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New record of invasive aphid: Myzocallis walshii (Monell), 1879 (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) in Turkey

Year 2012, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 277 - 284, 03.01.2013


This study was conducted to determine aphid species on ornamental plants in Adana region of Turkey. Surveys were conducted weakly in spring and early summer in 2012 and two aphid species, Myzocallis walshii (Monell), 1879 (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) and Myzocallis castanicola Baker, 1917 (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) were found on oak trees (Quercus ilex L.) (Fagaceae). M. walshii is first time recorded for Turkish aphid fauna in this study.


  • Akyürek, B., U. Zeybekoğlu & G. Görür, 2011. Further contributions to the Turkey aphid (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) fauna. J. Entomol. Res. Soc., 13 (3): 101-106,2011.
  • Aslan, M.M., & N. Uygun, 2005. Aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) of Kahramanmaras province, Turkey. Turk. J. Zool. 29, 201-209.
  • Baker, A.C., 1917. Eastern Aphids, new or little known, Part II. J. Econ. Entomol. Vol. 10 pp. 420-433.
  • Bauernfeind, R. J., 2005. Insects and Mites Associated with Shade Trees and Woody Ornamentals. Kansas State Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, Kansas State University. 34 p.
  • Buckton, G.B., 1881. Monograph of the British Aphides London : Ray Society Vol. 3 pp. ii + 142 pp.
  • Blackmann, R.L. & V.F. Eastop, 1994. Aphids on the World’s Trees. An Identification and Information guide. Cab International, London, 987 pp.
  • Blackmann, R.L. & V.F. Eastop, 2006. Aphids on the World’s Herbaceous Plants and Shrubs. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
  • Blackmann, R.L. & V.F. Eastop, 2013. Aphids on the World’s Plants. An online identification and information guide. http://www.aphidsonworldsplants.info/d_APHIDS_AAIntro.htm, Erişim tarihi: 16.01.2013.
  • Çanakçıoğlu, H., 1966. Türkiye’de orman ağaçlarına arz olan bitkibitleri (Aphidoidea) üzerine araştırmalar, İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 16(2), 131-139.
  • Çanakçıoğlu, H., 1975. The Aphidoidea of Turkey. İstanbul Uni. Faculty of Forestry. 309 pp.
  • Düzgüneş, Z., S. Toros, N. Kılınçer, & B. Kovancı,1982. Ankara ilinde bulunan Aphidoidea türlerinin parazit ve predatörleri. T.C Tarım Orman Bakanlığı Zirai Mücadele ve Zirai Karantina Genel Müdürlüğü, 251 s, Ankara.
  • Görür, G., 2004. Aphid (Insecta: Homoptera: Aphidoidea) species of Nigde province of Turkey. Nigde University Publication, No:17, Nigde.
  • Görür, G., H. Akyıldırım, G. Olcabey & B. Akyürek, 2012. The aphid fauna of Turkey:An updated checklist. Arch. Biol. Sci., Begrade, 64(2), 675-692,2012.
  • Görür, G., M. Işık, B. Akyürek & Ü. Zeybekoğlu, 2009. New records of Aphidoidea from Turkey. J. Entomol. Res. 11(3), 1-5.
  • Havelka, J., S. Husak & P. Stary, 2005. A new invasive exotic aphid in the Czech Republic. Ziva 174-175.
  • Havelka, J. & P. Stary, 2007. Myzocallis walshii (Hemiptera: Sternorrhynca : Aphididae), an exotic invasive aphid on Quercus rubra, the American red oak: Its bionomy in the Czech Republic. Eur. J. Entomol. 104: 471-477,2007.
  • Hille Ris Lambers, D., 1950. On mounting aphids and other soft skinned insects. Entomologische Berichten, XIII: pp. 54-55.
  • Holman, J., 2009. Host Plant Catalog of Aphids, Palaearctic Region. Springer, Branisovska. 1216pp.
  • Houard, C., 1922. Les Zoocecides de Plantes d’Asie et d’Ocenie. 2 Vols. Paris, Vol. I, 496 pp.
  • Lodos, N., 1986. Entomology of Turkey. 2nd General, Practice and Faunistic. Review of the Faculty of Agriculture Ege University No.429, İzmir, p. 591.
  • Lodos, N., 1986. Türkiye Entomolojisi II. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 429.
  • Mier Durante, M.P. & J.M. Nieto Nafria, 1994. Species of the Spanish aphid fauna with discontinuous geographical distribution. J. Aphidol., 8: 72-78.
  • Modic, S., 2010. Myzocallis (Lineomyzocallis) walshii, An invasive aphid on Quercus rubra, new to Slovenia.Favnisticni zapiski/ Faunistical Notes. 163-167.
  • Nieto Nafria, J.M., G. Latteur, M.P. Mier Durante, J. Tahon, N. Perez Hidalgo & J. Nicolas, 1999. Les Pucerons de Belgique (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Parasitica, 55:5-38.
