Research Article
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Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 69 - 75, 30.07.2016



  • AOAC (1990). Ash of Animal Feed. (942.05) Official methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemis ts, 15th Edition. Addis M, Cabiddu A, Pinna G, Decandia M, Piredda G, Pirisi A, Molle G (2005). Milk and cheese fatty acid composition of sheep fed different Mediterranean forages with particular reference to conjugated linoleic acid cisE9, transE11. J. Dairy Sci.88, 3443-3454. Albrecht KA, WF Wedin and DR Buxton (1987). Cellwall composition and diges tibility of alfalfa s tems and leaves. Crop Sci., 27: 735-741. Ammar H, López S, González JS, Ranilla MJ (2004). Seasonal variations in the chemical composition and in vitro diges tibility of some Spanish leguminous shrub species. Anim. Feed Sci.Technol. 115: 327-340. AOAC (1999). Official methods of analysis, 16th ed. (930.15). Association of Official Analytical Chemis ts. Washington, D.C. Avondo M, Pagano RI, Criscione A (2003). Pas ture percentage in the diet and milk fat composition in dairy ewes. In: Van der Honing, T. (Ed.), Proceedings of the EAAP 54th Annual Meeting, vol. I. Rome, p 346 (Abs tr.). Bauman D E, Perfield II JW, de Veth MJ and Lock AL (2003). New perspectives on lipid diges tion and metabolism in ruminants. Proc. Cornell Nutr. Conf. pp. 175-189. Bell A (2003). Pas ture assessment and lives tock production. NSW Department of Primary Indus tries. Agnote series DPI-428 (1s t edition). S tate of New South Wales. Boyazoglu J and Morand Fehr P (2001). Mediterranean dairy sheep and goat products and their quality. A critical review. Small Ruminant Research, 40: 1-11. Bruinenberg MH, Valk H, Korevaar H and Struik PC (2002). Factors affecting diges tibility of temperate forages from seminatural grasslands: a review Grass and Forage Science, vol. 57: 292-301. Bruinenberg MH (2003). Forages from intensively managed and semi-natural grasslands in the diet of dairy cows. PhD Thesis Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 173 pp. Buchin S, Martin B, Dupont D, Bornard A, Achilleos CS (1999). Influence of the composition of Alpine highland pas ture on the chemical, rheological and sensory properties of cheese. Journal of Dairy Research, 66, 579-588 Buxton DR (1996). Quality-related characteris tics of forages as influenced by plant environment and agronomic factors. Animal Feed Science and Technology 59: 37-49. Cabiddu A, Decandia M, Addis M, Piredda G, Pirisi A, Molle G (2005). Managing mediterranean pas tures in order to enhance the level of beneficial fatty acids in sheep milk. Small Rumin. Res. 59, 169-180. Chatzitheodoridis F, Michailidis A and Theodossiou G. (2007). Comparative Analysis of sheep - Goat Farming in a Typical Greek Island: Economy and Environment, Applied Economics and Policy Analysis, 1(1-2): 191-200. Coleman SW and Henry DA (2002). Nutritive Value of Herbage. In: Freer M. and H. Dove (eds) Sheep Nutrition. CAB International. pp. 1-26. Cook CW (1972). Comparative nutritive values of forbs, grasses and shrubs. In: McKell, Blaisedl and Goodin (Eds), Wildland shrubs, their biology and utilization. Pp. 303-310. Fores t Service USDA, Ogden, Utah. Cook WC and Stubbendieck J (1986). Range Research: Basic Problems and Techniques. Soc. Range Manage. Denver, Colorado. 317 p. Coulon JB, Delacroix Buchet A, Martin B, Pirisi A (2004). Relationships between ruminant management and sensory characteris tics of cheeses: a review. Lait, 84, 221-241. Deinum B and Maassen A (1994). Effects of drying temperature on chemical composition and in vitro diges tibility of forages. