Research Article
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Assessing aggregate stability of soils under various land use/land cover in a watershed of Mid-Himalayan Landscape

Year 2019, , 131 - 143, 01.04.2019


aggregate stability is considered as an important indicator of soil quality in
the landscapes witnessing land degradation due to soil erosion by water. An
increase in anthropogenic activities over the period of time has accelerated
soil erosion that necessitated need to assess soil aggregate stability in
various land use/land cover in the hilly and mountainous landscape. The study
investigated the soil aggregate stability of surface soils in different land
use/ land cover classes, hillslope unites as well as in respect to terrain
parameters in the watershed. The watershed located in mid- Himalayan region of
Tehri Garhwal district, Uttarakhand, India covering an area of 196 ha. The
elevation of the watershed ranges from 1200 m to 1927 m. CartoDEM was used to
derive terrain parameters i.e., aspect, slope and terrain indices like Terrain
Wetness Index (TWI) and Stream Power Index (SPI) of the watershed. Among the
various land use /land cover classes, aggregate stability in crop land was
found to be in the range of 0.16 (lower hillslope) to 0.28 (mid hillslope), in
forest ranged from 0.18 (mid hillslope) to 0.28 (upper hillslope) and in dense
scrub ranged from 0.16 (middle slope) to 0.32 (upper/lower hillslope). The
aggregate stability was further analyzed in relation with various soil (carbon,
nitrogen, sand, silt, clay and pH) and terrain (slope, elevation, TWI and SPI)
variables. Among these variables soil carbon, nitrogen, elevation, TWI and SPI
were found to have moderate to high degree of correlation with soil aggregate
stability. Prediction model developed by using the various significant soil and
terrain parameters were found to be more effective (r2 = 0.50) than the models
developed using only soil parameters (r2= 0.36) or only terrain parameters (r2=


  • Amézketa, E., 1999. Soil aggregate stability: a review. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 14(2-3): 83-151.
  • Angers, D.A., Pesant, A., Vigneux, J., 1992. Early cropping-induced changes in soil aggregation, organic matter, and microbial biomass. Soil Science Society of America Journal 56(1): 115-119.
  • Annabie, M., Raclot, D., Bahri, H., Bailly, J.S., Gomez, C., Le Bissonnais, Y., 2017. Spatial variability of soil aggregate stability at the scale of an agricultural region in Tunisia. Catena 153: 157-167.
  • Anornu, G.K.., Kabo-Bah, A., Kortats, B.K., 2012. Comparability studies of high and low resolution digital elevation models for watershed delineation in the tropics: case of Densu River Basin of Ghana. International Journal of Cooperative Studies 1(1): 9–14.
  • Ballabio, C., Panagos, P., Monatanarella, L., 2016. Mapping topsoil physical properties at European scale using the LUCAS database. Geoderma 261: 110-123.
  • Barthès, B., Albrecht, A., Asseline, J., De Noni, G., Roose, E., 1999. Relationship between soil erodibility and topsoil aggregate stability or carbon content in a cultivated Mediterranean highland (Aveyron, France). Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 30(13-14):1929-1938.
  • Barthès, B., Azontonde, A., Boli, B.Z., Prat, C., Roose, E., 2000. Field‐scale run‐off and erosion in relation to topsoil aggregate stability in three tropical regions (Benin, Cameroon, Mexico). European Journal of Soil Science 51(3): 485-495.
  • Behrens, T., Zhu, A.X., Schmidt, K., Scholten, T., 2010. Multi-scale digital terrain analysis and feature selection for digital soil mapping. Geoderma 155(3-4): 175-185.
  • Berhe, A.A., Harte, J., Harden, J.W., Torn, M.S., 2007. The significance of the erosion-induced terrestrial carbon sink. BioScience 57(4): 337-346.
  • Beven, K.J., Kirkby, M.J., 1993. A physically-based, variable contributed area model of basin hydrology. Hydrological Science Bulletin 24(1): 43–69.
  • Bricchi, E., Formia, F., Espósito, G., Riberi, L., Aquino, H., 2004. The effect of topography, tillage and stubble grazing on soil structure and organic carbon levels. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 2(3): 409-418.
  • Bronick, C.J., Lal, R., 2005. Manuring and rotation effects on soil organic carbon concentration for different aggregate size fractions on two soils in northeastern Ohio, USA. Soil and Tillage Research 81(2): 239-252.
  • Cambardella, C.A., Moorman, T.B., Parkin, T.B., Karlen, D.L., Novak, J.M., Turco, R.F., Konopka, A.E., 1994. Field-scale variability of soil properties in central Iowa soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 58(5): 1501-1511.
