Research Article
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Do Shocks Permanently Affect Ecological Balance Per Capita in Brazil, South Africa, and New Zealand?

Year 2023, Issue: 39, 147 - 160, 27.12.2023


The aim of this study is to reveal whether the ecological balance per capita calculated separately for Brazil, South Africa, and New Zealand is permanently affected by shocks or not. The analysis period (depending on data availability) covers the period 1961–2022 for all countries examined. The data used in the study are on an annual basis. The ecological balance per capita has been obtained by subtracting the per capita ecological footprint from the per capita biocapacity. In order to make a choice between unit root tests that do not take into account nonlinearity and those that do, the linearity test suggested by Harvey et al. (2008) was first applied. Considering the results of the linearity analysis, the ADF unit root test, the unit root test recommended by Elliott et al. (1996), and the unit root test proposed by Narayan and Popp (2010) were applied to the data of Brazil and the data of New Zealand. For the ecological balance per capita series of South Africa, the unit root test recommended by Kapetanios et al. (2003), the unit root test proposed by Kruse (2011), and the unit root test suggested by Güriş (2019) were applied. According to the findings obtained, it can be said that the shocks to the ecological balance per capita (calculated separately for Brazil, South Africa, and New Zealand) have a permanent effect. The study also made important suggestions based on the findings.


  • Acaroğlu, H., Kartal, H. M. ve Garcia Marquez, F. P. (2023). Testing the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis in terms of ecological footprint and CO2 emissions through energy diversification for Turkey. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(22), 63289-63304. google scholar
  • Acheampong, A. O., Opoku, E. E. O. ve Dzator, J. (2022). Does democracy really improve environmental quality? Empirical contribution to the environmental politics debate. Energy Economics, 109. google scholar
  • Ahmad, F., Draz, M. U., Su, L. ve Rauf, A. (2019). Taking the bad with the good: The nexus between tourism and environmental degradation in the lower middle-income Southeast Asian economies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 233, 1240-1249. google scholar
  • Ajmi, A. N. ve Inglesi-Lotz, R. (2021). Revi siting the Kuznets curve hypothesis for Tunisia: Carbon dioxide vs. ecological footprint. Energy Sources, PartB: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 16(5), 406-419. google scholar
  • Al-mulali, U. ve Tang, C. F. (2013). Investigating the validity of pollution haven hypothesis in the gulf cooperation council (GCC) countries. Energy Policy, 60, 813-819. google scholar
  • Alper, A. E. ve Alper, F. Ö. (2021). Persistence of policy shocks to the ecological footprint of MINT countries. Ege Akademik Bakış, 21(4), 427-440. google scholar
  • Aydin, C., Esen, Ö. ve Aydin, R. (2022). Analyzing the economic development-driven ecological deficit in the EU-15 countries: New evidence from PSTR approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(10),15188-15204. google scholar
  • Bektaş, V. ve Ursavaş, N. (2023). Revisiting the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis with globalization for OECD countries: The role of convergence clubs. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(16), 47090-47105. google scholar
  • Bello, M. O., Gil-Alana, L. A. ve Ch’ng, K. S. (2023). Mean reversion and convergence of ecological footprint in the MENA region: Evidence from a fractional integration procedure. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(12), 35384-35397. google scholar
  • Bermejo, L., Gil-Alana, L. A. ve Del Rio, M. (2021). Atmospheric pollution in the ten most populated US cities. Evidence of persistence. Heliyon, 7(10). google scholar
