Research Article
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Effect of different organic wastes on biological properties of maize (Zea Mays Indendata) rhizosphere

Year 2022, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 141 - 150, 01.04.2022


This study was carried in order to determine the effects different various organic wastes (tobacco prodction waste, wheat straw, tea waste and hazelnut husk) under greenhause conditions on biological properties (microbial biomass C, basal soil respiration, dehydrogenase activity, urease activity and arlysulphatase activity) in clay-loam soil and rhizosphere (Zea mays indandata) soil of maize plant. The organic wastes were thoroughly mixed with the soil at a rate equivalent to 50 g kg-1 on air-dried weight basis. Experimental desing was randomized plot desing with there replications in greenhause. The moisture content in soil was mantained around 60 % of maximum water holding capacity by weighing the pots everday. Changes in the biological properties were determined in the soil and rhizosphere (Zea mays indendata) samples and root free soil taken in 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days after the experiment was conducted. At the end of experiment, all organic waste added soil increased biological properties of soil in comparison with the control (P<0.01) at all experimental periods. Moreover, biological properties in rhizosphere soil were higher than in root free soil at all organic waste application (P<0.01). Increased of organic wastes on soil biological properties had different trend (P<0.01), the most increases in the biological properties in the soil treated with tea wastes and tobacco production waste with supplying of low initial C/N ratio compared to other organic wastes.


  • Alexander, M. 1977. Introduction to soil microbiology. 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons. 468p.
  • Anderson, T.H., Domsch. K.H., 1989. Ratios of microbial biomass carbon to total organic carbon in arable soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 21: 471-479.
  • Anderson, J.P.E., 1982. Soil respiration. In. Methods of soil analysis, Part 2- Chemical and Microbiological Properties, Page, A.L., Keeney, D. R., Baker, D.E., Miller, R.H., Ellis, R. Jr., Rhoades, J.D. (Eds.). ASA-SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 831-871.
  • Anderson, J.P.E., Domsch, K.H., 1978. A physiological method for the quantative measurement of microbial biomass in soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 10: 215 – 221.
  • Aşkın, T., Kızılkaya, R., 2006. Assessing spatial variability of soil enzyme activities in pasture topsoils using geostatistics. European Journal of Soil Biology 42: 230-237. Bais, H.P., Park, S.W., Weir, T.L., Callaway, R.M., Vivanco, J.M., 2004. How plants communicate using the underground information superhighway. Trends in Plant Science 9: 26–32.
  • Bandick, A.K., Dick, R.P., 1999. Field management effects on soil enzyme activities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31: 1471-1479.
  • Benefield, C.B., Howard, P.J.A., Howard, D.M., 1977. The estimation of dehydrogenase activity in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 6: 67-70.
  • Berg, B., Wessen, B., Ekbohm, G., 1982. Nitrogen level and decomposition in Scots Pine Needle litter. Oikos 38(3): 291-296.
  • Bolton, H., Elliott, L.F. Papendick, R.I., Bezdicek, D.F., 1985. Soil microbial biomass and selected soil enzyme activities: effect of fertilization and cropping practices. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 17: 297-302.
  • Bremner, J.M., 1965. Total nitrogen, In: Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. Chemical and microbiological properties. Black, C.A., Evans, D.D., White, J.L., Ensminger, L.E., Clark F.E. (Eds.), Soil Science Society of America. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 1149-1176.
  • Bremner, J.M., Mulvaney, R.L., 1978. Urease activity in soils. In: Soil enzymes, Burns, R.G. (Ed.) Academic Press, New York, USA. pp. 149-196.
  • Chen, C.R., Condron, L.M., Xu, Z.H., Davıs, M.R., Sherlock, R.R., 2006. Root, rhizosphere and root-free respiration in soils under grassland and forest plants. European Journal of Soil Science 57: 58–66.
  • Dick, W.A., Tabatabai, M.A., 1984. Kinetic parameters of phosphatase in soils and organic waste materials. Soil Science 137, 7-15.
  • Gallardo-Lara, F., Nogales, R., 1987. Effect of the application of town refuse compost on the soil-plant system: A review. Biological Wastes 19: 35–62.
