Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 48 - 63, 01.02.2023



  • Adams TM, Olsson TSG, Ramírez-González RH, Bryant R and Bryson R, (2021). Rust expression browser: An open-source database for simultaneous analysis of host pathogen gene expression profiles with exp VIP. BMC Genomics, 22:166.
  • Adamski NH, Borrill P, Brinton J, Harrington SA and Marchal C, (2020). A roadmap for gene functional characterization in crops with large genomes: lessons from polyploid wheat. eLife 9: e55646.
  • Aktar-Uz-Zaman M, Tuhina-Khatun M, Hanafi MM, Sahebi M, (2017). Genetic analysis of rust resistance genes in global wheat cultivars: An overview. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 31(3):431- 445.
  • Ali S, Gladieux P, Leconte M, Gautier A, Justesen AF, Hovmøller MS, Enjalbert J, and de VallavieillePope C, (2014a). Origin, migration routes and worldwide population genetic structure of the wheat yellow rust pathogen Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici. PLoS Pathogens 10.
  • Ali S, Leconte M, Rahman H, Saqib MS, Gladieux P, Enjalbert J, and de Vallavieille-Pope C, (2014b). A high virulence and pathotype diversity of Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici at its centre of diversity, the Himalayan region of Pakistan. Eur. J. Plant Pathol, 140:275–290.
  • Ali S, Rodriguez-Algaba J, Thach T, Sørensen CK, Hansen JG, Lassen P, Nazari K, Hodson DP, Justesen AF and Hovmøller MS, (2017). Yellow Rust Epidemics Worldwide Were Caused by Pathogen Races from Divergent Genetic Lineages. Front. Plant Sci. Sec. Evolutionary and Population Genetics, fpls.2017.01057.
  • Arora S, Steuernagel B, Gaurav K, Chandramohan S and Long Y, (2019). Resistance gene cloning from a wild crop relative by sequence capture and association genetics. Nat Biotechnol, 37:139– 143.
  • Asseng S, Foster I and Turner NC, (2011). The impact of temperature variability on wheat yields. Global Change Biology, 17(2):997-1012.
  • Bahadur P. and Nagarajan S, (1985). Gene deployment for management of stem rust (Puccinia graminis Pers. F. sp. tritici Eriks & Henn.) of wheat. Indian J. agric. Sci, 55: 219-222.
  • Bhardwaj SC, Gangwar OP, Singh SB, Saharan MS and Sharma S, (2012). Rust situation and pathotypes of Puccinia species in Leh Leach in relation to recurrence of wheat rusts in India. Indian Phytopath, 65:230–32.
  • Bhardwaj SC, (2011). Resistance genes and adult plant rust resistance of released wheat varieties of India. Research Bulletin No.5, 33. Regional Station, Directorate of Wheat Research, Flowedale, Shimla 171002 (India).
  • Bouvet L, Holdgate S, James L, Thomas J, Mackay IJ and Cockram J, (2022). The evolving battle between yellow rust and wheat: implications for global food security. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,135:741–753
  • Boyd L, (2005). Can Robigus defeat an old enemy? Yellow rust of wheat. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 143(4):233-243.
  • Brar GS, (2015). Population structure of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, the cause of wheat stripe rust, in western Canada. Thesis, Master of Science submitted to University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.
  • Bulli P, Zhang J, Chao S, Chen X, and Pumphrey M, (2016). Genetic architecture of resistance to stripe rust in a global winter wheat germplasm collection. G3 (Bethesda), 6(8):2237-2253.
  • Cantu D, Segovia V, MacLearn D, Bayles R, Chen X, Kamoun S, Dubcovsky J, Saunders DGO and Uauy C, (2013). Genome analyses of the wheat yellow (stripe) rust pathogen Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici reveal polymorphic and haustoria expressed secreted proteins as candidate effectors. BMC Genomics, 14:270.
  • Chen S, Rouse MN, Zhang W, Zhang X, Guo Y and Briggs J, (2020). Wheat gene Sr60 encodes a protein with two putative kinase domains that confers resistance to stem rust. New Phytol, 225:948–959.
  • Chen WQ, Wu LR, Liu TG and Xu SC, (2009). Race dynamics, diversity and virulence evolution in Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, the causal agent of bread wheat stripe rust in China from 2003 to 2007. Pl. Dis, 93: 1093-1101.
  • Chen XM, (2005). Epidemiology and control of stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) on bread wheat. Can. J. Pl. Path, 27: 314-337.
  • Corredor-Moreno P, Minter F, Davey PE, Wegel E, Kular B, Brett P, Lewis CM, Morgan YML, Macías Pérez A, Lorolev AV, Hill L and Saunders DGO, (2021). The branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase TaBCAT1 modulates amino acid metabolism and positively regulates wheat rust susceptibility. Plant Cell. https:// doi. org/10.1093/plCurtis BC, Rajaram S and Macpherson HG, (2002). In Bread wheat improvement and production Number 30. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome Italy. 554.
