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Üroloji Uzmanı Muayeneleriyle Karşılaştırmalı Olarak Testis Sertliği, Boyutu ve Sıcaklığını Ölçen Yenilikçi Bir Cihaz Tasarımı ve Veri Sınıflandırma Algoritması Analizi

Year 2025, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 60 - 75, 31.01.2025


Arka Plan ve Amaç: Kısırlık, dünya genelinde erkeklerde ve kadınlarda yaygın olarak görülebilen bir sağlık sorunudur. Erkek infertilitesinde, problemi çözmek için tedavi yöntemini belirlemek amacıyla birçok test ve inceleme yapılmaktadır. Bunların ilki fiziksel muayenedir, ancak bu muayene ile klinisyen çoğunlukla sayısal veriler elde edemez ve gerekli karşılaştırmaları yapamaz. Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada, sperm üretimi ve bazı özel hormonların üretiminde önemli bir rol oynayan testislerin fiziksel farklılıklarını yaklaşık 1 dakika içinde ortaya koyacak bir sistem tasarlanması hedeflenmiştir. Bu cihaz sayesinde, farklı yaşlardan 50 farklı hastanın testislerinin sıcaklık, hacim ve tutarlılık parametreleri, cihazdaki farklı sensörlerle gerçek zamanlı olarak ölçülmüştür. Sonuçlar, hem istatistiksel analiz hem de makine öğrenimi yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Bulgular: Bu çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre, tasarlanan sistemin, kliniklerde testis muayenesine yardımcı olabileceği ortaya konulmuştur. Tutarlılık ve ısı stresi açısından, uygulanan 3 farklı çapraz doğrulama oranına göre en yüksek doğruluk oranına sahip sınıflandırma algoritması "decision trees" (karar ağaçları) olup, doğrulama 5 ve 15'e göre %92,0 doğruluk, çapraz doğrulama 10'a göre ise %89,0 doğruluk göstermiştir. Testis boyutu açısından ise, karar ağaçları ve ansambl yöntemleri, doğrulama oranı 15'e göre en yüksek doğruluk oranı ile %89,0 doğruluk göstermiştir. Sonuç: Uygulanan yöntemler yüksek doğruluk oranları gösterse deveri sınırlamaları nedeniyle özgüllük oranı optimal değildir. Bunun nedeni, örnek sayısının yetersiz olmasıdır. Daha fazla veri ile hem doğruluk oranlarının hem de özgüllük seviyelerinin daha yüksek olacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • [1]Kobayashi, H., Nagao, K., & Nakajima, K. ,2012. Focus issue on male infertility. Advances in Urology.
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  • [3]Qublan, H. S., Al-Okoor, K., Al-Ghoweri, A. S., & Abu-Qamar, A. ,2007. Sonographic spectrum of scrotal abnormalities in infertile men. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound,35(8), :437–441.
  • [4]Brugo-Olmedo, S., Chillik, C., & Kopelman, S. ,2001. Definition and causes of infertility. Reproductive BioMedicine Online,2(1), :173–185.
  • [5]Armstrong, J. M., Keihani, S., & Hotaling, J. M. ,2018. Use of Ultrasound in Male Infertility: Appropriate Selection of Men for Scrotal Ultrasound. Current Urology Reports 2018 19:8,19(8), :1–9.
  • [6]Makele,J.-A., Koskenniemi, J. j, Virtanen, H. E., & Toppari, J. ,2019. Testis Development. Endocrine Reviews,40(4), :857–905.
  • [7]Durairajanayagam, D., Agarwal, A., & Ong, C. ,2015. Causes, effects and molecular mechanisms of testicular heat stress. Reproductive BioMedicine Online,30(1), :14–27.
  • [8]Sengul, G., & Ertekin, C. ,2020. Human cremaster muscle and cremasteric reflex: A comprehensive review. Clinical Neurophysiology,131(6), :1354–1364.
  • [9]Gibson, A., Akinrinsola, A., Patel, T., Ray, A., Tucker, J., & McFadzean,I. ,2002. Pharmacology and thermosensitivity of the dartos muscle isolated from rat scrotum. British Journal of Pharmacology,136(8), :1194–1200.
  • [10]Schoor, R. A., Elhanbly, S. M., & Niederberger, C. S. ,2001. The pathophysiology of varicocele-associated male infertility. Current Urology Reports 2001 2:6,2(6), :432–436.
  • [11]Eisenberg, M. L., & Lipshultz, L. I. ,2011. Varicocele-induced infertility: Newer insights into its pathophysiology. Indian Journal of Urology : IJU : Journal of the Urological Society of India,27(1), :64.
  • [12]Lewis, R. W., & Harrison, R. M. ,1979. Contact scrotal thermography: Application to problems of infertility. Journal of Urology,122(1), :40–42.
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  • [14]Sakamoto, H., Ogawa, Y., & Yoshida, H. ,2008. Relationship Between Testicular Volume and Varicocele in Patients With Infertility. Urology,71(1), :104–109.
  • [15]Huang, D. Y., & Sidhu, P. S. ,2014. Focal testicular lesions: colour Doppler ultrasound, contrast-enhanced ultrasound and tissue elastography as adjuvants to the diagnosis.,85(SPEC. ISSUE 1).
  • [16]Aigner, F., De Zordo, T., Pallwein-Prettner, L., Junker, D., Schäfer, G., Pichler, R., ... Frauscher, F. ,2012. Real-time sonoelastography for the evaluation of testicular lesions. Radiology,263(2), :584–589.
  • [17]Purdue, M. P., Devesa, S. S., Sigurdson, A. J., & McGlynn, K. A. ,2005. International patterns and trends in testis cancer incidence. International Journal of Cancer,115(5), :822–827.
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Design of A Novel Device Measuring Testicular Consistency, Size and Temperature and Classification Algorithm Analysis of Data Compared to Urologist Examinations