  • Garcı́a-Gil, J.C., Plaza, C., Soler-Rovira, P., Polo, A., 2000. Long-term effects of municipal solid waste compost application on soil enzyme activities and microbial biomass. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32: 1907-1913.
  • Grierson, P.F., Adams, M.A., 2000. Plant species affect acid phosphatase, ergosterol and microbial P in a jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm) forest in south-western Australia. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32: 1817–1827.
  • Helal, H.M., Sauerbeck, D., 1989. Carbon turnover in the rhizosphere. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde 152: 211–216.
  • Hoffmann, G.G., Teicher, K. 1961. Ein Kolorimetrisches Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Urease Aktivitat in Böden. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde 95: 55–63.
  • Huang, W., Schoenau, J., 1997. Seasonal and spatial variations in soil nitrogen and phosphorus supply rates in a boreal aspen forest. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 77: 597-612.
  • Jenkinson, D.S., Ladd, J.N., 1981. Microbial biomass in soil: measurement and turnover. In: Soil Biochemistry, Paul, E.A., Ladd, J.N. (Eds), Vol. 5, Marcell Dekker, New York, USA. pp. 415 – 471.
  • Jenkinson, D.S., Hart, P.B.S., Rayner, J.H., Parry, L.C., 1987. Modeling the turnover of organic matter in long-term experiments at Rothamsted. INTECOL Bulletin 15:1-8.
  • Kenenbayev, S.B., Kucherov, V.S., 1994. Regulation of the humus balance in dark chestnut soils of the Ural Steppes. Eurasian Soil Science 26(7): 38–44
  • Kızılkaya, R., Hepşen, Ş., 2004. Effect of biosolid amendment on enzyme activities in earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) casts. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 167: 202-208.
  • Kızılkaya, R., 2004. Cu and Zn accumulation in earthworm Lumbricus terrestris L. in sewage sludge amended soil and fractions of Cu and Zn in casts and surrounding soil. Ecological Engineering 22: 141-151.
  • Kızılkaya, R., Aşkın, T., Bayraklı, B., Sağlam, M., 2004. Microbiological characteristics of soils contaminated with heavy metals. European Journal of Soil Biology 40: 95-102.
  • Kızılkaya, R., Bayraklı, B., 2005. Effects of N-enriched sewage sludge on soil enzyme activities. Applied Soil Ecology 30: 192-202.
  • Kourtev, P.S., Ehrenfeld, J.G., Haggblom, M. 2003. Experimental analysis of the effect of exotic and native plant species on the structure and function of soil microbial communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 35: 895–905.
  • Ladd, J.N., Foster, R.C., Nannipieri, P., Oades, M.J., 1996. Soil structure and biological activity. In: Soil Biochemistry, Bollag, J.M., Stotzky, G. (Eds) Marcel Dekker New York, USA. pp. 23-77.
  • Madejόn, E., Burgos, P., Lόpez, R., Cabrera, F., 2001. Soil enzymatic response to addition of heavy metals with organic residues. Biology and Fertility of Soils 34: 144-150.
  • Mann, K.H., 1976. Decomposition of marine macrophytes. In: The Role of Terrestrial and Aquatic Organisms in Decomposition Processes. Anderson, J.M., Macfadyen, A. (Eds.). The 17th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, 15-18 April 1975, Oxford, Blackwell Scientific, UK. pp. 247-268.
  • Marinucci, A.C., Hobbie, J.E., Helfrich, J.V.K., 1983. Effect of litter nitrogen on decomposition and microbial biomass in Spartina alterniflora. Microbial Ecology 9: 27-40.
  • Martens, C.S., Haddad, R.I., Chanton, J.P., 1992. Organic matter accumulation, remineralization, and burial in an anoxic coastal sediment. In: Organic Matter: Productivity, Accumulation, and Preservation in Recent and Ancient Sediments. Whelan J. K., Farrington. J. W. (Eds). Columbia University Press, New York, USA. pp. 82-98.
  • Mathur, S.P., Owen, G., Dinel, H., Schnitzer, M., 1993. Determination of compost biomaturity I. Literature review. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 10: 65–85.
