Research Article
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Year 2021, , 168 - 176, 20.12.2021



  • [1] Carbas, R., Marques, E., da Silva, L., (2021). The influence of epoxy adhesive toughness on the strength of hybrid laminate adhesive joints. Applied Adhesion Science, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-14.
  • [2] Deghoul, N., Errouane, H., Sereir, Z., Chateauneuf, A., Amziane, S., (2019). Effect of temperature on the probability and cost analysis of mixed-mode fatigue crack propagation in patched aluminium plate. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, vol. 94, pp. 53-63.
  • [3] Ergün, R.K., Adin, H., Şişman, A., Temiz, Ş., (2018). Repair of an aluminum plate with an elliptical hole using a composite patch. Materials Testing, vol. 60, no. 11, pp. 1104-1110.
  • [4] Wu, C., Gunnion, A.J., Chen, B., Yan, W., (2015). Fatigue damage tolerance of two tapered composite patch configurations. Composite Structures, vol. 134, pp. 654-662.
  • [5] Gong, X.-J., Cheng, P., Aivazzadeh, S., Xiao, X., (2015). Design and optimization of bonded patch repairs of laminated composite structures. Composite Structures, vol. 123, pp. 292-300.
  • [6] Jian-Bin, H., Xu-Dong, L., Zhi-Tao, M., (2015). Fatigue behavior of thick center cracked aluminum plates repaired by two-sided composite patching. Materials & Design, vol. 88, pp. 331-335.
  • [7] Saraç, İ., Adin, H., Temiz, Ş., (2018). Experimental determination of the static and fatigue strength of the adhesive joints bonded by epoxy adhesive including different particles. Composites Part B: Engineering, vol. 155, pp. 92-103.
  • [8] Chung, K.-H., Yang, W.-H., (2003). A study on the fatigue crack growth behavior of thick aluminum panels repaired with a composite patch. Composite Structures, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 1-7.
  • [9] Maligno, A., Soutis, C., Silberschmidt, V., (2013). An advanced numerical tool to study fatigue crack propagation in aluminium plates repaired with a composite patch. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 99, pp. 62-78.
  • [10] Fekirini, H., Bouiadjra, B.B., Belhouari, M., Boutabout, B., Serier, B., (2008). Numerical analysis of the performances of bonded composite repair with two adhesive bands in aircraft structures. Composite structures, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 84-89.
  • [11] Adin, M.Ş., Kılıçkap, E., (2021). Strength of double-reinforced adhesive joints. Materials Testing, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 176-181.
  • [12] Canbolat, C., (2018). Repairement of Al 2024 T3 plates by means of fiberglass composite patches, Master thesis, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Turkey.
  • [13] Saylık, A., (2016). The stress analysis of aluminum plates repaired with composite patch, Master thesis, Firat University, Turkey.
  • [14] Soy, U., (2005). The finite element analysis of bonded repair with composite patch, Master thesis, Sakarya University, Turkey.
  • [15] Ahlatlı, O., (2018). The expiremential and numerical investigation of the effects of dimension and number of layers of patches on bending stress behaviour of repairing composire plates having elliptical damage, Master thesis, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Turkey.
  • [16] Ramazanoğlu, M., (2018). Experi̇mental and numeri̇cal investigation of the effects of dimensions and number of layers of patches on tensile stress behaviour of repairing composite plates having elliptical damage, Master thesis, Kahramanmaraş Sutcu Imam University, Turkey.
  • [17] Parlamış, A., (2016). Investigation of patch repair performance for damaged composites pin loaded joint, Master thesis, Firat University, Turkey.
  • [18] ANSYS, (2014). ANSYS version R15 Canonsburg Pennsylvania, PA, USA. ANSYS Inc.
  • [19] Lee, H.-H., (2019). Finite Element Simulations with ANSYS Workbench 2019. SDC Publications.
  • [20] SolidWorks, (2013). Solidworks Software, SolidWorks Material Library. Dassault Systèmes, France. 3DExperience.
  • [21] Kiral, B.G., (2010). Effect of the clearance and interference-fit on failure of the pin-loaded composites. Materials & Design, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 85-93.
  • [22] Aydın, M.D., Akpınar, S., Erdoğan, S., Adnan, Ö., (2015). Determination of Mechanical Properties of Structural Adhesives From Adhesively Bonded Joints Subjected to Shear Load. Mühendis ve Makina, vol. 56, no. 668, pp. 48-55.
  • [23] Sadeghi, M., Zimmermann, J., Saravana, K., Gabener, A., Dafnis, A., Schröder, K., (2020). Influence of fracture envelope on FE failure load prediction of adhesively bonded joints by using mixed mode bending tests. Procedia Structural Integrity, vol. 28, pp. 1601-1620.
  • [24] Nezhad, H.Y., Stratakis, D., Ayre, D., Addepalli, S., Zhao, Y., (2018). Mechanical performance of composite bonded joints in the presence of localised process-induced zero-thickness defects. Procedia Manufacturing, vol. 16, pp. 91-98.
  • [25] Adin, H., (2012). The effect of angle on the strain of scarf lap joints subjected to tensile loads. Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 2858-2867.
  • [26] Baker, A., (1999). Bonded composite repair of fatigue-cracked primary aircraft structure. Composite structures, vol. 47, no. 1-4, pp. 431-443.
  • [27] Seo, D.-C., Lee, J.-J., (2002). Fatigue crack growth behavior of cracked aluminum plate repaired with composite patch. Composite Structures, vol. 57, no. 1-4, pp. 323-330.
  • [28] Sun, C., Klug, J., Arendt, C., (1996). Analysis of cracked aluminum plates repaired with bonded composite patches. AIAA journal, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 369-374.
  • [29] Mohammed, S.M.K., Mhamdia, R., Albedah, A., Bouiadjra, B.A.B., Bouiadjra, B.B., Benyahia, F., (2021). Fatigue crack growth in aluminum panels repaired with different shapes of single-sided composite patches. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, vol. 105, p. 102781.
  • [30] Wang, Q.Y., Pidaparti, R.M., (2002). Static characteristics and fatigue behavior of composite-repaired aluminum plates. Composite Structures, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 151-155.

