Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 338 - 347, 30.09.2024



  • Abit, G., 2016. Growth and yield of lowland rice (Oryza Sativa L.) as influenced by different nutrient management and tillage practices under a zero synthetic pesticide production system. MS Thesis. Visayas State University, Department of Agronomy, Leyte, Philippines. 14-15 pp.
  • BSWM, 2014. Updated manual for soil, water, plant tissue and fertilizer analysis. Department of Agriculture. Laboratory Service Division. Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM)
  • Cagasan, U.A., Tamayo, N.V., 2016. Growth and yield performance of ırrigated lowland Rice NSIC Rc218 (L.) as ınfluenced by oryza sativa water and fertilizer applications. Annals of Tropical Research 38(2): 83-95.
  • Cassman, K.G., Pingali, P.L., 1995. Intensification of irrigated rice systems: learning from the past to meet future challenges. GeoJournal 35: 299-305.
  • Chandini, Kumar, R., Kumar, R., Prakash, O., 2019. The impact of chemical fertilizers on our environment and ecosystem. In: Research Trends in Environmental Sciences. pp. 71-85.
  • Crowder, D.W., Reganold, J.P., 2015. Financial competitiveness of organic agriculture on a global scale. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 112(24): 7611-7616.
  • Dash, D., Patro, H., Tiwari, R.C., Shahid, M., 2011. Effect of organic and inorganic sources of N on growth attributes, grain and straw yield of rice (Oryza sativa). International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences 2(4): 655-660.
  • Dela Peňa, W.R., 2017. Organic production systems’ effects on the performance, pest, natural enemies and sensory qualities of lowland rice (Oryza sativa L. var PSB Rc18) MS Thesis. Visayas State University, Department of Agronomy, Leyte, Philippines. pp. 43-54.
  • Dobbs, T.L., Smolik, J.D., 1997. Productivity and profitability of conventional and alternative farming systems: A long-term on-farm paired comparison. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 9(1): 63-79.
  • Dobermann, A., Fairhurst, T., 2000. Rice: Nutrient Disorders and Nutrient Management. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines. 162p.
  • EFIC, 2013. Organic food and farming: Scientific facts and consumer perceptions. European Food Information Council. Available at Access date: 08.12.2023:
  • Fairhurst, T., Dobermann, A., 2002. Rice in the global food supply. Available at Access date: 08.12.2023:$FILE/Better%20Crops%20International%202002-3%20p03.pdf
  • Gaurana, M.L., Ratilla, B.C., 2020. Agronomic response, nutrient uptake, and profitability of PSB Rc18 lowland rice under organic production systems. Philippine Journal of Crop Science 45(1): 46-55.
  • Hasegawa, H., 2003. High‐yielding rice cultivars perform best even at reduced nitrogen fertilizer rate. Crop Science 43(3): 921-926.
  • Heckelman, A., Smukler, S., Wittman, H., 2018. Cultivating climate resilience: a participatory assessment of organic and conventional rice systems in the Philippines. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 33(3): 225-237.
  • ISRIC, 1995. Procedures for soil analysis. Van Reuwijk, L.P. (Ed.). International soil reference and information center Wageningen, the Netherlands. 106p.
  • Itang, M.F., 2014. Morphological and agronomic responses of submergence and drought-tolerant lowland rice varieties to different plant spacing and water management. MS Thesis. Visayas State University, Department of Agronomy, Leyte, Philippines. 36-38 pp.
  • Landon, J.R., 1991. Booker tropical soil manual: A Handbook for Soil Survey and Agricultural Land Evaluation in the Tropics and Subtropics. Longman Scientific and Technical, Essex, New York. 474p.
  • Mamiit, R.J., Yanagida, J., Miura, T., 2021. Productivity hot spots and cold spots: setting geographic priorities for achieving food production targets. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5: 727484.
  • Mannan, M.A., Bhuiya, M.S.U., Hossain, H.M.A., Akhand, M.I.M., 2010. Optimization of nitrogen rate for aromatic Basmati rice (Oriza sativa L.). Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research 35(1): 157-165.
