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Year 2011, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 57 - 65, 01.12.2011



  • Sommerfeld A., “Propagation of Waves in Wireless Telegraphy”, Ann. Phys., 28, 665-736, 1909.
  • Samii Y.R., Mittra R. ve Parhami P., “Evaluation of Sommerfeld Integrals for Lossy Half-Space Problems”, Electromagnetics, 1(1), 1-28, 1981.
  • King R.W.P., “New Formulas for the Electromagnetic Field of a Vertical Electric Dipole in a Dielectric or Conducting Half-Space Near its Horizontal Interface”, J. Appl. Phys., 53, 8476-8472, 1982. (düzeltme : 56, 3366, 1984).
  • King R.W.P., Owens M. ve Wu T.T., Lateral electromagnetic waves: theory and applications to communications, geophysical exploration, and remote sensing, Springer Verlag, 1992.
  • Houdzoumis V.A., “Vertical Electric Dipole Radiation over a Sphere: Character of the Waves that Propagate Through the Sphere”, J. Appl. Phys., 86, 3939–3942 1999.
  • Houdzoumis V.A., “Two Modes of Wave Propagation Manifested in Vertical Electric Dipole Radiation over a Sphere”, Radio Sci., 35, 1(1), 19–29, 2000.
  • Margetis D. ve Wu T.T., “Exactly Calculable Field Components of Electric Dipoles in Planar Boundary”, J. Math. Phys., 42(2), 713-745, 2001.
  • Margetis D., “Radiation of Horizontal Electric Dipole on Large Dielectric Sphere”, J. Math. Phys., 43, 3162– 3201, 2002.
  • Li K. ve Park S.O., “Electromagnetic Field in the Air Generated by a Horizontal Electric Dipole Located in the Spherical Electrically Earth Coated with a Dielectric Layer”, J. Electromagn. Waves Applicat., 17(10), 1399– 1417, 2003.
  • Pan W.Y. ve Zhang H.Q., “Electromagnetic Field of a Vertical Electric Dipole on the Surface of a Dielectric Layer Overlay a Global Conductor”, Radio Sci., 38(3), 1061, 2003.
  • Li K., Park S.O. ve Zhang H.Q., “Electromagnetic Field in the Presence of a Three-Layered Spherical Region”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 45, 103–121, 2004.
  • Li K., Park S.O. ve Zhang H.Q., “The Electromagnetic Field over the Spherical Earth Coated with N-Layered Dielectric”, Radio Sci., 39, 2004.
  • Zhang H.Q., Li K. ve Pan W.Y., “The Electromagnetic Field of a Vertical Dipole on the Dielectric-Coated Imperfect Conductor”, J. of Electromag. Waves and Appl., 18(10), 1305-1320, 2004.
  • Li K. ve Lu Y.L., “Electromagnetic Field from a Horizontal Electric Dipole in the Spherical Electrically Earth Covered with N-Layered Dielectrics”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 54, 221–244, 2005.
  • Mei J.P. ve Li K., “Electromagnetic Field from a Horizontal Electric Dipole on the Surface of a High Lossy Dielectric Coated with a Uniaxial Layer”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 73, 71-91, 2007.
  • Fei T., Li L.W., Yeo T.S., Wang H.L. ve Wu Q., “A Comparative Study of Radio Wave Propagation over the Earth due to a Vertical Electric Dipole”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., 55(10), 2723-2732, 2007.
  • Liang L. ve Li K., “Radiation From a Vertical Electric Dipole in the Presence of a Three-Layered Region”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., 55(12), 3469-3475, 2007.
  • Richmond J.H., “A Wire-Grid Model for Scattering by Conducting Bodies”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-14(6), 782-786, 1966.
  • Lin J.L., Curtis W.L. ve Vincent, M.C., “On the Field Distribution of an Aperture”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-22, 467-471, 1974.