  • Campling, P., Gobin, A., Feyen, J., 2002. Logistic modeling to spatially predict the probability of soil drainage classes. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66(4): 1390-1401.
  • Cantón, Y., Solé-Benet, A., Asensio, C., Chamizo, S., Puigdefábregas, J., 2009. Aggregate stability in range sandy loam soils relationships with runoff and erosion. Catena 77(3): 192-199.
  • Carter, M.R., 1992. Influence of reduced tillage systems on organic matter, microbial biomass, macro-aggregate distribution and structural stability of the surface soil in a humid climate. Soil and Tillage Research 23(4): 361-372.
  • Case, B.S., Meng, F.R., Arp, P.A., 2005. Digital elevation modelling of soil type and drainage within small forested catchments. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 85(1): 127-137.
  • Cerdá, A., 1996. Soil aggregate stability in three Mediterranean environments. Soil Technology 9(3): 133-140.
  • Das, S., Patel, P.P., Sengupt, S., 2016. Evaluation of different digital elevation models for analyzing drainage morphometric parameters in a mountainous terrain: a case study of the Supin–Upper Tons Basin, Indian Himalayas. SpringerPlus 5: 1544.
  • Davidson, E.A., Ackerman, I.L., 1993. Changes in soil carbon inventories following cultivation of previously untilled soils. Biogeochemistry 20(3): 161-193.
  • Emadodin, I., Reiss, S., Bork, H.R., 2009. A study of the relationship between land management and soil aggregate stability (case study near Albersdorf, Northern-Germany). Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences 4: 48-53.
  • Fang, X., Xue, Z., Li, B., An, S., 2011. Soil organic carbon distribution in relation to land use and its storage in a small watershed of the Loess Plateau, China. Catena 88(1): 6-13.
  • Fernández‐Ugalde, O., Barré, P., Hubert, F., Virto, I., Girardin, C., Ferrage, E., Chenu, C., 2013. Clay mineralogy differs qualitatively in aggregate‐size classes: clay‐mineral‐based evidence for aggregate hierarchy in temperate soils. European Journal of Soil Science 64(4):410-422.
  • Florinsky, IV., 2012. The Dokuchaev hypothesis as a basis for predictive digital soil mapping (on the 125th anniversary of its publication). Eurasian Soil Science 45(4): 445-451.
  • Gerrard, A.J., 1981. Soils and landforms: An integration of geomorphology and pedology. George Allen & Unwin (Publishers) Ltd.
  • Grandy, A.S., Robertson, G.P., 2006. Aggregation and organic matter protection following tillage of a previously uncultivated soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 70(4): 1398–1406.
  • Greenlan, D.J., Lindstrom, G.R., Quirk, J.P., 1962. Organic materials which stabilize natural soil aggregates. Soil Science Society of America Journal 26(4): 366–371.
  • Gülser, C. 2018. Predicting aggregate stability of cultivated soils. Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 5 (11): 252-255
  • Gülser, C., 2006. Effect of forage cropping treatments on soil structure and relationships with fractal dimensions. Geoderma 131(1-2): 33-44.
  • Hancock, G.R., Martinez, C., Evans, K.G., Moliere, D.R., 2006. A comparison of SRTM and high‐resolution digital elevation models and their use in catchment geomorphology and hydrology: Australian examples. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 31(11): 1394-1412.
  • Jain, A.O., Thaker, T., Chaurasia, A., Patel, P., Singh, A. K., 2017. Vertical accuracy evaluation of SRTM-GL1, GDEM-V2, AW3D30 and CartoDEM-V3. 1 of 30-m resolution with dual frequency GNSS for lower Tapi Basin India. Geocarto International 33(11): 1237-1256.
  • Kasper, M., Buchan, G.D., Mentler, A., Blum, W.E.H., 2009. Influence of soil tillage systems on aggregate stability and the distribution of C and N in different aggregate fractions. Soil and Tillage Research 105(2): 192-199.
  • Kienzle, S., 2004. The effect of DEM raster resolution on first order, second order and compound terrain derivatives. Transaction in GIS 8(1): 83-111.
  • Kroetsch, D., Wang, C., 2007. Particle size distribution. In: Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis, Carter, M.R., Gregorich, E.G. (Eds.). Second Edition. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL. pp.713-726.
  • Kumar, S., Singh, R.P., 2016. Spatial distribution of soil nutrients in a watershed of Himalayan landscape using terrain attributes and geostatistical methods. Environmental Earth Sciences 75: 473.