  • Mehta, M.K., Reddy, S.N., Sankar, A.S., Raju, C.S., 2013. A study on physiological attributes and yield in aromatic rice during Kharif season. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9(2): 504-509.
  • Mendoza, T.C., 2004. Evaluating the benefits of organic farming in rice agroecosystems in the Philippines. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 24(2): 93-115.
  • Nelson, D.W., Sommers, L.E., 1996. Total carbon organic carbon and organic matter. In: Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 3 Chemical Methods, 5.3. Sparks, D.L. Page, A.L., Helmke, P.A., Loeppert, R.H., Soltanpour, P.N., Tabatabai, M.A., Johnston, C.T., Sumner, M.E. (Eds.). SSSA Book Series No. 5. ASA-SSSA Madison WI, USA, pp. 961–1010.
  • Olsen, S.R., Cole, C.V., Watanabe, F.S., Dean, L.A., 1954. Estimation of available phosphorus in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Circular No 939, USA, 19p.
  • Patra, S., Mishra, P., Mahapatra, S.C., Mithun, S.K., 2016. Modelling impacts of chemical fertilizer on agricultural production: a case study on Hooghly district, West Bengal, India. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 2: 1-11.
  • PCARR, 1980. A standard method of analysis for soil, plant tissue water, and fertilizer. Los Baňos (Laguna): Farm, Resource, and Systems Research Division, Philippine Council for Agriculture and Research, 194 p.
  • Peng, S., Cassman, K.G., Virmani, S.S., Sheehy, J., Khush, G.S., 1999. Yield potential trends of tropical rice since the release of IR8 and the challenge of increasing rice yield potential. Crop Science 39(6): 1552-1559.
  • PhilRice, 2002. State of the Rice Sector in the Eastern Visayas. Philippine Rice Institute. Available at Access date: 08.12.2023:
  • Pramanik, K., Bera, A.K., 2013. Effect of seedling age and nitrogen fertilizer on growth, chlorophyll content, yield and economics of hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.). International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production 4(5): 3489-3499.
  • Quang Duy, P., Hirano, M., Sagawa, S., Kuroda, E., 2004. Analysis of the dry matter production process related to yield and yield components of rice plants grown under the practice of nitrogen-free basal dressing accompanied with sparse planting density. Plant Production Science 7(2): 155-164.
  • Ramesh, P., Panwar, N.R., Singh, A. B., Ramana, S., Yadav, S.K., Shrivastava, R., Rao, A.S., 2010. Status of organic farming in India. Current Science 98(9): 1190-1194.
  • Reganold, J.P., Wachter, J.M., 2016. Organic agriculture in the twenty-first century. Nature Plants 2(2): 1-8.
  • Röös, E., Mie, A., Wivstad, M., Salomon, E., Johansson, B., Gunnarsson, S., Watson, C.A., 2018. Risks and opportunities of increasing yields in organic farming. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 38: 1-21.
  • Savci, S., 2012. Investigation of effect of chemical fertilizers on environment. APCBEE Procedia 1: 287-292.
  • Shimono, H., Hasegawa, T., Iwama, K., 2002. Response of growth and grain yield in paddy rice to cool water at different growth stages. Field Crops Research 73(2-3): 67-79.
  • Sirieix, L., Kledal, P.R., Sulitang, T., 2011. Organic food consumers' trade‐offs between local or imported, conventional or organic products: a qualitative study in Shanghai. International Journal of Consumer Studies 35(6): 670-678.
  • Surekha, K., Rao, K.V., Shobha Rani, N., Latha, P.C., Kumar, R.M., 2012. Evaluation of organic and conventional rice production systems for their productivity, profitability, grain quality and soil health. International Conferences on “Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences”. Agrotechnol 2012, 1:2. 14-15 September 2012. India.
  • Surekha, K., Satishkumar, Y.S., 2014. Productivity, nutrient balance, soil quality, and sustainability of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under organic and conventional production systems. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 45(4): 415-428.