  • Dedeurwaerder G, Duvivier M, Mvuyenkure SM, Renard ME, Van Hese V, Marchal G, Moreau JM and Legrève A, (2011). Spore Traps Network: A New Tool for Predicting Epidemics of Wheat Yellow Rust. In: Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Pubmed: online publication.
  • Ellis JG, Lagudah ES, Spielmeyer W and Dodds PN, (2014). The past, present and future of breeding rust resistant wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science, 5:641.
  • Francisco XR dV, Parlevliet JE and Zambolim L, (2001). Concepts in plant disease resistance. Fitopatologia Brasileira, 26:577-589.
  • Gardiner LJ, Brabbs T, Akhunov A, Jordan K and Budak H, (2019). Integrating genomic resources to present full gene and putative promoter capture probe sets for bread wheat. Gigascience, 8:giz018.
  • Gill KS, Nanda GS, Singh S and Aujla SS, (1980). Studies on multilines in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Breeding of a multiline variety by convergence of breeding lines. Euphytica, 29:125-128.
  • Hafeez AN, Sanu A, Ghosh S, Gilbert D, Howden RL and Wulf BBH, (2021). Creation and Judicious Application of a Wheat Resistance Gene Atla. Mol Pl, 14(7),1053-1070.
  • Higgins VJ, Lu H, Xing T, Gelli A and Blumwald E, (1998). The gene-for-gene concept and beyond: Interactions and signals. Can. J. of Plant Pathol, 20(2):150-157.
  • Hovmoller MS, Sorensen CK, Walter S and Justesen AF, (2011). Diversity of Puccinia striiformis on cereals and grasses. Annual Review of Phytopathol, 49:197-217.
  • Hysing SC, (2007). Genetic resources for disease resistance breeding in wheat. PhD thesis, submitted to Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Swedon.
  • Jevtić R, Župunski V, Lalošević M and Župunski LJ, (2017). Predicting potential winter bread wheat yield losses caused by multiple disease systems and climatic conditions. Crop Prot, 99: 17-25.
  • Jin Y, Szabo LJ and Carson M, (2010). Century-old mystery of Puccinia striformis life history solved with the identification of Berberis as an alternate host. Phytopathol, 100(5):432-435.
  • Jupe F, Witek K, Verweij W, Sliwka J and Pritchard L, (2013). Resistance gene enrichment sequencing (RenSeq) enables reannotation of the NB-LRR gene family from sequenced plant genomes and rapid mapping of resistance loci in segregating populations. Plant J, 76:530–544.
  • Juroszek P and von Tiedemann A, (2013). Climate change and potential future risks through wheat diseases: a review. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 136(1):21-33.
  • Kashyap S, Pannu PPS, Kaur G, Sandhu SK and Singh P, (2018). Effect of weather parameters on occurrence and development of stripe rust of wheat in central Punjab. Plant Dis. Research, 33 (1) 76-81.
  • Kaur S, Dhaliwal L and Kaur P, (2008). Impact of climate change on wheat disease scenario in Punjab. Journal of Research, 45:161-170. Khanfri S, Boulif M and Lahlali R, (2018). Yellow Rust (Puccinia striiformis): A Serious Threat to Wheat Production Worldwide. Not Sci Biol, 10(3):410-423.
  • Knott D, (2008). The genomics of stem rust resistance in wheat. Plant Sciences Department, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 5A8, Canada.
  • Kumar J, Nayar SK, Prashar M, Bhardwaj SC and Bhatnagar R, (1994). New variants 47S103 and 102S100 of Puccinia striiformis West. Indian Phytopathology, 47: 258-259.
  • Kumar S, Kumari J, Bansal R, Kuri B, Singh AK, Wankhede D, Akhtar J and Khan Z, (2015). Slow rusting-an effective way to achieve durable resistance against leaf rust in wheat. Wheat Information Service, 120:26.
  • Line RF, (2002). Stripe rust of wheat and barley in North America: a retrospective historical review. Annual Review in Phytopathology, 40:75-118.
  • Liu B, Chen X and Kang Z, (2012). Gene sequences reveal heterokaryotic variations and evolutionary mechanisms in Puccinia striiformis, the stripe rust pathogen. Open Journal of Genomics, 1(1).
  • Luo M, Zie L, Chakraborty S, Wang A, Matny O and Jugovich M, (2021). A five-transgene cassette confers broad-spectrum resistance to a fungal rust pathogen in wheat. Nat Biotechnol. https://
  • Ma Q and Shang H, (2009). Ultrastructure of stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) interacting with slow-rusting, highly resistant, and susceptible wheat cultivars. Journal of Plant Pathology, 1:597-606.
  • Mabrouk OI, Fahim MA, Abd El, Badeea OE and Omara RI, (2022). The Impact of Wheat Yellow Rust on Quantitative and Qualitative Grain Yield Losses under Egyptian Field Conditions. Egyptian Journal of Phytopathol, 50 (1)1-19. DOI 10.21608/ejp.2022.117996.1054.
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Host and Pathogen Factors Determining Yellow Rust Reaction in Wheat- An Overview