  • Borucke, M., Moore, D., Cranston, G., Gracey, K., Iha, K., Larson, J., Lazarus, E., Morales, J. C., Wackernagel, M. ve Galli, A. (2013). Accounting for demand and supply of the biosphere’s regenerative capacity: The national footprint accounts’ underlying methodology and framework. Ecological Indicators, 24, 518-533. google scholar
  • Caglar, A. E. ve Mert, M. (2022). Carbon hysteresis hypothesis as a new approach to emission behavior: A case of top five emitters. Gondwana Research, 109, 171-182. google scholar
  • Caglar, A. E., Balsalobre-Lorente, D. ve Akin, C. S. (2021). Analysing the ecological footprint in EU-5 countries under a scenario of carbon neutrality: Evidence from newly developed sharp and smooth structural breaks in unit root testing. Journal of Environmental Management, 295. google scholar
  • Chang, S. C. (2015). Threshold effect of foreign direct investment on environmental degradation. Portuguese Economic Journal, 14, 75-102. google scholar
  • Chen, Z., Barros, C. P. ve Gil-Alana, L. A. (2016). The persistence of air pollution in four mega-cities of China. Habitat International, 56, 103-108. google scholar
  • Cil, N. (2023). Re-examination of pollution haven hypothesis for Turkey with Fourier approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(4), 10024-10036. google scholar
  • Elliott, G., Rothenberg, T. J. ve Stock, J. H. (1996). Efficient tests for an autoregressive unit root. Econometrica, 64(4), 813-836. google scholar
  • Erdogan, S., Pata, U. K., Solarin, S. A. ve Okumus, I. (2022). On the persistence of shocks to global CO2 emissions: A historical data perspective (0 to 2014). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(51), 77311-77320. google scholar
  • Erdoğmuş, M. (2023). Danimarka ve İsveç için işsizlik histerisi hipotezinin test edilmesi. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 23(1), 123-136. google scholar
  • Esenyel İçen, N. M., İçen, H. ve Uzuner, G. (2022). Evaluation of ecological security for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations-5 countries: New evidence from the RALS unit root test. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 29(4), 705-725. google scholar
  • Galli, A. ve Halle, M. (2014). Mounting debt in a world in overshoot: An analysis of the link between the mediterranean region’s economic and ecological crises. Resources, 3(2), 383-394. google scholar
  • Geng, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, X., Xue, B., Fujita, T. ve Dong, H. (2014). Urban ecological footprint analysis: A comparative study between Shenyang in China and Kawasaki in Japan. Journal of Cleaner Production, 75, 130-142. google scholar
  • Global Footprint Network. (t.y.). Ecological Footprint vs Biocapacity (gha per person) [Veri Seti]. Erişim Adresi:,EFCpc&cn=223 (Erişim Tarihi: 28.06.2023). google scholar
  • Güriş, B. (2019). A new nonlinear unit root test with Fourier function. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 48(10), 3056-3062. google scholar
  • Hacıimamoğlu, T. (2023). Katar’da ekolojik ayak izi ve alt bileşenlerinin durağanlığının test edilmesi: Kesirli frekanslı Fourier birim kök analizi. Verimlilik Dergisi, Döngüsel Ekonomi ve Sürdürülebilirlik Özel Sayısı, 205-218. google scholar
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  • Kostakis, I. ve Arauzo-Carod, J. M. (2023). The key roles of renewable energy and economic growth in disaggregated environmental degradation: Evidence from highly developed, heterogeneous and cross-correlated countries. Renewable Energy, 206, 1315-1325. google scholar
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  • Kruse, T., Dechezlepretre, A., Saffar, R. ve Robert, L. (2022). Measuring environmental policy stringency in OECD countries: An update of the OECD composite EPS indicator (OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 1703). Paris: OECD Publishing. google scholar
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Şoklar Brezilya, Güney Afrika ve Yeni Zelanda’da Kişi Başı Ekolojik Dengeyi Kalıcı Olarak Etkiler mi?

