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Biological degradation of chernozems under irrigation

Year 2014, , 267 - 273, 21.11.2014


We studied the changes in the state of microbial cenosis of Ukraine’s chernozems under irrigation. Considerable part of Ukraine’s chernozems is located in the areas where humidification is insufficient and unstable. Irrigation is a soil-reclamation measure for chernozems of Ukrainian Forest-steppe and Steppe which enables getting the assured yield, especially vegetable and fodder crops. At the same time, irrigation is a powerful anthropogenic factor that affects the soil, causes a significant transformation of many of its properties and regimes including biological ones. Often these changes are negative. The purpose of our investigation was to identify changes in the state of microbial cenoses of chernozem soils under irrigation which depend on such factors as the quality of irrigation water, the duration and intensity of irrigation, the initial properties of soil, the structure of crop rotation, usage of fertilizing systems and agroameliorative techniques. We identified direction and evaluated a degree of changes in biological properties of chernozems under influence of irrigation in different agro-irrigational and soil-climatic conditions. In the long-term stationary field experiments we identified the following biological indices of irrigated soils and their non-irrigated analogues: a number of microorganisms which belong to main ecological-trophic groups, activity of soil enzymes (dehydrogenase, invertase, phenol oxidase), soil phytotoxic activity, cellulose destroying capacity of soil, indices of oligotrophy and mineralization, summary biological index (SBI) and index of biological degradation (BDI). Results of researches showed that irrigation unbalanced the soil ecosystem and stipulated the forming of microbial cenosis with new parameters. Long-term intensive irrigation of typical chernozem (Kharkiv Region) with fresh water under condition of 4-fields vegetable crop rotation led to the degradation changes of its microbial cenosis such as reduction the number of microorganisms and the diversity of fungi species, repression of cellulose destroying capacity, decrease invertase activity and the rate of humification, intensifying mineralization processes and soil toxicity increasing. Long-term irrigation of ordinary chernozem (Kharkiv Region) with fresh water in moderate regime under 7-field crop rotation including alfalfa caused no disturbances of microbial cenosis. In this case parameters of biological indices did not deviate from the level of its non-irrigated analogue. Irrigation with saline water causes more profound negative changes of microbial cenosis of chernozem, which not always can be corrected using agroameliorative techniques. Intensive irrigation with saline water with total mineralization from 1.2 to 2.2 g/l of ordinary chernozem (Odesa Region) for 13 years has led to a significant degradation changes in the structure and functioning of its microbial cenosis, its radical alteration such as oppression of microflora, decrease in the number of its main groups by 30 – 40 %, intensification of its mineralization function. Application of agroameliorative techniques (such as annually use of phosphogypsum 3 t/ha) or /and complex measures (phosphogypsum 3 t/ha annually + N150P90K60 + manure 18 t/ha of crop rotation)) enable to regulate of soil biodynamic processes and partially or completely eliminate the phenomena of biological degradation. It was stated that after the cessation of irrigation the degradation changes of ordinary chernozem’s biological properties caused by irrigation with saline water were gradually restored.


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  • Aristovskaya, T.V., Hudyakova, J.А., 1977. Methods of soil microflora study and its vital functions. In: Rode, A.A., Nohina, N.A., Skrynnikova, I.N. (Eds.), Methods of stationary study of soils. Science, Moscow, pp.141-286. [in Russian]
  • Azzi G., 1959. Agricultural ecology. Yemelyanova, N.А., Lisovskaya, О.V., Shikedanz, М.P. (Translation from English); Pisarev, V.Е. (Ed.). Publishing house of foreign literature, Moscow. [in Russian]
  • Baliuk, S.А., 1996. Irrigated Chernozems of Forest-steppe and Northern Steppe of Ukraine: estimation of the state, soil protection and fertility-improving. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Kharkiv. [in Russian]
  • Boldyrev, A.I., 1980. Influence of irrigation with saline waters on south of Ukraine soils basic properties and way of increase of their fertility. Autoreferat dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Moscow. [in Russian]
  • Dobrovolskiy, G.V., 1986. Soil monitoring and protection. Soil Science 12: 14-17. [in Russian]
  • Entry, J.A., Mills, D.E., Mathee, K., Jayachandran, K., Sojka, R.E., Narasimhan, G., 2008. Influence of irrigated agriculture on soil microbial diversity. Applied Soil Ecology 40: 146-154.