  • Osiadacz, B. & K. Wieczorek, 2006. Myzocallis ( Lineomyzocallis) walshii MONELL, 1879 ( Hemiptera, Aphidoidea), an aphid species new to Poland. Polish Journal of Entomology Vol. 75:233-238.
  • Özdemir, I., 2004. Ankara ilinde otsu bitkilerde saptanan Aphidoidea türleri üzerinde taksonomik araştırmalar. Ankara Üniversitesi, Bitki Koruma Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 188 s. 2004.
  • Özdemir, I., Remaudiere, G., Toros, S., and Kılınçer, N., 2005. New aphid records from Turkey including the description of a new Lachnus species (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Rev.Fr.Entomol. 27 (3), 97-102.
  • Patti, I. & G.C. Lozzia, 1994. Presenza in Italia dell’Afide Neartico della Quercia rossa, Myzocallis (Lineomyzocallis) walshii (Mon.). Boll. Zool. Agr. Bachic. (Ser. II), 26: 141-145.
  • Perez Hidalgo, N, X. Espadaler & M.P. Mier Durante, 2009. Detectado en Portugal Myzocallis (Lineomyzocallis) walshii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) sobre Quercus rubra. Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia, 33 (1-2): 263-265.
  • Petrovic-Obradovic, O. Z. Tomanovic, L. Poljakovic-Pajnik, S. Hrncic, A. Vucetic, & S. Radonjic, 2010. New invasive species of Aphids (Hemiptera, Aphididae) in Serbia and Montenegro. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 62, 3:775-780.
  • Pons, X., B. Lumbierres, & P. Stary, 2006. Expansion of the Aphid Myzocallis (Lineomyzocallis) walshii (Monell) on the Red Oak Quercus rubra, and adaptation of Local parasitoids in the Northeastern Iberian Peninsula (Hom., Aphididae, Calaphidinae., Hym., Braconidae, Aphidiinae). Journal of Pest Science, 79: 17-21.
  • Quednau, F.W. & G. Remaudiere, 1994. Le genre Myzocallis PASSERINI, 1860: Classification mondiale des sousgenres et nouvelles especes paleartiques (Homoptera: Aphididae) The Canadian Entomologist 126:303-326.
  • Remaudiere, G., 1989. Decouverte en France de I’espece Americaine Myzocallis (Lineomyzocallis) walshii (Monell) (Hom., Aphididae). Annl. Soc. Ent. Fr. (N.S), 25, 1:117.
  • Remaudiere, G., & F.W. Quednau, 1992. Pucerons Nouveaux et Peu Connus du Mexique. 10e note: Le sous-genre Myzocallis (Lineomyzocallis) (Hom.: Aphididae). Annl. Soc. Ent. Fr. (N.S), 28:27-36.
  • Remaudiere, G. & M. Remaudiere, 1997. Catologue des Aphididae du Monde (Catalogue of the WorldÕs Aphididae) Homoptera, Aphidoidea, Preface Par V.F. Eastop, INRA editions, p. 473.
  • Remaudière, G., S. Toros, & I. Özdemir, 2006. New contribution to the aphid fauna of Turkey (Hemiptera:Aphidoidea). Rev. Fr. Entomol. 28 (2), 75-96.
  • Richards, W.R., 1965. The Callaphidini of Canada (Homoptera: Aphididae). Memoirs of the entomological society of Canada 44:149 pp.
  • Richards, W.R., 1968. A synopsis of the world fauna of Myzocallis (Homoptera: Aphididae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, Ottawa. 57:69-73.
  • Ripka, G., 2008. Checklist of the Aphidoidea and Phylloxeroidea of Hungary (Hemiptera: Sternorryncha). Folia. Ent. Hung., 69: 19-157.
  • Thieme, T. & H. Eggers-Schumacher, 2003. Verzeichnus der blattlause (Aphidina) Deutschlands. Entom. Germ., 6: 167-193.
  • Toper Kaygin, A., G. Görür & F. Çota, 2008. Contribution to the Aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) species damaging on woody plants in Bartın, Türkiye. Int. J. Eng. Sci. 2(1), 83-86.
  • Toper Kaygin, A., G. Görür & F. Çota, 2010. New records of aphid fauna in Turkey. J. Insect Sci. 10(5), 1-4.
  • Toros, S., N. Uygun, M.R. Ulusoy, S. Satar & I. Özdemir, 2002. The Aphidoidea Species of East Mediterranean Region. Ministry of Agriculture, Ankara, Turkey p. 108 (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Trotter, A., 1903. Galle della Paninsola Balsanica e Asia Minore. Nuovo G. Bot. Ital., 10: 202-232.
  • Fahringer, J. 1922. Eine Rhynchotenausbeute aus der Turkei, Kleinasien und den Benachbarten Gebieten. Konowia, 1: 137-44, pp. 296-307.
  • Tuatay, N., 1993. Aphids of Turkey (Homoptera: Aphididae) IV. Aphidinae: Macrosiphini Part IV. Plant Prot. B. 33 (1-2), 83-105.
  • Uysal, M., A. Sahbaz & I. Özdemir, 2006. Aphid species(Homoptera:Aphididae)on poplar trees in Konya Region. Selcuk University Agricultural Faculty Journal 20(38), 143-149.

