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Finansal Ürünlerde Ortak Markalama: Ortak Markalı Kredi Kartları Üzerine Bir Çalışma

Year 2022, , 407 - 425, 30.06.2022


Bu çalışma, ortak markalı kredi kartlarında algılanan faydanın ve güvenin, ortak markalı bir kredi kartı kullanma niyetini nasıl etkilediğini ve bu unsurların ortak marka sadakatindeki dolaylı ve doğrudan etkilerini tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla oluşturulan kavramsal modeli test etmek için en az bir ortak markalı kredi kartına sahip banka müşterilerine çevrimiçi anket uygulanmıştır. Öncelikle katılımcı yanıtları, açıklayıcı ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Sonrasında modeldeki yapılar arasındaki ilişkilerin etki yönlerini belirleyebilmek için yol (path) analizi yapılmıştır. Sonuçlara göre ortak markalı kredi kartı kullanma niyeti, ortak marka sadakatinin temel belirleyicisidir (β=0,97 p<0,01). Ortak markalı kredi kartı kullanma niyeti ise bu kartların algılanan faydasından (β=0,47 p<0,01) ve ortak markaya olan güvenden (β=0,50 p<0,01) doğrudan pozitif bir şekilde etkilenmektedir. Dolaylı etkiler incelendiğinde; ortak marka sadakatinin, ortak markaya olan güvene göre (β=0,49 p<0,01) ortak markalı bir kredi kartının algılanan faydasından (β=0,87 p<0,01) daha fazla etkilendiği görülmüştür. Bu araştırma bankalar arası marka ortaklıklarında başarının kilit noktalarını tanımladığından finansal ürünlerde ortak markalama literatürünü geliştirmektedir. Finansal ürün sağlayıcılarına ise pratikte kullanabilecekleri birtakım ipuçları sunmaktadır.


  • Aaker, D.A. (2004). Leveraging the corporate brand. California Management Review, 46(3), 6-18.
  • Abbo, M.H., Kumar, M. and Benavent, C. (2012). Determinants of cause co-branding success: A study of consumers' attitudes in banking sector. Banks & Bank Systems, 7(2), 107-115. Retrieved from
  • Achrol, R.S. and Kotler, P. (1999). Marketing in the network economy. Journal of Marketing, 63(Special Issue), 146‐163.
  • Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179-211.
  • Al-Debei, M.M., Akroush, M.N. and Ashouri, M.I. (2015). Consumer attitudes towards online shopping: The effects of trust, perceived benefits, and perceived web quality. Internet Research. 25(5), 707-733.
  • Alhaddad, A. (2015). Perceived quality, brand image and brand trust as determinants of brand loyalty. Journal of Research in Business and Management, 3(4), 01-08. Retrieved from
  • Atulkar, S. (2020). Brand trust and brand loyalty in mall shoppers. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 38(5), 559-572.
  • Bass, A. (2004). Licensed extensions - stretching to communicate. Journal of Brand Management, 12(1), 31‐38.
  • Bennett, R. and Rundle-Thiele, S. (2002). A comparison of attitudinal loyalty measurement approaches. Journal of Brand Management, 9(3), 193-209.
  • Besharat, A. (2010). How co-branding versus brand extensions drive consumers' evaluations of new products: A brand equity approach. Industrial Marketing Management, 39(8), 1240-1249.
  • Boad, B. (1999). Co-branding opportunities and benefits. In T. Blackett and B. Boad (Eds.), Co-branding (pp. 22-37). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bonus Platformu. (2022). Erişim adresi:
  • Bouten, L.M., Snelders, D. and Hultink, E.J. (2011). The impact of fit measures on the consumer evaluation of new co‐branded products. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(4), 455-469.
  • Bozpolat, C. (2021). Çevresel kaygının ve algılanan pazar etkisinin yeşil ürün satın alma davranışındaki rolü. KAÜİİBFD, 12(24), 702-727.
  • Carlos Roca, J., José García, J. and José de la Vega, J. (2009). The importance of perceived trust, security and privacy in online trading systems. Information Management & Computer Security, 17(2), 96-113.