  • Garcia, C., Hernandes, T., 1996. Influence of salinity on the biological and biochemical activity of a calciorthird soil. Plant and Soil 178 (2): 255-263.
  • Gogolev, I.N., Bayer, R.А., Kulibabin, А.G., 1992. Irrigation on the Odessa region. Soil and agro-ecological aspects. Editorial-Publishing department, Оdessа. [in Russian]
  • Haziev, F.H., 1976. Soil enzimatic activity. Science, Moscow. [in Russian]
  • Hruslova, T.N., Sribny, I.K., Andrusenko, I.I., 1991. Influence of irrigation with saline waters on fertility of soils. In: Hruslova, Т.N. (Ed.), Protection of irrigated soil from erosion, flooding and salinization. Harvest, Kyiv, pp. 126-128. [in Russian]
  • Kariagina, L.A., Mihailovskaya, N.А., 1986. Identification of soil polyphenol oxidase and peroxydase activity. News of АS BSSR, series of Agricultural Sciences, Minsk, № 2, pp. 40-41. [in Russian]
  • Kolesnikov, S.I., Kazeev, K.S., Valkov, V.F., 1999. Influence of contamination heavy metals on the microbial system of chernozems. Soil Science 4: 505-511. [in Russian]
  • Kolesnikov, S.I., Kazeev, K.S., Valkov, V.F., 2001. Bioenvironmental principles of monitoring and setting of norms of contamination of soils (for example of heavy metals). Publishing house of CVVR, Rostov-on-Don. [in Russian]
  • Kraseha, E.N., 2006. Irrigation of chernozems: the lost hopes. Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science. Special issue to VII of convention of USSSAC (Kyiv, July 2006), Vol. 2, pp. 255-257. [in Ukranian]
  • Lozovitskiy, P.S., Kalenyuk, S.M., 2001. Changing the properties of southern chernozems under irrigation with saline waters. Soil Science 4: 478-495. [in Russian]
  • Lozovitskiy, P.S., 2003. Effect of irrigation water salinity and irrigation term on the salinization of chernozem. Soil Science 5: 611-622. [in Russian]
  • Medvedevа, М.V., Bahmet, О.N., Yacovlev А.S., 2003. Biological diagnostic aerotechnogenic pollution of Forest soils Eastern Fennoscandia. Soil Science 1: 106-112. [in Russian]
  • Меdvedevа, М.V., Bahmet, О.N., Yacovlev А.S., 2006. Microbiological and biochemical indication of status Karelia soils exposed to aerotechnogenic pollution. Soil Science 1: 72-76. [in Russian]
  • Мedvedеv, V.V., 2002. Ukrainian soils monitoring. Concept, preliminary results, problem. PF “Аnticvа”, Kharkov. [in Russian]
  • Мirtskhulavа, Z.Е., 2001. Soil degradation and path prediction of adverse situations in irrigation. Soil Science 12 : 1503-1510. [in Russian]
  • Мishustin, Е.N., 1975. Association of soil microorganisms. Science, Moscow. [in Russian]
  • Nikolayeva, S.А., Rozov, S.Y., 2002. Degradation direction transformation chernozem Steppe zone under irrigation. In: Dobrowolskiy, G.V. (Ed.), Degradation and soil conservation. MSU, Moscow, pp. 513-550. [in Russian]
  • Nosko, B.S., 2006. Antropogenous evolution of chernozems. Publisher «13 typography», Kharkov. [in Ukranian]
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  • Oldeman, L.R., Hakkeling, R.T.A., Sombrock, W.G., 1992. World Map of the Status of Human-induced Soil Degradation. ISRIC-UNEP, Wageningen.
