental Station, Hemel, Hempstead, UK.
  • Gideon, I.K., Ogbonna, A.N., Nzegbule, E.C., 2016. Soil physico-chemical properties in three land use systems (Theobroma Cacao, Gmelina Arborea and Secondary Forest ) in Umuahia, North of Abia State, Nigeria. Canadian Journal of Agriculture and Crops 1(1) : 19-29.
  • Gikonyo, E.W, Zaharah, A.R, Hanafi, M.M., Anuar, A.R., 2011. Degree of phosphorus saturation and soil phosphorus thresholds in an ultisol amended with triple superphosphate and phosphate rocks. The Scientific World Journal 11: 1421-1441.
  • Halajnia, A., Haghnia, G.H., Fotovat, A., Khorasani, R., 2009. Phosphorus fractions in calcareous soils amended with P fertilizer and cattle manure. Geoderma 150(1-2): 209-213.
  • Halvorson, A.D., Black, A.L., 1985. Long-term dryland crop responses to residual phosphorus fertilizer. Soil Science Society of America Journal 49(4): 928–933.
  • Hinsinger, P., 2001. Bioavailability of soil inorganic P in the rhizosphere as affected by root-induced chemical changes: A review. Plant and Soil 237(2): 173-195.
  • Ibrikci, H., Ryan, J., Ulger, A.C, Buyuk, G., Cahir, B., Korkmaz, K., Karnez, E., Ozgenturk, G., Konuskan., 2005. Maintenanace of phosphorus fertilizer and residual phosphorus effect on corn production. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 72(3): 279-286.
  • Jalali, M., Ranjbar, F., 2010. Aging effects on phosphorus transformation rate and fractionation in some calcareous soils. Geoderma 155 (1-2): 101-106.
  • Kiflu, A, Beyene, S., Jeff, S., 2017. Fractionation and availability of phosphorus in acid soils of Hagereselam, southern Ethiopia under different rates of lime. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 4(21): 1-7.
  • Kolawole, G. O., Tian, G.. 2007. Phosphorus fraction and crop performance on an alfisol amended with phosphate rock combined with or without plant residues. African Journal of Biotechnology 6(16): 1972-1978.
  • Lai, L., Hao, M. D., Peng, L. F., 2003. The variation of soil phosphorus of long-term continuous cropping and management on Loess Plateau. Research in Soil Water Conservation 10(1) : 68–70 [in Chinese].
  • Lei, H., Zhu, C., Liu, X., Zhou, W., Hong, L., 2004. Phosphorus adsorption-desorption characterization in acid soils under amendment. Acta Pedologica Sinica 41: 636-640.
  • Nziguheba, G., Bunemann, E., 2005. Organic phosphorus dynamics in tropical agro-ecosystems, In: Organic Phosphorus in the Environment, Turner, B.L, Frossard, E., Baldwin, D.S. (Eds.). CAB International, Wallingford UK, pp. 243-268.
  • Moss, R. P., 1957. Report on classification of soils found over sedimentary rocks in Western Nigeria. WSMANR. Ibadan, Nigeria. 88p
  • Mudorch, G., Ojo-Atere, J. O., Colborne, G., Olomu, E. I., Odugbesan, E. M., 1976. Soils of the Western State Savanna in Nigeria . Land Resources Division, Ministry of Overseas Development, Tolworth Tower, England. 145p.
  • Reddy, D.D., Subba, R.A., Rupa, T.R., 2000. Effects of continuous use of cattle manure and fertilizer phosphorus on crop yields and soil organic phosphorus in a vertisol. Bioresource Technology 75(2): 113-118.
  • Samadi, A., Gilkes, R. J., 1998. Forms of phosphorus in virgin and fertilized calcareous soils of Western Australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research 36 (4): 585–601.
  • Sattari, S.Z, Bouwman, A.F, Giller, K.E., Ittersum, M.K., 2012. Residual soil phosphorus as the missing piece in the global phosphorus crisis puzzle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 (16): 6348-6353.
