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Remediation of cadmium contaminated vertisol mediated by Prosopis charcoal and coir pith

Year 2015, , 44 - 53, 08.01.2015


Metal contamination of soil due to industrial and agricultural activities is increasingly becoming a global problem, thereby affecting animal and human life, thus rendering soil unsuitable for agricultural purposes. Remediation of cadmium (Cd) contaminated soil (Vertisol) using agricultural by products as source of organic amendments, Coir pith- a by-product of the coir industry and Prosopis charcoal- prepared by burning Prosopis plant wood (Prosopis juliflora L.) was investigated. The alleviation potential of Prosopis charcoal and Coir pith on the negative effects of Cd in soil was evaluated in pot culture experiments with Vigna radiata as the test plant, a Cd accumulator. Cadmium addition to soil resulted in accumulation of Cd in all plant parts of V. radiata predominantly in roots. The influence of Cd in the presence and absence of organic amendments on the various biological and chemical parameters of the soil, on the levels of Cd accumulation and on the growth attributes of V. radiata has been assessed. Among the organic amendments, Prosopis charcoal was found to be more effective in reducing the bioavailable levels of Cd in the soil artificially spiked with Cd in graded concentrations of 0, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 µg g-1 and its accumulation in V. radiata, thus resulting in an increase in the root, leaf and stem biomass. Coir pith, however, was effective in increasing the total mycorrhizal colonization of roots and second in reducing Cd levels in plants. Therefore, Prosopis charcoal was considered best for stabilization of Cd in soil.


  • Adhikari, T., Singh, M.V., 2003. Sorption of lead and cadmium in some soils of India. Geoderma 114: 81-92.
  • Alder, H.L., Roessler, E.B., 1977. The analysis of variance. In Introduction to probability and statistics, 6th edition. W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, USA. pp. 318-354
  • Bailey, S.E., Olin, T.J., Bricka, R.M., Adrian, D.D., 1999. A review of potentially low cost sorbents for heavy metals. Water Research 33: 2469-2479.
  • Bolan, N. S., Adriano, D. C., Mahimairaja, S., 2004. Distribution and bioavailability of trace elements in livestock and poultry manure by products. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 34: 291-338.
  • de Mora, A. P., Ortega-Calvo, J.J., Cabrera, F., Madejo, E., 2005. Changes in enzyme activities and microbial biomass after ‘‘in situ’’ remediation of a heavy metal-contaminated soil. Applied Soil Ecology 28: 125–137.
  • Frankenberger, W.T., Jr., Bingham, F.T., 1982. Influence of salinity on soil enzyme activities. Soil Science Society of America Journal 46: 1173-1177.
  • Galstyan, A. Sh., 1970. A method of determining the activity of hydrolytic enzymes in soil. Soviet Soil Science 2: 170-175.
  • Garcla-Sanchez., A Alastuey, A., Querol., X., 1999. Heavy metal adsoption by different minerals: application to the remediation of polluted soils. Science of the Total Environment 242: 179-188.
  • Gu,J., Qi, L., Jiang, W., Liu,D., 2007. Cadmium accumulation and its effects on growth and gas exchange in four populous cultivars. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica 49(2): 7-14.
  • Gworek, B., 1992. Inactivation of cadmium in contaminated soils using synthetic zeolites. Environmental Pollution 75: 269-271.
  • Haidouti, C., 1997. Inactivation of mercury in contaminated soils using natural zeolites. Science of the Total Environment 208: 105-109.
  • Herwijnen, R., Hutchings, T. R., Al-Tabbaa, A., Moffat, A. J, Johns, M. L., Ouki, S. K., 2007. Remediation of metal contaminated soil with mineral-amended composts. Environmental Pollution 150: 347-354.
  • Jha, D.K., Sharma,G. D., Mishra,R.R., 1992. Soil microbial population numbers and enzyme activities in relation to altitude and forest degradation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 24: 761-767.