  • McGill, W.B., Cannon, K.R., Robertson, J.A., Cook, F.D., 1986. Dynamics of soil microbial biomass and water-soluble C in Breton L after 50 years of cropping to two rotations. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 66: 1-19.
  • Meli, S., Porto, M., Belligno, A., Bufo, S.A., Mazzatura, A., Scapa, A., 2002. Influence of irrigation with lagooned urban wastewater on chemical and microbiological soil parameters in a citrus orchard under Mediterranean condition. The Science of Total Environment 285: 69-77.
  • Nannipieri, P., Grego S., Ceccanti, B., 1990. Ecological significance of the biological activity in soil. In: Soil biochemistry Bollag, J.W., Stotzky, G. (Eds.) Volume 6, Marcel Dekker, New York, USA. pp. 293 – 355.
  • Pascual, J.A., Garcia, C., Hernandez, T., Ayuso, M., 1997. Changes in the microbial activity of an arid soil amended with urban organic wastes. Biology and Fertility of Soils 24: 429-434.
  • Pepper, I.L., Gerba, C.P., Brendecke, J.W., 1995. Environmental microbiology: a laboratory manual. Academic Press. New York, USA. 197p.
  • Perucci, P., 1992. Enzyme activity and microbial biomass in a field soil amended with municipal refuse. Biology and Fertility of Soils 14: 54-60.
  • Rogers, J.E., Li, S.W., 1985. Effect of metals and other inorganic ions on soil microbial activity: Soil dehydrogenase assay as a simple toxicity test. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 34: 858 – 865.
  • Rossel, D., Tarradellas, J., 1991. Dehydrogenase activity of soil microflora: Significance in ecotoxicological tests. Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality 6: 17-33.
  • Rowell, D.L., 1996. Soil Science: methods and applications. Longman, UK. 350p.
  • Ryan, J., Estefan, G., Rashid, A., 2001. Soil and plant analysis laboratory manual. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). Syria.
  • Santruskova, H., Straskaba, M., 1991. On the relationship between specific respiration activity and microbial biomass in soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 23: 525-532.
  • Smith, J.L. Paul, E.A. 1990. Significance of soil microbial biomass estimation, In: Soil biochemistry Bollag, J.W., Stotzky, G. (Eds.) Volume 6, Marcel Dekker, New York, USA. pp. 357-396.
  • Speir, T.W., Ross, D.J., 1978. Soil phosphatase and sulphatase. In: Soil Enzymes, Burns, R.G. (Ed.), Academic Press, London, UK. pp. 197-250.
  • Tabatabai, M.A., 1994. Soil enzymes. In: Methods of soil analysis, Part 2-Microbiological and biochemical properties, Mickelson, S.H., Bighan, J.M. (Eds.) ASA-SSSA. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 775-826.
  • Tabatabai, M.A., Bremner, J.M., 1970. Arylsulphatase activity of soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 34: 225-229.
  • Tarafdar, J.C., Jungk, A.,. 1987. Phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere and its relation to the depletion of soil organic phosphorus. Biology and Fertility of Soils 3: 199-204.
  • Toal, M.E., Yeomans, C., Killham, K., Meharg, A.A., 2000. A review of rhizosphere carbon flow modelling. Plant and Soil 222: 263–281
  • Valiela, I., Teal, J.M., Allen, S.D., Vanetten, R., Goehringer, D., Volkmann, S., 1985. Decomposition in salt marsh ecosystems - The phases and major factors affecting disappearance of above-ground organic matter. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 89: 29-54.
  • Vekemans, X., Godden, B., Penninckx, M.J., 1989. Factor analysis of the relationships between several physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of some Belgian agricultural soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 21: 53-57.
  • Vigil, M.F., Kissel, D.E., Smith, S.J., 1991. Field crop recovery and modelling of nitrogen mineralized from labeled sorghum residues. Soil Science Society America Journal 55: 1031-1037.
  • Waldrop, M.P., Balser, T.C., Firestone, M.K., 2000. Linking microbial community composition to function in a tropical soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32: 1837–1846.
  • Wardle, D.A. Ghani, A., 1995. A critique of the microbial metabolic quotient (qCO2) as a bioindicator of disturbance and ecosystem development. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 27: 1601-1610.