Year 2025, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 60 - 75, 31.01.2025


Background and Objective: Infertility is a health problem that can be seen all over the world, originating from both men and women. In male infertility, many tests and examinations are performed in order to find the treatment method to solve the problem. The first of these is the physical examination, and the clinician cannot obtain numerical data and make comparisons as a result of this examination. Methods: In this study, it is aimed to design a system that will reveal the physical differences of the testicles, which play an important role in the production of sperm and some special hormones, in about 1 minute. Thanks to this device, temperature, volume and consistency parameters of testicles from 50 different patients of different ages were measured in real time with different sensors on the device. The results were analysed with both statistical analysis and machine learning method. Results: According to the results of this study, it has been revealed that the system designed can help clinicians in testicular examination. In terms of consistency and heat stress, the classification algorithm with the highest accuracy rate according to the 3 different cross validation rates applied is trees and it showed 92.0% accuracy according to validation 5 and 15, but 89.0% according to cross validation 10. In terms of testicle size, Trees and Ensemble with the validation rate of 15 showed the highest accuracy with 89%. Conclusions: Although the applied methods showed high accuracy, the specificity rate is not optimal due to data limitations. This is because there is not enough data. It is clear that with more data, both the accuracy rates and the level of specificity will be higher.


  • [1]Kobayashi, H., Nagao, K., & Nakajima, K. ,2012. Focus issue on male infertility. Advances in Urology.
  • [2]Meacham, R. B., Joyce, G. F., Wise, M., Kparker, A., & Niederberger, C. ,2007. Male Infertility. Journal of Urology,177(6), :2058–2066.
  • [3]Qublan, H. S., Al-Okoor, K., Al-Ghoweri, A. S., & Abu-Qamar, A. ,2007. Sonographic spectrum of scrotal abnormalities in infertile men. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound,35(8), :437–441.
  • [4]Brugo-Olmedo, S., Chillik, C., & Kopelman, S. ,2001. Definition and causes of infertility. Reproductive BioMedicine Online,2(1), :173–185.
  • [5]Armstrong, J. M., Keihani, S., & Hotaling, J. M. ,2018. Use of Ultrasound in Male Infertility: Appropriate Selection of Men for Scrotal Ultrasound. Current Urology Reports 2018 19:8,19(8), :1–9.
  • [6]Makele,J.-A., Koskenniemi, J. j, Virtanen, H. E., & Toppari, J. ,2019. Testis Development. Endocrine Reviews,40(4), :857–905.
  • [7]Durairajanayagam, D., Agarwal, A., & Ong, C. ,2015. Causes, effects and molecular mechanisms of testicular heat stress. Reproductive BioMedicine Online,30(1), :14–27.
  • [8]Sengul, G., & Ertekin, C. ,2020. Human cremaster muscle and cremasteric reflex: A comprehensive review. Clinical Neurophysiology,131(6), :1354–1364.
  • [9]Gibson, A., Akinrinsola, A., Patel, T., Ray, A., Tucker, J., & McFadzean,I. ,2002. Pharmacology and thermosensitivity of the dartos muscle isolated from rat scrotum. British Journal of Pharmacology,136(8), :1194–1200.
  • [10]Schoor, R. A., Elhanbly, S. M., & Niederberger, C. S. ,2001. The pathophysiology of varicocele-associated male infertility. Current Urology Reports 2001 2:6,2(6), :432–436.
  • [11]Eisenberg, M. L., & Lipshultz, L. I. ,2011. Varicocele-induced infertility: Newer insights into its pathophysiology. Indian Journal of Urology : IJU : Journal of the Urological Society of India,27(1), :64.
  • [12]Lewis, R. W., & Harrison, R. M. ,1979. Contact scrotal thermography: Application to problems of infertility. Journal of Urology,122(1), :40–42.
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  • [14]Sakamoto, H., Ogawa, Y., & Yoshida, H. ,2008. Relationship Between Testicular Volume and Varicocele in Patients With Infertility. Urology,71(1), :104–109.
  • [15]Huang, D. Y., & Sidhu, P. S. ,2014. Focal testicular lesions: colour Doppler ultrasound, contrast-enhanced ultrasound and tissue elastography as adjuvants to the diagnosis.,85(SPEC. ISSUE 1).
