Research Article
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Year 2018, , 273 - 283, 01.07.2018



  • Addisu, B., Menberu, T., 2015. Crop Sensitivity to inter-annual climate variability in Lay Gayint woreda, Northwest Ethiopia. Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and the Humanities 2: 27-42.
  • Anjos, J.T., Rowell, D.L., 1987. The effect of lime on phosphorus adsorption and barley growth in three acid soils. Plant and Soil 103(1): 75-82.
  • Ano, A.O., Ubochi, C.I., 2007. Neutralization of soil acidity by animal manures: Mechanism of reaction. African Journal of Biotechnology 6(4): 364-368.
  • Baruah, T.C., Barthakur, H.P., 1997. A textbook of soil analyses. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, India.
  • Chapman, H.D., 1965. Cation exchange capacity. In: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part II, Black, C.A. (Ed.). Agronomy No. 9. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 891-901.
  • Chen, J.H., Wu, J.T., Huang, W.T., 2001. Effects of compost on the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in strongly acidic soils. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center Extension Bulletin Vol. 155.
  • Chiu, K.K., Ye, Z.H., Wong, M.H., 2006. Growth of Vetiveria zizanioides and Phragmities australis on Pb/Zn and Cu mine tailings amended with manure compost and sewage sludge: a greenhouse study. Bioresource Technology 97(1): 158-170.
  • Crawford, T.W., Singh, J.U., Breman, H., 2008. Solving agricultural problems related to soil acidity in Central Africa’s Great Lake Region. Catalyst Project Report. An International Center for Soil Fertility and Agricultural Development. Alabama, USA. 133p. Available at: [access date: 08.08.2017]:
  • Day, P.R., 1965. Particle fractionation and particle-size analysis. In: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part I, Black, C.A. (Ed.). Agronomy No. 9. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. p. 545– 566.
  • Ethiopian National Meteorological Service Agency (ENMSA), 2017. Lay Gayint Weather Station Rain Fall and Temperature Data. Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
  • Fageria , N.K. Moreira, A., Moraes, L.A.C., Moraes, M.F., 2014. Influence of lime and gypsum on yield and yield components of soybean and changes in soil chemical properties. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 45(3): 271-283.
  • Fageria, N.K., Baligar, V.C., 2008. Ameliorating soil acidity of tropical Oxisols by liming for sustainable crop production. Advances in Agronomy 99: 345-399.
  • Fageria, N.K., Baligar,V.C., 2003. Fertility management of tropical acid soils for sustainable crop production. In: Handbook of Soil Acidity. Rengel, Z. (Ed.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, USA. pp. 359–385.
  • Graham, E.R., 1959. An explanation of theory and methods of soil testing. Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 734, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. USA. Available at: [access date: 08.08.2017]:
  • Jackson, M.L., 1967. Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 498p.
  • Jaskulska, I., Jaskulski, D., Kobierski, M., 2014. Effect of liming on the change of some agrochemical soil properties in a long-term fertilization experiment. Plant Soil and Environment 60(4): 146-150.
  • John, B.P. Recommended Method of Manure Analysis. 2003. University of Wisconsin, Cooperative extension publishing. USA.
  • Kheyrodin, H., Antoun, H., 2011. Tillage and manure effect on soil physical and chemical properties and on carbon and nitrogen mineralization potentials. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(48): 9824-9830.
  • Kisinyo, P.O., Opala, P.A. Gudu, S.O. Othieno, C.O. Okalebo, J.R. Palapala, V., Otinga, A.N., 2014. Recent advances towards understanding Kenyan acid soils for improved crop production. African Journal of Agricultural Research 9(31): 2397-2408.
  • Kopittke, P.M., Menzies, N.W., 2007. A Review of the use of the basic cation saturation ratio and the “Ideal” Soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 71(2): 259-265.
  • Liasu, M.O., Ogundare, A.O., Ologunde, M.O., 2008. Effect of soil supplementation with fortified tithonia mulch and directly applied inorganic fertilizer on growth and development of potted okra plants. American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 2(3): 264-270.
  • Martínez-Blanco, J., Cristina, L., Christensen, T.H., Muñoz, P., Rieradevall, J., Møller, J., Antón, A., Boldrin, A., 2013. Compost benefits for agriculture evaluated by life cycle assessment. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 33(4): 721-732.
  • McClintock, N. Diop, A.M., 2005. Soil fertility management and compost use in Senegal's peanut basin. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 3(2): 79-91.
  • Melese, A., Yli-Halla, M., 2016. Effects of applications of lime, wood ash, manure and mineral P fertilizer on the inorganic P fractions and other selected soil chemical properties on acid soil of Farta District, northwestern highland of Ethiopia. African Journal of Agricultural Research 11(2): 87-99..