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 46:75-86. Dimopoulos P, Raus T, Bergmeier E, Cons tantinidis T, Iatrou G, Kokkini S, Strid A and Tzanoudakis D (2013). Vascular Plants of Greece. An annotated checklis t. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem & Hellenic Botanical Society, Berlin & Athens, 372 pp. Duru M, Ducrocq H (1997). A nitrogen and phosphorus herbage nutrient index as a tool assessing the effect of N and P supply on the dry matter yield of permanent pas tures. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys tem 47:59-69. Frank AB and RE Ries (1990). Effect of soil water, nitrogen, and growing degree-days on morphological development of cres ted and wes tern wheatgrass. Journal of Range Management, 43: 257-260. Ganskopp D and Bohnert D (2001). Nutritional dynamics of northern Great Basin grasses. J. Range Manage. 54: 640-647. Hadjigeorgiou I, Osoro K, Fragoso de Almeida JP and Molle G (2005). Southern European grazing lands: Production, environmental and landscape management aspects. Lives tock Production Science, 96: 51-59. Hejcman M, Szaková J, Schellberg J, Tlus toš P (2010). The Rengen Grassland Experiment: relationship © Plant Breeders Union of Turkey (BİSAB) 2(2):69-75, 2016 75 between soil and biomass chemical properties, amount of elements applied, and their uptake. Plant Soil (2010) 333:163-17. Holechek JL, Pieper RD and Herbel CH (1995). Range management: Principles and Practices. 2nd Edition. Krysl LJ, Hubbert ME, Sowell FB, Plumb GE, Jewett JK, Smith MA and Waggoner JW (1984). Horse and cattle grazing in the Wyoming Red Desert II, Dietary quality. J. Range Manage. 37: 72-77. Lemaire G, Hodgson J, de Moraes A, Nabinger C and de F Carvalho PC (2000). Grassland Ecophysiology and Grazing Ecology. CAB International Liamadis LG (2000). Physiology of the nutritional deficiencies of an animal body, Volume 1, University Studio Press Publications, Thessaloniki. Meyer MW and Brown RD (1985). Seasonal Trends in the Chemical Composition of Ten Range Plants in South Texas. J. Range Manage. 38: 154-157. Minson DJ (1990). Forage in ruminant nutrition. Academic Press, New York. 483 p. Mlay PS, Pereka A, Phiri EC, Balthazary S, Igus ti J, Hvelplund T, Weisbjerg MR and J Madsen (2006). Feed value of selected tropical grasses, legumes and concentrates. Vet. Arhiv 76(1): 53-63. Mountousis I, Papanikolaou K, Stanogias G, Chatzitheodoridis F, Roukos C (2008). Seasonal variation of chemical composition and dry matter diges tibility of rangelands in NW Greece. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 9(3): 547-556. National Meteorological Station (NMS) (2014). http:// tations/theodoriana/ Noziere P, Graulet B, Lucas A, Martin B, Grolier P, Doreau M (2006). Carotenoids for ruminants: From forages to dairy products. Animal Feed Sci. and Technol., 131, 418-450. Nudda A, Mele M, Battacone G, Usai MG, Macciotta NPP (2003). Comparison of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content in milk of ewes and goats with the same dietary regimen. Ital. J. Anim. Sci. 2 (Suppl. 1), 515-517. Papanas tasis VP, Platis PD and Dini Papanas tasi O (1997). Productivity of deciduous woody and fodder species in relation to air temperature and precipitation in a Mediterranean environment. Agrofores try Sys tems, 37: 187-198. Papanas tasis B and Karagiannakidou Papadimitriou K (1993). The mos t important grasses of natural grasslands. Athens (in Greek). Pérez Corona ME, Vázquez de Aldana BR, García Criado B and García Ciudad A (1998). Variations in nutritional quality and biomass production of semiarid grasslands. J. Range Manage. 