Year 2023, Issue: 39, 147 - 160, 27.12.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı Brezilya, Güney Afrika ve Yeni Zelanda için ayrı ayrı hesaplanan kişi başı ekolojik dengenin şoklardan kalıcı olarak etkilenip etkilenmediğini ortaya koymaktır. Analiz dönemi incelenen tüm ülkeler için (veri mevcudiyetine bağlı olarak) 1961–2022 dönemini kapsamaktadır. Çalışmada kullanılan veriler yıllık bazdadır. Kişi başı ekolojik denge, kişi başı biyolojik kapasiteden kişi başı ekolojik ayak izinin çıkartılmasıyla elde edilmiştir. Doğrusal dışılığı dikkate almayan ve doğrusal dışılığı dikkate alan birim kök testleri arasında bir seçim yapabilmek amacıyla önce Harvey vd. (2008) tarafından önerilen doğrusallık testi uygulanmıştır. Doğrusallık analizinin sonuçları dikkate alınarak çalışmada Brezilya verilerine ve Yeni Zelanda verilerine ADF birim kök testi, Elliott vd. (1996) tarafından önerilen birim kök testi ve Narayan ve Popp (2010) tarafından önerilen birim kök testi uygulanmıştır. Güney Afrika’ya ait kişi başı ekolojik denge serisi için ise Kapetanios vd. (2003) tarafından önerilen birim kök testi, Kruse (2011) tarafından önerilen birim kök testi ve Güriş (2019) tarafından önerilen birim kök testi uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre Brezilya, Güney Afrika ve Yeni Zelanda için ayrı ayrı hesaplanan kişi başı ekolojik dengeye yönelik şokların kalıcı etkiye sahip olduğu söylenebilir. Çalışmada ayrıca elde edilen bulgulardan yola çıkarak önemli önerilerde de bulunulmuştur.


  • Acaroğlu, H., Kartal, H. M. ve Garcia Marquez, F. P. (2023). Testing the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis in terms of ecological footprint and CO2 emissions through energy diversification for Turkey. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(22), 63289-63304. google scholar
  • Acheampong, A. O., Opoku, E. E. O. ve Dzator, J. (2022). Does democracy really improve environmental quality? Empirical contribution to the environmental politics debate. Energy Economics, 109. google scholar
  • Ahmad, F., Draz, M. U., Su, L. ve Rauf, A. (2019). Taking the bad with the good: The nexus between tourism and environmental degradation in the lower middle-income Southeast Asian economies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 233, 1240-1249. google scholar
  • Ajmi, A. N. ve Inglesi-Lotz, R. (2021). Revi siting the Kuznets curve hypothesis for Tunisia: Carbon dioxide vs. ecological footprint. Energy Sources, PartB: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 16(5), 406-419. google scholar
  • Al-mulali, U. ve Tang, C. F. (2013). Investigating the validity of pollution haven hypothesis in the gulf cooperation council (GCC) countries. Energy Policy, 60, 813-819. google scholar
  • Alper, A. E. ve Alper, F. Ö. (2021). Persistence of policy shocks to the ecological footprint of MINT countries. Ege Akademik Bakış, 21(4), 427-440. google scholar
  • Aydin, C., Esen, Ö. ve Aydin, R. (2022). Analyzing the economic development-driven ecological deficit in the EU-15 countries: New evidence from PSTR approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(10),15188-15204. google scholar
  • Bektaş, V. ve Ursavaş, N. (2023). Revisiting the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis with globalization for OECD countries: The role of convergence clubs. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(16), 47090-47105. google scholar
  • Bello, M. O., Gil-Alana, L. A. ve Ch’ng, K. S. (2023). Mean reversion and convergence of ecological footprint in the MENA region: Evidence from a fractional integration procedure. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(12), 35384-35397. google scholar
  • Bermejo, L., Gil-Alana, L. A. ve Del Rio, M. (2021). Atmospheric pollution in the ten most populated US cities. Evidence of persistence. Heliyon, 7(10). google scholar
  • Borucke, M., Moore, D., Cranston, G., Gracey, K., Iha, K., Larson, J., Lazarus, E., Morales, J. C., Wackernagel, M. ve Galli, A. (2013). Accounting for demand and supply of the biosphere’s regenerative capacity: The national footprint accounts’ underlying methodology and framework. Ecological Indicators, 24, 518-533. google scholar
  • Caglar, A. E. ve Mert, M. (2022). Carbon hysteresis hypothesis as a new approach to emission behavior: A case of top five emitters. Gondwana Research, 109, 171-182. google scholar