  • Orudzheva, N.I., 2011. Microbiological Characteristic of Different Types of Irrigated Soils in the Subtropical Zone of Azerbaijan. Eurasian Soil Science 44 (11): 1241-1249.
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  • Prihodko, V.Е., 2005. Quantitative evaluation parameters of irrigated soils degradation. In: Kudeyarov, V.N., Ivanov, I.V. (Eds.), Soil Science (history, sociology, methodology): collection of scientific articles. Science, Moscow, pp. 395-400. [in Russian]
  • Riazanova, E.F., Vyhutova, А.Y., 1975. Change of Ciscaucasian carbonate chernozems under irrigation with high salinity waters. Soil Science 7: 107-112. [in Russian]
  • Riazanova, E.F., Vyhutova, А.Y., Rybianets, T.V., Gaydamakina, L.F., Paremuzova, L.A., 1997. Transformation of some soil and biological indicators chernozems of Rostov region under irrigation. In: Anthropogenic soil problems: Abstracts International Conference (Moscow, 16-21 June 1997). Soil Inst. V.V. Dokuchaev RAAS, Moscow. Vol. 2, pp. 178-181. [in Russian]
  • Svirskene, А., 2003. Microbiological and biochemical parameters in the evaluation of anthropogenic impacts on soil. Soil Science 2: 202-210. [in Russian]
  • Veum, K.S., Goine, K.W., Kremer, R.J., Miles, R.J., Sudduth, K.A., 2013. Biological indicators of soil quality and soil organic matter characteristics in an agricultural management continuum. Biogeochemistry 117: 81-99
  • Vlek, P.L.G., Hillel, D., Braimoh, K., 2008. Soil Degradation Under Irrigation. In: Land Use and Soil Resources, pp. 101-119.
  • Zimovets, B.А., Chitrov, N.B., Kochetkova, N.G., Chizikovа, N.P., 1998. Assessment of irrigated soils degradation. Soil Science 9: 1119-1126. [in Russian]
  • Zvyahintsev, D.G., Аseyevа, I.V., Babyeva, I.P., Мirchink, Т.G., 1980. Methods of Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry. МSU, Moscow. [in Russian]
  • Zvyahintsev, D.G., Umarov, M.M., Cytrnov, I.J., Marfenina, O.E., Lysak, L.V., Guzev, V.S., Volde, M.I., Kurakov, A.V., Stepanov, A.L., Manucharova, N.A., 2002. Microbial communities and their function in the process of self-healing and degradation of soils. In: Dobrovolskiy, G.V. (Ed.), Soil degradation and protection. Publishing house MSU, Moscow, pp. 401-454. [in Russian]
Year 2014, , 267 - 273, 21.11.2014



  • Аndreyuk, K.I., Iutinskaya, G.А., Dulgerov, А.N., 1988. Soil microorganisms and intensive land use. Naukova dumka, Kyiv. [Rus]
  • Аndreyuk K.І., Iutinskaya, G.A., Antypchuk, А.F., Valagurova, E.V., Kozyritska, V.E., Ponomarenko, S.P., 2001. Functioning of soil microbial communities under anthropogenic pressure. Оberegy, Kyiv. [in Ukranian]
  • Anikanova, Е.М., 1998. Influence of ameliorants on a harvest and chemical properties of southern chernozems irrigated with saline waters. Soil Science 6: 704 – 713. [in Russian]
  • Аnikanovа, Е.М., Маrkin, V.А., Nikolayevа, S.А., Chelyadnik, T.P., Shimon, R.G., 1980. The main problems of irrigation chernozems southern European part of the USSR. In: Kovda, V.A. (Ed.), Problems of irrigation soils of the South chernozem zone. Science, Moscow, pp. 5-11. [in Russian]
  • Aristovskaya, T.V., Hudyakova, J.А., 1977. Methods of soil microflora study and its vital functions. In: Rode, A.A., Nohina, N.A., Skrynnikova, I.N. (Eds.), Methods of stationary study of soils. Science, Moscow, pp.141-286. [in Russian]
  • Azzi G., 1959. Agricultural ecology. Yemelyanova, N.А., Lisovskaya, О.V., Shikedanz, М.P. (Translation from English); Pisarev, V.Е. (Ed.). Publishing house of foreign literature, Moscow. [in Russian]
  • Baliuk, S.А., 1996. Irrigated Chernozems of Forest-steppe and Northern Steppe of Ukraine: estimation of the state, soil protection and fertility-improving. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Kharkiv. [in Russian]
  • Boldyrev, A.I., 1980. Influence of irrigation with saline waters on south of Ukraine soils basic properties and way of increase of their fertility. Autoreferat dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Moscow. [in Russian]
  • Dobrovolskiy, G.V., 1986. Soil monitoring and protection. Soil Science 12: 14-17. [in Russian]
  • Entry, J.A., Mills, D.E., Mathee, K., Jayachandran, K., Sojka, R.E., Narasimhan, G., 2008. Influence of irrigated agriculture on soil microbial diversity. Applied Soil Ecology 40: 146-154.