  • Song, K., Xue, Y., Zheng, X., Weiguang, L, Qiao, H., Qin, Q., Yang, J., 2017. Effects of the continuous use of organic manure and chemical fertilizer on soil inorganic phosphorus fractions in calcareous soil. Scientific Reports 7 : Article number: 1164.
  • Soremi, A.O., Adetunji, M.T., Adejuyigbe, C.O., Bodunde, J.G., Azeez, J.O., 2017. Influence of organic manure on phosphorus and potassium fractions in soil planted with soybean. International Journal of Plant and Soil Science. 14(2): 1-11.
  • Ojo, A.O, Adetunji, M.T, Okeleye, K.A., Adejuyigbe, C.O., 2015. Soil fertility, phosphorus fractions and maize yield as affected by poultry manure and single superphosphate. International Scholarly Research Notices Article ID 616213.
  • Ojo, A.O, Adetunji, M.T, Okeleye, K.A., Adejuyigbe, C.O., 2016. The effect of poultry manure and P fertilizer on some phosphorus fractions in some soils of southwestern Nigeria: An incubation. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 47(21): 2365-2377.
  • Omotayo, O.E, Chukwuka, K.S., 2009. Soil fertility restoration technoques in sub-Saharan Africa using organic resources. African Journal of Agricultural Research 46(3): 144 – 150
  • Usman, A.R.A., Abduljabbar, A., Vithanage, M., Ok, Y.S., Ahmad, M., Ahmad, M., Al- Wabel, M.I., 2015. Biochar production from date palm waste: charring temperature induced changes in composition and surface chemistry. Journal of Analytical Applied Pyrolysis 115: 392-400.
  • Verma, S., Subehia, S.K., Sharma, S.P., 2005. Phosphorus fractions in an acid soil continuously fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers. Biology and Fertility of Soils 41(4): 295-300.
  • Waldrip, H., He, Z., Erich, S., 2011. Effects of poultry manure amendment on phosphorus uptake by ryegrass, soil phosphorus fractions and phosphatase activity. Biology and Fertility of Soils 47(4): 407-418.
  • Walkey, A., Black, I.A., 1934. An examination of the Degtjareff method for determining organic carbon in soils: Effect of variations in digestion conditions and of inorganic soil constituents. Soil Science 63: 251-263.
  • Yu, S., He, Z.L., Stoffella, P.J., Calvert, D.V., Yang, X.E., Banks, D.J., Baligar, V.C., 2006. Surface runoff phosphorus (P) loss in relation to phosphatase activity and soil P fractions in Florida sandy soils under citrus production. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38(3): 619-628.
  • Zhang, T.Q., MacKenzie, A.F., Lang, B.C., Drury, C.F., 2004. Soil test phosphorus and phosphorus fractions with long term phosphorus addition and depletion. Soil Science Society of America Journal 68(2): 519-528.
Year 2018, , 187 - 194, 01.04.2018



  • Adesanwo, O.O., Odu, U.V., Thompson, O.F., 2013. Dynamics of potassium in representative soil series of southwestern Nigeria. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 44(22): 3259-3266.
  • Amanullah, M.M, Sekar, S., Muthukrishnan, P., 2010. Prospects and potential of poultrymanure. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 9(4): 172-182.
  • Ayeni, L.S., 2010. Integrated application of cocoa pod ash and NPK fertilizer: Effect on soil and plant nutrient status and maize performance-Field experiment. Journal of American Sciences 6(6): 96-102.
  • Bray, R.H., Kurtz, L.T., 1945. Determination of total, organic, and available forms of phosphorus in soils. Soil Science 59 (1): 39–45.
  • Brookes, P., 2001. The soil microbial biomass: Concept, measurement and applications in soil ecosystem research. Microbes and Environments 16(3): 131-140.
  • Chang, S.C., Jackson, M.L., 1957. Fractionation of soil phosphates. Soil Science 84 (2): 133-144.