  • Syers, J.K., 1997. Managing soils for long-term productivity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences 352(1356): 1011-1021.
  • Vaesen, K., Gilliams, S., Nackaerts, K., Coppin, P., 2001. Ground-measured spectral signatures as indicators of ground cover and leaf area index: the case of paddy rice. Field Crops Research 69(1): 13-25.
  • Wani, S.A., Chand, S., Najar, G.R., Teli, M.A., 2013. Organic farming: As a climate change adaptation and mitigation strategy. Current Agriculture Research Journal 1(1): 45-50.
  • Xu, X., He, P., Zhao, S., Qiu, S., Johnston, A.M., Zhou, W., 2016. Quantification of yield gap and nutrient use efficiency of irrigated rice in China. Field Crops Research 186: 58-65. Yoshida, S., 1981. Fundamentals of Rice Crop Science, International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños.
  • Yu, W., Wang, Y., Li, D., Xu, S., Abdul-Gafar, A., 2016. Could rice yield change be caused by weather?. Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment 5(1): 31-37.

Comparative analysis of lowland rice (Oryza sativa L. var. PSB Rc18) performance across different farming systems

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 338 - 347, 30.09.2024


Organic farming is gaining recognition as a viable alternative to conventional methods, promising soil health preservation and sustained crop productivity with economic benefits. This study evaluated the physiological, growth, and yield responses of the PSB Rc18 rice variety and appraised its economic feasibility under different production systems. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications and three treatments: T1-best bet organic production system, T2-farmers’ organic production system in Leyte, and T3-farmers’ conventional production system in Leyte. The crop growth rate (CGR) of PSB Rc18 remained consistent across the different systems. However, the Net Assimilation Rate (NAR) peaked significantly between 42-56 days after transplanting (DAT) in the T2. Additionally, the Leaf Area Index (LAI) in T1 was comparable to that of T3. Rice grown under T1 reached heading and maturation earlier than T3. Although T3 produced the highest fresh straw, most productive tillers, and heaviest total biomass, the grain yield was similar across all production systems. Economically, T2 outperformed with a superior benefit-cost ratio of $0.55 and $0.94 per USD invested, considering both regular and premium prices for organic palay. These findings highlight organic farming practices' economic and agronomic viability, suggesting that promoting organic farming can be a beneficial alternative to conventional methods in Leyte. This study underscores the potential for integrating organic practices to enhance sustainability and economic outcomes in rice production, making both T1 and T2 significant options for farmers in Eastern Visayas.


  • Abit, G., 2016. Growth and yield of lowland rice (Oryza Sativa L.) as influenced by different nutrient management and tillage practices under a zero synthetic pesticide production system. MS Thesis. Visayas State University, Department of Agronomy, Leyte, Philippines. 14-15 pp.
  • BSWM, 2014. Updated manual for soil, water, plant tissue and fertilizer analysis. Department of Agriculture. Laboratory Service Division. Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM)
  • Cagasan, U.A., Tamayo, N.V., 2016. Growth and yield performance of ırrigated lowland Rice NSIC Rc218 (L.) as ınfluenced by oryza sativa water and fertilizer applications. Annals of Tropical Research 38(2): 83-95.
  • Cassman, K.G., Pingali, P.L., 1995. Intensification of irrigated rice systems: learning from the past to meet future challenges. GeoJournal 35: 299-305.
  • Chandini, Kumar, R., Kumar, R., Prakash, O., 2019. The impact of chemical fertilizers on our environment and ecosystem. In: Research Trends in Environmental Sciences. pp. 71-85.
  • Crowder, D.W., Reganold, J.P., 2015. Financial competitiveness of organic agriculture on a global scale. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 112(24): 7611-7616.
  • Dash, D., Patro, H., Tiwari, R.C., Shahid, M., 2011. Effect of organic and inorganic sources of N on growth attributes, grain and straw yield of rice (Oryza sativa). International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences 2(4): 655-660.
