Approbation of express-method for benzo[a]pyrene extraction from soils in the technogenic emission zone territories
Year 2015,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 15 - 21, 08.01.2015
Svetlana Sushkova
Tatiana Minkina
Saglara Mandzhieva
Nikolay Borisenko
Galina Vasilyeva
Rıdvan Kızılkaya
Tayfun Aşkın
The benzo[a]pyrene accumulation and migration regularities in chernozemic soils under the aerotechnogenic emission zone were revealed on the basis of long-term monitoring researches. A new method of subcritical water extraction has been developed for determination of benzo[a]pyrene from soils of the emissions zone of Novocherkassk Power Station one of the largest thermal power enterprises in Russian Federation. It is shown that the soils adjacent to a source of emission are polluted by benzo[a]pyrene at distance to 5 km. Trends in the accumulation of benzo[a]pyrene in soil zones of the thermal power plant influence have been researched over a 5-year period of monitoring observations. The assessment of soils pollution extent by benzo[a]pyrene is given.
- Antizar-Ladislao, B., Lopez-Real J., Beck A.J., 2006. Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in an aged coal tar contaminated soil under in-vessel composting conditions. Environmental Pollution 141: 459-468.
- Bogush, I.A., Radionov L.M., 1998. Complex pollution of soils of the city of Novocherkassk. Melioration of anthropogenous landscapes. T.6. Ekologo-ekonomichesky problems of the cities of the Rostov region. Novocherkassk: NGMA publishing. [in Russian]
- Anonymous, 2002. Contaminants in soil: Collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Benzo[a]pyrene. Technical report, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Environment Agency, Bristol, Environment Agency. ISBN 1-857-05741-4. (20 p.)
- Anonymous, 2012. Ecological Messenger of Don, State report. About a state of environment and natural resources of the Rostov region in 2011, Rostov-on-Don publishing. [in Russian]
- El-Batrawy, O.A., 2013. Indoor Air Quality and Adverse Health Effects. World Applied Sciences Journal 25 (1): 163-169.
- Gennadiev, A. N., Pikovskii Yu. I., 2007. The Maps of Soil Tolerance toward Pollution with Oil Products and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Methodological Aspects. Eurasian Soil Science 40 (1): 70–81.
- Gorobtsova, O. N., Nazarenko O.G., Minkina T.M., Borisenko N. I., Yaroshchuk A.V., 2005. Role of a soil cover in accumulation and migration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at technogenic pollution. Universities messenger. Northen - Caucasus Region. Natural Sciences 1: 73-79.
- GOST, 2004. State standard (Russian Federation State standard specification) Conservation. Soils. Classification of chemicals for pollution control, 2004. Standards Publishing House, Moscow GOST, 21 p.
- ISO 13877-2005, 2005. Soil quality - Determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons - Method using high -performance liquid chromatography.
- Jian, Y., 2004. Photomutagenicity of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from the US EPA priority pollutant list. Mutation Research 557: 99-108.
- Khan, S., Aijun L., Zhang S., Hu Q., Zhu Y.-G., 2008. Accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals in lettuce grown in the soils contaminated with long-term wastewater irrigation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 152: 506-515.
- Khoei, J.K., AbdiBastami, A., Farmohammadi, S., 2013. Oil-related Contamination in the Sediment and Water of Khark Island, Persian Gulf. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences 13 (8): 1076-1079.
- Maliszewska-Kordybach, B., Smreczak, B., Klimkowicz-Pawlas, A., 2009. Concentrations, sources, and spatial distribution of individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in agricultural soils in the Eastern part of the EU: Poland as a case study. Science of the Total Environment 407: 3746-3753.
- Minkina, T.M., Pinsky, D.L., Mandzhieva, S.S., Bauer, T.V., Sushkova, S.N., Kushnareva, A.V. 2014. Effect of an Attendant Anion on the Balance of Cations in the Soil-Solution System with an Ordinary Chernozem as an Example. Eurasian Soil Science 47(8): 772–780.
- Minkina, T. Mandzhieva, S., Motusova, G., Burachevskaya, M., Nazarenko, O., Sushkova, S., Kızılkaya, R., 2014. Heavy metal compounds in a soil of technogenic zone as indicate of its ecological state. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 3: 144-151.
- Oshunsanya, S.O., 2010. Soil physical properties and yields of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentis) as affected by locally manufactured compost in Nigeria. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences 9 (4): 450-459.
- Pinsky, D.L., Minkina, T.M., 2013. Regularities of Cu, Pb and Zn adsorption by chernozems of the South of Russia. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 2: 59 - 68.
- Sokolov, A.V., 1975. Agrochemical Methods of Soil Study, Moscow, Science publishing. [in Russian].
- Sushkova, S.N., Minkina, T.M., Mandzhieva, S.S., Tjurina, I.G., 2013. Elaboration and Approbation of Methods for Benzo[a]pyrene Extraction from Soils for Monitoring of the Ecolog-ical State in Technogenic Landscapes. World Applied Sciences Journal 25 (10): 1432-1437,
- Sushkova, S.N., Vasilyeva, G.K., Minkina, T.M., Mandzhieva, S.S., Tjurina, I.G., Kolesnikov, S.I., Kizilkaya, R., Askin, T., 2014. New method for benzo[a]pyrene analysis in plant material using subcritical water extraction. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 144:267-272.
- Tuan Habib, S.N.F., Saad, A.Y., 2009. Environmental Ranking Considerations for Setting up A Recuperative Energy Incinerator. World Applied Sciences Journal 5, 64-73.
