Contributions with new records to zerconid mite fauna of Turkey (Acari: Zerconidae)
Year 2014,
, 147 - 155, 26.09.2014
Mehmet Karaca
Raşit Urhan
Two zerconid mite species, Zercon sklari Balan and Z. magdae Ivan & Călugăr, are recorded for the first time from Thrace region of Turkey. Unknown male, deutonymph and protonymph of Z. magdae are described and illustrated. Their descriptions are revised from the collected specimens and given with drawings.
- Athias-Henriot, C., 1961. Mesostigmates (Urop.excl.) edaphiques mediterraneens (Acaromorpha, Anactinotrichida). Acarologia, 3: 381-509.
- Balan, P. G., 1992a: New mite species of the genus Zercon (Acari, Mesostigmata) from the Crimea. Vestnik Zoologii, 1992 (4): 49-55.
- Balan, P. G., 1992b. New species of zerconid mites (Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae) from the steppe zone of Ukraine. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 71 (2): 23-29.
- Balogh, J., 1961. Zercon bulgaricus spec. nov. (Mesostigmata, Acari). Folia Entomologica Hungarica, 14: 433-435.
- Berlese, A., 1904. Acari nuovi. Manipulus II. Redia, 1: 258-280.
- Berlese, A., 1920. Centaria V. Redia, 14: 143–195
- Błaszak, C., 1979a. Systematic studies on the family Zerconidae, IV. Asian Zerconidae (Acari, Mesostigmata). Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia, 24 (1): 3-112.
- Błaszak, C., 1979b. Tunisian Zerconidae (Acari, Gamasida, Zerconidae). Folia Entomologica Hungarica, 32: 13-26.
- Haarlİv, N., 1942. A morphologic–systematic–ecological investigation of Acarina and other representatives of the microfauna of the soil around Mİrkefjord, Northeast Greenland. Meddelels. Grİnl. 128: 1–71 + Plates 1–3.
- Halašková, V., 1969. Zerconidae of Czechoslovakia (Acari: Mesostigmata). Acta Universitatis Carolinae-Biologica, 3- 4: 175-352.
- Ivan, O. A. & A. Călugăr, 2004. Studiul Familiilor Zerconidae Canestrini, 1891 si Scheloribatidae Grandjean, 1933 (Acari, Gamasina, Oribatida): Morfologia, Taxonomia, Ecologia si Raspandirea Speciilor Din Fauna Romaniei. Revista de Politica Stiintei si Scientometric (Numar special), 54 pp.
- Mašán, P. & P. Fend'a, 2004. Zerconid Mites of Slovakia (Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae). Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Zoology, Bratislava, 238 pp.
- Sellnick, M., 1958. Die familie Zerconidae Berlese. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 3: 313-368.
- Shereef, G. M., M. A. Afifi & S. H. O. El Bishlawy, 1984. Description, life cycle and feeding habitats of Zercon adalicus n. sp. (Acari, Gamasida, Zerconidae). Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, 35: 1765-1774.
- Ujvári, Z. & A. Călugăr, 2010. New zerconid mite species (Acari: Mesostigmata: Zerconidae) from Romania. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 56 (3): 235-255.
- Urhan, R., 1997. Two new species of mites of the family Zerconidae from Turkey (Acari, Mesostigmata). Genus, 8 (3- 4): 735-742.
- Urhan, R., 2001a. New species of zerconid mites (Acari, Gamasida, Zerconidae) from Turkey. Acarologia, 42: 67-73.
- Urhan, R., 2001b. A new species of the genus Zercon Koch (Acari, Gamasida, Zerconidae) from Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 22: 107-112.
- Urhan, R., 2001c. Descriptions of two new species of the genus Zercon Koch (Acari, Gamasida, Zerconidae) from Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 23: 107-112.
- Urhan, R., 2001d. Two new species of the genus Zercon Koch from Turkey (Acari, Gamasida, Zerconidae). Genus, 12 (4): 589-597.
- Urhan, R., 2002. New zerconid mites (Acari: Gamasida: Zerconidae) from Turkey. Journal of Natural History, 36: 2127-2138.
- Urhan, R., 2007a. Zercon inonuensis n. sp. (Acari, Zerconidae) from Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 42: 117-120.
- Urhan, R., 2007b. A new species of the genus Zercon (Acari, Zerconidae) from Turkey. Zootaxa, 1463: 47-54.