  • Chin, A.G., Harris, M.A. and Brookshire, R. (2020). An empirical investigation of intent to adopt mobile payment systems using a trust-based extended valence framework. Information Systems Frontiers, 24, 1-19.
  • Comrey, A.L. and Lee, H.B. (1992). A first course in factor analysis (2th Edition). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
  • Cunha, M., Forehand, M.R. and Angle, J.W. (2015). Riding coattails: When co-branding helps versus hurts less-known brands. Journal of Consumer Research, 41(5), 1284-1300.
  • Davis, F.D. (1986). A technology acceptance model for empirically testing new enduser information system: Theory and results (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Delgado‐Ballester, E. and Munuera‐Alemán, J.L. (2001). Brand trust in the context of consumer loyalty. European Journal of Marketing, 35(11/12), 1238-1258.
  • Delgado-Ballester, E., Munuera-Aleman, J.L. and Yague-Guillen, M.J. (2003). Development and validation of a brand trust scale. International Journal of Market Research, 45(1), 35-54.
  • Desai, K.K. and Keller, K.L. (2002). The effects of ingredient branding strategies on host brand extendibility. Journal of Marketing, 66(1), 73-93.
  • DiPietro, R.B. (2005). The case against multibranding strategy. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 46(1), 96‐99.
  • Fornell C. and Larcker D.F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18, 39-50.
  • Gan, C.E.C., Cohen, D.A., Hu, B., Tran, M.C., Dong, W. and Wang, A. (2016). The relationship between credit card attributes and the demographic characteristics of card users in China. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(7), 966-984.
  • Gefen, D. (2002). Reflections on the dimensions of trust and trustworthiness among online consumers. ACM SIGMIS Database: The DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 33(3), 38-53.
  • Gefen, D., Karahanna, E. and Straub, D.W. (2003). Trust and TAM in online shopping: An integrated model. MIS Quarterly, 27(1), 51-90.
  • George, D. and Mallery, P. (2016). SPSS for windows step by step: A simple guide and reference (14th ed.). New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis.
  • Gong, Z., Han, Z., Li, X., Yu, C. and Reinhardt, J.D. (2019). Factors influencing the adoption of online health consultation services: The role of subjective norm, trust, perceived benefit, and offline habit. Frontiers in Public Health, 7(286), 1-9.
  • Hacıefendioğlu, Ş. ve Çolular, N. (2008). İlişkisel pazarlamada güven unsuru ve otel işletmelerinde uygulama. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 16, 107-126. Erişim adresi:
  • Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J. and Anderson, R.E. (2006). Multivariate data analysis (7th Edition). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Heinl, L.T., Baatz, A., Beckmann, M. and Wehnert, P. (2021). Investigating sustainable NGO-firm partnerships: An experimental study of consumer perception of co-branded products. Sustainability, 13(22), 12761.
  • Helmig, B., Huber, J.A. and Leeflang, P. (2007). Explaining behavioural intentions toward co-branded products. Journal of Marketing Management, 23(3-4), 285-304.
  • Helmig, B., Huber, J.A. and Leeflang, P.S. (2008). Co-branding: the state of the art. Schmalenbach Business Review, 60(4), 359-377.
  • Jusoh, Z. and Lin, L.Y. (2012). Personal financial knowledge and attitude towards credit card practices among working adults in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(7). 176-185. Retrieved from
  • Keiningham, T.L., Aksoy, L., Wallin Andreassen, T., Cooil, B. and Wahren, B.J. (2006). Call center satisfaction and customer retention in a co‐branded service context. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 16(3), 269-289.
  • Keke, Y., Dida, S., Sugiyana, D. and Suryana, A. (2021). Determining the influence of consumer behaviour in using co-branded card during pandemic-covid19. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 11(5), 28-35. Retrieved from
  • Kim, D.J., Ferrin, D.L. and Rao, H.R. (2008). A trust-based consumer decision-making model in electronic commerce: The role of trust, perceived risk, and their antecedents. Decision Support Systems, 44(2), 544-564.