Türkiye’de meşede yeni yayılıcı yaprakbiti türü: Myzocallis walshii (Monell) (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea)

Year 2012, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 277 - 284, 03.01.2013


Adana ili park ve süs bitkileri üzerinde bulunan yaprak biti türlerinin tespit edilmesi için yapılan çalışma kapsamında yapılan sürveyler sonucunda meşe (Quercus ilex L.) (Fagaceae) üzerinde iki yaprak biti türü Myzocallis walshii (Monell), 1879 (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) ve Myzocallis castanicola Baker, 1917 (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) tespit edilmiş olup bunlardan M. walshii Türkiye yaprak biti faunası için ilk kayıt niteliğindedir.


  • Akyürek, B., U. Zeybekoğlu & G. Görür, 2011. Further contributions to the Turkey aphid (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) fauna. J. Entomol. Res. Soc., 13 (3): 101-106,2011.
  • Aslan, M.M., & N. Uygun, 2005. Aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) of Kahramanmaras province, Turkey. Turk. J. Zool. 29, 201-209.
  • Baker, A.C., 1917. Eastern Aphids, new or little known, Part II. J. Econ. Entomol. Vol. 10 pp. 420-433.
  • Bauernfeind, R. J., 2005. Insects and Mites Associated with Shade Trees and Woody Ornamentals. Kansas State Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, Kansas State University. 34 p.
  • Buckton, G.B., 1881. Monograph of the British Aphides London : Ray Society Vol. 3 pp. ii + 142 pp.
  • Blackmann, R.L. & V.F. Eastop, 1994. Aphids on the World’s Trees. An Identification and Information guide. Cab International, London, 987 pp.
  • Blackmann, R.L. & V.F. Eastop, 2006. Aphids on the World’s Herbaceous Plants and Shrubs. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
  • Blackmann, R.L. & V.F. Eastop, 2013. Aphids on the World’s Plants. An online identification and information guide. http://www.aphidsonworldsplants.info/d_APHIDS_AAIntro.htm, Erişim tarihi: 16.01.2013.
  • Çanakçıoğlu, H., 1966. Türkiye’de orman ağaçlarına arz olan bitkibitleri (Aphidoidea) üzerine araştırmalar, İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 16(2), 131-139.
  • Çanakçıoğlu, H., 1975. The Aphidoidea of Turkey. İstanbul Uni. Faculty of Forestry. 309 pp.
  • Düzgüneş, Z., S. Toros, N. Kılınçer, & B. Kovancı,1982. Ankara ilinde bulunan Aphidoidea türlerinin parazit ve predatörleri. T.C Tarım Orman Bakanlığı Zirai Mücadele ve Zirai Karantina Genel Müdürlüğü, 251 s, Ankara.
  • Görür, G., 2004. Aphid (Insecta: Homoptera: Aphidoidea) species of Nigde province of Turkey. Nigde University Publication, No:17, Nigde.
  • Görür, G., H. Akyıldırım, G. Olcabey & B. Akyürek, 2012. The aphid fauna of Turkey:An updated checklist. Arch. Biol. Sci., Begrade, 64(2), 675-692,2012.
  • Görür, G., M. Işık, B. Akyürek & Ü. Zeybekoğlu, 2009. New records of Aphidoidea from Turkey. J. Entomol. Res. 11(3), 1-5.
  • Havelka, J., S. Husak & P. Stary, 2005. A new invasive exotic aphid in the Czech Republic. Ziva 174-175.
  • Havelka, J. & P. Stary, 2007. Myzocallis walshii (Hemiptera: Sternorrhynca : Aphididae), an exotic invasive aphid on Quercus rubra, the American red oak: Its bionomy in the Czech Republic. Eur. J. Entomol. 104: 471-477,2007.
  • Hille Ris Lambers, D., 1950. On mounting aphids and other soft skinned insects. Entomologische Berichten, XIII: pp. 54-55.
  • Holman, J., 2009. Host Plant Catalog of Aphids, Palaearctic Region. Springer, Branisovska. 1216pp.
  • Houard, C., 1922. Les Zoocecides de Plantes d’Asie et d’Ocenie. 2 Vols. Paris, Vol. I, 496 pp.
  • Lodos, N., 1986. Entomology of Turkey. 2nd General, Practice and Faunistic. Review of the Faculty of Agriculture Ege University No.429, İzmir, p. 591.
  • Lodos, N., 1986. Türkiye Entomolojisi II. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 429.
  • Mier Durante, M.P. & J.M. Nieto Nafria, 1994. Species of the Spanish aphid fauna with discontinuous geographical distribution. J. Aphidol., 8: 72-78.
  • Modic, S., 2010. Myzocallis (Lineomyzocallis) walshii, An invasive aphid on Quercus rubra, new to Slovenia.Favnisticni zapiski/ Faunistical Notes. 163-167.
  • Nieto Nafria, J.M., G. Latteur, M.P. Mier Durante, J. Tahon, N. Perez Hidalgo & J. Nicolas, 1999. Les Pucerons de Belgique (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Parasitica, 55:5-38.