51:570-576. Roukos Ch, Koutsoukis Ch and Kandrelis S (2014). The s tructure of ecosys tem and the forage production in the Kos tilata subalpine grassland of Theodoriana. Proceedings of the 8th Panhellenic Rangeland Congress, Thessaloniki, 1-3 October 2014, p. 153-158. (in Greek). Roukos Ch, Papanikolaou K and Mountousis I (2006). Monthly and height changes in the production and chemical composition of rangeland production in a meadow of Preveza. Review of animal science, 35: 15-30. Ruiz FA, Mena Y, Cas tel JM, Guinamard C, Bossis N, Caramelle Holtz E, Contu M, Sitzia M and Fois N. (2009). Dairy goat grazing sys tems in Mediterranean regions: A comparative analysis in Spain, France and Italy. Small Ruminant Research, 85, 42-49. Ruyle G (1993). Nutritional value of range forage for lives tock. In: Gum, R., Ruyle, G. and R. Rice (Eds). Arizona Ranchers' Management Guide. Arizona Cooperative Extension. The University of Arizona. 4 p. Sarlis C (1998). Improvement and management of natural pas tures. Stamoulis Publications Athens. 341 p. (in Greek). SCA (1990). Feeding Standards for Aus tralian Lives tock. Ruminants. Standing Committee on Agriculture and CSIRO, Melbourne, 266 pp. Strid A and Tan Kit (eds) (1991). Mountain Flora of Greece. Vol. 2. Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh. Strid A (ed.) (1986). Mountain Flora of Greece. Vol. 1. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. Tallowin JRB and Jefferson RG (1999). Hay production from lowland semi-natural grasslands: a review of implications for ruminant lives tock sys tems. Grass and Forage Science, 54:99-115. Tzialla Ch, Kasioumi M and Goulas Ch (2000). Production and forage quality in grasslands in two different climatic environments of Ioannina. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Rangeland Congress, Ioannina, 4-6 October 2000, p. 109- 116 (in Greek). Viallon C, Martin B, Verdier Metz I, Pradel P, Garel JP, Coulon JB, Berdague JL (2000). Transfer of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes from forages into milk fat. Lait, 80, 635-641. Zervas G (1998). Quantifying and optimizing grazing regimes in Greek mountain sys tems. Journal of Applied Ecology, 35: 983-986.

The Variation of Crude Protein and Total Fat of the Main Grassland Plants, in Various Stages of Growth, in “Kostilata” Subalpine Grassland in Theodoriana, Arta, Greece

Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 69 - 75, 30.07.2016


The chemical composition of different plant parts varies, both within the plant itself, as well as among different plants, which is due to their s tructure, s tage of growth and phenological characteris tics. In this s tudy, the results of a research conducted in 2013, in a subalpine ecosys tem in Epirus (Greece) are presented. The objectives of this research were the determination of crude protein and total fat (ether extract) of the ecosys tem’s main grassland plants, per group (grasses, legumes, other forbs), at different s tages of growth. These plant species were: a) grasses (Alopecurus gerardil Vill, Stipa pennata L., Phleum alpinum L.), b) legumes (Trifolium repens L, Lathyrus aphaca L, Lotus corniculatus L.) and c) other forbs (Ranunculus repens L., Achillea millefolium L. and Geranium lucidum L.). The results showed that: a) the larges t amount in crude protein was found in Trifolium repens L. with a percentage of 17.05%, with a s tatis tically significant difference only with grasses, b) in all plant species, the larges t amounts of crude protein and total fat was observed during the initial s tage of plant growth, showing a gradual decrease until the final s tage of growth, c) s tatis tically significant differences appeared in the amount of crude protein and total fat, between the same plant species, at different sampling dates, and between different plant species in the same sampling dates and d) the amount of total fat in all plant species was on average 3%.