  • Mokolobate, M.S., Haynes, R.J., 2002. Comparative liming effect of four organic residues applied to an acid soil. Biology and Fertility of Soil 35(2): 79-85.
  • Moreira, A., Sfredo, G.J., Moraes, L.A.C., Fageria, N.K., 2015. Lime and cattle manure in soil fertility and soybean grain yield cultivated in tropical soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 46(9): 1157-1169.
  • Murphy, J., Riley, J.P., 1962. A modified single solution method for the determination of phosphate in natural waters. Analytica Chemica Acta 27: 31-36.
  • Naramabuye, F.X., Haynes, R.J., 2007. The liming effect of five organic manures when incubated with an acid soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 170(5): 615-622.
  • Nziguheba, G., Palm, C.A., Buresh, R.J., Smithson, P.C., 1998. Soil phosphorus fractions and adsorption as affected by organic and inorganic sources. Plant and Soil 198(2): 159-168.
  • Obiri-Nyarko, F., 2012. Ameliorating soil acidity in Ghana: A concise review of approaches. APRN Journal of Science and Technology 2: 143-15.
  • Okalebo, J.R., Gathua, K.W., Woomer, P.L., 2002. Laboratory methods of soil and plant analysis, 2nd Edition. A working manual, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Olsen, S.R., Watenabe, V.C., Dean, L.A., 1954. Estimate of available phosphorous in soil by extraction with sodium bicarbonate. USDA Circular. No. 939, USA.
  • Opala, P., Okalebo, J.R., Othieno, C.O., Kisinyo, P., 2010. Effect of organic and inorganic phosphorus sources on maize yields in an acid soil in western Kenya. Nutrient Cycling Agroecosystems 86(3): 317-329.
  • Opala, P.A., Okalebo, J.R., Othieno, C.O., 2012. Effects of organic and inorganic materials on soil acidity and phosphorus availability in a soil incubation study. International Scholarly Research Network Article ID 597216.
  • Ortiz Escobar, M.E., Hue, N.V., 2008. Temporal changes of selected chemical properties in three manure-Amended soils of Hawaii. Bioresource Technology 99(18): 8649-8654.
  • Osundwa, M.A., Okalebo, J.R., Ngetich, W.K., Ochuodho, J.O., Othieno, C.O., Langat, B. and Omenyo, V.S., 2013. Influence of agricultural lime on soil properties and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield on acidic soils of Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture 3(4): 806-823.
  • Özenç, N., Özenç, D.B., 2009. Interaction between available phosphorus and lime treatments on extremely acid pH soils of hazelnut orchards. Acta Horticulturae 845: 379-386.
  • Rahman, M.A., Meisner, C.A., Duxbury, J.M., Lauren, J., Hossain, A.B.S., 2002. Yield response and change in soil nutrient availability by application of lime, fertilizer and micronutrients in an acidic soil in a rice-wheat cropping system. The 17th World Congress of Soil Science. 14th-21st August, 2002. Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Rowell, D., 1994. Soil Science: Methods and Applications. Longman Group UK Limited, UK. 350p
  • Samake, A., 2014. Use of locally available amendments to improve acid soil properties and maize yield in the savanna zone of Mali. PhD Thesis, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi.
  • Shoemaker, H.E., McLean, E.O., Pratt, P.F., 1961. Buffer methods for determining lime requirement of soils with appreciable amounts of extractable aluminum. Soil Science Society of America Journal 25(4): 274-277.
  • Tessema, G., Argaw, M., Adgo, E., 2012. Farmers soil management practices and their perceptions to soil acidity at Ankesha District of Awi Zone, Northwestern Ethiopia. Libyan Agriculture Research Center Journal International 3: 64-72.
  • The, C., Calba, H., Zonkeng, C., Ngonkeu, E.L.M., Adetimirin, V.O., Mafouasson, H.A., Meka, S.S., Horst, W.J., 2006. Responses of maize grain yield to changes in acid soil characteristics after soil amendments. Plant and Soil 284(1-2): 45-57.
  • Valarini, P.J, Curaqueo, G., Seguel, A., Manzano, K., Rubio, R., Cornejo, P., Borie, F., 2009. Effect of compost application on some properties of a volcanic soil from central South Chile. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 69(3): 416-425.
  • Verde, B.S, Danga, B.O., Mugwe, J.N., 2013. Effects of manure, lime and mineral P fertilizer on soybean yields and soil fertility in a humic Nitisols in the Central Highlands of Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Science Research 2(9): 283-291.
  • von Wandruszka, R., 2006. Phosphorus retention in calcareous soils and the effect of organic matter on its mobility. Geochemical Transactions 7:6.
  • Walkley, A., Black, C.A., 1934. An examination of Digestion method for determining soil organic matter and proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Science 37(1): 29-38.
  • Wassie, H., Shiferaw, B., 2009. Mitigation of soil acidity and fertility decline challenges for sustainable livelihood improvement: research findings from southern region of Ethiopia and its policy implications. Awassa Agricultural Research Institute.
  • Whalen, J.K., Chang, C., Clayton, G.W., Carefoot, J.P., 2000. Cattle manure amendments can increase the pH of acid soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64(3): 962-966.