  • Lee K.S.H., Martin L. ve Castillo J.P., “Limitations of Wire-Grid Modeling of a Closed Surface”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., 18(3), 123-129, 1976.
  • Ludwig A. C., “Wire Grid Modeling of Surface”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-14(9), 1045-1048, 1987.
  • Peterson A.F., “Difficulties Encountered when Attempting to Validate thin wire Formulations for Linear Dipole Antennas”, ACES Journal, 4(3), 25-40, 1990.
  • Hubing T.H. ve Kauffman J.F., “Modeling Electrically Small, Thin Surfaces with Wire Grids”, ACES Journal, 5(1), 19-24, 1990.
  • Mayhan J.T., “Characteristic Modes and Wire Grid Modeling”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., 38(4), 457-469, 1990.
  • Kashyap S., “Wire Grid and Surface Patch Modelling for EMP Interaction”, IEEE Antennas Propagation Society International Symposium, AP-S, 1990.
  • Paknys R.J., “The Near Field of a Wire Grid Model”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., 39(7), 994-999, 1991.
  • Paknys R.J. ve Raschkowan, L.R., “Moment Method Surface Patch and Wire Grid Accuracy in the Computation of Near Fields”, ACES Journal, 12(3), 16- 25, 1997.
  • Harrington R.F., “Moment Methods for Field. Problems”, Proc. of the IEEE, 55(2), 136-149, 1967.
  • Sarkar T.K. ve Harrington R.F., “Radar Cross Sections of Conducting Bodies over a Lossy Half Space”, Radio Science, 15(3), 581-585, 1980.
  • Burke G.J. ve Poggio A.J., “Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC)-Method of Moments”, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Ocak 1981. (bilgi için:
  • SuperNec, Poynting Software (Pty) Ltd., South Africa.
  • Zor Ö. ve Polat B., “An Implementation of King's Green Functions in Thin Wire Scattering Problems”, ACES Journal, baskıda.
  • Crow T.T. ve Shumpert T.H., “Electromagnetic Scattering from Configurations of Thin Wire with Multiple Junctions”, Interaction Note 99, 1972.
  • King R.W.P. ve Wu T.T., “Analysis of Crossed Wires in a Plane-Wave Field”, Interaction Note 216, 1975.
  • Bretones A.R., Extrema A.S., Gómes R.M. ve Callejón J.F., “About the Study in the Time Domain of Junctions Between Thin Wires”, ACES Journal, 6(2), 2-20, 1991.
  • King R.W.P., “Electromagnetic Ground Wave Field of Vertical Antennas for Communication at 1 to 30 MHz”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compatibility, 40(4), 337-342, 1998.
  • Weiner M.M., “Validation of the Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC) for Antenna Wire Elements in Proximity to Earth”, ACES Journal, 8(2), 44-71, 1993.
  • Davidson D.B. ve Mouton H.T., “Validation of, and Limitations on, the Use of NEC-4 for Radiation from Antennas Buried within a Homogeneous Half-Space”, ACES Journal, 13(3), 302–309, 1998.
  • Newman E.H., “Simple Examples of the Method of Moments in Electromagnetics”, IEEE Trans. Education, 31(3), 193-200, 1988.
  • King R.W.P. ve Wu T.T., “The Propagation of a Radar Pulse in Sea Water”, J. Appl. Phys., 73(4), 1581-1590, 1993. Erratum: J. Appl. Phys., 77(7), 3586-3587, 1995.
  • King R.W.P.,“The Propagation of a Gaussian Pulse in Sea Water and its Application to Remote Sensing”, IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 31(3), 595-605, 1993.
  • King R.W.P., “Propagation of a Low Frequency Rectangular Pulse in Sea Water”, Radio Science, 28(3), 299-307, 1993.
  • du Toit C.F. ve Davidson D.B., “Wiregrid: a NEC2 Pre- Processor”, ACES Journal, 10(1), 31–39, 1995.
  • Trueman C.W. ve Kubina S.J., “Verifying Wire-Grid Model Integrity with Program CHECK”, ACES Journal, 5(2), 17–42, 1990.
  • Oyekanmi L.A. ve Watkins J., “Selecting Wire Radius for Grid/