Year 2023, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 48 - 63, 01.02.2023


Among cereals, wheat is one of the most important crop globally, being a major component of food security. Among
rust diseases of wheat, yellow rust is an important which result in considerable losses in normal and colossal losses in
epidemic conditions. The disease-causing organism Puccinia striiformis is an obligate pathogen with diverse pathotypes
which have the ability to invade resistance of the wheat varieties due to prevalence of new pathotypes. It is therefore,
important to understand the virulence patterns of pathotypes and host resistant genes to create a mismatch for sustainable
production. This review paper examines the losses due to yellow rust, variability in pathogen for virulence, migration of
pathogen, meteorological pre-disposing factors, types and number of resistant genes governing yellow rust resistance at
various plant growth stages, identification of resistant genes through conventional and molecular markers, conventional
and biotechnological methods for developing yellow rust resistant wheat varieties and futuristic outlook to tackle yellow
rust epidemic under climate change regime through breeding and management strategies.


  • Adams TM, Olsson TSG, Ramírez-González RH, Bryant R and Bryson R, (2021). Rust expression browser: An open-source database for simultaneous analysis of host pathogen gene expression profiles with exp VIP. BMC Genomics, 22:166.
  • Adamski NH, Borrill P, Brinton J, Harrington SA and Marchal C, (2020). A roadmap for gene functional characterization in crops with large genomes: lessons from polyploid wheat. eLife 9: e55646.
  • Aktar-Uz-Zaman M, Tuhina-Khatun M, Hanafi MM, Sahebi M, (2017). Genetic analysis of rust resistance genes in global wheat cultivars: An overview. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 31(3):431- 445.
  • Ali S, Gladieux P, Leconte M, Gautier A, Justesen AF, Hovmøller MS, Enjalbert J, and de VallavieillePope C, (2014a). Origin, migration routes and worldwide population genetic structure of the wheat yellow rust pathogen Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici. PLoS Pathogens 10.
  • Ali S, Leconte M, Rahman H, Saqib MS, Gladieux P, Enjalbert J, and de Vallavieille-Pope C, (2014b). A high virulence and pathotype diversity of Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici at its centre of diversity, the Himalayan region of Pakistan. Eur. J. Plant Pathol, 140:275–290.
  • Ali S, Rodriguez-Algaba J, Thach T, Sørensen CK, Hansen JG, Lassen P, Nazari K, Hodson DP, Justesen AF and Hovmøller MS, (2017). Yellow Rust Epidemics Worldwide Were Caused by Pathogen Races from Divergent Genetic Lineages. Front. Plant Sci. Sec. Evolutionary and Population Genetics, fpls.2017.01057.
  • Arora S, Steuernagel B, Gaurav K, Chandramohan S and Long Y, (2019). Resistance gene cloning from a wild crop relative by sequence capture and association genetics. Nat Biotechnol, 37:139– 143.
  • Asseng S, Foster I and Turner NC, (2011). The impact of temperature variability on wheat yields. Global Change Biology, 17(2):997-1012.
  • Bahadur P. and Nagarajan S, (1985). Gene deployment for management of stem rust (Puccinia graminis Pers. F. sp. tritici Eriks & Henn.) of wheat. Indian J. agric. Sci, 55: 219-222.
  • Bhardwaj SC, Gangwar OP, Singh SB, Saharan MS and Sharma S, (2012). Rust situation and pathotypes of Puccinia species in Leh Leach in relation to recurrence of wheat rusts in India. Indian Phytopath, 65:230–32.
  • Bhardwaj SC, (2011). Resistance genes and adult plant rust resistance of released wheat varieties of India. Research Bulletin No.5, 33. Regional Station, Directorate of Wheat Research, Flowedale, Shimla 171002 (India).
  • Bouvet L, Holdgate S, James L, Thomas J, Mackay IJ and Cockram J, (2022). The evolving battle between yellow rust and wheat: implications for global food security. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,135:741–753
  • Boyd L, (2005). Can Robigus defeat an old enemy? Yellow rust of wheat. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 143(4):233-243.
  • Brar GS, (2015). Population structure of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, the cause of wheat stripe rust, in western Canada. Thesis, Master of Science submitted to University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.
  • Bulli P, Zhang J, Chao S, Chen X, and Pumphrey M, (2016). Genetic architecture of resistance to stripe rust in a global winter wheat germplasm collection. G3 (Bethesda), 6(8):2237-2253.
  • Cantu D, Segovia V, MacLearn D, Bayles R, Chen X, Kamoun S, Dubcovsky J, Saunders DGO and Uauy C, (2013). Genome analyses of the wheat yellow (stripe) rust pathogen Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici reveal polymorphic and haustoria expressed secreted proteins as candidate effectors. BMC Genomics, 14:270.
  • Chen S, Rouse MN, Zhang W, Zhang X, Guo Y and Briggs J, (2020). Wheat gene Sr60 encodes a protein with two putative kinase domains that confers resistance to stem rust. New Phytol, 225:948–959.
  • Chen WQ, Wu LR, Liu TG and Xu SC, (2009). Race dynamics, diversity and virulence evolution in Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, the causal agent of bread wheat stripe rust in China from 2003 to 2007. Pl. Dis, 93: 1093-1101.