  • Daly, K., Styles, D., Lalor, S., Wall, D.P., 2015. Phosphorus sorption, supply potential and availability in soils with contrasting parent material and soil chemical properties. European Journal of Soil Science 66(4): 792-801.
  • Eghball, B., 2003. Leaching of phosphorus fractions following manure or compost application. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 34(19-20): 2803-2815.
  • FAO, 2014. World Soil Resources Reports No. 106. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (FAO), Rome, Italy. Available at [access date: 17.06.2017]:
  • Fan, J., Hao., M.D., Wang, Y.G., 2003. Effects of rotation and fertilization on soil fertility on upland of Loess Plateau. Research in Soil Water Conservation 10(1) : 31–36 [in Chinese].
  • GenStat., 2011 GenStat Discovery Edition 4, Release 10.3DE (PC/Windows 7). VSN International Ltd., Rothamsted Experimental Station, Hemel, Hempstead, UK.
  • Gideon, I.K., Ogbonna, A.N., Nzegbule, E.C., 2016. Soil physico-chemical properties in three land use systems (Theobroma Cacao, Gmelina Arborea and Secondary Forest ) in Umuahia, North of Abia State, Nigeria. Canadian Journal of Agriculture and Crops 1(1) : 19-29.
  • Gikonyo, E.W, Zaharah, A.R, Hanafi, M.M., Anuar, A.R., 2011. Degree of phosphorus saturation and soil phosphorus thresholds in an ultisol amended with triple superphosphate and phosphate rocks. The Scientific World Journal 11: 1421-1441.
  • Halajnia, A., Haghnia, G.H., Fotovat, A., Khorasani, R., 2009. Phosphorus fractions in calcareous soils amended with P fertilizer and cattle manure. Geoderma 150(1-2): 209-213.
  • Halvorson, A.D., Black, A.L., 1985. Long-term dryland crop responses to residual phosphorus fertilizer. Soil Science Society of America Journal 49(4): 928–933.
  • Hinsinger, P., 2001. Bioavailability of soil inorganic P in the rhizosphere as affected by root-induced chemical changes: A review. Plant and Soil 237(2): 173-195.
  • Ibrikci, H., Ryan, J., Ulger, A.C, Buyuk, G., Cahir, B., Korkmaz, K., Karnez, E., Ozgenturk, G., Konuskan., 2005. Maintenanace of phosphorus fertilizer and residual phosphorus effect on corn production. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 72(3): 279-286.
  • Jalali, M., Ranjbar, F., 2010. Aging effects on phosphorus transformation rate and fractionation in some calcareous soils. Geoderma 155 (1-2): 101-106.
  • Kiflu, A, Beyene, S., Jeff, S., 2017. Fractionation and availability of phosphorus in acid soils of Hagereselam, southern Ethiopia under different rates of lime. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 4(21): 1-7.
  • Kolawole, G. O., Tian, G.. 2007. Phosphorus fraction and crop performance on an alfisol amended with phosphate rock combined with or without plant residues. African Journal of Biotechnology 6(16): 1972-1978.
  • Lai, L., Hao, M. D., Peng, L. F., 2003. The variation of soil phosphorus of long-term continuous cropping and management on Loess Plateau. Research in Soil Water Conservation 10(1) : 68–70 [in Chinese].
  • Lei, H., Zhu, C., Liu, X., Zhou, W., Hong, L., 2004. Phosphorus adsorption-desorption characterization in acid soils under amendment. Acta Pedologica Sinica 41: 636-640.
  • Nziguheba, G., Bunemann, E., 2005. Organic phosphorus dynamics in tropical agro-ecosystems, In: Organic Phosphorus in the Environment, Turner, B.L, Frossard, E., Baldwin, D.S. (Eds.). CAB International, Wallingford UK, pp. 243-268.
  • Moss, R. P., 1957. Report on classification of soils found over sedimentary rocks in Western Nigeria. WSMANR. Ibadan, Nigeria. 88p
  • Mudorch, G., Ojo-Atere, J. O., Colborne, G., Olomu, E. I., Odugbesan, E. M., 1976. Soils of the Western State Savanna in Nigeria . Land Resources Division, Ministry of Overseas Development, Tolworth Tower, England. 145p.