  • Yertayeva, Z., Kızılkaya, R., Kaldybayev, S., Seitkali N., Abdraimova, N., Zhamangarayeva, A., 2019. Changes in biological soil quality indicators under saline soil condition after amelioration with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivation in meadow Solonchak. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 8(3): 189–195.
Year 2022, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 141 - 150, 01.04.2022



  • Alexander, M. 1977. Introduction to soil microbiology. 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons. 468p.
  • Anderson, T.H., Domsch. K.H., 1989. Ratios of microbial biomass carbon to total organic carbon in arable soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 21: 471-479.
  • Anderson, J.P.E., 1982. Soil respiration. In. Methods of soil analysis, Part 2- Chemical and Microbiological Properties, Page, A.L., Keeney, D. R., Baker, D.E., Miller, R.H., Ellis, R. Jr., Rhoades, J.D. (Eds.). ASA-SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 831-871.
  • Anderson, J.P.E., Domsch, K.H., 1978. A physiological method for the quantative measurement of microbial biomass in soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 10: 215 – 221.
  • Aşkın, T., Kızılkaya, R., 2006. Assessing spatial variability of soil enzyme activities in pasture topsoils using geostatistics. European Journal of Soil Biology 42: 230-237. Bais, H.P., Park, S.W., Weir, T.L., Callaway, R.M., Vivanco, J.M., 2004. How plants communicate using the underground information superhighway. Trends in Plant Science 9: 26–32.
  • Bandick, A.K., Dick, R.P., 1999. Field management effects on soil enzyme activities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31: 1471-1479.
  • Benefield, C.B., Howard, P.J.A., Howard, D.M., 1977. The estimation of dehydrogenase activity in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 6: 67-70.
  • Berg, B., Wessen, B., Ekbohm, G., 1982. Nitrogen level and decomposition in Scots Pine Needle litter. Oikos 38(3): 291-296.
  • Bolton, H., Elliott, L.F. Papendick, R.I., Bezdicek, D.F., 1985. Soil microbial biomass and selected soil enzyme activities: effect of fertilization and cropping practices. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 17: 297-302.
  • Bremner, J.M., 1965. Total nitrogen, In: Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. Chemical and microbiological properties. Black, C.A., Evans, D.D., White, J.L., Ensminger, L.E., Clark F.E. (Eds.), Soil Science Society of America. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 1149-1176.
  • Bremner, J.M., Mulvaney, R.L., 1978. Urease activity in soils. In: Soil enzymes, Burns, R.G. (Ed.) Academic Press, New York, USA. pp. 149-196.
  • Chen, C.R., Condron, L.M., Xu, Z.H., Davıs, M.R., Sherlock, R.R., 2006. Root, rhizosphere and root-free respiration in soils under grassland and forest plants. European Journal of Soil Science 57: 58–66.
  • Dick, W.A., Tabatabai, M.A., 1984. Kinetic parameters of phosphatase in soils and organic waste materials. Soil Science 137, 7-15.
  • Gallardo-Lara, F., Nogales, R., 1987. Effect of the application of town refuse compost on the soil-plant system: A review. Biological Wastes 19: 35–62.
  • Garcı́a-Gil, J.C., Plaza, C., Soler-Rovira, P., Polo, A., 2000. Long-term effects of municipal solid waste compost application on soil enzyme activities and microbial biomass. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32: 1907-1913.
  • Grierson, P.F., Adams, M.A., 2000. Plant species affect acid phosphatase, ergosterol and microbial P in a jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm) forest in south-western Australia. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32: 1817–1827.
  • Helal, H.M., Sauerbeck, D., 1989. Carbon turnover in the rhizosphere. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde 152: 211–216.
  • Hoffmann, G.G., Teicher, K. 1961. Ein Kolorimetrisches Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Urease Aktivitat in Böden. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde 95: 55–63.
  • Huang, W., Schoenau, J., 1997. Seasonal and spatial variations in soil nitrogen and phosphorus supply rates in a boreal aspen forest. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 77: 597-612.