  • Lai, Y.K., Zhou, Q.Y., Hu, S.M., Martin, R.R., 2006. Feature sensitive mesh segmentation. In: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Solid and physical modeling. 6-8 June 2006, Cardiff, Wales, UK. pp. 17-25.
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  • Liu, S., Bliss, N., Sundquist, E., Huntington, T.G., 2003. Modeling carbon dynamics in vegetation and soil under the impact of soil erosion and deposition. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17(2).
  • Lynch, J.M., 1984. Interactions between biological processes, cultivation and soil structure. Plant and Soil 76(1-3): 307-318.
  • Mataix-Solera, J., Cerdà, A., Arcenegui, V., Jordán, A., Zavala, L.M., 2011. Fire effects on soil aggregation: a review. Earth-Science Reviews 109(1-2): 44-60.
  • Nimmo, J.R., Perkins, K.S., 2002. Aggregate stability and size distribution, In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4- Physical methods. Dane, J.H., Topp, G.C. (Eds.). Soil Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp.317-328.
  • Ou, Y., Rousseau, A.N., Wang, L., Yan, B., 2017. Spatio-temporal patterns of soil organic carbon and pH in relation to environmental factors—A case study of the Black Soil Region of Northeastern China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 245: 22-31.
  • Pennock, D.J., 2003. Terrain attributes, landform segmentation, and soil redistribution. Soil and Tillage Research 69(1-2): 15-26.
  • Poch, R.M., Antúnez, M., 2010. Aggregate development and organic matter storage in Mediterranean mountain soils. Pedosphere 20(6): 702-710.
  • Reicosky, D.C., Kemper, W.D., Langdale, G., Douglas, Jr.C.L., Rasmussen, P.E., 1995. Soil organic matter changes resulting from tillage and biomass production. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 50(3): 253-261.
  • Rhoton, F.E., Duiker, S.W., 2008. Erodibility of a soil drainage sequence in the loess uplands of Mississippi. Catena 75(2): 164-171.
  • Rhoton, F.E., Emmerich, W.E., Goodrich, D.C., Miller, S.N., McChesney, D.S., 2006. Soil geomorphological characteristics of a semiarid watershed. Soil Science Society of America Journal 70(5):1532-1540.
  • Rovira, A.D., Greacen, E.L., 1957. The effect of aggregate disruption on the activity of microorganisms in the soil. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 8(6):659-673.
  • Santillana, J.R., Makinano-Santillana, M., Ampayon, B.C., Del Norte, A., 2016. Vertical Accuracy Assessment of 30-M Resolution Alos, Aster, and Srtm Global Dems OverNortheastern Mindanao, Philippines. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLI-B4, 2016. XXIII ISPRS Congress, 12–19 July 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. pp. 149-156.
  • Saran, S., Sterk, G., Peters, P., Dadhwal, V.K., 2010. Evaluation of digital elevation models for delineation of hydrological response units in a Himalayan watershed. Geocarto International 25(2): 105-122.
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Year 2019, , 131 - 143, 01.04.2019



  • Amézketa, E., 1999. Soil aggregate stability: a review. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 14(2-3): 83-151.
  • Angers, D.A., Pesant, A., Vigneux, J., 1992. Early cropping-induced changes in soil aggregation, organic matter, and microbial biomass. Soil Science Society of America Journal 56(1): 115-119.
  • Annabie, M., Raclot, D., Bahri, H., Bailly, J.S., Gomez, C., Le Bissonnais, Y., 2017. Spatial variability of soil aggregate stability at the scale of an agricultural region in Tunisia. Catena 153: 157-167.
  • Anornu, G.K.., Kabo-Bah, A., Kortats, B.K., 2012. Comparability studies of high and low resolution digital elevation models for watershed delineation in the tropics: case of Densu River Basin of Ghana. International Journal of Cooperative Studies 1(1): 9–14.
  • Ballabio, C., Panagos, P., Monatanarella, L., 2016. Mapping topsoil physical properties at European scale using the LUCAS database. Geoderma 261: 110-123.
  • Barthès, B., Albrecht, A., Asseline, J., De Noni, G., Roose, E., 1999. Relationship between soil erodibility and topsoil aggregate stability or carbon content in a cultivated Mediterranean highland (Aveyron, France). Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 30(13-14):1929-1938.
  • Barthès, B., Azontonde, A., Boli, B.Z., Prat, C., Roose, E., 2000. Field‐scale run‐off and erosion in relation to topsoil aggregate stability in three tropical regions (Benin, Cameroon, Mexico). European Journal of Soil Science 51(3): 485-495.
