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Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 12/23/22

Year: 2022

Ekonomi-tek is a peer-review journal published tri-annually (January, May and September) by the Turkish Economic Association Foundation. The aim of the journal is to publish the findings of the theoretical and applied research in all fields of economics.

Ekonomi-tek is a general-interest economics journal and publishes original papers on economics in English or Turkish. The research presented in the paper should be designed in accordance with the economic literature on the topic. Descriptions of the main arguments and results in the paper should be presented using concepts and theories in economics, and the author(s) should avoid normative discussions and judgments. The journal also accepts book reviews.

Submitted manuscript should also meet the following criteria:
1. Clarity of writing
2. Adequate paper structure
3. Clear elaboration of contribution to the knowledge in economics
4. The literature reviewed and cited should be appropriate and provide a robust theoretical foundation for the research presented in the paper
5. Clear description and relevance of data and methods used in the study.

1. Ekonomi-tek is a peer-review journal published tri-annually (January, May, and September) The journal accepts original papers on economics written in English or Turkish. Ekonomi-tek does not ask for any submission and publication fee.
2. Submitted paper should not have been published previously or should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Author(s) must strictly follow publication ethics rules. Acceptance of an article for publication automatically transfers the copyright of the article to Ekonomi-tek. By submitting the paper to Ekonomi-tek, the author(s) confirm(s) that she/he/they has/have understood and verified the conditions stated in this article. 

To complete the application, please;

i) Fill in the copyright form,
ii) Upload similarity report,
ii) Upload the Disclosure Statements.

3. The legal responsibilities for the content of the article published belongs to the author(s).
4. If and when required, author(s) should provide data and/or codes for the purposes of replication. Editor may ask for tables and figures in their original format during the typesetting stage.

5. Papers should be submitted in MS Office Word format with 1.5 line spacing. Please use 12-point Times New Roman font. Page size is A4, and margins should be 31 mm on the top, bottom, and sides. Please use only portrait layout. Although there are no strict length limitations for the articles, manuscripts should not exceed 35 pages including references, tables, figures, and appendices.
6. Separate title page should include a concise and informative title in English and Turkish, author names, affiliations, ORCID IDs and email addresses of the authors.
7. Submitted papers should include a 50-150 word abstract in English and Turkish. Minimum two maximum five JEL codes and minimum two maximum six Keywords should appear below English and Turkish abstracts.
8. Headings and subheadings should be numbered as follows:

1. Introduction
2. Iiiiiii Iiiiiii
2.1. Iiiiiii Iiiiii

9. Tables, figures, and appendices should be placed at the end of the paper after the reference list. The positioning of the tables and figures in the text should be indicated as follows:
< Insert the table # / figure # approximately here >
10. If the tables and figures are larger than the space between the left and right margins, please prepare them vertically (do not use landscape pages).


11. Starting from Volume 10 (2021) journal applies the APA reference system for citation and references. Please use the latest version of APA (American Psychological Association) in-text and reference list citations. For the basics of the APA style, among others, author(s) may refer to “https://www.mendeley.com/guides/apa-citation-guide”.
12. In-Text Citation: All references should be cited in the text (not in the footnotes) by giving the last name of the author (single author), both authors’ names (two authors), first author’s name followed by “et al.” (more than two authors) and the year of the publication.

Kayaoğlu (2020) states … or … (Kayaoğlu, 2020)
Çelem and Güzel (2019) state … or ... (Çelem and Güzel, 2019)

Three, four and five authors:
First site: Erduman, Aktaş, and Kaya Ekşi (2017) or (Erduman, Aktaş, and Kaya Ekşi, 2017)

Further cites:

Erduman at al (2017) or (Erduman at al, 2017)

Six and more than six authors:
Yeşilyurt at al (2016) state … or … (Yeşilyurt at al, 2016)

Multiple works in one parentheses:

(Kayaoğlu, 2020; Çelem and Güzel, 2019)

Citing an author with multiple works:
Acemoğlu (1998, 2002) or (Acemoğlu, 1998, 2002)

If an author cited has two or more works published during the same year, the references, both in the text and in the reference list, should be identified by lower-case letters like “a” and “b” after the date: Rodrik (2008a), Rodrik (2008b) or (Rodrik, 2008a, 2008b)

Citing a secondary source:
Krugman, (1991) as cited in Filiztekin (2020) or (Krugman,1991, as cited in Filiztekin, 2020)

Direct quotation: Direct quotation should be enclosed in quotation marks. If it is longer than one sentence, please leave a line space above and below the quotation, indent it from the left.
Kayaoğlu (2020, p.163) or (Kayaoğlu, 2020, p.163)
Kayaoğlu (2020, pp.163-164) or (Kayaoğlu, 2020, pp.163-164)

13. References:

All references cited in the text should be listed at end of the paper and ordered alphabetically by the first author’s surname.

Papers published in a journal:
Çelem, A., and Güzel, H. (2019). On the dynamics of the agricultural trade of Turkey. Ekonomi-tek, 8(1), 1-10.
Kayaoğlu, A. (2020). Do relative status of women and marriage characteristics matter for intimate partner violence? Ekonomi-tek, 9(3), 161-185.
Yeşilyurt, F., Yeşilyurt, M., Karadeniz, O., Kabakçı Karadeniz, H., Gülel, F., and Çağlar, A. (2016). Cinsiyet ve il kırılımlı insani gelişme endeksi: Türkiye örneği. Ekonomi-tek, 5 (3), 21-56.