  • Dela Peňa, W.R., 2017. Organic production systems’ effects on the performance, pest, natural enemies and sensory qualities of lowland rice (Oryza sativa L. var PSB Rc18) MS Thesis. Visayas State University, Department of Agronomy, Leyte, Philippines. pp. 43-54.
  • Dobbs, T.L., Smolik, J.D., 1997. Productivity and profitability of conventional and alternative farming systems: A long-term on-farm paired comparison. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 9(1): 63-79.
  • Dobermann, A., Fairhurst, T., 2000. Rice: Nutrient Disorders and Nutrient Management. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines. 162p.
  • EFIC, 2013. Organic food and farming: Scientific facts and consumer perceptions. European Food Information Council. Available at Access date: 08.12.2023:
  • Fairhurst, T., Dobermann, A., 2002. Rice in the global food supply. Available at Access date: 08.12.2023:$FILE/Better%20Crops%20International%202002-3%20p03.pdf
  • Gaurana, M.L., Ratilla, B.C., 2020. Agronomic response, nutrient uptake, and profitability of PSB Rc18 lowland rice under organic production systems. Philippine Journal of Crop Science 45(1): 46-55.
  • Hasegawa, H., 2003. High‐yielding rice cultivars perform best even at reduced nitrogen fertilizer rate. Crop Science 43(3): 921-926.
  • Heckelman, A., Smukler, S., Wittman, H., 2018. Cultivating climate resilience: a participatory assessment of organic and conventional rice systems in the Philippines. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 33(3): 225-237.
  • ISRIC, 1995. Procedures for soil analysis. Van Reuwijk, L.P. (Ed.). International soil reference and information center Wageningen, the Netherlands. 106p.
  • Itang, M.F., 2014. Morphological and agronomic responses of submergence and drought-tolerant lowland rice varieties to different plant spacing and water management. MS Thesis. Visayas State University, Department of Agronomy, Leyte, Philippines. 36-38 pp.
  • Landon, J.R., 1991. Booker tropical soil manual: A Handbook for Soil Survey and Agricultural Land Evaluation in the Tropics and Subtropics. Longman Scientific and Technical, Essex, New York. 474p.
  • Mamiit, R.J., Yanagida, J., Miura, T., 2021. Productivity hot spots and cold spots: setting geographic priorities for achieving food production targets. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5: 727484.
  • Mannan, M.A., Bhuiya, M.S.U., Hossain, H.M.A., Akhand, M.I.M., 2010. Optimization of nitrogen rate for aromatic Basmati rice (Oriza sativa L.). Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research 35(1): 157-165.
  • Mehta, M.K., Reddy, S.N., Sankar, A.S., Raju, C.S., 2013. A study on physiological attributes and yield in aromatic rice during Kharif season. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9(2): 504-509.
  • Mendoza, T.C., 2004. Evaluating the benefits of organic farming in rice agroecosystems in the Philippines. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 24(2): 93-115.
  • Nelson, D.W., Sommers, L.E., 1996. Total carbon organic carbon and organic matter. In: Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 3 Chemical Methods, 5.3. Sparks, D.L. Page, A.L., Helmke, P.A., Loeppert, R.H., Soltanpour, P.N., Tabatabai, M.A., Johnston, C.T., Sumner, M.E. (Eds.). SSSA Book Series No. 5. ASA-SSSA Madison WI, USA, pp. 961–1010.
  • Olsen, S.R., Cole, C.V., Watanabe, F.S., Dean, L.A., 1954. Estimation of available phosphorus in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Circular No 939, USA, 19p.
  • Patra, S., Mishra, P., Mahapatra, S.C., Mithun, S.K., 2016. Modelling impacts of chemical fertilizer on agricultural production: a case study on Hooghly district, West Bengal, India. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 2: 1-11.
  • PCARR, 1980. A standard method of analysis for soil, plant tissue water, and fertilizer. Los Baňos (Laguna): Farm, Resource, and Systems Research Division, Philippine Council for Agriculture and Research, 194 p.