  • Garcia, C., Hernandes, T., 1996. Influence of salinity on the biological and biochemical activity of a calciorthird soil. Plant and Soil 178 (2): 255-263.
  • Gogolev, I.N., Bayer, R.А., Kulibabin, А.G., 1992. Irrigation on the Odessa region. Soil and agro-ecological aspects. Editorial-Publishing department, Оdessа. [in Russian]
  • Haziev, F.H., 1976. Soil enzimatic activity. Science, Moscow. [in Russian]
  • Hruslova, T.N., Sribny, I.K., Andrusenko, I.I., 1991. Influence of irrigation with saline waters on fertility of soils. In: Hruslova, Т.N. (Ed.), Protection of irrigated soil from erosion, flooding and salinization. Harvest, Kyiv, pp. 126-128. [in Russian]
  • Kariagina, L.A., Mihailovskaya, N.А., 1986. Identification of soil polyphenol oxidase and peroxydase activity. News of АS BSSR, series of Agricultural Sciences, Minsk, № 2, pp. 40-41. [in Russian]
  • Kolesnikov, S.I., Kazeev, K.S., Valkov, V.F., 1999. Influence of contamination heavy metals on the microbial system of chernozems. Soil Science 4: 505-511. [in Russian]
  • Kolesnikov, S.I., Kazeev, K.S., Valkov, V.F., 2001. Bioenvironmental principles of monitoring and setting of norms of contamination of soils (for example of heavy metals). Publishing house of CVVR, Rostov-on-Don. [in Russian]
  • Kraseha, E.N., 2006. Irrigation of chernozems: the lost hopes. Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science. Special issue to VII of convention of USSSAC (Kyiv, July 2006), Vol. 2, pp. 255-257. [in Ukranian]
  • Lozovitskiy, P.S., Kalenyuk, S.M., 2001. Changing the properties of southern chernozems under irrigation with saline waters. Soil Science 4: 478-495. [in Russian]
  • Lozovitskiy, P.S., 2003. Effect of irrigation water salinity and irrigation term on the salinization of chernozem. Soil Science 5: 611-622. [in Russian]
  • Medvedevа, М.V., Bahmet, О.N., Yacovlev А.S., 2003. Biological diagnostic aerotechnogenic pollution of Forest soils Eastern Fennoscandia. Soil Science 1: 106-112. [in Russian]
  • Меdvedevа, М.V., Bahmet, О.N., Yacovlev А.S., 2006. Microbiological and biochemical indication of status Karelia soils exposed to aerotechnogenic pollution. Soil Science 1: 72-76. [in Russian]
  • Мedvedеv, V.V., 2002. Ukrainian soils monitoring. Concept, preliminary results, problem. PF “Аnticvа”, Kharkov. [in Russian]
  • Мirtskhulavа, Z.Е., 2001. Soil degradation and path prediction of adverse situations in irrigation. Soil Science 12 : 1503-1510. [in Russian]
  • Мishustin, Е.N., 1975. Association of soil microorganisms. Science, Moscow. [in Russian]
  • Nikolayeva, S.А., Rozov, S.Y., 2002. Degradation direction transformation chernozem Steppe zone under irrigation. In: Dobrowolskiy, G.V. (Ed.), Degradation and soil conservation. MSU, Moscow, pp. 513-550. [in Russian]
  • Nosko, B.S., 2006. Antropogenous evolution of chernozems. Publisher «13 typography», Kharkov. [in Ukranian]
  • Oldeman, L.R., Hakkeling, R.T.A., Sombrock, W.G., 1990. Global Assessment of Soil Degradation: аn Explanatory Note to the World Map of the Status of Human-induced Soil Degradation. ISRIC-UNEP, Wageningen.
