Writing Rules

Manuscript Submission
Author(s) have to imply: that the submitted manuscript has not been published beforeor it is not under consideration for publication in other journals. For the mentioned issue, the submitted manuscript should be approved by the corresponding author on behalf of co-authors or all co-authors. BISAB will not be held legally responsible when there be any claims for compensation.

The copyright permission is under responsibility of authors if they wish to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere. Any material received without such permission will be assumed as original from the authors.

Online Submission
Author(s)have to submit their manuscripts online using http: .Figures and Tables should be presented at the end of text (after list of references). The submitted manuscript should include the following sections:

Manuscripts should be written in double space and submitted in Word with Times New Roman font as 12 point. The submitted manuscript includes the automatic page number.

The title should be concise and informative, and fallowed by the name(s) of the author(s), the affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s), the e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author

Abstract is one of the most important parts of the articles since it is the most published and cited in international databases. Abstract should be started with a sentence that provides an importance and aim of the study. It also containsmaterials and methods, main findings or results and a conclusion sentence for readers.It is not more than 250 words. Abbreviations or references cannot be written in the abstract.

Keywords should be providedbetween 4 to 6 words for indexing purposes.

Introduction should be reviewed of available literature and the similar nature works published before. It should be outlined the reason why the study was performed or the originality of study.
Materials and Methods
Materials and methods could be divided into sub-headings but headings could be used up to three levels. All materials, experiments conducted, conditions and course should be described in details. The whole methodology in the submitted manuscript should be detailed if it is original; in other cases, it is sufficient to cite the relevant reference(s) published before. Statistical methods processed in the submitted manuscript should also be described with the software used.
The results obtained from the materials, experiments, and analyses should be given as figure and tables. The important findings from the results should be outlined but the irrelevant findings should not be given. Statistical evaluation and commentary should also be given without ANOVA table.
Results section can be merged with Discussion section. Author(s) should confront own findings and results with data published by the other authors. For different results, scientific questions should be answered and discussed. The surname of the first author(s) and year of publication must be cited in Discussion section directly or indirectly. Some examples;
In Türkiye ,wheat was produced 10 million tons in 1923 (Gokgol 1939).
This result was in agreement with result of Sahin and Yildirim (2004).
Similar effect has been widely studied prior to this study (Eser 1991; Bagci et al. 1995; Uzun and Yol 2013).
At the end of Discussion section, the conclusion sentence(s) should be presented for readers.
The list of references should include cited works in the text. Personal communications(Personal com. with Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms. Ucar, Ankara, Türkiye , 2012) should only be mentioned in the text. The works under consideration, submitted and unpublished works should not be listed in the References section. References should be chronologically alphabetized by the surnames of the first author of each work. Some examples;

Journal article:
Toker C (1998). Adaptation of kabuli chickpeas (Cicerarietinum L.) to the low and high lands in the West Mediterranean region of Türkiye.Turk J Field Crop 3:10-15.

Toker C and Canci H (2003). Selection of chickpea (Cicerarietinum L.) genotypes for resistance to ascochyta blight [Ascochytarabiei (Pass.) Labr.], yield and yield criteria. Turk J Agric For27: 277-283.

Toker C, Canci H and Ceylan FO (2006). Estimation of outcrossing rate in chickpea (Cicerarietinum L.) sown in autumn.Euphytica 151: 201-205.

Article by Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number:
Yasar M, Ceylan FO, Ikten C and Toker C (2013). Comparison of expressivity and penetrance of the double podding trait and yield components based on reciprocal crosses of kabuli and desi chickpeas (CicerarietinumL.). Euphyticadoi:10.1007/s001090000086

Toker C (2014). YemeklikBaklagiller. BISAB, Ankara.

Book chapter:
Toker C, Lluch C, Tejera NA, Serraj R and Siddique KHM(2007) Abiotic stresses. In: Chickpea Breeding and Management,YadavSS, Redden B, Chen W and Sharma B (eds.),CAB Int. Wallingford, pp: 474-496.