  • Peng, S., Cassman, K.G., Virmani, S.S., Sheehy, J., Khush, G.S., 1999. Yield potential trends of tropical rice since the release of IR8 and the challenge of increasing rice yield potential. Crop Science 39(6): 1552-1559.
  • PhilRice, 2002. State of the Rice Sector in the Eastern Visayas. Philippine Rice Institute. Available at Access date: 08.12.2023:
  • Pramanik, K., Bera, A.K., 2013. Effect of seedling age and nitrogen fertilizer on growth, chlorophyll content, yield and economics of hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.). International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production 4(5): 3489-3499.
  • Quang Duy, P., Hirano, M., Sagawa, S., Kuroda, E., 2004. Analysis of the dry matter production process related to yield and yield components of rice plants grown under the practice of nitrogen-free basal dressing accompanied with sparse planting density. Plant Production Science 7(2): 155-164.
  • Ramesh, P., Panwar, N.R., Singh, A. B., Ramana, S., Yadav, S.K., Shrivastava, R., Rao, A.S., 2010. Status of organic farming in India. Current Science 98(9): 1190-1194.
  • Reganold, J.P., Wachter, J.M., 2016. Organic agriculture in the twenty-first century. Nature Plants 2(2): 1-8.
  • Röös, E., Mie, A., Wivstad, M., Salomon, E., Johansson, B., Gunnarsson, S., Watson, C.A., 2018. Risks and opportunities of increasing yields in organic farming. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 38: 1-21.
  • Savci, S., 2012. Investigation of effect of chemical fertilizers on environment. APCBEE Procedia 1: 287-292.
  • Shimono, H., Hasegawa, T., Iwama, K., 2002. Response of growth and grain yield in paddy rice to cool water at different growth stages. Field Crops Research 73(2-3): 67-79.
  • Sirieix, L., Kledal, P.R., Sulitang, T., 2011. Organic food consumers' trade‐offs between local or imported, conventional or organic products: a qualitative study in Shanghai. International Journal of Consumer Studies 35(6): 670-678.
  • Surekha, K., Rao, K.V., Shobha Rani, N., Latha, P.C., Kumar, R.M., 2012. Evaluation of organic and conventional rice production systems for their productivity, profitability, grain quality and soil health. International Conferences on “Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences”. Agrotechnol 2012, 1:2. 14-15 September 2012. India.
  • Surekha, K., Satishkumar, Y.S., 2014. Productivity, nutrient balance, soil quality, and sustainability of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under organic and conventional production systems. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 45(4): 415-428.
  • Syers, J.K., 1997. Managing soils for long-term productivity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences 352(1356): 1011-1021.
  • Vaesen, K., Gilliams, S., Nackaerts, K., Coppin, P., 2001. Ground-measured spectral signatures as indicators of ground cover and leaf area index: the case of paddy rice. Field Crops Research 69(1): 13-25.
  • Wani, S.A., Chand, S., Najar, G.R., Teli, M.A., 2013. Organic farming: As a climate change adaptation and mitigation strategy. Current Agriculture Research Journal 1(1): 45-50.
  • Xu, X., He, P., Zhao, S., Qiu, S., Johnston, A.M., Zhou, W., 2016. Quantification of yield gap and nutrient use efficiency of irrigated rice in China. Field Crops Research 186: 58-65. Yoshida, S., 1981. Fundamentals of Rice Crop Science, International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños.
  • Yu, W., Wang, Y., Li, D., Xu, S., Abdul-Gafar, A., 2016. Could rice yield change be caused by weather?. Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment 5(1): 31-37.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Soil Sciences and Plant Nutrition (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Kathlyn L. Quion This is me 0000-0001-6789-1766

Berta Ratilla 0000-0002-2387-6705

Publication Date September 30, 2024
Submission Date December 8, 2023
Acceptance Date July 21, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 13 Issue: 4


APA Quion, K. L., & Ratilla, B. (2024). Comparative analysis of lowland rice (Oryza sativa L. var. PSB Rc18) performance across different farming systems. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 13(4), 338-347.