İnce Tel Yapılarından Saçılma Problemlerinde Menzilden Bağımsız Yarı-Uzay Green Fonksiyonları

Year 2011, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 57 - 65, 01.12.2011


Bu çalısmada Green fonksiyonu formülasyonu ve Moment yöntemi kullanılarak, rezonans bölgesinde ve “yüksek kırıcılık yaklasıklıgı” (YKY) altında, düzlemsel sınıra sahip kayıplı dielektrik yarı-uzay üzerinde konuslanmıs metalik ince tel ızgara yapılarına iliskin saçılma problemleri incelenmistir. Bu amaçla Moment yöntemindeki empedans matrisinin hesabında, literatürde ilk defa olarak, R.W.P.King'in YKY altında her uzaklık için geçerli Green fonksiyonları kullanılmıstır. Gelistirilen MATLAB™ tabanlı yazılımı dogrulama amaçlı olarak düzlem dalga uyarımı altında belirli kanonik yapılar üzerinde elde edilen akım dagılımlarının sayısal degerleri SNEC™ ticari yazılımı ile elde edilen degerlerle karsılastırılmıstır.


  • Sommerfeld A., “Propagation of Waves in Wireless Telegraphy”, Ann. Phys., 28, 665-736, 1909.
  • Samii Y.R., Mittra R. ve Parhami P., “Evaluation of Sommerfeld Integrals for Lossy Half-Space Problems”, Electromagnetics, 1(1), 1-28, 1981.
  • King R.W.P., “New Formulas for the Electromagnetic Field of a Vertical Electric Dipole in a Dielectric or Conducting Half-Space Near its Horizontal Interface”, J. Appl. Phys., 53, 8476-8472, 1982. (düzeltme : 56, 3366, 1984).
  • King R.W.P., Owens M. ve Wu T.T., Lateral electromagnetic waves: theory and applications to communications, geophysical exploration, and remote sensing, Springer Verlag, 1992.
  • Houdzoumis V.A., “Vertical Electric Dipole Radiation over a Sphere: Character of the Waves that Propagate Through the Sphere”, J. Appl. Phys., 86, 3939–3942 1999.
  • Houdzoumis V.A., “Two Modes of Wave Propagation Manifested in Vertical Electric Dipole Radiation over a Sphere”, Radio Sci., 35, 1(1), 19–29, 2000.
  • Margetis D. ve Wu T.T., “Exactly Calculable Field Components of Electric Dipoles in Planar Boundary”, J. Math. Phys., 42(2), 713-745, 2001.
  • Margetis D., “Radiation of Horizontal Electric Dipole on Large Dielectric Sphere”, J. Math. Phys., 43, 3162– 3201, 2002.
  • Li K. ve Park S.O., “Electromagnetic Field in the Air Generated by a Horizontal Electric Dipole Located in the Spherical Electrically Earth Coated with a Dielectric Layer”, J. Electromagn. Waves Applicat., 17(10), 1399– 1417, 2003.
  • Pan W.Y. ve Zhang H.Q., “Electromagnetic Field of a Vertical Electric Dipole on the Surface of a Dielectric Layer Overlay a Global Conductor”, Radio Sci., 38(3), 1061, 2003.
  • Li K., Park S.O. ve Zhang H.Q., “Electromagnetic Field in the Presence of a Three-Layered Spherical Region”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 45, 103–121, 2004.
  • Li K., Park S.O. ve Zhang H.Q., “The Electromagnetic Field over the Spherical Earth Coated with N-Layered Dielectric”, Radio Sci., 39, 2004.
  • Zhang H.Q., Li K. ve Pan W.Y., “The Electromagnetic Field of a Vertical Dipole on the Dielectric-Coated Imperfect Conductor”, J. of Electromag. Waves and Appl., 18(10), 1305-1320, 2004.
  • Li K. ve Lu Y.L., “Electromagnetic Field from a Horizontal Electric Dipole in the Spherical Electrically Earth Covered with N-Layered Dielectrics”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 54, 221–244, 2005.
  • Mei J.P. ve Li K., “Electromagnetic Field from a Horizontal Electric Dipole on the Surface of a High Lossy Dielectric Coated with a Uniaxial Layer”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 73, 71-91, 2007.
  • Fei T., Li L.W., Yeo T.S., Wang H.L. ve Wu Q., “A Comparative Study of Radio Wave Propagation over the Earth due to a Vertical Electric Dipole”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., 55(10), 2723-2732, 2007.
  • Liang L. ve Li K., “Radiation From a Vertical Electric Dipole in the Presence of a Three-Layered Region”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., 55(12), 3469-3475, 2007.