  • AOAC (1990). Ash of Animal Feed. (942.05) Official methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemis ts, 15th Edition. Addis M, Cabiddu A, Pinna G, Decandia M, Piredda G, Pirisi A, Molle G (2005). Milk and cheese fatty acid composition of sheep fed different Mediterranean forages with particular reference to conjugated linoleic acid cisE9, transE11. J. Dairy Sci.88, 3443-3454. Albrecht KA, WF Wedin and DR Buxton (1987). Cellwall composition and diges tibility of alfalfa s tems and leaves. Crop Sci., 27: 735-741. Ammar H, López S, González JS, Ranilla MJ (2004). Seasonal variations in the chemical composition and in vitro diges tibility of some Spanish leguminous shrub species. Anim. Feed Sci.Technol. 115: 327-340. AOAC (1999). Official methods of analysis, 16th ed. (930.15). Association of Official Analytical Chemis ts. Washington, D.C. Avondo M, Pagano RI, Criscione A (2003). Pas ture percentage in the diet and milk fat composition in dairy ewes. In: Van der Honing, T. (Ed.), Proceedings of the EAAP 54th Annual Meeting, vol. I. Rome, p 346 (Abs tr.). Bauman D E, Perfield II JW, de Veth MJ and Lock AL (2003). New perspectives on lipid diges tion and metabolism in ruminants. Proc. Cornell Nutr. Conf. pp. 175-189. Bell A (2003). Pas ture assessment and lives tock production. NSW Department of Primary Indus tries. Agnote series DPI-428 (1s t edition). S tate of New South Wales. Boyazoglu J and Morand Fehr P (2001). Mediterranean dairy sheep and goat products and their quality. A critical review. Small Ruminant Research, 40: 1-11. Bruinenberg MH, Valk H, Korevaar H and Struik PC (2002). Factors affecting diges tibility of temperate forages from seminatural grasslands: a review Grass and Forage Science, vol. 57: 292-301. Bruinenberg MH (2003). Forages from intensively managed and semi-natural grasslands in the diet of dairy cows. PhD Thesis Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 173 pp. Buchin S, Martin B, Dupont D, Bornard A, Achilleos CS (1999). Influence of the composition of Alpine highland pas ture on the chemical, rheological and sensory properties of cheese. Journal of Dairy Research, 66, 579-588 Buxton DR (1996). Quality-related characteris tics of forages as influenced by plant environment and agronomic factors. Animal Feed Science and Technology 59: 37-49. Cabiddu A, Decandia M, Addis M, Piredda G, Pirisi A, Molle G (2005). Managing mediterranean pas tures in order to enhance the level of beneficial fatty acids in sheep milk. Small Rumin. Res. 59, 169-180. Chatzitheodoridis F, Michailidis A and Theodossiou G. (2007). Comparative Analysis of sheep - Goat Farming in a Typical Greek Island: Economy and Environment, Applied Economics and Policy Analysis, 1(1-2): 191-200. Coleman SW and Henry DA (2002). Nutritive Value of Herbage. In: Freer M. and H. Dove (eds) Sheep Nutrition. CAB International. pp. 1-26. Cook CW (1972). Comparative nutritive values of forbs, grasses and shrubs. In: McKell, Blaisedl and Goodin (Eds), Wildland shrubs, their biology and utilization. Pp. 303-310. Fores t Service USDA, Ogden, Utah. Cook WC and Stubbendieck J (1986). Range Research: Basic Problems and Techniques. Soc. Range Manage. Denver, Colorado. 317 p. Coulon JB, Delacroix Buchet A, Martin B, Pirisi A (2004). Relationships between ruminant management and sensory characteris tics of cheeses: a review. Lait, 84, 221-241. Deinum B and Maassen A (1994). Effects of drying temperature on chemical composition and in vitro diges tibility of forages. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 46:75-86. Dimopoulos P, Raus T, Bergmeier E, Cons tantinidis T, Iatrou G, Kokkini S, Strid A and Tzanoudakis D (2013). Vascular Plants of Greece. An annotated checklis t. