Tea was introduced into Turkey with the efforts of Zihni Derin and Ali Rıza Erten at the end of the 1930s. ÇAYKUR (Çay İşletmeleri Genel Müdürlüğü/ General Directorate of Tea Enterprises), a governmental company, is responsible for tea production and breeding in Turkey. The company developed tea clones and distributed to local farmers. But, after the 1950s multiplication of tea with seeds arised in Turkey. Assumedly, nearly the whole plantations in Turkey are multiplicated with seeds, which tradition is ongoing. ÇAYKUR selected nearly 40 clones which are preserved in the gene pool of ÇAYKUR. During the last 40 years, the establishment, pruning, harvest and transfer of harvested tea leaves etc. emerged to a insensible situation. These problems have to be solved for an better tea cultivation in Turkey. On the other hand, the understanding of the development of the genetic collection of a strategically important crop such as tea (Camellia simensis O. Kuntze) is very important for its breeding and improvement of advanced research facilities. This review summarises the available information on tea cultivation and tea breeding in Turkey. Tea cultivation in Turkey contributes significantly to the economic income of local farmers in the North-East Black Sea region. The major breeding achievement was the selection of clones, which were selected from present tea gardens. After adaptation of superior tea clones in classical and organic tea cultivation, tea cultivation and breeding will make an important progress in Turkey.
Anonymous, (2015). Türk Çay Sektörü. Güncel Durum Raporu. Rize Ticaret Borsası. (Turkish Tea Sector. Actual Situation Report. Rize Exchange Commodity).
Anonymous, (2017). ÇAYKUR Faaliyet Raporu. (Activity Report, ÇAYKUR)
Anonymous, (2017). Black Tea. Food and Agriculture. Ministry of Economy. Republic of Turkey.
Arar R., (1969). Türkiye’de Çaycılık ve Turistik Sosyal Kültürel Ekonomik Yönüyle Rize. Çakır Matbaası. Istanbul, Pp: 154-9. (Tea in Turkey & its relationship with touristic, cultural & economic activities in Rize, Çakır Press, Istanbul: 154-159)
Bandyopadhyay T., and Das S. C., (2008). Biotechnology: Its prospect in tea improvement. Assam Rev. Tea News 97: 30-35.
Barua P. K., (1963). Classification of the tea plant. Two Bud 10: 3-11.
Beris F. S., (2001). Phylogenetic analysis of tea clones (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. KUNTZE) using RAPD markers in Turkey. Master Thesis. Karadeniz Technical University.
Beris F., Sandalli C., Canakci S., Demirbag Z., and Beldüz A., (2005). Phylogenetic analysis of tea clones (Camellia sinensis) using RAPD markers. Biologia - Section Botany 60:457-461.
Beris F., Pehlivan N., Kac M., Haznedar A., Coskun F., and Sandalli C., (2016). Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of cultivated tea clones (Camellia sinensis (L.) KUNTZE) in the Eastern Black Sea Coast by Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSRS). Genetika Vol. 48: No.1, 87-96.
Cakmakci R., Erturk Y., Donmez M. F., Erat M., Haznedar A., and Sekban R., (2012). Tea growth and yield in relation to mixed cultures of N2 fixing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria. The Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture Special Issue Vol. 1: 17-21.
Cakmakci R., Erturk Y., Sekban R., Haznedar A., and Varmazyari A., (2013). The Effect of Single and Mixed Cultures of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria and Mineral Fertilizers on Tea Camellia sinensis Growth Yield and Nutrient Uptake. Soil Water Journal, Special Issue for AGRICASİA: 653 662.
Cakmakci R., (2016). Screening of Multi Trait Rhizobacteria for Improving the Growth Enzyme
Activities and Nutrient Uptake of Tea Camellia sinensis. Communications In Soil Science and Plant Analysis: 13-14.
FAO, (2018). Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
Hatipoglu S. R., (1934a). Kendimize yeten Ziraat. Ziraat Gazetesi. Cilt 1. Sayı, 9: 265. (Self sufficiency in our agriculture. Agricultural Gazette. Vol: 1. No. 9, 265.