  • Chen XM, (2005). Epidemiology and control of stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) on bread wheat. Can. J. Pl. Path, 27: 314-337.
  • Corredor-Moreno P, Minter F, Davey PE, Wegel E, Kular B, Brett P, Lewis CM, Morgan YML, Macías Pérez A, Lorolev AV, Hill L and Saunders DGO, (2021). The branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase TaBCAT1 modulates amino acid metabolism and positively regulates wheat rust susceptibility. Plant Cell. https:// doi. org/10.1093/plCurtis BC, Rajaram S and Macpherson HG, (2002). In Bread wheat improvement and production Number 30. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome Italy. 554.
  • Dedeurwaerder G, Duvivier M, Mvuyenkure SM, Renard ME, Van Hese V, Marchal G, Moreau JM and Legrève A, (2011). Spore Traps Network: A New Tool for Predicting Epidemics of Wheat Yellow Rust. In: Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Pubmed: online publication.
  • Ellis JG, Lagudah ES, Spielmeyer W and Dodds PN, (2014). The past, present and future of breeding rust resistant wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science, 5:641.
  • Francisco XR dV, Parlevliet JE and Zambolim L, (2001). Concepts in plant disease resistance. Fitopatologia Brasileira, 26:577-589.
  • Gardiner LJ, Brabbs T, Akhunov A, Jordan K and Budak H, (2019). Integrating genomic resources to present full gene and putative promoter capture probe sets for bread wheat. Gigascience, 8:giz018.
  • Gill KS, Nanda GS, Singh S and Aujla SS, (1980). Studies on multilines in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Breeding of a multiline variety by convergence of breeding lines. Euphytica, 29:125-128.
  • Hafeez AN, Sanu A, Ghosh S, Gilbert D, Howden RL and Wulf BBH, (2021). Creation and Judicious Application of a Wheat Resistance Gene Atla. Mol Pl, 14(7),1053-1070.
  • Higgins VJ, Lu H, Xing T, Gelli A and Blumwald E, (1998). The gene-for-gene concept and beyond: Interactions and signals. Can. J. of Plant Pathol, 20(2):150-157.
  • Hovmoller MS, Sorensen CK, Walter S and Justesen AF, (2011). Diversity of Puccinia striiformis on cereals and grasses. Annual Review of Phytopathol, 49:197-217.
  • Hysing SC, (2007). Genetic resources for disease resistance breeding in wheat. PhD thesis, submitted to Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Swedon.
  • Jevtić R, Župunski V, Lalošević M and Župunski LJ, (2017). Predicting potential winter bread wheat yield losses caused by multiple disease systems and climatic conditions. Crop Prot, 99: 17-25.
  • Jin Y, Szabo LJ and Carson M, (2010). Century-old mystery of Puccinia striformis life history solved with the identification of Berberis as an alternate host. Phytopathol, 100(5):432-435.
  • Jupe F, Witek K, Verweij W, Sliwka J and Pritchard L, (2013). Resistance gene enrichment sequencing (RenSeq) enables reannotation of the NB-LRR gene family from sequenced plant genomes and rapid mapping of resistance loci in segregating populations. Plant J, 76:530–544.
  • Juroszek P and von Tiedemann A, (2013). Climate change and potential future risks through wheat diseases: a review. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 136(1):21-33.
  • Kashyap S, Pannu PPS, Kaur G, Sandhu SK and Singh P, (2018). Effect of weather parameters on occurrence and development of stripe rust of wheat in central Punjab. Plant Dis. Research, 33 (1) 76-81.
  • Kaur S, Dhaliwal L and Kaur P, (2008). Impact of climate change on wheat disease scenario in Punjab. Journal of Research, 45:161-170. Khanfri S, Boulif M and Lahlali R, (2018). Yellow Rust (Puccinia striiformis): A Serious Threat to Wheat Production Worldwide. Not Sci Biol, 10(3):410-423.
  • Knott D, (2008). The genomics of stem rust resistance in wheat. Plant Sciences Department, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 5A8, Canada.
  • Kumar J, Nayar SK, Prashar M, Bhardwaj SC and Bhatnagar R, (1994). New variants 47S103 and 102S100 of Puccinia striiformis West. Indian Phytopathology, 47: 258-259.
  • Kumar S, Kumari J, Bansal R, Kuri B, Singh AK, Wankhede D, Akhtar J and Khan Z, (2015). Slow rusting-an effective way to achieve durable resistance against leaf rust in wheat. Wheat Information Service, 120:26.
  • Line RF, (2002). Stripe rust of wheat and barley in North America: a retrospective historical review. Annual Review in Phytopathology, 40:75-118.
  • Liu B, Chen X and Kang Z, (2012). Gene sequences reveal heterokaryotic variations and evolutionary mechanisms in Puccinia striiformis, the stripe rust pathogen. Open Journal of Genomics, 1(1).
  • Luo M, Zie L, Chakraborty S, Wang A, Matny O and Jugovich M, (2021). A five-transgene cassette confers broad-spectrum resistance to a fungal rust pathogen in wheat. Nat Biotechnol. https://
  • Ma Q and Shang H, (2009). Ultrastructure of stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) interacting with slow-rusting, highly resistant, and susceptible wheat cultivars. Journal of Plant Pathology, 1:597-606.
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There are 80 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Pooja Pooja This is me