  • Caglar, A. E., Balsalobre-Lorente, D. ve Akin, C. S. (2021). Analysing the ecological footprint in EU-5 countries under a scenario of carbon neutrality: Evidence from newly developed sharp and smooth structural breaks in unit root testing. Journal of Environmental Management, 295. google scholar
  • Chang, S. C. (2015). Threshold effect of foreign direct investment on environmental degradation. Portuguese Economic Journal, 14, 75-102. google scholar
  • Chen, Z., Barros, C. P. ve Gil-Alana, L. A. (2016). The persistence of air pollution in four mega-cities of China. Habitat International, 56, 103-108. google scholar
  • Cil, N. (2023). Re-examination of pollution haven hypothesis for Turkey with Fourier approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(4), 10024-10036. google scholar
  • Elliott, G., Rothenberg, T. J. ve Stock, J. H. (1996). Efficient tests for an autoregressive unit root. Econometrica, 64(4), 813-836. google scholar
  • Erdogan, S., Pata, U. K., Solarin, S. A. ve Okumus, I. (2022). On the persistence of shocks to global CO2 emissions: A historical data perspective (0 to 2014). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(51), 77311-77320. google scholar
  • Erdoğmuş, M. (2023). Danimarka ve İsveç için işsizlik histerisi hipotezinin test edilmesi. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 23(1), 123-136. google scholar
  • Esenyel İçen, N. M., İçen, H. ve Uzuner, G. (2022). Evaluation of ecological security for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations-5 countries: New evidence from the RALS unit root test. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 29(4), 705-725. google scholar
  • Galli, A. ve Halle, M. (2014). Mounting debt in a world in overshoot: An analysis of the link between the mediterranean region’s economic and ecological crises. Resources, 3(2), 383-394. google scholar
  • Geng, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, X., Xue, B., Fujita, T. ve Dong, H. (2014). Urban ecological footprint analysis: A comparative study between Shenyang in China and Kawasaki in Japan. Journal of Cleaner Production, 75, 130-142. google scholar
  • Global Footprint Network. (t.y.). Ecological Footprint vs Biocapacity (gha per person) [Veri Seti]. Erişim Adresi:,EFCpc&cn=223 (Erişim Tarihi: 28.06.2023). google scholar
  • Güriş, B. (2019). A new nonlinear unit root test with Fourier function. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 48(10), 3056-3062. google scholar
  • Hacıimamoğlu, T. (2023). Katar’da ekolojik ayak izi ve alt bileşenlerinin durağanlığının test edilmesi: Kesirli frekanslı Fourier birim kök analizi. Verimlilik Dergisi, Döngüsel Ekonomi ve Sürdürülebilirlik Özel Sayısı, 205-218. google scholar
  • Harvey, D. I., Leybourne, S. J. ve Xiao, B. (2008). A powerful test for linearity when the order of integration is unknown. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 12(3). google scholar
  • Kapetanios, G., Shin, Y. ve Snell, A. (2003). Testing for a unit root in the nonlinear STAR framework. Journal of Econometrics, 112(2), 359-379. google scholar
  • Kostakis, I. ve Arauzo-Carod, J. M. (2023). The key roles of renewable energy and economic growth in disaggregated environmental degradation: Evidence from highly developed, heterogeneous and cross-correlated countries. Renewable Energy, 206, 1315-1325. google scholar
  • Kruse, R. (2011). A new unit root test against ESTAR based on a class of modified statistics. Statistical Papers, 52(1), 71-85. google scholar
  • Kruse, T., Dechezlepretre, A., Saffar, R. ve Robert, L. (2022). Measuring environmental policy stringency in OECD countries: An update of the OECD composite EPS indicator (OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 1703). Paris: OECD Publishing. google scholar
  • Lee, J. ve Strazicich, M. C. (2003). Minimum Lagrange multiplier unit root test with two structural breaks. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 85(4), 1082-1089. google scholar
  • Lumsdaine, R. L. ve Papell, D. H. (1997). Multiple trend breaks and the unit-root hypothesis. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 79(2), 212-218. google scholar
