Research Article
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Accuracy of age estimation with Demirjian and Nolla methods in Eastern Turkish children aged 3-17 years old

Year 2022, , 80 - 87, 27.05.2022


Purpose: Dental age assessment is one of the most reliable methods of chronological age estimation used for criminal, forensic and anthropologic purposes. This study aimed to determine how accurate it was to estimate the chronological age by looking at the dental age measured with the Nolla and Demirjian methods in a Turkish sample, based on the variables of gender and age-group. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was performed on panoramic radiographs of 1587 subjects (774 females and 813 males), aged 3–17 years. The mean dental age according to the Demirjian and Nolla methods were compared to the mean chronological age (CA). Also, the percentage value of prediction of CA was determined by using the both methods. Results: An under-estimation of the chronological age was observed by using Nolla’s method (males -0.003, females -0.32, both -0.16) and an over-estimation of the dental age was observed by using Demirjian’s method (males 0.61, females 0.75, both 0.68). Conclusion: Nolla’s method was more accurate in the CA estimation than Demirjian’s method in Eastern Turkish population.


  • 1. Altunsoy M, Nur BG, Akkemik O, Ok E, E;vcil MS. Applicability of the Demirjian method for dental age estimation in western Turkish children. Acta Odontol Scand 2015;73:121-5. google scholar
  • 2. Cameriere R, Flores-Mir C, Mauricio F, Ferrante L. Effects of nutrition on timing of mineralization in teeth in a Peruvian sample by the Cameriere and Demirjian methods. Ann Hum Biol 2007;34:547-56. google scholar
  • 3. Panchbhai A. Dental radiographic indicators, a key to age estimation. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2011;40:199-212. google scholar
  • 4. Mohammed RB, Sanghvi P, Perumalla KK, Srinivasaraju D, Srinivas J, Kalyan US, et al. Accuracy of four dental age estimation methods in southern Indian children. J Clin Diagn Res 2015;9:HC01. google scholar
  • 5. Moorrees CF, Fanning EA, Hunt Jr EE. Age variation of formation stages for ten permanent teeth. J Dent Res 1963;42:1490-502. google scholar
  • 6. Kvaal SI, Kolltveit KM, Thomsen IO, Solheim T. Age estimation of adults from dental radiographs. Forensic Sci Int 1995;74:175-85. google scholar
  • 7. Haavikko K. Tooth formation age estimated on a few selected teeth. A simple method for clinical use. Procc Finn Dent Soc 1974;70:15-9. google scholar
  • 8. Liliequist B, Lundberg M. Skeletal and tooth development: a methodologic investigation. Acta Radiol Diagn 1971;11:97-112. google scholar
  • 9. Kirzioglu Z, Ceyhan D. Accuracy of different dental age estimation methods on Turkish children. Forensic Sci Int. [Comparative Study]. 2012;10;216:61-7. google scholar
  • 10. Miloglu O, Celikoglu M, Dane A, Cantekin K, Yilmaz AB. Is the assessment of dental age by the Nolla method valid for eastern Turkish children? J Forensic Sci 2011;56:1025-8. google scholar
  • 11. Celik S, Zeren C, Celikel A, Yengil E, Altan A. Applicability of the Demirjian method for dental assessment of southern Turkish children. J Forensic Leg Med 2014;25:2-6. google scholar