  • Behrens, T., Zhu, A.X., Schmidt, K., Scholten, T., 2010. Multi-scale digital terrain analysis and feature selection for digital soil mapping. Geoderma 155(3-4): 175-185.
  • Berhe, A.A., Harte, J., Harden, J.W., Torn, M.S., 2007. The significance of the erosion-induced terrestrial carbon sink. BioScience 57(4): 337-346.
  • Beven, K.J., Kirkby, M.J., 1993. A physically-based, variable contributed area model of basin hydrology. Hydrological Science Bulletin 24(1): 43–69.
  • Bricchi, E., Formia, F., Espósito, G., Riberi, L., Aquino, H., 2004. The effect of topography, tillage and stubble grazing on soil structure and organic carbon levels. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 2(3): 409-418.
  • Bronick, C.J., Lal, R., 2005. Manuring and rotation effects on soil organic carbon concentration for different aggregate size fractions on two soils in northeastern Ohio, USA. Soil and Tillage Research 81(2): 239-252.
  • Cambardella, C.A., Moorman, T.B., Parkin, T.B., Karlen, D.L., Novak, J.M., Turco, R.F., Konopka, A.E., 1994. Field-scale variability of soil properties in central Iowa soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 58(5): 1501-1511.
  • Campling, P., Gobin, A., Feyen, J., 2002. Logistic modeling to spatially predict the probability of soil drainage classes. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66(4): 1390-1401.
  • Cantón, Y., Solé-Benet, A., Asensio, C., Chamizo, S., Puigdefábregas, J., 2009. Aggregate stability in range sandy loam soils relationships with runoff and erosion. Catena 77(3): 192-199.
  • Carter, M.R., 1992. Influence of reduced tillage systems on organic matter, microbial biomass, macro-aggregate distribution and structural stability of the surface soil in a humid climate. Soil and Tillage Research 23(4): 361-372.
  • Case, B.S., Meng, F.R., Arp, P.A., 2005. Digital elevation modelling of soil type and drainage within small forested catchments. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 85(1): 127-137.
  • Cerdá, A., 1996. Soil aggregate stability in three Mediterranean environments. Soil Technology 9(3): 133-140.
  • Das, S., Patel, P.P., Sengupt, S., 2016. Evaluation of different digital elevation models for analyzing drainage morphometric parameters in a mountainous terrain: a case study of the Supin–Upper Tons Basin, Indian Himalayas. SpringerPlus 5: 1544.
  • Davidson, E.A., Ackerman, I.L., 1993. Changes in soil carbon inventories following cultivation of previously untilled soils. Biogeochemistry 20(3): 161-193.
  • Emadodin, I., Reiss, S., Bork, H.R., 2009. A study of the relationship between land management and soil aggregate stability (case study near Albersdorf, Northern-Germany). Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences 4: 48-53.
  • Fang, X., Xue, Z., Li, B., An, S., 2011. Soil organic carbon distribution in relation to land use and its storage in a small watershed of the Loess Plateau, China. Catena 88(1): 6-13.
  • Fernández‐Ugalde, O., Barré, P., Hubert, F., Virto, I., Girardin, C., Ferrage, E., Chenu, C., 2013. Clay mineralogy differs qualitatively in aggregate‐size classes: clay‐mineral‐based evidence for aggregate hierarchy in temperate soils. European Journal of Soil Science 64(4):410-422.
  • Florinsky, IV., 2012. The Dokuchaev hypothesis as a basis for predictive digital soil mapping (on the 125th anniversary of its publication). Eurasian Soil Science 45(4): 445-451.
  • Gerrard, A.J., 1981. Soils and landforms: An integration of geomorphology and pedology. George Allen & Unwin (Publishers) Ltd.
  • Grandy, A.S., Robertson, G.P., 2006. Aggregation and organic matter protection following tillage of a previously uncultivated soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 70(4): 1398–1406.
  • Greenlan, D.J., Lindstrom, G.R., Quirk, J.P., 1962. Organic materials which stabilize natural soil aggregates. Soil Science Society of America Journal 26(4): 366–371.
  • Gülser, C. 2018. Predicting aggregate stability of cultivated soils. Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 5 (11): 252-255
  • Gülser, C., 2006. Effect of forage cropping treatments on soil structure and relationships with fractal dimensions. Geoderma 131(1-2): 33-44.
  • Hancock, G.R., Martinez, C., Evans, K.G., Moliere, D.R., 2006. A comparison of SRTM and high‐resolution digital elevation models and their use in catchment geomorphology and hydrology: Australian examples. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 31(11): 1394-1412.