- Urhan, R., 2008a. Two new species of Zercon (Acari: Zerconidae) from Turkey. Biologia, 63 (3): 395-401.
- Urhan, R., 2008b. Zercon anatolicus, a new species of zerconid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata: Zerconidae) from Turkey. Annales Zoologici, 58 (2): 255-260.
- Urhan, R., 2008c. Two new species of Zercon C. L. Koch (Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae) from Turkey: Zercon longisetosus sp. n. and Zercon osmaneliensis sp. n. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 32: 217-224.
- Urhan, R., 2009a. Zerconid mites (Acari, Mesostigmata, and Zerconidae) from Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 33: 321-329.
- Urhan, R., 2009b. Zercon honazicus sp. n., a new species of mite from Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 48: 97- 100.
- Urhan, R., 2010a. Zercon kallimcii sp. n., a new species of zerconid mite (Acari, Zerconidae) from Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 34: 169-176.
- Urhan, R., 2010b. Two new species of Zercon (Acari: Zerconidae) from Turkey. Biologia, 65 (1): 92-98.
- Urhan, R., 2010c. Two new species of zerconid mites from Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 50: 111-118.
- Urhan, R., 2011. Two new species of zerconid mites (Acari, Mesostigmata) from Honaz Mountain National Park (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 35 (2): 163-174.
- Urhan, R., 2012. Two new species of Zercon C. L. Koch, 1836 from Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 56: 125-132.
- Urhan, R. & N. Ayyıldız, 1994. Two new species of the genus Zercon Koch (Acari, Zerconidae) from Turkey. International Journal of Acarology, 19 (4): 335-339.
- Urhan, R. & A. N. Ekiz, 2002. Systematic studies on zerconid mites (Acari: Gamasida: Zerconidae) of Turkey. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 48 (3): 225-235.
- Urhan, R. & M. Öztaş, 2013. A new species of mite from Turkey: Zercon mirabilis sp. n. (Acari, Zerconidae). Zoology in the Middle East, 59 (1): 84-88.
- Willmann, C., 1943. Neue milben aus den östlichen Alpen. Sitzber. Öst. Akad. Wiss. Math.-naturw. KI. I., 162 (6): 449-519.
Türkiye zerkonid akar faunasına yeni kayıtlarla katkılar (Acari: Zerconidae)
Year 2014,
, 147 - 155, 26.09.2014
Mehmet Karaca
Raşit Urhan
İki zerkonid akar türü, Zercon sklari Balan ve Z. magdae Ivan & Călugăr, Türkiye'den ilk defa Trakya bölgesinden kaydedilmiştir. Z. magdae'nin daha önceden bilinmeyen erkek, deutonimf ve protonimfleri bireyleri tanımlanmış ve çizimleri yapılmıştır. Türlerin örneklerimiz üzerinden gözden geçirilmiş tanımları ve özgün şekilleri verilmiştir.
- Athias-Henriot, C., 1961. Mesostigmates (Urop.excl.) edaphiques mediterraneens (Acaromorpha, Anactinotrichida). Acarologia, 3: 381-509.
- Balan, P. G., 1992a: New mite species of the genus Zercon (Acari, Mesostigmata) from the Crimea. Vestnik Zoologii, 1992 (4): 49-55.
- Balan, P. G., 1992b. New species of zerconid mites (Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae) from the steppe zone of Ukraine. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 71 (2): 23-29.
- Balogh, J., 1961. Zercon bulgaricus spec. nov. (Mesostigmata, Acari). Folia Entomologica Hungarica, 14: 433-435.
- Berlese, A., 1904. Acari nuovi. Manipulus II. Redia, 1: 258-280.
- Berlese, A., 1920. Centaria V. Redia, 14: 143–195
- Błaszak, C., 1979a. Systematic studies on the family Zerconidae, IV. Asian Zerconidae (Acari, Mesostigmata). Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia, 24 (1): 3-112.
- Błaszak, C., 1979b. Tunisian Zerconidae (Acari, Gamasida, Zerconidae). Folia Entomologica Hungarica, 32: 13-26.
- Haarlİv, N., 1942. A morphologic–systematic–ecological investigation of Acarina and other representatives of the microfauna of the soil around Mİrkefjord, Northeast Greenland. Meddelels. Grİnl. 128: 1–71 + Plates 1–3.
- Halašková, V., 1969. Zerconidae of Czechoslovakia (Acari: Mesostigmata). Acta Universitatis Carolinae-Biologica, 3- 4: 175-352.