  • John, R., Ahmad, P., Gadgil, K., Sharma,S., 2009. Heavy metal toxicity; effect on plant growth , biochemical parameters and metal accumulation by Brassica juncea L. International Journal of Plant Production 3(3): 65-76.
  • Kalmykova,Y., Strmvall, A., Steenari, B., 2008. Adsorption of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn on Sphagnum peat from solutions with low metal concentrations. Journal of Hazardous Materials 152: 885-891.
  • Kelly, W.D., Kabana, R.R., 1974. Effects of potassium azide on soil microbial populations and soil enzymatic activities. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 21: 565-570.
  • Kumpiene, J., Lagerkvist, A., Maurice, C., 2008. Stabilization of As, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn in soil using amendments-A review. Waste Management 28: 215-225.
  • Ladd, J. N., Butler, J.H. A., 1972. Short-term assays of soil proteolytic enzyme activities using proteins and dipeptide derivatives as substrates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 4: 19-30.
  • Li, T.Q., Di, Z.Z., Yang, X.E., Sparks, D.L., 2011. Effects of dissolved organic matter from the rhizosphere of the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii on sorption of zinc and cadmium by different soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 192: 1616-1622.
  • Lindsay, W.L., Norvell,W.A., 1978. Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese and copper. Soil Science Society of America Journal 42: 421-428.
  • Liu, A., Gonzalez, R. D., 1999. Adsorption/desorption in a system consisting of humic acid, heavy metals and clay minerals. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 218: 225-232.
  • Liu, P., 2007. Polymer modified clay minerals: a review. Applied Clay Science 38: 64-76.
  • Mench, M., Lepp, N., Bert, V., Schwitzguebel, J-P., Gawronski, S. W., Schoder, P., Vangronsveld, J.,. 2010. Successess and limitations of phytotechnologies at field scale: outcomes, assessment and outlook from COST action 859. Journal of Soils and Sediments 10: 1039 – 1070.
  • Mercier, L., Detellier, C., 1995. Preparation, characterization and applications as heavy metals sorbents of covalent grafted thiol functionalities on the interlamellar surface of montmorillonite. Environmental Science and Technology 29: 1318-1323.
  • Mhatre, G. N., Pankhurst, C. E., 1997 Bioindicators to detect contamination of soils with special reference to heavy metals. In: Pankhrust C E, Doube, B M, Gupta, V V S R (Eds). Biological indicators of soil health and sustainable productivity. CAB International. New York. Pp. 349 – 369.
  • Missana, T., Gutierrez, M. G., Alonso, U., 2008. Sorption of strontium onto illite/smectite mixed clays. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 33 (S): 156-162
  • Muthukumar, T., Udaiyan, K., Manian, S., 1996. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae in tropical sedges of Southern India. Biology and Fertility of Soils 22: 96-100.
  • Narwal, R.P., Singh, B. R., 1998. Effect of organic materials on partitioning, extractability and plant uptake of metals in alum shale soil. Water Air and Soil Pollution 103: 405-421.
  • Nissen, R., Lepp, N. W., Edwards, R., 2000. Synthetic zeolites as amendments for sewage sludge – based compost. Chemosphere 41: 263-269.
  • Piper, C. S., 1966. Soil and plant analysis. Hans Publishers, Bombay.
  • Prabha, D., 2010. Responses of selected microorganisms, plant and earthworm to cadmium and selenium exposure. 2010. Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Environmental Sciences, Bharathiar University.
  • Roy, M., McDonald, L. M., 2014. Metal uptake in plants and health risk assessments in metal-contaminated smelter soils, Land Degradation & Development doi:10.1002/ldr.2237, in press.
  • Sanita di Toppi, L., Gabbrielli, R., 1999. Response to cadmium in higher plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany 41: 105-130.
  • Sauve, S., Turmel, S.M., Roy, A.G., Courchesne, F., 2003. Solid solution partitioning of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in the organic horizons of a forest soil. Environmental Science and Technology 37: 5191-5196.
  • Shuman, L. M., 1998. Effect of organic waste amendments on cadmium and load in soil fractions of two soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 29: 2939 – 2952.