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem & Hellenic Botanical Society, Berlin & Athens, 372 pp. Duru M, Ducrocq H (1997). A nitrogen and phosphorus herbage nutrient index as a tool assessing the effect of N and P supply on the dry matter yield of permanent pas tures. Nutr Cycl Agroecosys tem 47:59-69. Frank AB and RE Ries (1990). Effect of soil water, nitrogen, and growing degree-days on morphological development of cres ted and wes tern wheatgrass. Journal of Range Management, 43: 257-260. Ganskopp D and Bohnert D (2001). Nutritional dynamics of northern Great Basin grasses. J. Range Manage. 54: 640-647. Hadjigeorgiou I, Osoro K, Fragoso de Almeida JP and Molle G (2005). Southern European grazing lands: Production, environmental and landscape management aspects. Lives tock Production Science, 96: 51-59. Hejcman M, Szaková J, Schellberg J, Tlus toš P (2010). The Rengen Grassland Experiment: relationship © Plant Breeders Union of Turkey (BİSAB) 2(2):69-75, 2016 75 between soil and biomass chemical properties, amount of elements applied, and their uptake. Plant Soil (2010) 333:163-17. Holechek JL, Pieper RD and Herbel CH (1995). Range management: Principles and Practices. 2nd Edition. Krysl LJ, Hubbert ME, Sowell FB, Plumb GE, Jewett JK, Smith MA and Waggoner JW (1984). Horse and cattle grazing in the Wyoming Red Desert II, Dietary quality. J. Range Manage. 37: 72-77. Lemaire G, Hodgson J, de Moraes A, Nabinger C and de F Carvalho PC (2000). Grassland Ecophysiology and Grazing Ecology. CAB International Liamadis LG (2000). Physiology of the nutritional deficiencies of an animal body, Volume 1, University Studio Press Publications, Thessaloniki. Meyer MW and Brown RD (1985). Seasonal Trends in the Chemical Composition of Ten Range Plants in South Texas. J. Range Manage. 38: 154-157. Minson DJ (1990). Forage in ruminant nutrition. Academic Press, New York. 483 p. Mlay PS, Pereka A, Phiri EC, Balthazary S, Igus ti J, Hvelplund T, Weisbjerg MR and J Madsen (2006). Feed value of selected tropical grasses, legumes and concentrates. Vet. Arhiv 76(1): 53-63. Mountousis I, Papanikolaou K, Stanogias G, Chatzitheodoridis F, Roukos C (2008). Seasonal variation of chemical composition and dry matter diges tibility of rangelands in NW Greece. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 9(3): 547-556. National Meteorological Station (NMS) (2014). http:// tations/theodoriana/ Noziere P, Graulet B, Lucas A, Martin B, Grolier P, Doreau M (2006). Carotenoids for ruminants: From forages to dairy products. Animal Feed Sci. and Technol., 131, 418-450. Nudda A, Mele M, Battacone G, Usai MG, Macciotta NPP (2003). Comparison of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content in milk of ewes and goats with the same dietary regimen. Ital. J. Anim. Sci. 2 (Suppl. 1), 515-517. Papanas tasis VP, Platis PD and Dini Papanas tasi O (1997). Productivity of deciduous woody and fodder species in relation to air temperature and precipitation in a Mediterranean environment. Agrofores try Sys tems, 37: 187-198. Papanas tasis B and Karagiannakidou Papadimitriou K (1993). The mos t important grasses of natural grasslands. Athens (in Greek). Pérez Corona ME, Vázquez de Aldana BR, García Criado B and García Ciudad A (1998). Variations in nutritional quality and biomass production of semiarid grasslands. J. Range Manage. 51:570-576. Roukos Ch, Koutsoukis Ch and Kandrelis S (2014). The s tructure of ecosys tem and the forage production in the Kos tilata subalpine grassland of Theodoriana. Proceedings of the 8th Panhellenic Rangeland Congress, Thessaloniki, 1-3 October 2014, p. 153-158. (in Greek). Roukos Ch, Papanikolaou K and Mountousis I (2006). Monthly and height changes in the production and chemical composition of rangeland production in a meadow of Preveza. Review of animal science, 35: 15-30. Ruiz FA, Mena Y, Cas tel JM, Guinamard C, Bossis N, Caramelle Holtz E, Contu M, Sitzia M and Fois N. (2009). Dairy goat grazing sys tems in Mediterranean regions: A comparative analysis in Spain, France and Italy. Small Ruminant Research, 85, 42-49. Ruyle G (1993). Nutritional value of range forage for lives tock. In: Gum, R., Ruyle, G. and R. Rice (Eds). Arizona Ranchers' Management Guide. Arizona Cooperative Extension. The University of Arizona. 