  • Kim, D.J., Ferrin, D.L. and Rao, H.R. (2009). Trust and satisfaction, two stepping stones for successful e-commerce relationships: A longitudinal exploration. Information Systems Research, 20(2), 237-257. https://doi 10.1287/isre.l080.0188
  • Kim, H., and DeVaney, S.A. (2001). The determinants of outstanding balances among credit card revolvers. Financial Counseling and Planning, 12(1), 67-77. Retrieved from
  • Kim, W.G., Lee, S. and Lee, H.Y. (2007). Co-branding and brand loyalty. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 8(2), 1-23.
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  • Liu, F., Li, J., Mizerski, D. and Soh, H. (2012). Self-congruity, brand attitude, and brand loyalty: A study on luxury brands. European Journal of Marketing, 46(7-8), 922-937.
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  • McCarthy, M.S. and Norris, D.G. (1999). Improving competitive position using branded ingredients. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 8(4), 267-285.
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Co-Branding in Financial Products: A Study on Co-Branded Credit Cards

Year 2022, , 407 - 425, 30.06.2022


This study was conducted to determine how perceived benefit and trust in co-branded credit cards affect the intention to use a co-branded credit card, and the indirect and direct effects of these factors on co-brand loyalty. To test the conceptual model created for this purpose, an online questionnaire was applied to bank customers who own at least at least one co-branded credit card. First of all, participant responses were subjected to explanatory and confirmatory factor analysis. Afterwards, path analysis was performed in order to determine the effects of the relations between the structures in the model. According to the results, intention to use co-branded credit card is the main determinant of co-brand loyalty (β=0.97 p<0.01). The intention to use a co-branded credit card is directly and positively affected by the perceived benefit of these cards (β=0.47 p<0.01) and the trust in the co-brand (β=0.50 p<0.01). When the indirect effects were examined, it was seen that co-brand loyalty was more affected by the perceived benefit of a co-branded credit card (β=0.87 p<0.01) than trust in the co-brand (β=0.49 p<0.01). This research develops the co-branding literature in financial products as it identifies the key points of success in interbank brand partnerships. On the other hand, it offers some tips to financial product providers that they can use in practice.


  • Aaker, D.A. (2004). Leveraging the corporate brand. California Management Review, 46(3), 6-18.
  • Abbo, M.H., Kumar, M. and Benavent, C. (2012). Determinants of cause co-branding success: A study of consumers' attitudes in banking sector. Banks & Bank Systems, 7(2), 107-115. Retrieved from
  • Achrol, R.S. and Kotler, P. (1999). Marketing in the network economy. Journal of Marketing, 63(Special Issue), 146‐163.
  • Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179-211.
  • Al-Debei, M.M., Akroush, M.N. and Ashouri, M.I. (2015). Consumer attitudes towards online shopping: The effects of trust, perceived benefits, and perceived web quality. Internet Research. 25(5), 707-733.
  • Alhaddad, A. (2015). Perceived quality, brand image and brand trust as determinants of brand loyalty. Journal of Research in Business and Management, 3(4), 01-08. Retrieved from
  • Atulkar, S. (2020). Brand trust and brand loyalty in mall shoppers. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 38(5), 559-572.
  • Bass, A. (2004). Licensed extensions - stretching to communicate. Journal of Brand Management, 12(1), 31‐38.
  • Bennett, R. and Rundle-Thiele, S. (2002). A comparison of attitudinal loyalty measurement approaches. Journal of Brand Management, 9(3), 193-209.
  • Besharat, A. (2010). How co-branding versus brand extensions drive consumers' evaluations of new products: A brand equity approach. Industrial Marketing Management, 39(8), 1240-1249.
  • Boad, B. (1999). Co-branding opportunities and benefits. In T. Blackett and B. Boad (Eds.), Co-branding (pp. 22-37). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bonus Platformu. (2022). Erişim adresi:
  • Bouten, L.M., Snelders, D. and Hultink, E.J. (2011). The impact of fit measures on the consumer evaluation of new co‐branded products. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(4), 455-469.
  • Bozpolat, C. (2021). Çevresel kaygının ve algılanan pazar etkisinin yeşil ürün satın alma davranışındaki rolü. KAÜİİBFD, 12(24), 702-727.
  • Carlos Roca, J., José García, J. and José de la Vega, J. (2009). The importance of perceived trust, security and privacy in online trading systems. Information Management & Computer Security, 17(2), 96-113.