  • Sisa, R., 1993. Enzymova aktivita pudy jako ukazatel jeji biologicke activity. Rostl. Vyr, 39, 817-825
  • Sposito, G., Lund, L. J., and Chang, A. C., 1982. Trace metal chemistry in arid-zone field soils amended with sewage sludges: I. Fractionation of Ni, Cu, Zn, Ca and Pb in solid phases. Soil Science Society of America Journal 46: 260-264.
  • Stritsis, C., Steingrobe, B., Claassen, N., 2012. Shoot cadmium concentration of soil-grown plants as related to their root properties. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175: 456-465.
  • Vacca, A., Bianco, M. R., Murolo, M., Violante, P., 2012. Heavy metals in contaminated soils of the Rio Sitzerri floodplain (Sardinia, Italy): Characterization and impact on pedodiversity, Land Degradation and Development 23: 250–364.
  • Walker, D.J., Clemente, R., Bernal, M.P., 2004. Contrasting effects of manure and compost on soil pH, heavy metal availability and growth of Chenopodium album L. in a soil contaminated by pyritic mine waste. Chemosphere 57: 215-224.
  • Walker, D.J., Clemente,R., Roig,A., Bernal, M.P., 2003. The effects of soil amendments on heavy metal bioavailability in two contaminated Mediterranean soils. Environmental Pollution 122: 303-312.
  • Wu, P.X., Wu,W.M., Li, S.Z., Xing, N., Zhu, N.W., Li,P.,Wu,J.H., Yang,C., Dang,Z., 2009. Removal of Cd2+ from aqueous solution by adsorption using Fe-montmorillonite. Journal of Hazardous Materials 169: 824-830.
  • Yang, D., Zeng, D. H., Li, L. J., Mao, R., 2012. Chemical and microbial properties in contaminated soils around a magnesite mine in Northeast China. Land Degradation and Development 23: 256–262.
  • Zantua, M. T., Bremner, J.M., 1976. Production and persistance of urease activity in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 8: 369-374.
  • Zhang, Q., Li,J.M., Xu, M.G., Song, Z.G., Zhou,S.W., 2006. Effects of amendments on bioavailability of cadmium and zinc in compound contaminated red soil. Journal of Agro-Environment Science 25: 861-865.
  • Zorpas, A.A., Constantinides, T., Vlysside,s A.G., Haralambous, I., Loizidou, M., 2000. Heavy metal uptake by natural zeolite and metals partitioning in sewage sludge compost. Bioresource Technolgy 72: 113–119.
Year 2015, , 44 - 53, 08.01.2015



  • Adhikari, T., Singh, M.V., 2003. Sorption of lead and cadmium in some soils of India. Geoderma 114: 81-92.
  • Alder, H.L., Roessler, E.B., 1977. The analysis of variance. In Introduction to probability and statistics, 6th edition. W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, USA. pp. 318-354
  • Bailey, S.E., Olin, T.J., Bricka, R.M., Adrian, D.D., 1999. A review of potentially low cost sorbents for heavy metals. Water Research 33: 2469-2479.
  • Bolan, N. S., Adriano, D. C., Mahimairaja, S., 2004. Distribution and bioavailability of trace elements in livestock and poultry manure by products. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 34: 291-338.
  • de Mora, A. P., Ortega-Calvo, J.J., Cabrera, F., Madejo, E., 2005. Changes in enzyme activities and microbial biomass after ‘‘in situ’’ remediation of a heavy metal-contaminated soil. Applied Soil Ecology 28: 125–137.
  • Frankenberger, W.T., Jr., Bingham, F.T., 1982. Influence of salinity on soil enzyme activities. Soil Science Society of America Journal 46: 1173-1177.
  • Galstyan, A. Sh., 1970. A method of determining the activity of hydrolytic enzymes in soil. Soviet Soil Science 2: 170-175.
  • Garcla-Sanchez., A Alastuey, A., Querol., X., 1999. Heavy metal adsoption by different minerals: application to the remediation of polluted soils. Science of the Total Environment 242: 179-188.