Organic and inorganic amendments on soil chemical properties at different period of incubation of acidic soil

Year 2018, , 273 - 283, 01.07.2018


acidity is a critical issue necessitating urgent attention in most highlands of
Ethiopia due to its impact on crop production productivity. Application of
organic and inorganic amendments could effectively minimize the problem and
improve the fertility level of the soil. Accordingly, a greenhouse experiment
was conducted to evaluate the effects of sole and combined applications of
lime, FYM, compost and P on soil chemical properties incubated at 20, 40 and 60
days. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with three
replications. The results indicated that various treatment combinations raised
the soil pH at the 40 days of incubation. All
treatments showed increased P availability consistently with increasing time of
incubation. Maximum available P was observed at the 60 days of incubation due
to application of  8 t FYM ha-1
+ 30 kg P ha-1 + 5 t lime ha-1 followed by  8 t compost ha-1 + 30 kg P ha-1
+ 5 t lime ha-1.
Exchangeable acidity and Al were reduced at
the 40 and 60 days of incubation with the application of 30 kg P ha-1 +
10 t lime ha-1 followed by 4 t FYM or compost ha-1 + 15 kg
P ha-1 + 10 t lime ha-1. Highest exchangeable Ca was
obtained at 20 days of incubation with the application of 30 kg P ha-1
+ 10 t lime ha-1 followed by 4 t ha-1 FYM + 15 kg P ha-1
+ 10 t lime ha-1. Sole addition of 10 t lime ha-1
elevated ECEC from 19.29
to 22.30 cmolc kg-1 at
the 40 days of incubation. Likewise, combined applications of 30 kg P ha-1
+ 10 t lime ha-1 improved ECEC of the soil from 19.53 to 24.27 cmolc kg-1 at the 40 days of incubation.
Integrated applications of organic and inorganic amendments were found more
effective to reduce soil acidity and Al3+ concentration with
increasing the fertility of the soil.