  • Chin, A.G., Harris, M.A. and Brookshire, R. (2020). An empirical investigation of intent to adopt mobile payment systems using a trust-based extended valence framework. Information Systems Frontiers, 24, 1-19.
  • Comrey, A.L. and Lee, H.B. (1992). A first course in factor analysis (2th Edition). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
  • Cunha, M., Forehand, M.R. and Angle, J.W. (2015). Riding coattails: When co-branding helps versus hurts less-known brands. Journal of Consumer Research, 41(5), 1284-1300.
  • Davis, F.D. (1986). A technology acceptance model for empirically testing new enduser information system: Theory and results (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Delgado‐Ballester, E. and Munuera‐Alemán, J.L. (2001). Brand trust in the context of consumer loyalty. European Journal of Marketing, 35(11/12), 1238-1258.
  • Delgado-Ballester, E., Munuera-Aleman, J.L. and Yague-Guillen, M.J. (2003). Development and validation of a brand trust scale. International Journal of Market Research, 45(1), 35-54.
  • Desai, K.K. and Keller, K.L. (2002). The effects of ingredient branding strategies on host brand extendibility. Journal of Marketing, 66(1), 73-93.
  • DiPietro, R.B. (2005). The case against multibranding strategy. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 46(1), 96‐99.
  • Fornell C. and Larcker D.F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18, 39-50.
  • Gan, C.E.C., Cohen, D.A., Hu, B., Tran, M.C., Dong, W. and Wang, A. (2016). The relationship between credit card attributes and the demographic characteristics of card users in China. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(7), 966-984.
  • Gefen, D. (2002). Reflections on the dimensions of trust and trustworthiness among online consumers. ACM SIGMIS Database: The DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 33(3), 38-53.
  • Gefen, D., Karahanna, E. and Straub, D.W. (2003). Trust and TAM in online shopping: An integrated model. MIS Quarterly, 27(1), 51-90.
  • George, D. and Mallery, P. (2016). SPSS for windows step by step: A simple guide and reference (14th ed.). New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis.
  • Gong, Z., Han, Z., Li, X., Yu, C. and Reinhardt, J.D. (2019). Factors influencing the adoption of online health consultation services: The role of subjective norm, trust, perceived benefit, and offline habit. Frontiers in Public Health, 7(286), 1-9.
  • Hacıefendioğlu, Ş. ve Çolular, N. (2008). İlişkisel pazarlamada güven unsuru ve otel işletmelerinde uygulama. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 16, 107-126. Erişim adresi:
  • Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J. and Anderson, R.E. (2006). Multivariate data analysis (7th Edition). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Heinl, L.T., Baatz, A., Beckmann, M. and Wehnert, P. (2021). Investigating sustainable NGO-firm partnerships: An experimental study of consumer perception of co-branded products. Sustainability, 13(22), 12761.
  • Helmig, B., Huber, J.A. and Leeflang, P. (2007). Explaining behavioural intentions toward co-branded products. Journal of Marketing Management, 23(3-4), 285-304.
  • Helmig, B., Huber, J.A. and Leeflang, P.S. (2008). Co-branding: the state of the art. Schmalenbach Business Review, 60(4), 359-377.
  • Jusoh, Z. and Lin, L.Y. (2012). Personal financial knowledge and attitude towards credit card practices among working adults in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(7). 176-185. Retrieved from
  • Keiningham, T.L., Aksoy, L., Wallin Andreassen, T., Cooil, B. and Wahren, B.J. (2006). Call center satisfaction and customer retention in a co‐branded service context. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 16(3), 269-289.
  • Keke, Y., Dida, S., Sugiyana, D. and Suryana, A. (2021). Determining the influence of consumer behaviour in using co-branded card during pandemic-covid19. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 11(5), 28-35. Retrieved from
  • Kim, D.J., Ferrin, D.L. and Rao, H.R. (2008). A trust-based consumer decision-making model in electronic commerce: The role of trust, perceived risk, and their antecedents. Decision Support Systems, 44(2), 544-564.