  • Gu,J., Qi, L., Jiang, W., Liu,D., 2007. Cadmium accumulation and its effects on growth and gas exchange in four populous cultivars. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica 49(2): 7-14.
  • Gworek, B., 1992. Inactivation of cadmium in contaminated soils using synthetic zeolites. Environmental Pollution 75: 269-271.
  • Haidouti, C., 1997. Inactivation of mercury in contaminated soils using natural zeolites. Science of the Total Environment 208: 105-109.
  • Herwijnen, R., Hutchings, T. R., Al-Tabbaa, A., Moffat, A. J, Johns, M. L., Ouki, S. K., 2007. Remediation of metal contaminated soil with mineral-amended composts. Environmental Pollution 150: 347-354.
  • Jha, D.K., Sharma,G. D., Mishra,R.R., 1992. Soil microbial population numbers and enzyme activities in relation to altitude and forest degradation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 24: 761-767.
  • John, R., Ahmad, P., Gadgil, K., Sharma,S., 2009. Heavy metal toxicity; effect on plant growth , biochemical parameters and metal accumulation by Brassica juncea L. International Journal of Plant Production 3(3): 65-76.
  • Kalmykova,Y., Strmvall, A., Steenari, B., 2008. Adsorption of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn on Sphagnum peat from solutions with low metal concentrations. Journal of Hazardous Materials 152: 885-891.
  • Kelly, W.D., Kabana, R.R., 1974. Effects of potassium azide on soil microbial populations and soil enzymatic activities. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 21: 565-570.
  • Kumpiene, J., Lagerkvist, A., Maurice, C., 2008. Stabilization of As, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn in soil using amendments-A review. Waste Management 28: 215-225.
  • Ladd, J. N., Butler, J.H. A., 1972. Short-term assays of soil proteolytic enzyme activities using proteins and dipeptide derivatives as substrates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 4: 19-30.
  • Li, T.Q., Di, Z.Z., Yang, X.E., Sparks, D.L., 2011. Effects of dissolved organic matter from the rhizosphere of the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii on sorption of zinc and cadmium by different soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 192: 1616-1622.
  • Lindsay, W.L., Norvell,W.A., 1978. Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese and copper. Soil Science Society of America Journal 42: 421-428.
  • Liu, A., Gonzalez, R. D., 1999. Adsorption/desorption in a system consisting of humic acid, heavy metals and clay minerals. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 218: 225-232.
  • Liu, P., 2007. Polymer modified clay minerals: a review. Applied Clay Science 38: 64-76.
  • Mench, M., Lepp, N., Bert, V., Schwitzguebel, J-P., Gawronski, S. W., Schoder, P., Vangronsveld, J.,. 2010. Successess and limitations of phytotechnologies at field scale: outcomes, assessment and outlook from COST action 859. Journal of Soils and Sediments 10: 1039 – 1070.
  • Mercier, L., Detellier, C., 1995. Preparation, characterization and applications as heavy metals sorbents of covalent grafted thiol functionalities on the interlamellar surface of montmorillonite. Environmental Science and Technology 29: 1318-1323.
  • Mhatre, G. N., Pankhurst, C. E., 1997 Bioindicators to detect contamination of soils with special reference to heavy metals. In: Pankhrust C E, Doube, B M, Gupta, V V S R (Eds). Biological indicators of soil health and sustainable productivity. CAB International. New York. Pp. 349 – 369.
  • Missana, T., Gutierrez, M. G., Alonso, U., 2008. Sorption of strontium onto illite/smectite mixed clays. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 33 (S): 156-162
  • Muthukumar, T., Udaiyan, K., Manian, S., 1996. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae in tropical sedges of Southern India. Biology and Fertility of Soils 22: 96-100.
  • Narwal, R.P., Singh, B. R., 1998. Effect of organic materials on partitioning, extractability and plant uptake of metals in alum shale soil. Water Air and Soil Pollution 103: 405-421.