  • Richmond J.H., “A Wire-Grid Model for Scattering by Conducting Bodies”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-14(6), 782-786, 1966.
  • Lin J.L., Curtis W.L. ve Vincent, M.C., “On the Field Distribution of an Aperture”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-22, 467-471, 1974.
  • Lee K.S.H., Martin L. ve Castillo J.P., “Limitations of Wire-Grid Modeling of a Closed Surface”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., 18(3), 123-129, 1976.
  • Ludwig A. C., “Wire Grid Modeling of Surface”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-14(9), 1045-1048, 1987.
  • Peterson A.F., “Difficulties Encountered when Attempting to Validate thin wire Formulations for Linear Dipole Antennas”, ACES Journal, 4(3), 25-40, 1990.
  • Hubing T.H. ve Kauffman J.F., “Modeling Electrically Small, Thin Surfaces with Wire Grids”, ACES Journal, 5(1), 19-24, 1990.
  • Mayhan J.T., “Characteristic Modes and Wire Grid Modeling”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., 38(4), 457-469, 1990.
  • Kashyap S., “Wire Grid and Surface Patch Modelling for EMP Interaction”, IEEE Antennas Propagation Society International Symposium, AP-S, 1990.
  • Paknys R.J., “The Near Field of a Wire Grid Model”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., 39(7), 994-999, 1991.
  • Paknys R.J. ve Raschkowan, L.R., “Moment Method Surface Patch and Wire Grid Accuracy in the Computation of Near Fields”, ACES Journal, 12(3), 16- 25, 1997.
  • Harrington R.F., “Moment Methods for Field. Problems”, Proc. of the IEEE, 55(2), 136-149, 1967.
  • Sarkar T.K. ve Harrington R.F., “Radar Cross Sections of Conducting Bodies over a Lossy Half Space”, Radio Science, 15(3), 581-585, 1980.
  • Burke G.J. ve Poggio A.J., “Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC)-Method of Moments”, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Ocak 1981. (bilgi için:
  • SuperNec, Poynting Software (Pty) Ltd., South Africa.
  • Zor Ö. ve Polat B., “An Implementation of King's Green Functions in Thin Wire Scattering Problems”, ACES Journal, baskıda.
  • Crow T.T. ve Shumpert T.H., “Electromagnetic Scattering from Configurations of Thin Wire with Multiple Junctions”, Interaction Note 99, 1972.
  • King R.W.P. ve Wu T.T., “Analysis of Crossed Wires in a Plane-Wave Field”, Interaction Note 216, 1975.
  • Bretones A.R., Extrema A.S., Gómes R.M. ve Callejón J.F., “About the Study in the Time Domain of Junctions Between Thin Wires”, ACES Journal, 6(2), 2-20, 1991.
  • King R.W.P., “Electromagnetic Ground Wave Field of Vertical Antennas for Communication at 1 to 30 MHz”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compatibility, 40(4), 337-342, 1998.
  • Weiner M.M., “Validation of the Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC) for Antenna Wire Elements in Proximity to Earth”, ACES Journal, 8(2), 44-71, 1993.
  • Davidson D.B. ve Mouton H.T., “Validation of, and Limitations on, the Use of NEC-4 for Radiation from Antennas Buried within a Homogeneous Half-Space”, ACES Journal, 13(3), 302–309, 1998.
  • Newman E.H., “Simple Examples of the Method of Moments in Electromagnetics”, IEEE Trans. Education, 31(3), 193-200, 1988.
  • King R.W.P. ve Wu T.T., “The Propagation of a Radar Pulse in Sea Water”, J. Appl. Phys., 73(4), 1581-1590, 1993. Erratum: J. Appl. Phys., 77(7), 3586-3587, 1995.
  • King R.W.P.,“The Propagation of a Gaussian Pulse in Sea Water and its Application to Remote Sensing”, IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 31(3), 595-605, 1993.
  • King R.W.P., “Propagation of a Low Frequency Rectangular Pulse in Sea Water”, Radio Science, 28(3), 299-307, 1993.
  • du Toit C.F. ve Davidson D.B., “Wiregrid: a NEC2 Pre- Processor”, ACES Journal, 10(1), 31–39, 1995.
  • Trueman C.W. ve Kubina S.J., “Verifying Wire-Grid Model Integrity with Program CHECK”, ACES Journal, 5(2), 17–42, 1990.
  • Oyekanmi L.A. ve Watkins J., “Selecting Wire Radius for Grid/
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Akademik ve/veya teknolojik bilimsel makale