  • [16]Aigner, F., De Zordo, T., Pallwein-Prettner, L., Junker, D., Schäfer, G., Pichler, R., ... Frauscher, F. ,2012. Real-time sonoelastography for the evaluation of testicular lesions. Radiology,263(2), :584–589.
  • [17]Purdue, M. P., Devesa, S. S., Sigurdson, A. J., & McGlynn, K. A. ,2005. International patterns and trends in testis cancer incidence. International Journal of Cancer,115(5), :822–827.
  • [18]Albers, P., Albrecht, W., Algaba, F., Bokemeyer, C., Cohn-Cedermark, G., Horwich, A., ... Pizzocaro, G. ,2005. Guidelines on Testicular Cancer. European Urology,48(6), :885–894.
  • [19]SAKAMOTO, H., SAITO, K., SHICHIZYO, T., ISHIKAWA, K., IGARASHI, A., & YOSHIDA, H. ,2006. Color Doppler ultrasonography as a routine clinical examination in male infertility. International Journal of Urology,13(8), :1073–1078.
  • [20]Brydøy, M., Fosså, S. D., Klepp, O., Bremnes, R. M., Wist, E. A., Wentzel-Larsen, T., & Dahl, O. ,2005. Paternity Following Treatment for Testicular Cancer. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute,97(21), :1580–1588.
  • [21]Djaladat, H., Burner, E., Parikh, P. M., Beroukhim Kay, D., & Hays, K. ,2014. The Association Between Testis Cancer and Semen Abnormalities Before Orchiectomy: A Systematic Review. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology,3(4), :153–159.
  • [22]Ho, G. T., Gardner, H., Mostofi, K., DeWolf, W. C., Loughlin, K. R., & Morgentaler, A. ,1994. The effect of testicular nongerm cell tumors on local spermatogenesis. Fertility and Sterility,62(1), :162–166.
  • [23]Ho, G. T., Gardner, H., DeWolf, W. C., Loughlin, K. R., & Morgentaler, A. ,1992. Influence of testicular carcinoma on ipsilateral spermatogenesis. Journal of Urology,148(3 I), :821–825.
  • [24]Kantarci, F., & Mihmanli, İ. ,2015. Skrotal Görüntüleme. In Türk Radyoloji Derneği (pp. 59–70).
  • [25]Kim, W., Rosen, M. A., Langer, J. E., Banner, M. P., Siegelman, E. S., & Ramchandani, P. ,2007. US-MR imaging correlation in pathologic conditions of the scrotum. Radiographics,27(5), :1239–1253.
  • [26]Simmons, L. W., Firman, R. C., Rhodes, G., & Peters, M. ,2004. Human sperm competition: Testis size, sperm production and rates of extrapair copulations. Animal Behaviour,68(2), :297–302.
  • [27]Han, S., Zhao, L., Yang, C., Xu, J., Yao, C., Huang, C., ... Li, Z. ,2021. Vitrification with microinjection of single seminiferous tubules: an efficient cryopreservation approach for limited testicular tissue. Reproductive BioMedicine Online.
  • [28]H, S., K, S., M, O., K, I., Y, O., & H, Y. ,2007. Testicular volume measurement: comparison of ultrasonography, orchidometry, and water displacement. Urology,69(1), :152–157.
  • [29]Holstein, A. F., Schulze, W., & Breucker, H. ,1994. Histopathology of Human Testicular and Epididymal Tissue. Male Infertility. Springer, London.
  • [30]Lewis, E. L., Rasor, M. O., & Overstreet, J. W. ,1985. Measurement of human testicular consistency by tonometry. Fertility and Sterility,43(6), :911–916.
  • [31]Lin, C. C., Huang, W. J. S., & Chen, K. K. ,2009. Measurement of testicular volume in smaller testes: How accurate is the conventional orchidometer? Journal of Andrology,30(6), :685–689.
  • [32]Ghiraldi, E. M., Salami, S. S., Gilbert, B. R., & Vira, M. A. ,2015. Impalpable Testicular Seminoma Identified on Sonoelastography. Journal of Medical Ultrasound,23(3), :150–153.
  • [33]Grasso, M., Blanco, S., Raber, M., & Nespoli, L. ,2010. Elasto-sonography of the testis: Preliminary Experience. Archivio İtaliano di Urologia e Andrologia ,82(3), :160–163.
  • [34]Behera, B., & Kumaravelan, G. ,2020. Performance evaluation of Machine learning algorithms in Biomedical Document Classification . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology,29(5), :5018.
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There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Biomedical Diagnosis
Journal Section Biomedical Engineering

Merve Örer This is me

Mehmet Çağrı Soylu

Emre Can Akınsal This is me

Oğuz Ekmekçioğlu

Publication Date January 31, 2025
Submission Date December 12, 2024
Acceptance Date January 13, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Örer, M., Soylu, M. Ç., Akınsal, E. C., Ekmekçioğlu, O. (2025). Design of A Novel Device Measuring Testicular Consistency, Size and Temperature and Classification Algorithm Analysis of Data Compared to Urologist Examinations. Enginoscope, 1(1), 60-75.