  • Addisu, B., Menberu, T., 2015. Crop Sensitivity to inter-annual climate variability in Lay Gayint woreda, Northwest Ethiopia. Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and the Humanities 2: 27-42.
  • Anjos, J.T., Rowell, D.L., 1987. The effect of lime on phosphorus adsorption and barley growth in three acid soils. Plant and Soil 103(1): 75-82.
  • Ano, A.O., Ubochi, C.I., 2007. Neutralization of soil acidity by animal manures: Mechanism of reaction. African Journal of Biotechnology 6(4): 364-368.
  • Baruah, T.C., Barthakur, H.P., 1997. A textbook of soil analyses. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, India.
  • Chapman, H.D., 1965. Cation exchange capacity. In: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part II, Black, C.A. (Ed.). Agronomy No. 9. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 891-901.
  • Chen, J.H., Wu, J.T., Huang, W.T., 2001. Effects of compost on the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in strongly acidic soils. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center Extension Bulletin Vol. 155.
  • Chiu, K.K., Ye, Z.H., Wong, M.H., 2006. Growth of Vetiveria zizanioides and Phragmities australis on Pb/Zn and Cu mine tailings amended with manure compost and sewage sludge: a greenhouse study. Bioresource Technology 97(1): 158-170.
  • Crawford, T.W., Singh, J.U., Breman, H., 2008. Solving agricultural problems related to soil acidity in Central Africa’s Great Lake Region. Catalyst Project Report. An International Center for Soil Fertility and Agricultural Development. Alabama, USA. 133p. Available at: [access date: 08.08.2017]:
  • Day, P.R., 1965. Particle fractionation and particle-size analysis. In: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part I, Black, C.A. (Ed.). Agronomy No. 9. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. p. 545– 566.
  • Ethiopian National Meteorological Service Agency (ENMSA), 2017. Lay Gayint Weather Station Rain Fall and Temperature Data. Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
  • Fageria , N.K. Moreira, A., Moraes, L.A.C., Moraes, M.F., 2014. Influence of lime and gypsum on yield and yield components of soybean and changes in soil chemical properties. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 45(3): 271-283.
  • Fageria, N.K., Baligar, V.C., 2008. Ameliorating soil acidity of tropical Oxisols by liming for sustainable crop production. Advances in Agronomy 99: 345-399.
  • Fageria, N.K., Baligar,V.C., 2003. Fertility management of tropical acid soils for sustainable crop production. In: Handbook of Soil Acidity. Rengel, Z. (Ed.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, USA. pp. 359–385.
  • Graham, E.R., 1959. An explanation of theory and methods of soil testing. Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 734, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. USA. Available at: [access date: 08.08.2017]:
  • Jackson, M.L., 1967. Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 498p.
  • Jaskulska, I., Jaskulski, D., Kobierski, M., 2014. Effect of liming on the change of some agrochemical soil properties in a long-term fertilization experiment. Plant Soil and Environment 60(4): 146-150.
  • John, B.P. Recommended Method of Manure Analysis. 2003. University of Wisconsin, Cooperative extension publishing. USA.
  • Kheyrodin, H., Antoun, H., 2011. Tillage and manure effect on soil physical and chemical properties and on carbon and nitrogen mineralization potentials. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(48): 9824-9830.
  • Kisinyo, P.O., Opala, P.A. Gudu, S.O. Othieno, C.O. Okalebo, J.R. Palapala, V., Otinga, A.N., 2014. Recent advances towards understanding Kenyan acid soils for improved crop production. African Journal of Agricultural Research 9(31): 2397-2408.
  • Kopittke, P.M., Menzies, N.W., 2007. A Review of the use of the basic cation saturation ratio and the “Ideal” Soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 71(2): 259-265.
  • Liasu, M.O., Ogundare, A.O., Ologunde, M.O., 2008. Effect of soil supplementation with fortified tithonia mulch and directly applied inorganic fertilizer on growth and development of potted okra plants. American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 2(3): 264-270.
  • Martínez-Blanco, J., Cristina, L., Christensen, T.H., Muñoz, P., Rieradevall, J., Møller, J., Antón, A., Boldrin, A., 2013. Compost benefits for agriculture evaluated by life cycle assessment. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 33(4): 721-732.
  • McClintock, N. Diop, A.M., 2005. Soil fertility management and compost use in Senegal's peanut basin. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 3(2): 79-91.
  • Melese, A., Yli-Halla, M., 2016. Effects of applications of lime, wood ash, manure and mineral P fertilizer on the inorganic P fractions and other selected soil chemical properties on acid soil of Farta District, northwestern highland of Ethiopia. African Journal of Agricultural Research 11(2): 87-99..
  • Mokolobate, M.S., Haynes, R.J., 2002. Comparative liming effect of four organic residues applied to an acid soil. Biology and Fertility of Soil 35(2): 79-85.
  • Moreira, A., Sfredo, G.J., Moraes, L.A.C., Fageria, N.K., 2015. Lime and cattle manure in soil fertility and soybean grain yield cultivated in tropical soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 46(9): 1157-1169.