Burak Polat

Ömer Zor

Publication Date December 1, 2011
Submission Date October 8, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Polat, B., & Zor, Ö. (2011). İnce Tel Yapılarından Saçılma Problemlerinde Menzilden Bağımsız Yarı-Uzay Green Fonksiyonları. EMO Bilimsel Dergi, 1(2), 57-65.
AMA Polat B, Zor Ö. İnce Tel Yapılarından Saçılma Problemlerinde Menzilden Bağımsız Yarı-Uzay Green Fonksiyonları. EMO Bilimsel Dergi. December 2011;1(2):57-65.
Chicago Polat, Burak, and Ömer Zor. “İnce Tel Yapılarından Saçılma Problemlerinde Menzilden Bağımsız Yarı-Uzay Green Fonksiyonları”. EMO Bilimsel Dergi 1, no. 2 (December 2011): 57-65.
EndNote Polat B, Zor Ö (December 1, 2011) İnce Tel Yapılarından Saçılma Problemlerinde Menzilden Bağımsız Yarı-Uzay Green Fonksiyonları. EMO Bilimsel Dergi 1 2 57–65.
IEEE B. Polat and Ö. Zor, “İnce Tel Yapılarından Saçılma Problemlerinde Menzilden Bağımsız Yarı-Uzay Green Fonksiyonları”, EMO Bilimsel Dergi, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 57–65, 2011.
ISNAD Polat, Burak - Zor, Ömer. “İnce Tel Yapılarından Saçılma Problemlerinde Menzilden Bağımsız Yarı-Uzay Green Fonksiyonları”. EMO Bilimsel Dergi 1/2 (December 2011), 57-65.
JAMA Polat B, Zor Ö. İnce Tel Yapılarından Saçılma Problemlerinde Menzilden Bağımsız Yarı-Uzay Green Fonksiyonları. EMO Bilimsel Dergi. 2011;1:57–65.
MLA Polat, Burak and Ömer Zor. “İnce Tel Yapılarından Saçılma Problemlerinde Menzilden Bağımsız Yarı-Uzay Green Fonksiyonları”. EMO Bilimsel Dergi, vol. 1, no. 2, 2011, pp. 57-65.
Vancouver Polat B, Zor Ö. İnce Tel Yapılarından Saçılma Problemlerinde Menzilden Bağımsız Yarı-Uzay Green Fonksiyonları. EMO Bilimsel Dergi. 2011;1(2):57-65.

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