Numerical Investigation of Fatigue Behavior of Non-patched and Patched Aluminum/Composite Plates

Year 2021, , 168 - 176, 20.12.2021


In this study, the fatigue behavior of composite patched and non-patched Al 5083 aluminum plates was numerically investigated. Al 5083 Aluminum plates with semi-circular notched (2, 3 and 4 mm long cracked) and "V" notched (30°, 45° and 60° angled) were used in the analyzes. Mechanical properties of Al 5083 Aluminum plate, DP460 type adhesive of produced by 3M and [0°]8 glass fiber reinforced composite patch material was used for the study. The Finite Element Method was applied for numerical study. Numerical analyzes were performed with the Ansys version 15.0 Workbench Package program. As a result of the numerical study, the highest fatigue life (1593.2 N) is seen on the 30° angled "V" notched and patched specimen. However, the fatigue life in non-patched specimen (30° angled "V" notched) was found to be 277.69 N. Thus, the study revealed that the composite patch's contribution is very important.


  • [1] Carbas, R., Marques, E., da Silva, L., (2021). The influence of epoxy adhesive toughness on the strength of hybrid laminate adhesive joints. Applied Adhesion Science, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-14.
  • [2] Deghoul, N., Errouane, H., Sereir, Z., Chateauneuf, A., Amziane, S., (2019). Effect of temperature on the probability and cost analysis of mixed-mode fatigue crack propagation in patched aluminium plate. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, vol. 94, pp. 53-63.
  • [3] Ergün, R.K., Adin, H., Şişman, A., Temiz, Ş., (2018). Repair of an aluminum plate with an elliptical hole using a composite patch. Materials Testing, vol. 60, no. 11, pp. 1104-1110.
  • [4] Wu, C., Gunnion, A.J., Chen, B., Yan, W., (2015). Fatigue damage tolerance of two tapered composite patch configurations. Composite Structures, vol. 134, pp. 654-662.
  • [5] Gong, X.-J., Cheng, P., Aivazzadeh, S., Xiao, X., (2015). Design and optimization of bonded patch repairs of laminated composite structures. Composite Structures, vol. 123, pp. 292-300.
  • [6] Jian-Bin, H., Xu-Dong, L., Zhi-Tao, M., (2015). Fatigue behavior of thick center cracked aluminum plates repaired by two-sided composite patching. Materials & Design, vol. 88, pp. 331-335.
  • [7] Saraç, İ., Adin, H., Temiz, Ş., (2018). Experimental determination of the static and fatigue strength of the adhesive joints bonded by epoxy adhesive including different particles. Composites Part B: Engineering, vol. 155, pp. 92-103.
  • [8] Chung, K.-H., Yang, W.-H., (2003). A study on the fatigue crack growth behavior of thick aluminum panels repaired with a composite patch. Composite Structures, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 1-7.
  • [9] Maligno, A., Soutis, C., Silberschmidt, V., (2013). An advanced numerical tool to study fatigue crack propagation in aluminium plates repaired with a composite patch. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 99, pp. 62-78.
  • [10] Fekirini, H., Bouiadjra, B.B., Belhouari, M., Boutabout, B., Serier, B., (2008). Numerical analysis of the performances of bonded composite repair with two adhesive bands in aircraft structures. Composite structures, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 84-89.
  • [11] Adin, M.Ş., Kılıçkap, E., (2021). Strength of double-reinforced adhesive joints. Materials Testing, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 176-181.
  • [12] Canbolat, C., (2018). Repairement of Al 2024 T3 plates by means of fiberglass composite patches, Master thesis, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Turkey.
  • [13] Saylık, A., (2016). The stress analysis of aluminum plates repaired with composite patch, Master thesis, Firat University, Turkey.
  • [14] Soy, U., (2005). The finite element analysis of bonded repair with composite patch, Master thesis, Sakarya University, Turkey.