- Tumin, V.M., Koryakov A.G., Nikiforova E.P., 2013. The Main Factors of Socio-Ecological-Economic Stability and Development of Industrial Enterprises. World Applied Sciences Journal 25 (6): 945-949.
- Wenzl, T., Simon, R., Kleiner, J., Anklam, E., 2006. Analytical methods for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in food and the environment needed for new food legislation in the European Union. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 25 (7): 716-725.
Year 2015,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 15 - 21, 08.01.2015
Svetlana Sushkova
Tatiana Minkina
Saglara Mandzhieva
Nikolay Borisenko
Galina Vasilyeva
Rıdvan Kızılkaya
Tayfun Aşkın
- Antizar-Ladislao, B., Lopez-Real J., Beck A.J., 2006. Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in an aged coal tar contaminated soil under in-vessel composting conditions. Environmental Pollution 141: 459-468.
- Bogush, I.A., Radionov L.M., 1998. Complex pollution of soils of the city of Novocherkassk. Melioration of anthropogenous landscapes. T.6. Ekologo-ekonomichesky problems of the cities of the Rostov region. Novocherkassk: NGMA publishing. [in Russian]
- Anonymous, 2002. Contaminants in soil: Collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Benzo[a]pyrene. Technical report, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Environment Agency, Bristol, Environment Agency. ISBN 1-857-05741-4. (20 p.)
- Anonymous, 2012. Ecological Messenger of Don, State report. About a state of environment and natural resources of the Rostov region in 2011, Rostov-on-Don publishing. [in Russian]
- El-Batrawy, O.A., 2013. Indoor Air Quality and Adverse Health Effects. World Applied Sciences Journal 25 (1): 163-169.
- Gennadiev, A. N., Pikovskii Yu. I., 2007. The Maps of Soil Tolerance toward Pollution with Oil Products and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Methodological Aspects. Eurasian Soil Science 40 (1): 70–81.
- Gorobtsova, O. N., Nazarenko O.G., Minkina T.M., Borisenko N. I., Yaroshchuk A.V., 2005. Role of a soil cover in accumulation and migration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at technogenic pollution. Universities messenger. Northen - Caucasus Region. Natural Sciences 1: 73-79.
- GOST, 2004. State standard (Russian Federation State standard specification) Conservation. Soils. Classification of chemicals for pollution control, 2004. Standards Publishing House, Moscow GOST, 21 p.
- ISO 13877-2005, 2005. Soil quality - Determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons - Method using high -performance liquid chromatography.
- Jian, Y., 2004. Photomutagenicity of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from the US EPA priority pollutant list. Mutation Research 557: 99-108.
- Khan, S., Aijun L., Zhang S., Hu Q., Zhu Y.-G., 2008. Accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals in lettuce grown in the soils contaminated with long-term wastewater irrigation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 152: 506-515.
- Khoei, J.K., AbdiBastami, A., Farmohammadi, S., 2013. Oil-related Contamination in the Sediment and Water of Khark Island, Persian Gulf. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences 13 (8): 1076-1079.
- Maliszewska-Kordybach, B., Smreczak, B., Klimkowicz-Pawlas, A., 2009. Concentrations, sources, and spatial distribution of individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in agricultural soils in the Eastern part of the EU: Poland as a case study. Science of the Total Environment 407: 3746-3753.
- Minkina, T.M., Pinsky, D.L., Mandzhieva, S.S., Bauer, T.V., Sushkova, S.N., Kushnareva, A.V. 2014. Effect of an Attendant Anion on the Balance of Cations in the Soil-Solution System with an Ordinary Chernozem as an Example. Eurasian Soil Science 47(8): 772–780.
- Minkina, T. Mandzhieva, S., Motusova, G., Burachevskaya, M., Nazarenko, O., Sushkova, S., Kızılkaya, R., 2014. Heavy metal compounds in a soil of technogenic zone as indicate of its ecological state. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 3: 144-151.
- Oshunsanya, S.O., 2010. Soil physical properties and yields of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentis) as affected by locally manufactured compost in Nigeria. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences 9 (4): 450-459.
- Pinsky, D.L., Minkina, T.M., 2013. Regularities of Cu, Pb and Zn adsorption by chernozems of the South of Russia. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 2: 59 - 68.
- Sokolov, A.V., 1975. Agrochemical Methods of Soil Study, Moscow, Science publishing. [in Russian].
- Sushkova, S.N., Minkina, T.M., Mandzhieva, S.S., Tjurina, I.G., 2013. Elaboration and Approbation of Methods for Benzo[a]pyrene Extraction from Soils for Monitoring of the Ecolog-ical State in Technogenic Landscapes. World Applied Sciences Journal 25 (10): 1432-1437,
- Sushkova, S.N., Vasilyeva, G.K., Minkina, T.M., Mandzhieva, S.S., Tjurina, I.G., Kolesnikov, S.I., Kizilkaya, R., Askin, T., 2014. New method for benzo[a]pyrene analysis in plant material using subcritical water extraction. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 144:267-272.
- Tuan Habib, S.N.F., Saad, A.Y., 2009. Environmental Ranking Considerations for Setting up A Recuperative Energy Incinerator. World Applied Sciences Journal 5, 64-73.
- Tumin, V.M., Koryakov A.G., Nikiforova E.P., 2013. The Main Factors of Socio-Ecological-Economic Stability and Development of Industrial Enterprises. World Applied Sciences Journal 25 (6): 945-949.
- Wenzl, T., Simon, R., Kleiner, J., Anklam, E., 2006. Analytical methods for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in food and the environment needed for new food legislation in the European Union. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 25 (7): 716-725.