  • Murphy, J., Riley, J.P., 1962. A modified single solution method for the determination of phosphate in natural waters. Analytica Chemica Acta 27: 31-36.
  • Naramabuye, F.X., Haynes, R.J., 2007. The liming effect of five organic manures when incubated with an acid soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 170(5): 615-622.
  • Nziguheba, G., Palm, C.A., Buresh, R.J., Smithson, P.C., 1998. Soil phosphorus fractions and adsorption as affected by organic and inorganic sources. Plant and Soil 198(2): 159-168.
  • Obiri-Nyarko, F., 2012. Ameliorating soil acidity in Ghana: A concise review of approaches. APRN Journal of Science and Technology 2: 143-15.
  • Okalebo, J.R., Gathua, K.W., Woomer, P.L., 2002. Laboratory methods of soil and plant analysis, 2nd Edition. A working manual, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Olsen, S.R., Watenabe, V.C., Dean, L.A., 1954. Estimate of available phosphorous in soil by extraction with sodium bicarbonate. USDA Circular. No. 939, USA.
  • Opala, P., Okalebo, J.R., Othieno, C.O., Kisinyo, P., 2010. Effect of organic and inorganic phosphorus sources on maize yields in an acid soil in western Kenya. Nutrient Cycling Agroecosystems 86(3): 317-329.
  • Opala, P.A., Okalebo, J.R., Othieno, C.O., 2012. Effects of organic and inorganic materials on soil acidity and phosphorus availability in a soil incubation study. International Scholarly Research Network Article ID 597216.
  • Ortiz Escobar, M.E., Hue, N.V., 2008. Temporal changes of selected chemical properties in three manure-Amended soils of Hawaii. Bioresource Technology 99(18): 8649-8654.
  • Osundwa, M.A., Okalebo, J.R., Ngetich, W.K., Ochuodho, J.O., Othieno, C.O., Langat, B. and Omenyo, V.S., 2013. Influence of agricultural lime on soil properties and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield on acidic soils of Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture 3(4): 806-823.
  • Özenç, N., Özenç, D.B., 2009. Interaction between available phosphorus and lime treatments on extremely acid pH soils of hazelnut orchards. Acta Horticulturae 845: 379-386.
  • Rahman, M.A., Meisner, C.A., Duxbury, J.M., Lauren, J., Hossain, A.B.S., 2002. Yield response and change in soil nutrient availability by application of lime, fertilizer and micronutrients in an acidic soil in a rice-wheat cropping system. The 17th World Congress of Soil Science. 14th-21st August, 2002. Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Rowell, D., 1994. Soil Science: Methods and Applications. Longman Group UK Limited, UK. 350p
  • Samake, A., 2014. Use of locally available amendments to improve acid soil properties and maize yield in the savanna zone of Mali. PhD Thesis, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi.
  • Shoemaker, H.E., McLean, E.O., Pratt, P.F., 1961. Buffer methods for determining lime requirement of soils with appreciable amounts of extractable aluminum. Soil Science Society of America Journal 25(4): 274-277.
  • Tessema, G., Argaw, M., Adgo, E., 2012. Farmers soil management practices and their perceptions to soil acidity at Ankesha District of Awi Zone, Northwestern Ethiopia. Libyan Agriculture Research Center Journal International 3: 64-72.
  • The, C., Calba, H., Zonkeng, C., Ngonkeu, E.L.M., Adetimirin, V.O., Mafouasson, H.A., Meka, S.S., Horst, W.J., 2006. Responses of maize grain yield to changes in acid soil characteristics after soil amendments. Plant and Soil 284(1-2): 45-57.
  • Valarini, P.J, Curaqueo, G., Seguel, A., Manzano, K., Rubio, R., Cornejo, P., Borie, F., 2009. Effect of compost application on some properties of a volcanic soil from central South Chile. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 69(3): 416-425.
  • Verde, B.S, Danga, B.O., Mugwe, J.N., 2013. Effects of manure, lime and mineral P fertilizer on soybean yields and soil fertility in a humic Nitisols in the Central Highlands of Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Science Research 2(9): 283-291.
  • von Wandruszka, R., 2006. Phosphorus retention in calcareous soils and the effect of organic matter on its mobility. Geochemical Transactions 7:6.
  • Walkley, A., Black, C.A., 1934. An examination of Digestion method for determining soil organic matter and proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Science 37(1): 29-38.
  • Wassie, H., Shiferaw, B., 2009. Mitigation of soil acidity and fertility decline challenges for sustainable livelihood improvement: research findings from southern region of Ethiopia and its policy implications. Awassa Agricultural Research Institute.
  • Whalen, J.K., Chang, C., Clayton, G.W., Carefoot, J.P., 2000. Cattle manure amendments can increase the pH of acid soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64(3): 962-966.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Endalkachew Fekadu This is me

Kibebew Kibret This is me

Bobe Bedadi This is me

Asmare Melese This is me

Birru Yitaferu This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Fekadu, E., Kibret, K., Bedadi, B., Melese, A., et al. (2018). Organic and inorganic amendments on soil chemical properties at different period of incubation of acidic soil. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 7(3), 273-283.