  • Kim, D.J., Ferrin, D.L. and Rao, H.R. (2009). Trust and satisfaction, two stepping stones for successful e-commerce relationships: A longitudinal exploration. Information Systems Research, 20(2), 237-257. https://doi 10.1287/isre.l080.0188
  • Kim, H., and DeVaney, S.A. (2001). The determinants of outstanding balances among credit card revolvers. Financial Counseling and Planning, 12(1), 67-77. Retrieved from
  • Kim, W.G., Lee, S. and Lee, H.Y. (2007). Co-branding and brand loyalty. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 8(2), 1-23.
  • Lau, G.T. and Lee, S. H. (1999). Consumers' trust in a brand and the link to brand loyalty. Journal of Market-Focused Management, 4(4), 341-370.
  • Lee, M.C. (2009). Factors influencing the adoption of internet banking: An integration of TAM and TPB with perceived risk and perceived benefit. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 8(3), 130-141. https://doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2008.11.006
  • Liu, T.C.M., Chu, R., Wong, I.A., Angel Zúñiga, M., Meng, Y. and Pang, C. (2012). Exploring the relationship among affective loyalty, perceived benefits, attitude, and intention to use co‐branded products. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 24(4), 561-582.
  • Liu, F., Li, J., Mizerski, D. and Soh, H. (2012). Self-congruity, brand attitude, and brand loyalty: A study on luxury brands. European Journal of Marketing, 46(7-8), 922-937.
  • Martín, J.C., Román, C. and Espino, R. (2011). Evaluating frequent flyer programs from the air passengers' perspective. Journal of Air Transport Management, 17(6), 364-368.
  • Matzler, K., Grabner‐Kräuter, S. and Bidmon, S. (2008). Risk aversion and brand loyalty: The mediating role of brand trust and brand affect. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 17(3),154-162.
  • McCarthy, M.S. and Norris, D.G. (1999). Improving competitive position using branded ingredients. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 8(4), 267-285.
  • Morgan, R.M. and Hunt, S.D. (1994). The commitment-trust theory of relationship marketing. Journal of Marketing, 58(3), 20-38.
  • Nguyen, C., Romaniuk, J., Faulkner, M. and Cohen, J. (2018). Are two brands better than one? Investigating the effects of co-branding in advertising on audience memory. Marketing Letters, 29(1), 37-48.
  • Park, J., Amendah, E., Lee, Y. and Hyun, H. (2019). M‐payment service: Interplay of perceived risk, benefit, and trust in service adoption. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 29(1), 31-43.
  • Park, C.W., Jun, S.Y. and Shocker, A.D. (1996). Composite branding alliances: An investigation of extension and feedback effects. Journal of Marketing Research, 33(4), 453-466.
  • Rao, A.R. and Ruekert, R.W. (1994). Brand alliances as signals of product quality. Sloan Management Review, 36(1), 87-97. Retrieved from
  • Sahin, A., Zehir, C. and Kitapçı, H. (2011). The effects of brand experiences, trust and satisfaction on building brand loyalty; An empirical research on global brands. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24, 1288-1301.
  • Saqib, N. and Manchanda, R.V. (2008). Consumers' evaluations of co‐branded products: The licensing effect. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 17(2), 73-81.
  • Schermelleh-Engel K., Moosbrugger, H. and Müller, H. (2003). Evaluating the fit of structural equation models: Tests of significance and descriptive goodness-of-fit measures. Methods of Psychological Research Online, 8(2), 23-74. Retrieved from
  • Setiawan, R. and Achyar, A. (2012). Effects of perceived trust and perceived price on customers’ intention to buy in online store in Indonesia. Asean Marketing Journal, 4(1), 26-36. https://doi/org/10.21002/amj.v4i1.2029
  • Simonin, B.L. and Ruth, J.A. (1998). Is a company known by the company it keeps? Assessing the spillover effects of brand alliances on consumer brand attitudes. Journal of Marketing Research, 35(1), 30-42.
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There are 70 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Finance
Journal Section Makaleler

Ceylan Bozpolat 0000-0002-9672-8308

Publication Date June 30, 2022
Acceptance Date March 23, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Bozpolat, C. (2022). Finansal Ürünlerde Ortak Markalama: Ortak Markalı Kredi Kartları Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Ekonomi Politika Ve Finans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(2), 407-425.