Online document:
FAOSTAT J (2013) http://faostat.fao.org/site/567/default.aspx#ancor. Accessed 15 May 2013.

Dissertation (Thesis):
Yasar M (2012). Penetrance and expressivity of double podding characteristic in chickpea (Cicerarietinum L.).Dissertation, Akdeniz University, Antalya.

Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. could be placed before the reference list. The names of funding organizations should be written.

Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently.

Units of weight............. Abbreviation            Units of time..............................Abbreviation
kilo ...........................................k                                     second..........................................s
mega......................................M                                    minute...........................................min
giga.........................................G                                     hour.................................................h
terra.........................................T                                     day, week, month, year......day, week, month, year
micro..................................... µ
nano...................................... n                                     Units of temperature            Abbreviation
pico........................................ p                                     Celsius.............................................. oC
Kelvin..................................... K
Units of weight.......... Abbreviation                Units of time..............................Abbreviation
meter..................................... m                                   dalton................................................. Da
kilometer............................. km                                 hertz...................................................... Hz
centimeter........................... cm                               joule...................................................... J 
millimeter............................. mm                              volt........................................................ V
micrometer..........................µm                               watt...................................................... W
nanometer........................... nm

Units of area...................Abbreviation           Relative units....................Abbreviation
square meter........................... m2                            parts/million parts.............. ppm
square kilometer................... km2                          parts/billion.............................. parts ppb
hectare......................................... ha                            parts/trillion parts.................. ppt
square centimeter................cm2                         percentage................................. %
square millimeter.................. mm2                       weight.............................................. w

Units of volume .................... Abbreviation        Units of electrical conductivity.............. Abbreviation
cubic meter.................................... m3                           siemens per meter ............................................... S/m
cubic centimeter........................ cm3                         millisiemens per meter........................................mS/m
liter........................................................ L                                millisiemens per centimeter.......................... mS/cm
milliliter.............................................. mL                            milcrosiemens per centimeter....................... µS/cm
microliter.......................................... µm                           ohm.................................................................................... Ω

Units of mass.................... Abbreviation                  Units of concentration................ Abbreviation
gram ....................................... g                                      mole per kilogram ........................... mol/kg
kilogram ............................... kg                                    millimole per kilogram .................. mmol/kg
ton ............................................. t                                      gram per kilogram ........................... g/kg
milligram ............................. mg                                  milligram per kilogram .................. mg/kg
microgram........................... µm                                 Microgram per kilogram................. µg/kg

Units of mass ............... Abbreviation                       Units of concentration ............... Abbreviation
meter ................................... m                                        mole per liter ....................................... mol/L
kilometer ............................ km                                      millimole per liter .............................. mmol/L
centimeter .......................... cm                                    gram per liter ....................................... g/L
millimeter ............................ mm                                   milligram per liter ............................ mg/L
micrometer ........................ µm                                     microgram per liter ....................... µg/L
nanometer ......................... nm                                     microgram per .................................. milliliter µg/mL

Units of density ............................bbreviation            Units of irradiation ................. Abbreviation
gram per cubic meter................. g/m3                      watt per square meter........... W/m2
kilo gram per cubic meter ...... kg/m3                    Gray ..................................................... G
ton per cubic meter...................... t/m3                       kilo Rad ............................................... kRad
gram per liter..................................... g/L
kilo gram per liter........................... Kg/L

Units of pressure ...........................Abbreviation           Units of yield....................................Abbreviation
pascal...................................................... Pa                              kilogram per hectare ................kg/ha
megapascal........................................ MPa                           tons per hectare.............................. t/ha

Units of cation exchange capacity ............. Abbreviation                 Additional symbols............ Abbreviation
mmol per kilogram of any chemicals............ mmol/kg                          dry (fresh) weight ............... DW (FW)
                                                                                                                           water use efficiency............ WUE


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Last Update Time: 12/2/24, 3:21:33 PM