Hatipoglu S. R., (1934b). Çeşitli Ziraat. Ziraat Gazetesi. Cilt 1. Sayı, 8: 233. (Diversified agriculture. Agricultural Gazette. Vol: 1. No. 8: 233.
Kacar B., (1986a). Çayın Tarihi. I. Tarih ve Toplum. Aylık Ansiklopedik Dergi. İletişim Yayınları, P: 41. (History of tea. I. History & society. Monthly Encyclopaedic Journal. Extension Publication: 41.
Kacar B., (1986b). Çayın Tarihi. II. Tarih ve Toplum. Aylık Ansiklopedik Dergi. İletişim Yayınları, P: 31. (History of tea. II. History and society. Monthly Encyclopaedic Journal. Extension Publication: 31).
Kafkas K., Ercisli S., Doğan Y., Ertürk Y., Haznedar A., and Sekban R., (2009). Polymorphism and Genetic Relationships among Tea Genotypes from Turkey Revealed by Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Markers. Journal of American Society Horticultural Sciences 134(4):428–434.
Kakuzu O., (1944). Çayname. (Çeviren: A.S. Delilbaşı) Remzi Kitabevi. Istanbul , Pp: 17–8. (Tea chronicles. (Translator: A.S. Delilbaşı). Remzi Bookhouse. Istanbul, 17-18)
Klasra M. A., Khawar K. M., and Aasim M., (2007). History of Tea Production and Marketing in Turkey. Int. J. Agri. Biol. Vol. 9: No. 3.
Kottawa-Arachchi J., Gunasekare M., Ranatunga M., Punyasiri N., and Jayasinghe L., (2013). Use of biochemical compounds in tea germplasm characterization and its implications in tea breeding in Sri Lanka. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 41: 309-318.
Owuor P. O., Chauanji A. M., and Manavu R. M., (1985). Chemical studies of the Kenyan tea seeds I. Physical and chemical characteristics of the Kernel oil. Tea 6 (l):23-28.
Oksuz M., (1987). Morphological, yield and quality properties of tea clones in Turkey (Çay İşletmeleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Caykur, Rize, Turkey, No. 8.
Rajaei A., Barzegar M., and Yamini Y., (2005). Supercritical fluid extraction of tea seed oil and its comparison with solvent extraction. European Food Research and Technology 220: 401-405.
Rajaei A., Barzegar M., and Sahari M. A., (2008). Comparison of antioxidative effect of tea and sesame seed oils extracted by different methods. J Agric Sci Technol 10: 345-350.
Roberts G R., and De Silva U. L. L., (1972). Products from tea seed 1. Extraction and properties of oil. Tea Q. 43 (3): 88-90.
Sahari M. A., Atai D., and Hamedi M., (2004). Characteristics of tea seed oil in comparison with sunflower and olive oils and its effect as a natural antioxidant. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society 81: 585-588.
Saklı A., (2011). A Critical Review of Recent Sectoral Structure Proposal for Turkish Tea Sector. Humanity & Social Sciences Journal 6 (1): 01-07.
Sengupta C., Sengupta A., and Ghosh A., (1976). Triglyceride composition of tea seed oil. J Sci Fd Agric 27: 1115-1122.
Seyis F., Yurteri E., Ozcan A., Savsatli Y., (2018). Organic Tea Production and Tea Breeding in Turkey: Challenges and Possibilities. Ekin J. 4(1):60-69.
Tekeli S. T., (1976). Çay yetiştirme işleme pazarlama. Dönüm Yayınlar, 5.Ankara: 8, 90–193. (Tea cultivation, processing and marketing) Dönüm publications: 5. Ankara 8, 90-93)
Wachira F. N., Waugh R., Hackett C. A., and Powell W., (1995). Detection of genetic diversity of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) using RAPD markers. Genome, 38: 201-210.
Year 2019,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 111 - 119, 01.08.2019
Anonymous, (2015). Türk Çay Sektörü. Güncel Durum Raporu. Rize Ticaret Borsası. (Turkish Tea Sector. Actual Situation Report. Rize Exchange Commodity).