  • Osiadacz, B. & K. Wieczorek, 2006. Myzocallis ( Lineomyzocallis) walshii MONELL, 1879 ( Hemiptera, Aphidoidea), an aphid species new to Poland. Polish Journal of Entomology Vol. 75:233-238.
  • Özdemir, I., 2004. Ankara ilinde otsu bitkilerde saptanan Aphidoidea türleri üzerinde taksonomik araştırmalar. Ankara Üniversitesi, Bitki Koruma Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 188 s. 2004.
  • Özdemir, I., Remaudiere, G., Toros, S., and Kılınçer, N., 2005. New aphid records from Turkey including the description of a new Lachnus species (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Rev.Fr.Entomol. 27 (3), 97-102.
  • Patti, I. & G.C. Lozzia, 1994. Presenza in Italia dell’Afide Neartico della Quercia rossa, Myzocallis (Lineomyzocallis) walshii (Mon.). Boll. Zool. Agr. Bachic. (Ser. II), 26: 141-145.
  • Perez Hidalgo, N, X. Espadaler & M.P. Mier Durante, 2009. Detectado en Portugal Myzocallis (Lineomyzocallis) walshii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) sobre Quercus rubra. Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia, 33 (1-2): 263-265.
  • Petrovic-Obradovic, O. Z. Tomanovic, L. Poljakovic-Pajnik, S. Hrncic, A. Vucetic, & S. Radonjic, 2010. New invasive species of Aphids (Hemiptera, Aphididae) in Serbia and Montenegro. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 62, 3:775-780.
  • Pons, X., B. Lumbierres, & P. Stary, 2006. Expansion of the Aphid Myzocallis (Lineomyzocallis) walshii (Monell) on the Red Oak Quercus rubra, and adaptation of Local parasitoids in the Northeastern Iberian Peninsula (Hom., Aphididae, Calaphidinae., Hym., Braconidae, Aphidiinae). Journal of Pest Science, 79: 17-21.
  • Quednau, F.W. & G. Remaudiere, 1994. Le genre Myzocallis PASSERINI, 1860: Classification mondiale des sousgenres et nouvelles especes paleartiques (Homoptera: Aphididae) The Canadian Entomologist 126:303-326.
  • Remaudiere, G., 1989. Decouverte en France de I’espece Americaine Myzocallis (Lineomyzocallis) walshii (Monell) (Hom., Aphididae). Annl. Soc. Ent. Fr. (N.S), 25, 1:117.
  • Remaudiere, G., & F.W. Quednau, 1992. Pucerons Nouveaux et Peu Connus du Mexique. 10e note: Le sous-genre Myzocallis (Lineomyzocallis) (Hom.: Aphididae). Annl. Soc. Ent. Fr. (N.S), 28:27-36.
  • Remaudiere, G. & M. Remaudiere, 1997. Catologue des Aphididae du Monde (Catalogue of the WorldÕs Aphididae) Homoptera, Aphidoidea, Preface Par V.F. Eastop, INRA editions, p. 473.
  • Remaudière, G., S. Toros, & I. Özdemir, 2006. New contribution to the aphid fauna of Turkey (Hemiptera:Aphidoidea). Rev. Fr. Entomol. 28 (2), 75-96.
  • Richards, W.R., 1965. The Callaphidini of Canada (Homoptera: Aphididae). Memoirs of the entomological society of Canada 44:149 pp.
  • Richards, W.R., 1968. A synopsis of the world fauna of Myzocallis (Homoptera: Aphididae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, Ottawa. 57:69-73.
  • Ripka, G., 2008. Checklist of the Aphidoidea and Phylloxeroidea of Hungary (Hemiptera: Sternorryncha). Folia. Ent. Hung., 69: 19-157.
  • Thieme, T. & H. Eggers-Schumacher, 2003. Verzeichnus der blattlause (Aphidina) Deutschlands. Entom. Germ., 6: 167-193.
  • Toper Kaygin, A., G. Görür & F. Çota, 2008. Contribution to the Aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) species damaging on woody plants in Bartın, Türkiye. Int. J. Eng. Sci. 2(1), 83-86.
  • Toper Kaygin, A., G. Görür & F. Çota, 2010. New records of aphid fauna in Turkey. J. Insect Sci. 10(5), 1-4.
  • Toros, S., N. Uygun, M.R. Ulusoy, S. Satar & I. Özdemir, 2002. The Aphidoidea Species of East Mediterranean Region. Ministry of Agriculture, Ankara, Turkey p. 108 (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Trotter, A., 1903. Galle della Paninsola Balsanica e Asia Minore. Nuovo G. Bot. Ital., 10: 202-232.
  • Fahringer, J. 1922. Eine Rhynchotenausbeute aus der Turkei, Kleinasien und den Benachbarten Gebieten. Konowia, 1: 137-44, pp. 296-307.
  • Tuatay, N., 1993. Aphids of Turkey (Homoptera: Aphididae) IV. Aphidinae: Macrosiphini Part IV. Plant Prot. B. 33 (1-2), 83-105.
  • Uysal, M., A. Sahbaz & I. Özdemir, 2006. Aphid species(Homoptera:Aphididae)on poplar trees in Konya Region. Selcuk University Agricultural Faculty Journal 20(38), 143-149.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Article