- Ivan, O. A. & A. Călugăr, 2004. Studiul Familiilor Zerconidae Canestrini, 1891 si Scheloribatidae Grandjean, 1933 (Acari, Gamasina, Oribatida): Morfologia, Taxonomia, Ecologia si Raspandirea Speciilor Din Fauna Romaniei. Revista de Politica Stiintei si Scientometric (Numar special), 54 pp.
- Mašán, P. & P. Fend'a, 2004. Zerconid Mites of Slovakia (Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae). Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Zoology, Bratislava, 238 pp.
- Sellnick, M., 1958. Die familie Zerconidae Berlese. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 3: 313-368.
- Shereef, G. M., M. A. Afifi & S. H. O. El Bishlawy, 1984. Description, life cycle and feeding habitats of Zercon adalicus n. sp. (Acari, Gamasida, Zerconidae). Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, 35: 1765-1774.
- Ujvári, Z. & A. Călugăr, 2010. New zerconid mite species (Acari: Mesostigmata: Zerconidae) from Romania. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 56 (3): 235-255.
- Urhan, R., 1997. Two new species of mites of the family Zerconidae from Turkey (Acari, Mesostigmata). Genus, 8 (3- 4): 735-742.
- Urhan, R., 2001a. New species of zerconid mites (Acari, Gamasida, Zerconidae) from Turkey. Acarologia, 42: 67-73.
- Urhan, R., 2001b. A new species of the genus Zercon Koch (Acari, Gamasida, Zerconidae) from Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 22: 107-112.
- Urhan, R., 2001c. Descriptions of two new species of the genus Zercon Koch (Acari, Gamasida, Zerconidae) from Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 23: 107-112.
- Urhan, R., 2001d. Two new species of the genus Zercon Koch from Turkey (Acari, Gamasida, Zerconidae). Genus, 12 (4): 589-597.
- Urhan, R., 2002. New zerconid mites (Acari: Gamasida: Zerconidae) from Turkey. Journal of Natural History, 36: 2127-2138.
- Urhan, R., 2007a. Zercon inonuensis n. sp. (Acari, Zerconidae) from Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 42: 117-120.
- Urhan, R., 2007b. A new species of the genus Zercon (Acari, Zerconidae) from Turkey. Zootaxa, 1463: 47-54.
- Urhan, R., 2008a. Two new species of Zercon (Acari: Zerconidae) from Turkey. Biologia, 63 (3): 395-401.
- Urhan, R., 2008b. Zercon anatolicus, a new species of zerconid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata: Zerconidae) from Turkey. Annales Zoologici, 58 (2): 255-260.
- Urhan, R., 2008c. Two new species of Zercon C. L. Koch (Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae) from Turkey: Zercon longisetosus sp. n. and Zercon osmaneliensis sp. n. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 32: 217-224.
- Urhan, R., 2009a. Zerconid mites (Acari, Mesostigmata, and Zerconidae) from Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 33: 321-329.
- Urhan, R., 2009b. Zercon honazicus sp. n., a new species of mite from Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 48: 97- 100.
- Urhan, R., 2010a. Zercon kallimcii sp. n., a new species of zerconid mite (Acari, Zerconidae) from Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 34: 169-176.
- Urhan, R., 2010b. Two new species of Zercon (Acari: Zerconidae) from Turkey. Biologia, 65 (1): 92-98.
- Urhan, R., 2010c. Two new species of zerconid mites from Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 50: 111-118.
- Urhan, R., 2011. Two new species of zerconid mites (Acari, Mesostigmata) from Honaz Mountain National Park (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 35 (2): 163-174.
- Urhan, R., 2012. Two new species of Zercon C. L. Koch, 1836 from Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 56: 125-132.
- Urhan, R. & N. Ayyıldız, 1994. Two new species of the genus Zercon Koch (Acari, Zerconidae) from Turkey. International Journal of Acarology, 19 (4): 335-339.
- Urhan, R. & A. N. Ekiz, 2002. Systematic studies on zerconid mites (Acari: Gamasida: Zerconidae) of Turkey. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 48 (3): 225-235.
- Urhan, R. & M. Öztaş, 2013. A new species of mite from Turkey: Zercon mirabilis sp. n. (Acari, Zerconidae). Zoology in the Middle East, 59 (1): 84-88.
- Willmann, C., 1943. Neue milben aus den östlichen Alpen. Sitzber. Öst. Akad. Wiss. Math.-naturw. KI. I., 162 (6): 449-519.