If the article is online, add DOI or web address:
Çelem, A., and Güzel, H. (2019). On the dynamics of the agricultural trade of Turkey. Ekonomi-tek, 8(1), 1-10. Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/ekonomitek/issue/61928/926666
Kayaoğlu, A. (2020). Do relative status of women and marriage characteristics matter for intimate partner violence? Ekonomi-tek, 9(3), 161-185. Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/ekonomitek/issue/62304/935392

Kuznets, S. (1966). Modern Economic Growth: Rate, Structure, and Spread. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.

Edited book:
Aghion, P., and Durlauf, S. N. (Ed(s).). (2005). Handbook of Economic Growth. Volume 1A. Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Chapter in an edited book:
Durlauf, S. N., Johnson, P. A., and Temple, J. R. W. (2005). Growth econometrics. In P. Aghion and S. N. Durlauf (Ed(s).). Handbook of Economic Growth. Volume 1A. (pp. 555-677). Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Working paper:
Aghion, P., Bloom, N., Blundell, R., Griffith, R., and Howitt, P. (2002). Competition and innovation: An inverted U relationship. NBER Working Paper No. 9269.

14. Equations, tables, figures, and appendices should be numbered consecutively. Equations should be placed on a separate line and place the equation number in the square bracket left of (the first line of) the equation with no indent. Tables and figures should be titled appropriately and be placed on the top of the figure or table. Notes, references, and data sources should be placed under the table or figure.

Ekonomi-tek considers ethical principles from Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and UAK Research and Publication Ethics.

For Authors:
Submitted paper should not have been published previously or should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Author(s) must strictly follow publication ethics rules.
The author(s) should strictly follow citation rules and must not misleadingly manipulate the data and the empirical results.
The author(s) should describe their methods clearly and unambiguously.
If submitted paper is a joint work, all authors shall take collective responsibility for submitted and published work.

For Editor:
Editor’s responsibility shall be limited to the evaluation of the paper for plagiarism, compliance with the journal's purpose and quality standards.
Editor shall make fair and unbiased decisions and ensure a fair, appropriate and transparent peer review process.
Editor shall critically assess the ethical conduct of studies in humans and animals.
Editor shall pursue any misconduct during the review stage.

For Referees:
The review process at Ekonomi-tek is carried out on the principle of double-blind review. Reviewers do not contact the authors directly, and the reviews and comments are conveyed through the journal management system. In this process, the referees’ comments on the evaluation forms and/or on submitted texts shall be sent to the author(s) by the editor.
Referees should declare all potential competing, or conflicting, interests.
Referees should be constructive and encouraging and should avoid making derogatory personal comments that include hostility, slander and insult.
Ekonomi-tek aims to complete review stage as soon as possible. Therefore, referees should respond to an invitation to peer review within a reasonable timeframe, even if she/he cannot undertake the review. If the referee feels qualified to judge the manuscript, should agree to review only if she/he is able to return the evaluation report within the proposed or mutually agreed timeframe.

Ekonomi-tek is a peer-review journal published tri annually (January, May and September) The journal accepts original papers on economics written in English or Turkish. Ekonomi-tek does not ask any submission and publication fee. Consequently, Ekonomi-tek does not pay royalty fee to the author(s) for the articles published in the journal.
Submitted paper should not have been published previously or should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Acceptance of an article for publication automatically transfers copyright of the article to Ekonomi-tek.
Ekonomi-tek has the right to publish, not publish and make corrections to the submitted articles.
Evaluation process consists of three stages:
1. Pre-evaluation by editor: The editor checks the submitted paper for plagiarism, compliance with the journal's purpose and quality standards. The editor also may ask the author(s) to revise the paper it is not written according to the writing guide. At end of this stage the editor decides to send to the referees or to reject the paper, and informs the corresponding author about the status of the article.
2. Double blind peer review: The editor sends the submitted paper to referees who are expert in the field of the paper. Following detailed evaluation, the referees make a decision as “accept without revision”, “minor or major revision” or “not to publish” and send their evaluation report to the editor. The editor sends the comments of the referees to the corresponding author if the decision is not “accept without revision”.
3. Revision (if the referees’ decisions are not “accept without revision” or “not to publish”): The editor may ask the author(s) to submit supplementary documents to complete review process. Author(s) should revise their paper in line with the referees' reports.

As the article accepted for the publication, editor send a “Copyright Transfer Form” to the author(s) to be signed and mailed back to the editor. If the author(s) failed to complete this stage, the paper is not published.
All legal responsibilities related with the published article, such as violation of publication ethics rules, conflict of interests, views expressed in the article, belongs to the author(s). Completion of the evaluation process and publication of the paper by Ekonomi-tek does not remove the responsibility of the author (s).
By submitting the paper to Ekonomi-tek, the author(s) confirm(s) that she/he/they has/have understood and verified the publication policy of Ekonomi-tek.

Ekonomi-tek does not charge any submission, processing and publication fee.
Ekonomi-tek does not pay royalty fee to the author(s) for the articles published in the journal.