Asime Çalışkan

Mehmet Ulusoy

İşıl Özdemir

Publication Date January 3, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 2 Issue: 4


APA Çalışkan, A., Ulusoy, M., & Özdemir, İ. (2013). Türkiye’de meşede yeni yayılıcı yaprakbiti türü: Myzocallis walshii (Monell) (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea). Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni, 2(4), 277-284.
AMA Çalışkan A, Ulusoy M, Özdemir İ. Türkiye’de meşede yeni yayılıcı yaprakbiti türü: Myzocallis walshii (Monell) (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea). Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni. November 2013;2(4):277-284.
Chicago Çalışkan, Asime, Mehmet Ulusoy, and İşıl Özdemir. “Türkiye’de meşede Yeni yayılıcı Yaprakbiti türü: Myzocallis Walshii (Monell) (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea)”. Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni 2, no. 4 (November 2013): 277-84.
EndNote Çalışkan A, Ulusoy M, Özdemir İ (November 1, 2013) Türkiye’de meşede yeni yayılıcı yaprakbiti türü: Myzocallis walshii (Monell) (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea). Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni 2 4 277–284.
IEEE A. Çalışkan, M. Ulusoy, and İ. Özdemir, “Türkiye’de meşede yeni yayılıcı yaprakbiti türü: Myzocallis walshii (Monell) (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea)”, Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 277–284, 2013.
ISNAD Çalışkan, Asime et al. “Türkiye’de meşede Yeni yayılıcı Yaprakbiti türü: Myzocallis Walshii (Monell) (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea)”. Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni 2/4 (November 2013), 277-284.
JAMA Çalışkan A, Ulusoy M, Özdemir İ. Türkiye’de meşede yeni yayılıcı yaprakbiti türü: Myzocallis walshii (Monell) (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea). Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni. 2013;2:277–284.
MLA Çalışkan, Asime et al. “Türkiye’de meşede Yeni yayılıcı Yaprakbiti türü: Myzocallis Walshii (Monell) (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea)”. Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni, vol. 2, no. 4, 2013, pp. 277-84.
Vancouver Çalışkan A, Ulusoy M, Özdemir İ. Türkiye’de meşede yeni yayılıcı yaprakbiti türü: Myzocallis walshii (Monell) (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea). Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni. 2013;2(4):277-84.