  • Monfreda, C., Wackernagel, M. ve Deumling, D. (2004). Establishing national natural capital accounts based on detailed ecological footprint and biological capacity assessments. Land Use Policy, 21(3), 231-246. google scholar
  • Moors, E. H. M., Mulder, K. F. ve Vergragt, P. J. (2005). Towards cleaner production: Barriers and strategies in the base metals producing industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13(7), 657-668. google scholar
  • Moran, D. D., Wackernagel, M., Kitzes, J. A., Goldfinger, S. H. ve Boutaud, A. (2008). Measuring sustainable development—Nation by nation. Ecological Economics, 64(3), 470-474. google scholar
  • Narayan, P. K. ve Popp, S. (2010). A new unit root test with two structural breaks in level and slope at unknown time. Journal of Applied Statistics, 37(9), 1425-1438. google scholar
  • Narayan, P. K. ve Popp, S. (2013). Size and power properties of structural break unit root tests. Applied Economics, 45(6), 721-728. google scholar
  • OECD (t.y.). Environmental policy: Environmental Policy Stringency index, OECD.Stat Statistics (database). Erişim Adresi: (Erişim Tarihi: 05.04.2023). google scholar
  • Ozcan, B., Danish ve Bozoklu, S. (2021). Dynamics of ecological balance in OECD countries: Sustainable or unsustainable?. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 26, 638-647. google scholar
  • Ozcan, B., Ulucak, R. ve Dogan, E. (2019). Analyzing long lasting effects of environmental policies: Evidence from low, middle and high income economies. Sustainable Cities and Society, 44, 130-143. google scholar
  • Pata, U. K. ve Aydin, M. (2023). Persistence of CO2 emissions in G7 countries: A different outlook from wavelet-based linear and nonlinear unit root tests. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(6), 15267-15281. google scholar
  • Pata, U. K. ve Yilanci, V. (2021). Investigating the persistence of shocks on the ecological balance: Evidence from G10 and N11 countries. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 28, 624-636. google scholar
  • Poddig, T., Dichtl, H. ve Petersmeier, K. (2008). Statistik, Ökonometrie, Optimierung: Methoden und ihre praktischen Anwendungen in Finanzanalyse und Portfoliomanagement. Uhlenbruch Verlag, Bad Soden/Ts. google scholar
  • Rees, W. E. (1992). Ecological footprints and appropriated carrying capacity: What urban economics leaves out. Environment and Urbanization, 4(2), 121-130. google scholar
  • Siche, J. R., Agostinho, F., Ortega, E. ve Romeiro, A. (2008). Sustainability of nations by indices: Comparative study between environmental sustainability index, ecological footprint and the emergy performance indices. Ecological Economics, 66(4), 628-637. google scholar
  • Solarin, S. A. ve Bello, M. O. (2018). Persistence of policy shocks to an environmental degradation index: The case of ecological footprint in 128 developed and developing countries. Ecological Indicators, 89, 35-44. google scholar
  • Solarin, S. A. ve Gil-Alana, L. A. (2021). Persistence of methane emission in OECD countries for 1750-2014: A fractional integration approach. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 26(4), 497-509. google scholar
  • Solarin, S. A., Gil-Alana, L. A. ve Lafuente, C. (2019). Persistence in carbon footprint emissions: An overview of 92 countries. Carbon Management, 10(4), 405-415. google scholar
  • Solarin, S. A., Gil-Alana, L. A. ve Lafuente, C. (2021). Persistence and sustainability of fishing grounds footprint: Evidence from 89 countries. Science of the Total Environment, 751. google scholar
  • Solarin, S. A., Pata, U. K., Erdogan, S. ve Okumus, I. (2023). Persistence of shocks on sectoral non-methane volatile organic compound from 1820 to 2019: Insights from a Fourier quantile unit root test. Journal of Environmental Management, 325. google scholar
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There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Econometrics (Other)

Mehmet Erdoğmuş 0000-0001-9700-630X

Publication Date December 27, 2023
Submission Date July 20, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 39


APA Erdoğmuş, M. (2023). Şoklar Brezilya, Güney Afrika ve Yeni Zelanda’da Kişi Başı Ekolojik Dengeyi Kalıcı Olarak Etkiler mi?. EKOIST Journal of Econometrics and Statistics(39), 147-160.