4 p. Sarlis C (1998). Improvement and management of natural pas tures. Stamoulis Publications Athens. 341 p. (in Greek). SCA (1990). Feeding Standards for Aus tralian Lives tock. Ruminants. Standing Committee on Agriculture and CSIRO, Melbourne, 266 pp. Strid A and Tan Kit (eds) (1991). Mountain Flora of Greece. Vol. 2. Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh. Strid A (ed.) (1986). Mountain Flora of Greece. Vol. 1. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. Tallowin JRB and Jefferson RG (1999). Hay production from lowland semi-natural grasslands: a review of implications for ruminant lives tock sys tems. Grass and Forage Science, 54:99-115. Tzialla Ch, Kasioumi M and Goulas Ch (2000). Production and forage quality in grasslands in two different climatic environments of Ioannina. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Rangeland Congress, Ioannina, 4-6 October 2000, p. 109- 116 (in Greek). Viallon C, Martin B, Verdier Metz I, Pradel P, Garel JP, Coulon JB, Berdague JL (2000). Transfer of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes from forages into milk fat. Lait, 80, 635-641. Zervas G (1998). Quantifying and optimizing grazing regimes in Greek mountain sys tems. Journal of Applied Ecology, 35: 983-986.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Sotirios Kandrelis This is me

Publication Date July 30, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Kandrelis, S. (2016). The Variation of Crude Protein and Total Fat of the Main Grassland Plants, in Various Stages of Growth, in “Kostilata” Subalpine Grassland in Theodoriana, Arta, Greece. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, 2(2), 69-75.
AMA Kandrelis S. The Variation of Crude Protein and Total Fat of the Main Grassland Plants, in Various Stages of Growth, in “Kostilata” Subalpine Grassland in Theodoriana, Arta, Greece. Ekin Journal. July 2016;2(2):69-75.
Chicago Kandrelis, Sotirios. “The Variation of Crude Protein and Total Fat of the Main Grassland Plants, in Various Stages of Growth, in ‘Kostilata’ Subalpine Grassland in Theodoriana, Arta, Greece”. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 2, no. 2 (July 2016): 69-75.
EndNote Kandrelis S (July 1, 2016) The Variation of Crude Protein and Total Fat of the Main Grassland Plants, in Various Stages of Growth, in “Kostilata” Subalpine Grassland in Theodoriana, Arta, Greece. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 2 2 69–75.
IEEE S. Kandrelis, “The Variation of Crude Protein and Total Fat of the Main Grassland Plants, in Various Stages of Growth, in ‘Kostilata’ Subalpine Grassland in Theodoriana, Arta, Greece”, Ekin Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 69–75, 2016.
ISNAD Kandrelis, Sotirios. “The Variation of Crude Protein and Total Fat of the Main Grassland Plants, in Various Stages of Growth, in ‘Kostilata’ Subalpine Grassland in Theodoriana, Arta, Greece”. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 2/2 (July 2016), 69-75.
JAMA Kandrelis S. The Variation of Crude Protein and Total Fat of the Main Grassland Plants, in Various Stages of Growth, in “Kostilata” Subalpine Grassland in Theodoriana, Arta, Greece. Ekin Journal. 2016;2:69–75.
MLA Kandrelis, Sotirios. “The Variation of Crude Protein and Total Fat of the Main Grassland Plants, in Various Stages of Growth, in ‘Kostilata’ Subalpine Grassland in Theodoriana, Arta, Greece”. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, vol. 2, no. 2, 2016, pp. 69-75.
Vancouver Kandrelis S. The Variation of Crude Protein and Total Fat of the Main Grassland Plants, in Various Stages of Growth, in “Kostilata” Subalpine Grassland in Theodoriana, Arta, Greece. Ekin Journal. 2016;2(2):69-75.