  • Jenkinson, D.S., Ladd, J.N., 1981. Microbial biomass in soil: measurement and turnover. In: Soil Biochemistry, Paul, E.A., Ladd, J.N. (Eds), Vol. 5, Marcell Dekker, New York, USA. pp. 415 – 471.
  • Jenkinson, D.S., Hart, P.B.S., Rayner, J.H., Parry, L.C., 1987. Modeling the turnover of organic matter in long-term experiments at Rothamsted. INTECOL Bulletin 15:1-8.
  • Kenenbayev, S.B., Kucherov, V.S., 1994. Regulation of the humus balance in dark chestnut soils of the Ural Steppes. Eurasian Soil Science 26(7): 38–44
  • Kızılkaya, R., Hepşen, Ş., 2004. Effect of biosolid amendment on enzyme activities in earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) casts. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 167: 202-208.
  • Kızılkaya, R., 2004. Cu and Zn accumulation in earthworm Lumbricus terrestris L. in sewage sludge amended soil and fractions of Cu and Zn in casts and surrounding soil. Ecological Engineering 22: 141-151.
  • Kızılkaya, R., Aşkın, T., Bayraklı, B., Sağlam, M., 2004. Microbiological characteristics of soils contaminated with heavy metals. European Journal of Soil Biology 40: 95-102.
  • Kızılkaya, R., Bayraklı, B., 2005. Effects of N-enriched sewage sludge on soil enzyme activities. Applied Soil Ecology 30: 192-202.
  • Kourtev, P.S., Ehrenfeld, J.G., Haggblom, M. 2003. Experimental analysis of the effect of exotic and native plant species on the structure and function of soil microbial communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 35: 895–905.
  • Ladd, J.N., Foster, R.C., Nannipieri, P., Oades, M.J., 1996. Soil structure and biological activity. In: Soil Biochemistry, Bollag, J.M., Stotzky, G. (Eds) Marcel Dekker New York, USA. pp. 23-77.
  • Madejόn, E., Burgos, P., Lόpez, R., Cabrera, F., 2001. Soil enzymatic response to addition of heavy metals with organic residues. Biology and Fertility of Soils 34: 144-150.
  • Mann, K.H., 1976. Decomposition of marine macrophytes. In: The Role of Terrestrial and Aquatic Organisms in Decomposition Processes. Anderson, J.M., Macfadyen, A. (Eds.). The 17th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, 15-18 April 1975, Oxford, Blackwell Scientific, UK. pp. 247-268.
  • Marinucci, A.C., Hobbie, J.E., Helfrich, J.V.K., 1983. Effect of litter nitrogen on decomposition and microbial biomass in Spartina alterniflora. Microbial Ecology 9: 27-40.
  • Martens, C.S., Haddad, R.I., Chanton, J.P., 1992. Organic matter accumulation, remineralization, and burial in an anoxic coastal sediment. In: Organic Matter: Productivity, Accumulation, and Preservation in Recent and Ancient Sediments. Whelan J. K., Farrington. J. W. (Eds). Columbia University Press, New York, USA. pp. 82-98.
  • Mathur, S.P., Owen, G., Dinel, H., Schnitzer, M., 1993. Determination of compost biomaturity I. Literature review. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 10: 65–85.
  • McGill, W.B., Cannon, K.R., Robertson, J.A., Cook, F.D., 1986. Dynamics of soil microbial biomass and water-soluble C in Breton L after 50 years of cropping to two rotations. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 66: 1-19.
  • Meli, S., Porto, M., Belligno, A., Bufo, S.A., Mazzatura, A., Scapa, A., 2002. Influence of irrigation with lagooned urban wastewater on chemical and microbiological soil parameters in a citrus orchard under Mediterranean condition. The Science of Total Environment 285: 69-77.
  • Nannipieri, P., Grego S., Ceccanti, B., 1990. Ecological significance of the biological activity in soil. In: Soil biochemistry Bollag, J.W., Stotzky, G. (Eds.) Volume 6, Marcel Dekker, New York, USA. pp. 293 – 355.
  • Pascual, J.A., Garcia, C., Hernandez, T., Ayuso, M., 1997. Changes in the microbial activity of an arid soil amended with urban organic wastes. Biology and Fertility of Soils 24: 429-434.