Satish Kumar This is me

R.s. Benıwal This is me

Jagdeep Sıngh This is me

Rishi Kumar Behl This is me

Virender Singh Pahıl This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Pooja, P., Kumar, S., Benıwal, R., Sıngh, J., et al. (2023). Host and Pathogen Factors Determining Yellow Rust Reaction in Wheat- An Overview. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, 9(1), 48-63.
AMA Pooja P, Kumar S, Benıwal R, Sıngh J, Behl RK, Pahıl VS. Host and Pathogen Factors Determining Yellow Rust Reaction in Wheat- An Overview. Ekin Journal. February 2023;9(1):48-63.
Chicago Pooja, Pooja, Satish Kumar, R.s. Benıwal, Jagdeep Sıngh, Rishi Kumar Behl, and Virender Singh Pahıl. “Host and Pathogen Factors Determining Yellow Rust Reaction in Wheat- An Overview”. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 9, no. 1 (February 2023): 48-63.
EndNote Pooja P, Kumar S, Benıwal R, Sıngh J, Behl RK, Pahıl VS (February 1, 2023) Host and Pathogen Factors Determining Yellow Rust Reaction in Wheat- An Overview. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 9 1 48–63.
IEEE P. Pooja, S. Kumar, R. Benıwal, J. Sıngh, R. K. Behl, and V. S. Pahıl, “Host and Pathogen Factors Determining Yellow Rust Reaction in Wheat- An Overview”, Ekin Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 48–63, 2023.
ISNAD Pooja, Pooja et al. “Host and Pathogen Factors Determining Yellow Rust Reaction in Wheat- An Overview”. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 9/1 (February 2023), 48-63.
JAMA Pooja P, Kumar S, Benıwal R, Sıngh J, Behl RK, Pahıl VS. Host and Pathogen Factors Determining Yellow Rust Reaction in Wheat- An Overview. Ekin Journal. 2023;9:48–63.
MLA Pooja, Pooja et al. “Host and Pathogen Factors Determining Yellow Rust Reaction in Wheat- An Overview”. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, vol. 9, no. 1, 2023, pp. 48-63.
Vancouver Pooja P, Kumar S, Benıwal R, Sıngh J, Behl RK, Pahıl VS. Host and Pathogen Factors Determining Yellow Rust Reaction in Wheat- An Overview. Ekin Journal. 2023;9(1):48-63.