  • 12. Tomas LF, Monico LS, Tomas I, Varela-Patino P, Martin-Biedma B. The accuracy of estimating chronological age from Demirjian and Nolla methods in a Portuguese and Spanish sample. BMC Oral Health 2014;14:160. google scholar
  • 13. Celikoglu M, Cantekin K, Ceylan I. Dental age assessment: the applicability of Demirjian method in eastern Turkish children. J Forensic Sci 2011;56:S220-S2. google scholar
  • 14. Nur B, Kusgoz A, Bayram M, Celikoglu M, Nur M, Kayipmaz S, et al. Validity of Demirjian and Nolla methods for dental age estimation for Northeastern Turkish children aged 5-16 years old. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2012;17:e871. google scholar
  • 15. Cantekin K, Sekerci AE, Peduk K, Delikan E, Aday NO, Demirbuga S, et al. Dental age assessment for different climatic regions. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 2014;35:197-200. google scholar
  • 16. Demirjian A, Goldstein H, Tanner J. A new system of dental age assessment. Hum Biol 1973:211-27. google scholar
  • 17. Nolla CM. The development of permanent teeth: University of Michigan; 1952. google scholar
  • 18. Corral C, Garda F, Garda J, Leon P, Herrera A, Martmez C, et al. Chronological versus dental age in subjects from 5 to 19 years: a comparative study with forensic implications. Colomb Med 2010;41:215-23. google scholar
  • 19. Willems G, Van Olmen A, Spiessens B, Carels C. Dental age estimation in Belgian children: Demirjian's technique revisited. J Forensic Sci 2001;46:893-5. google scholar
  • 20. Sukhia RH, Fida M, Azam SI. Dental age table for a sample of Pakistani children. Eur J Orthod 2010;34:77-82. google scholar
  • 21. Uysal T, Yagci A, Ramoglu SI. Dental maturation in patients with unilateral posterior crossbite. World J Orthod 2009;10:383-8. google scholar
  • 22. Mentes A, Ergeneli S, Tanboga I. Applicability of Demirjian's standards to the Turkish children's dental age estimation. J Marmara Univ Dent Fac 2000;4:63-8. google scholar
  • 23. Tunc ES, Koyuturk AE. Dental age assessment using Demirjian's method on northern Turkish children. Forensic Sci Int 2008;175:23-6. google scholar
  • 24. Djukic K, Zelic K, Milenkovic P, Nedeljkovic N, Djuric M. Dental age assessment validity of radiographic methods on Serbian children population. Forensic Sci Int 2013;231:398. e1-. e5. google scholar
  • 25. Flood SJ, Franklin D, Turlach BA, McGeachie J. A comparison of Demirjian's four dental development methods for forensic age estimation in South Australian sub-adults. J Forensic Leg Med 2013;20:875-83. google scholar
  • 26. Al-Emran S. Dental age assessment of 8.5 to 17 Year-old Saudi children using Demirjian's method. J Contemp Dent Pract 2008;9:64-71. google scholar
  • 27. Alassiry A, Alshomrani K, Al Hasi S, Albasri A, Alkhathami SS, Althobaiti MA. Dental age assessment of 3-15-year-old Saudi children and adolescents using Demirjian's method-A radiographic study. Clin Exp Dent Res 2019;5:336-42. google scholar
  • 28. Kurita LM, Menezes AV, Casanova MS, Haiter-Neto F. Dental maturity as an indicator of chronological age: radiographic assessment of dental age in a Brazilian population. J Appl Oral Sci 2007;15:99-104. google scholar
  • 29. Koshy S, Tandon S. Dental age assessment: the applicability of Demirjian's method in south Indian children. Forensic Sci Int 1998;94:73-85. google scholar
Year 2022, , 80 - 87, 27.05.2022