  • Pepper, I.L., Gerba, C.P., Brendecke, J.W., 1995. Environmental microbiology: a laboratory manual. Academic Press. New York, USA. 197p.
  • Perucci, P., 1992. Enzyme activity and microbial biomass in a field soil amended with municipal refuse. Biology and Fertility of Soils 14: 54-60.
  • Rogers, J.E., Li, S.W., 1985. Effect of metals and other inorganic ions on soil microbial activity: Soil dehydrogenase assay as a simple toxicity test. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 34: 858 – 865.
  • Rossel, D., Tarradellas, J., 1991. Dehydrogenase activity of soil microflora: Significance in ecotoxicological tests. Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality 6: 17-33.
  • Rowell, D.L., 1996. Soil Science: methods and applications. Longman, UK. 350p.
  • Ryan, J., Estefan, G., Rashid, A., 2001. Soil and plant analysis laboratory manual. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). Syria.
  • Santruskova, H., Straskaba, M., 1991. On the relationship between specific respiration activity and microbial biomass in soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 23: 525-532.
  • Smith, J.L. Paul, E.A. 1990. Significance of soil microbial biomass estimation, In: Soil biochemistry Bollag, J.W., Stotzky, G. (Eds.) Volume 6, Marcel Dekker, New York, USA. pp. 357-396.
  • Speir, T.W., Ross, D.J., 1978. Soil phosphatase and sulphatase. In: Soil Enzymes, Burns, R.G. (Ed.), Academic Press, London, UK. pp. 197-250.
  • Tabatabai, M.A., 1994. Soil enzymes. In: Methods of soil analysis, Part 2-Microbiological and biochemical properties, Mickelson, S.H., Bighan, J.M. (Eds.) ASA-SSSA. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 775-826.
  • Tabatabai, M.A., Bremner, J.M., 1970. Arylsulphatase activity of soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 34: 225-229.
  • Tarafdar, J.C., Jungk, A.,. 1987. Phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere and its relation to the depletion of soil organic phosphorus. Biology and Fertility of Soils 3: 199-204.
  • Toal, M.E., Yeomans, C., Killham, K., Meharg, A.A., 2000. A review of rhizosphere carbon flow modelling. Plant and Soil 222: 263–281
  • Valiela, I., Teal, J.M., Allen, S.D., Vanetten, R., Goehringer, D., Volkmann, S., 1985. Decomposition in salt marsh ecosystems - The phases and major factors affecting disappearance of above-ground organic matter. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 89: 29-54.
  • Vekemans, X., Godden, B., Penninckx, M.J., 1989. Factor analysis of the relationships between several physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of some Belgian agricultural soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 21: 53-57.
  • Vigil, M.F., Kissel, D.E., Smith, S.J., 1991. Field crop recovery and modelling of nitrogen mineralized from labeled sorghum residues. Soil Science Society America Journal 55: 1031-1037.
  • Waldrop, M.P., Balser, T.C., Firestone, M.K., 2000. Linking microbial community composition to function in a tropical soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32: 1837–1846.
  • Wardle, D.A. Ghani, A., 1995. A critique of the microbial metabolic quotient (qCO2) as a bioindicator of disturbance and ecosystem development. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 27: 1601-1610.
  • Yertayeva, Z., Kızılkaya, R., Kaldybayev, S., Seitkali N., Abdraimova, N., Zhamangarayeva, A., 2019. Changes in biological soil quality indicators under saline soil condition after amelioration with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivation in meadow Solonchak. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 8(3): 189–195.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Gulsun Bayadilova This is me 0000-0003-2858-4047

Asset Zhylkibayev This is me 0000-0002-6529-7875

Jansulu Yessenbayeva This is me 0000-0001-8619-3250

Gulmira Yelibayeva This is me 0000-0001-9705-2998

Dauren Kazkeyev This is me 0000-0003-3597-7594

Venera M. Karasseva This is me 0000-0003-3771-5141

Publication Date April 1, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Bayadilova, G., Zhylkibayev, A., Yessenbayeva, J., Yelibayeva, G., et al. (2022). Effect of different organic wastes on biological properties of maize (Zea Mays Indendata) rhizosphere. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 11(2), 141-150.