Anonymous, (2017). ÇAYKUR Faaliyet Raporu. (Activity Report, ÇAYKUR)
Anonymous, (2017). Black Tea. Food and Agriculture. Ministry of Economy. Republic of Turkey.
Arar R., (1969). Türkiye’de Çaycılık ve Turistik Sosyal Kültürel Ekonomik Yönüyle Rize. Çakır Matbaası. Istanbul, Pp: 154-9. (Tea in Turkey & its relationship with touristic, cultural & economic activities in Rize, Çakır Press, Istanbul: 154-159)
Bandyopadhyay T., and Das S. C., (2008). Biotechnology: Its prospect in tea improvement. Assam Rev. Tea News 97: 30-35.
Barua P. K., (1963). Classification of the tea plant. Two Bud 10: 3-11.
Beris F. S., (2001). Phylogenetic analysis of tea clones (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. KUNTZE) using RAPD markers in Turkey. Master Thesis. Karadeniz Technical University.
Beris F., Sandalli C., Canakci S., Demirbag Z., and Beldüz A., (2005). Phylogenetic analysis of tea clones (Camellia sinensis) using RAPD markers. Biologia - Section Botany 60:457-461.
Beris F., Pehlivan N., Kac M., Haznedar A., Coskun F., and Sandalli C., (2016). Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of cultivated tea clones (Camellia sinensis (L.) KUNTZE) in the Eastern Black Sea Coast by Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSRS). Genetika Vol. 48: No.1, 87-96.
Cakmakci R., Erturk Y., Donmez M. F., Erat M., Haznedar A., and Sekban R., (2012). Tea growth and yield in relation to mixed cultures of N2 fixing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria. The Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture Special Issue Vol. 1: 17-21.
Cakmakci R., Erturk Y., Sekban R., Haznedar A., and Varmazyari A., (2013). The Effect of Single and Mixed Cultures of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria and Mineral Fertilizers on Tea Camellia sinensis Growth Yield and Nutrient Uptake. Soil Water Journal, Special Issue for AGRICASİA: 653 662.
Cakmakci R., (2016). Screening of Multi Trait Rhizobacteria for Improving the Growth Enzyme
Activities and Nutrient Uptake of Tea Camellia sinensis. Communications In Soil Science and Plant Analysis: 13-14.
FAO, (2018). Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
Hatipoglu S. R., (1934a). Kendimize yeten Ziraat. Ziraat Gazetesi. Cilt 1. Sayı, 9: 265. (Self sufficiency in our agriculture. Agricultural Gazette. Vol: 1. No. 9, 265.
Hatipoglu S. R., (1934b). Çeşitli Ziraat. Ziraat Gazetesi. Cilt 1. Sayı, 8: 233. (Diversified agriculture. Agricultural Gazette. Vol: 1. No. 8: 233.
Kacar B., (1986a). Çayın Tarihi. I. Tarih ve Toplum. Aylık Ansiklopedik Dergi. İletişim Yayınları, P: 41. (History of tea. I. History & society. Monthly Encyclopaedic Journal. Extension Publication: 41.
Kacar B., (1986b). Çayın Tarihi. II. Tarih ve Toplum. Aylık Ansiklopedik Dergi. İletişim Yayınları, P: 31. (History of tea. II. History and society. Monthly Encyclopaedic Journal. Extension Publication: 31).
Kafkas K., Ercisli S., Doğan Y., Ertürk Y., Haznedar A., and Sekban R., (2009). Polymorphism and Genetic Relationships among Tea Genotypes from Turkey Revealed by Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Markers. Journal of American Society Horticultural Sciences 134(4):428–434.
Kakuzu O., (1944). Çayname. (Çeviren: A.S. Delilbaşı) Remzi Kitabevi. Istanbul , Pp: 17–8. (Tea chronicles. (Translator: A.S. Delilbaşı). Remzi Bookhouse. Istanbul, 17-18)
Klasra M. A., Khawar K. M., and Aasim M., (2007). History of Tea Production and Marketing in Turkey. Int. J. Agri. Biol. Vol. 9: No. 3.