  • Jain, A.O., Thaker, T., Chaurasia, A., Patel, P., Singh, A. K., 2017. Vertical accuracy evaluation of SRTM-GL1, GDEM-V2, AW3D30 and CartoDEM-V3. 1 of 30-m resolution with dual frequency GNSS for lower Tapi Basin India. Geocarto International 33(11): 1237-1256.
  • Kasper, M., Buchan, G.D., Mentler, A., Blum, W.E.H., 2009. Influence of soil tillage systems on aggregate stability and the distribution of C and N in different aggregate fractions. Soil and Tillage Research 105(2): 192-199.
  • Kienzle, S., 2004. The effect of DEM raster resolution on first order, second order and compound terrain derivatives. Transaction in GIS 8(1): 83-111.
  • Kroetsch, D., Wang, C., 2007. Particle size distribution. In: Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis, Carter, M.R., Gregorich, E.G. (Eds.). Second Edition. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL. pp.713-726.
  • Kumar, S., Singh, R.P., 2016. Spatial distribution of soil nutrients in a watershed of Himalayan landscape using terrain attributes and geostatistical methods. Environmental Earth Sciences 75: 473.
  • Lai, Y.K., Zhou, Q.Y., Hu, S.M., Martin, R.R., 2006. Feature sensitive mesh segmentation. In: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Solid and physical modeling. 6-8 June 2006, Cardiff, Wales, UK. pp. 17-25.
  • Le Bissonnais, Y., 1996. Aggregate stability and assessment of soil crustability and erodibility: I. Theory and methodology. European Journal of Soil Science 67(1): 11-21.
  • Liu, S., Bliss, N., Sundquist, E., Huntington, T.G., 2003. Modeling carbon dynamics in vegetation and soil under the impact of soil erosion and deposition. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17(2).
  • Lynch, J.M., 1984. Interactions between biological processes, cultivation and soil structure. Plant and Soil 76(1-3): 307-318.
  • Mataix-Solera, J., Cerdà, A., Arcenegui, V., Jordán, A., Zavala, L.M., 2011. Fire effects on soil aggregation: a review. Earth-Science Reviews 109(1-2): 44-60.
  • Nimmo, J.R., Perkins, K.S., 2002. Aggregate stability and size distribution, In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4- Physical methods. Dane, J.H., Topp, G.C. (Eds.). Soil Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp.317-328.
  • Ou, Y., Rousseau, A.N., Wang, L., Yan, B., 2017. Spatio-temporal patterns of soil organic carbon and pH in relation to environmental factors—A case study of the Black Soil Region of Northeastern China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 245: 22-31.
  • Pennock, D.J., 2003. Terrain attributes, landform segmentation, and soil redistribution. Soil and Tillage Research 69(1-2): 15-26.
  • Poch, R.M., Antúnez, M., 2010. Aggregate development and organic matter storage in Mediterranean mountain soils. Pedosphere 20(6): 702-710.
  • Reicosky, D.C., Kemper, W.D., Langdale, G., Douglas, Jr.C.L., Rasmussen, P.E., 1995. Soil organic matter changes resulting from tillage and biomass production. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 50(3): 253-261.
  • Rhoton, F.E., Duiker, S.W., 2008. Erodibility of a soil drainage sequence in the loess uplands of Mississippi. Catena 75(2): 164-171.
  • Rhoton, F.E., Emmerich, W.E., Goodrich, D.C., Miller, S.N., McChesney, D.S., 2006. Soil geomorphological characteristics of a semiarid watershed. Soil Science Society of America Journal 70(5):1532-1540.
  • Rovira, A.D., Greacen, E.L., 1957. The effect of aggregate disruption on the activity of microorganisms in the soil. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 8(6):659-673.
  • Santillana, J.R., Makinano-Santillana, M., Ampayon, B.C., Del Norte, A., 2016. Vertical Accuracy Assessment of 30-M Resolution Alos, Aster, and Srtm Global Dems OverNortheastern Mindanao, Philippines. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLI-B4, 2016. XXIII ISPRS Congress, 12–19 July 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. pp. 149-156.
  • Saran, S., Sterk, G., Peters, P., Dadhwal, V.K., 2010. Evaluation of digital elevation models for delineation of hydrological response units in a Himalayan watershed. Geocarto International 25(2): 105-122.
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There are 76 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Abhisek Kumar Singh This is me

Suresh Kumar This is me

Justin George Kalambukattu This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Singh, A. K., Kumar, S., & Kalambukattu, J. G. (2019). Assessing aggregate stability of soils under various land use/land cover in a watershed of Mid-Himalayan Landscape. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 8(2), 131-143.