  • 1. Altunsoy M, Nur BG, Akkemik O, Ok E, E;vcil MS. Applicability of the Demirjian method for dental age estimation in western Turkish children. Acta Odontol Scand 2015;73:121-5. google scholar
  • 2. Cameriere R, Flores-Mir C, Mauricio F, Ferrante L. Effects of nutrition on timing of mineralization in teeth in a Peruvian sample by the Cameriere and Demirjian methods. Ann Hum Biol 2007;34:547-56. google scholar
  • 3. Panchbhai A. Dental radiographic indicators, a key to age estimation. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2011;40:199-212. google scholar
  • 4. Mohammed RB, Sanghvi P, Perumalla KK, Srinivasaraju D, Srinivas J, Kalyan US, et al. Accuracy of four dental age estimation methods in southern Indian children. J Clin Diagn Res 2015;9:HC01. google scholar
  • 5. Moorrees CF, Fanning EA, Hunt Jr EE. Age variation of formation stages for ten permanent teeth. J Dent Res 1963;42:1490-502. google scholar
  • 6. Kvaal SI, Kolltveit KM, Thomsen IO, Solheim T. Age estimation of adults from dental radiographs. Forensic Sci Int 1995;74:175-85. google scholar
  • 7. Haavikko K. Tooth formation age estimated on a few selected teeth. A simple method for clinical use. Procc Finn Dent Soc 1974;70:15-9. google scholar
  • 8. Liliequist B, Lundberg M. Skeletal and tooth development: a methodologic investigation. Acta Radiol Diagn 1971;11:97-112. google scholar
  • 9. Kirzioglu Z, Ceyhan D. Accuracy of different dental age estimation methods on Turkish children. Forensic Sci Int. [Comparative Study]. 2012;10;216:61-7. google scholar
  • 10. Miloglu O, Celikoglu M, Dane A, Cantekin K, Yilmaz AB. Is the assessment of dental age by the Nolla method valid for eastern Turkish children? J Forensic Sci 2011;56:1025-8. google scholar
  • 11. Celik S, Zeren C, Celikel A, Yengil E, Altan A. Applicability of the Demirjian method for dental assessment of southern Turkish children. J Forensic Leg Med 2014;25:2-6. google scholar
  • 12. Tomas LF, Monico LS, Tomas I, Varela-Patino P, Martin-Biedma B. The accuracy of estimating chronological age from Demirjian and Nolla methods in a Portuguese and Spanish sample. BMC Oral Health 2014;14:160. google scholar
  • 13. Celikoglu M, Cantekin K, Ceylan I. Dental age assessment: the applicability of Demirjian method in eastern Turkish children. J Forensic Sci 2011;56:S220-S2. google scholar
  • 14. Nur B, Kusgoz A, Bayram M, Celikoglu M, Nur M, Kayipmaz S, et al. Validity of Demirjian and Nolla methods for dental age estimation for Northeastern Turkish children aged 5-16 years old. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2012;17:e871. google scholar
  • 15. Cantekin K, Sekerci AE, Peduk K, Delikan E, Aday NO, Demirbuga S, et al. Dental age assessment for different climatic regions. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 2014;35:197-200. google scholar
  • 16. Demirjian A, Goldstein H, Tanner J. A new system of dental age assessment. Hum Biol 1973:211-27. google scholar
  • 17. Nolla CM. The development of permanent teeth: University of Michigan; 1952. google scholar
  • 18. Corral C, Garda F, Garda J, Leon P, Herrera A, Martmez C, et al. Chronological versus dental age in subjects from 5 to 19 years: a comparative study with forensic implications. Colomb Med 2010;41:215-23. google scholar
  • 19. Willems G, Van Olmen A, Spiessens B, Carels C. Dental age estimation in Belgian children: Demirjian's technique revisited. J Forensic Sci 2001;46:893-5. google scholar
  • 20. Sukhia RH, Fida M, Azam SI. Dental age table for a sample of Pakistani children. Eur J Orthod 2010;34:77-82. google scholar
  • 21. Uysal T, Yagci A, Ramoglu SI. Dental maturation in patients with unilateral posterior crossbite. World J Orthod 2009;10:383-8. google scholar
  • 22. Mentes A, Ergeneli S, Tanboga I. Applicability of Demirjian's standards to the Turkish children's dental age estimation. J Marmara Univ Dent Fac 2000;4:63-8. google scholar
  • 23. Tunc ES, Koyuturk AE. Dental age assessment using Demirjian's method on northern Turkish children. Forensic Sci Int 2008;175:23-6. google scholar
  • 24. Djukic K, Zelic K, Milenkovic P, Nedeljkovic N, Djuric M. Dental age assessment validity of radiographic methods on Serbian children population. Forensic Sci Int 2013;231:398. e1-. e5. google scholar
  • 25. Flood SJ, Franklin D, Turlach BA, McGeachie J. A comparison of Demirjian's four dental development methods for forensic age estimation in South Australian sub-adults. J Forensic Leg Med 2013;20:875-83. google scholar
  • 26. Al-Emran S. Dental age assessment of 8.5 to 17 Year-old Saudi children using Demirjian's method. J Contemp Dent Pract 2008;9:64-71. google scholar
  • 27. Alassiry A, Alshomrani K, Al Hasi S, Albasri A, Alkhathami SS, Althobaiti MA. Dental age assessment of 3-15-year-old Saudi children and adolescents using Demirjian's method-A radiographic study. Clin Exp Dent Res 2019;5:336-42. google scholar
  • 28. Kurita LM, Menezes AV, Casanova MS, Haiter-Neto F. Dental maturity as an indicator of chronological age: radiographic assessment of dental age in a Brazilian population. J Appl Oral Sci 2007;15:99-104. google scholar
  • 29. Koshy S, Tandon S. Dental age assessment: the applicability of Demirjian's method in south Indian children. Forensic Sci Int 1998;94:73-85. google scholar
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Original Research Articles

Gülsüm Duruk 0000-0002-6756-6637

Tamara Pelin Gündoğdu Özdal 0000-0002-3154-5180

Sacide Duman This is me 0000-0001-6884-9674

Publication Date May 27, 2022
Submission Date January 15, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


EndNote Duruk G, Gündoğdu Özdal TP, Duman S (May 1, 2022) Accuracy of age estimation with Demirjian and Nolla methods in Eastern Turkish children aged 3-17 years old. European Oral Research 56 2 80–87.