  • Nissen, R., Lepp, N. W., Edwards, R., 2000. Synthetic zeolites as amendments for sewage sludge – based compost. Chemosphere 41: 263-269.
  • Piper, C. S., 1966. Soil and plant analysis. Hans Publishers, Bombay.
  • Prabha, D., 2010. Responses of selected microorganisms, plant and earthworm to cadmium and selenium exposure. 2010. Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Environmental Sciences, Bharathiar University.
  • Roy, M., McDonald, L. M., 2014. Metal uptake in plants and health risk assessments in metal-contaminated smelter soils, Land Degradation & Development doi:10.1002/ldr.2237, in press.
  • Sanita di Toppi, L., Gabbrielli, R., 1999. Response to cadmium in higher plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany 41: 105-130.
  • Sauve, S., Turmel, S.M., Roy, A.G., Courchesne, F., 2003. Solid solution partitioning of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in the organic horizons of a forest soil. Environmental Science and Technology 37: 5191-5196.
  • Shuman, L. M., 1998. Effect of organic waste amendments on cadmium and load in soil fractions of two soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 29: 2939 – 2952.
  • Sisa, R., 1993. Enzymova aktivita pudy jako ukazatel jeji biologicke activity. Rostl. Vyr, 39, 817-825
  • Sposito, G., Lund, L. J., and Chang, A. C., 1982. Trace metal chemistry in arid-zone field soils amended with sewage sludges: I. Fractionation of Ni, Cu, Zn, Ca and Pb in solid phases. Soil Science Society of America Journal 46: 260-264.
  • Stritsis, C., Steingrobe, B., Claassen, N., 2012. Shoot cadmium concentration of soil-grown plants as related to their root properties. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175: 456-465.
  • Vacca, A., Bianco, M. R., Murolo, M., Violante, P., 2012. Heavy metals in contaminated soils of the Rio Sitzerri floodplain (Sardinia, Italy): Characterization and impact on pedodiversity, Land Degradation and Development 23: 250–364.
  • Walker, D.J., Clemente, R., Bernal, M.P., 2004. Contrasting effects of manure and compost on soil pH, heavy metal availability and growth of Chenopodium album L. in a soil contaminated by pyritic mine waste. Chemosphere 57: 215-224.
  • Walker, D.J., Clemente,R., Roig,A., Bernal, M.P., 2003. The effects of soil amendments on heavy metal bioavailability in two contaminated Mediterranean soils. Environmental Pollution 122: 303-312.
  • Wu, P.X., Wu,W.M., Li, S.Z., Xing, N., Zhu, N.W., Li,P.,Wu,J.H., Yang,C., Dang,Z., 2009. Removal of Cd2+ from aqueous solution by adsorption using Fe-montmorillonite. Journal of Hazardous Materials 169: 824-830.
  • Yang, D., Zeng, D. H., Li, L. J., Mao, R., 2012. Chemical and microbial properties in contaminated soils around a magnesite mine in Northeast China. Land Degradation and Development 23: 256–262.
  • Zantua, M. T., Bremner, J.M., 1976. Production and persistance of urease activity in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 8: 369-374.
  • Zhang, Q., Li,J.M., Xu, M.G., Song, Z.G., Zhou,S.W., 2006. Effects of amendments on bioavailability of cadmium and zinc in compound contaminated red soil. Journal of Agro-Environment Science 25: 861-865.
  • Zorpas, A.A., Constantinides, T., Vlysside,s A.G., Haralambous, I., Loizidou, M., 2000. Heavy metal uptake by natural zeolite and metals partitioning in sewage sludge compost. Bioresource Technolgy 72: 113–119.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Palaninaicker Senthilkumar This is me

Duraisamy Prabha This is me

Subpiramaniyan Sivakumar This is me

Chandra Subbhuraam This is me

Publication Date January 8, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Senthilkumar, P., Prabha, D., Sivakumar, S., Subbhuraam, C. (2015). Remediation of cadmium contaminated vertisol mediated by Prosopis charcoal and coir pith. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 4(1), 44-53.