Kottawa-Arachchi J., Gunasekare M., Ranatunga M., Punyasiri N., and Jayasinghe L., (2013). Use of biochemical compounds in tea germplasm characterization and its implications in tea breeding in Sri Lanka. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 41: 309-318.
Owuor P. O., Chauanji A. M., and Manavu R. M., (1985). Chemical studies of the Kenyan tea seeds I. Physical and chemical characteristics of the Kernel oil. Tea 6 (l):23-28.
Oksuz M., (1987). Morphological, yield and quality properties of tea clones in Turkey (Çay İşletmeleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Caykur, Rize, Turkey, No. 8.
Rajaei A., Barzegar M., and Yamini Y., (2005). Supercritical fluid extraction of tea seed oil and its comparison with solvent extraction. European Food Research and Technology 220: 401-405.
Rajaei A., Barzegar M., and Sahari M. A., (2008). Comparison of antioxidative effect of tea and sesame seed oils extracted by different methods. J Agric Sci Technol 10: 345-350.
Roberts G R., and De Silva U. L. L., (1972). Products from tea seed 1. Extraction and properties of oil. Tea Q. 43 (3): 88-90.
Sahari M. A., Atai D., and Hamedi M., (2004). Characteristics of tea seed oil in comparison with sunflower and olive oils and its effect as a natural antioxidant. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society 81: 585-588.
Saklı A., (2011). A Critical Review of Recent Sectoral Structure Proposal for Turkish Tea Sector. Humanity & Social Sciences Journal 6 (1): 01-07.
Sengupta C., Sengupta A., and Ghosh A., (1976). Triglyceride composition of tea seed oil. J Sci Fd Agric 27: 1115-1122.
Seyis F., Yurteri E., Ozcan A., Savsatli Y., (2018). Organic Tea Production and Tea Breeding in Turkey: Challenges and Possibilities. Ekin J. 4(1):60-69.
Tekeli S. T., (1976). Çay yetiştirme işleme pazarlama. Dönüm Yayınlar, 5.Ankara: 8, 90–193. (Tea cultivation, processing and marketing) Dönüm publications: 5. Ankara 8, 90-93)
Wachira F. N., Waugh R., Hackett C. A., and Powell W., (1995). Detection of genetic diversity of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) using RAPD markers. Genome, 38: 201-210.
Seyıs, F., Yurterı, E., & Ozcan, A. (2019). Tea (Camellia sinensis) Cultivation and Breeding in Turkey: Past and Present Status. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, 5(2), 111-119.
Seyıs F, Yurterı E, Ozcan A. Tea (Camellia sinensis) Cultivation and Breeding in Turkey: Past and Present Status. Ekin Journal. August 2019;5(2):111-119.
Seyıs, Fatih, Emine Yurterı, and Aysel Ozcan. “Tea (Camellia Sinensis) Cultivation and Breeding in Turkey: Past and Present Status”. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 5, no. 2 (August 2019): 111-19.
Seyıs F, Yurterı E, Ozcan A (August 1, 2019) Tea (Camellia sinensis) Cultivation and Breeding in Turkey: Past and Present Status. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 5 2 111–119.
F. Seyıs, E. Yurterı, and A. Ozcan, “Tea (Camellia sinensis) Cultivation and Breeding in Turkey: Past and Present Status”, Ekin Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 111–119, 2019.
Seyıs, Fatih et al. “Tea (Camellia Sinensis) Cultivation and Breeding in Turkey: Past and Present Status”. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 5/2 (August 2019), 111-119.
Seyıs F, Yurterı E, Ozcan A. Tea (Camellia sinensis) Cultivation and Breeding in Turkey: Past and Present Status. Ekin Journal. 2019;5:111–119.
Seyıs, Fatih et al. “Tea (Camellia Sinensis) Cultivation and Breeding in Turkey: Past and Present Status”. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, vol. 5, no. 2, 2019, pp. 111-9.
Seyıs F, Yurterı E, Ozcan A. Tea (Camellia sinensis) Cultivation and Breeding in Turkey: Past and Present Status. Ekin Journal. 2019;5(2):111-9.