  • Oldeman, L.R., Hakkeling, R.T.A., Sombrock, W.G., 1992. World Map of the Status of Human-induced Soil Degradation. ISRIC-UNEP, Wageningen.
  • Orudzheva, N.I., 2011. Microbiological Characteristic of Different Types of Irrigated Soils in the Subtropical Zone of Azerbaijan. Eurasian Soil Science 44 (11): 1241-1249.
  • Parinkina, О.М., Kliueva, N.V., 1995. Microbiological aspects of the natural soil fertility reduction in their agricultural use. Soil Science 5: 573-581. [in Russian]
  • Pozniak, S.P., 1997. Irrigated chernozems southwestern Ukraine. VNTL, Lvov. [Rus]
  • Prihodko, V.Е., 2005. Quantitative evaluation parameters of irrigated soils degradation. In: Kudeyarov, V.N., Ivanov, I.V. (Eds.), Soil Science (history, sociology, methodology): collection of scientific articles. Science, Moscow, pp. 395-400. [in Russian]
  • Riazanova, E.F., Vyhutova, А.Y., 1975. Change of Ciscaucasian carbonate chernozems under irrigation with high salinity waters. Soil Science 7: 107-112. [in Russian]
  • Riazanova, E.F., Vyhutova, А.Y., Rybianets, T.V., Gaydamakina, L.F., Paremuzova, L.A., 1997. Transformation of some soil and biological indicators chernozems of Rostov region under irrigation. In: Anthropogenic soil problems: Abstracts International Conference (Moscow, 16-21 June 1997). Soil Inst. V.V. Dokuchaev RAAS, Moscow. Vol. 2, pp. 178-181. [in Russian]
  • Svirskene, А., 2003. Microbiological and biochemical parameters in the evaluation of anthropogenic impacts on soil. Soil Science 2: 202-210. [in Russian]
  • Veum, K.S., Goine, K.W., Kremer, R.J., Miles, R.J., Sudduth, K.A., 2013. Biological indicators of soil quality and soil organic matter characteristics in an agricultural management continuum. Biogeochemistry 117: 81-99
  • Vlek, P.L.G., Hillel, D., Braimoh, K., 2008. Soil Degradation Under Irrigation. In: Land Use and Soil Resources, pp. 101-119.
  • Zimovets, B.А., Chitrov, N.B., Kochetkova, N.G., Chizikovа, N.P., 1998. Assessment of irrigated soils degradation. Soil Science 9: 1119-1126. [in Russian]
  • Zvyahintsev, D.G., Аseyevа, I.V., Babyeva, I.P., Мirchink, Т.G., 1980. Methods of Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry. МSU, Moscow. [in Russian]
  • Zvyahintsev, D.G., Umarov, M.M., Cytrnov, I.J., Marfenina, O.E., Lysak, L.V., Guzev, V.S., Volde, M.I., Kurakov, A.V., Stepanov, A.L., Manucharova, N.A., 2002. Microbial communities and their function in the process of self-healing and degradation of soils. In: Dobrovolskiy, G.V. (Ed.), Soil degradation and protection. Publishing house MSU, Moscow, pp. 401-454. [in Russian]
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Oksana Naydyonova This is me

Sviatoslav Baliuk This is me

Publication Date November 21, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Naydyonova, O., & Baliuk, S. (2014). Biological degradation of chernozems under irrigation. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 3(4), 267-273.