  • [15] Ahlatlı, O., (2018). The expiremential and numerical investigation of the effects of dimension and number of layers of patches on bending stress behaviour of repairing composire plates having elliptical damage, Master thesis, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Turkey.
  • [16] Ramazanoğlu, M., (2018). Experi̇mental and numeri̇cal investigation of the effects of dimensions and number of layers of patches on tensile stress behaviour of repairing composite plates having elliptical damage, Master thesis, Kahramanmaraş Sutcu Imam University, Turkey.
  • [17] Parlamış, A., (2016). Investigation of patch repair performance for damaged composites pin loaded joint, Master thesis, Firat University, Turkey.
  • [18] ANSYS, (2014). ANSYS version R15 Canonsburg Pennsylvania, PA, USA. ANSYS Inc.
  • [19] Lee, H.-H., (2019). Finite Element Simulations with ANSYS Workbench 2019. SDC Publications.
  • [20] SolidWorks, (2013). Solidworks Software, SolidWorks Material Library. Dassault Systèmes, France. 3DExperience.
  • [21] Kiral, B.G., (2010). Effect of the clearance and interference-fit on failure of the pin-loaded composites. Materials & Design, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 85-93.
  • [22] Aydın, M.D., Akpınar, S., Erdoğan, S., Adnan, Ö., (2015). Determination of Mechanical Properties of Structural Adhesives From Adhesively Bonded Joints Subjected to Shear Load. Mühendis ve Makina, vol. 56, no. 668, pp. 48-55.
  • [23] Sadeghi, M., Zimmermann, J., Saravana, K., Gabener, A., Dafnis, A., Schröder, K., (2020). Influence of fracture envelope on FE failure load prediction of adhesively bonded joints by using mixed mode bending tests. Procedia Structural Integrity, vol. 28, pp. 1601-1620.
  • [24] Nezhad, H.Y., Stratakis, D., Ayre, D., Addepalli, S., Zhao, Y., (2018). Mechanical performance of composite bonded joints in the presence of localised process-induced zero-thickness defects. Procedia Manufacturing, vol. 16, pp. 91-98.
  • [25] Adin, H., (2012). The effect of angle on the strain of scarf lap joints subjected to tensile loads. Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 2858-2867.
  • [26] Baker, A., (1999). Bonded composite repair of fatigue-cracked primary aircraft structure. Composite structures, vol. 47, no. 1-4, pp. 431-443.
  • [27] Seo, D.-C., Lee, J.-J., (2002). Fatigue crack growth behavior of cracked aluminum plate repaired with composite patch. Composite Structures, vol. 57, no. 1-4, pp. 323-330.
  • [28] Sun, C., Klug, J., Arendt, C., (1996). Analysis of cracked aluminum plates repaired with bonded composite patches. AIAA journal, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 369-374.
  • [29] Mohammed, S.M.K., Mhamdia, R., Albedah, A., Bouiadjra, B.A.B., Bouiadjra, B.B., Benyahia, F., (2021). Fatigue crack growth in aluminum panels repaired with different shapes of single-sided composite patches. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, vol. 105, p. 102781.
  • [30] Wang, Q.Y., Pidaparti, R.M., (2002). Static characteristics and fatigue behavior of composite-repaired aluminum plates. Composite Structures, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 151-155.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Hamit Adin 0000-0003-2455-967X

Zeyni Sağlam 0000-0003-1910-7089

Mehmet Şükrü Adin 0000-0002-2307-9669

Publication Date December 20, 2021
Acceptance Date June 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Adin, H., Sağlam, Z., & Adin, M. Ş. (2021). Numerical Investigation of Fatigue Behavior of Non-patched and Patched Aluminum/Composite Plates. European Mechanical Science, 5(4), 168-176.

Cited By

An experimental investigation of fracture toughness, mechanical properties and forming limit curves of Al composites
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science

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