  • Reddy, D.D., Subba, R.A., Rupa, T.R., 2000. Effects of continuous use of cattle manure and fertilizer phosphorus on crop yields and soil organic phosphorus in a vertisol. Bioresource Technology 75(2): 113-118.
  • Samadi, A., Gilkes, R. J., 1998. Forms of phosphorus in virgin and fertilized calcareous soils of Western Australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research 36 (4): 585–601.
  • Sattari, S.Z, Bouwman, A.F, Giller, K.E., Ittersum, M.K., 2012. Residual soil phosphorus as the missing piece in the global phosphorus crisis puzzle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 (16): 6348-6353.
  • Song, K., Xue, Y., Zheng, X., Weiguang, L, Qiao, H., Qin, Q., Yang, J., 2017. Effects of the continuous use of organic manure and chemical fertilizer on soil inorganic phosphorus fractions in calcareous soil. Scientific Reports 7 : Article number: 1164.
  • Soremi, A.O., Adetunji, M.T., Adejuyigbe, C.O., Bodunde, J.G., Azeez, J.O., 2017. Influence of organic manure on phosphorus and potassium fractions in soil planted with soybean. International Journal of Plant and Soil Science. 14(2): 1-11.
  • Ojo, A.O, Adetunji, M.T, Okeleye, K.A., Adejuyigbe, C.O., 2015. Soil fertility, phosphorus fractions and maize yield as affected by poultry manure and single superphosphate. International Scholarly Research Notices Article ID 616213.
  • Ojo, A.O, Adetunji, M.T, Okeleye, K.A., Adejuyigbe, C.O., 2016. The effect of poultry manure and P fertilizer on some phosphorus fractions in some soils of southwestern Nigeria: An incubation. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 47(21): 2365-2377.
  • Omotayo, O.E, Chukwuka, K.S., 2009. Soil fertility restoration technoques in sub-Saharan Africa using organic resources. African Journal of Agricultural Research 46(3): 144 – 150
  • Usman, A.R.A., Abduljabbar, A., Vithanage, M., Ok, Y.S., Ahmad, M., Ahmad, M., Al- Wabel, M.I., 2015. Biochar production from date palm waste: charring temperature induced changes in composition and surface chemistry. Journal of Analytical Applied Pyrolysis 115: 392-400.
  • Verma, S., Subehia, S.K., Sharma, S.P., 2005. Phosphorus fractions in an acid soil continuously fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers. Biology and Fertility of Soils 41(4): 295-300.
  • Waldrip, H., He, Z., Erich, S., 2011. Effects of poultry manure amendment on phosphorus uptake by ryegrass, soil phosphorus fractions and phosphatase activity. Biology and Fertility of Soils 47(4): 407-418.
  • Walkey, A., Black, I.A., 1934. An examination of the Degtjareff method for determining organic carbon in soils: Effect of variations in digestion conditions and of inorganic soil constituents. Soil Science 63: 251-263.
  • Yu, S., He, Z.L., Stoffella, P.J., Calvert, D.V., Yang, X.E., Banks, D.J., Baligar, V.C., 2006. Surface runoff phosphorus (P) loss in relation to phosphatase activity and soil P fractions in Florida sandy soils under citrus production. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38(3): 619-628.
  • Zhang, T.Q., MacKenzie, A.F., Lang, B.C., Drury, C.F., 2004. Soil test phosphorus and phosphorus fractions with long term phosphorus addition and depletion. Soil Science Society of America Journal 68(2): 519-528.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Abigail O. Ojo This is me

Michael T. Adetunji This is me

Christopher O. Adejuyigbe This is me

Ibukun O. Fademi This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Ojo, A. O., Adetunji, M. T., Adejuyigbe, C. O., Fademi, I. O. (2018). Response of three soils in the derived savanna zone of southwestern Nigeria to combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizer as affecting phosphorus fractions. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 7(2), 187-194.