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Sahiplik Yapısının Kâr Düzleştirme Uygulamaları Üzerine Etkisi: Borsa İstanbul Uygulaması

Year 2022, , 238 - 256, 31.03.2022


Kâr düzleştirme uygulamaları yıllar itibariyle istikrarlı bir kâr dağıtımı sağlayarak az riskli ve yüksek getirili bir işletme algısı yaratmayı ve kârın yüksek olduğu dönemlerde kârın düşük gösterilmesini, düşük olduğu dönemlerde ise yüksek gösterilmesini amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı kâr düzleştirme uygulamaları ile sahiplik yapısı arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Çalışmada 2012- 2020 yılları arasında Borsa İstanbul’da faaliyet gösteren 199 firmanın finansal verileri ikili lojistik regresyon yöntemi ile analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın bağımlı değişkenini oluşturan kâr düzleştirme uygulamaları Eckel (1981) değişim katsayısı modeli ile ölçülmüştür. Bağımsız değişken olarak kullanılan sahiplik yapısının göstergeleri olarak ise kurumsal sahiplik oranı, yönetsel sahiplik oranı ve yabancı sahiplik oranı kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca kârlılık, borçlanma, büyüklük, ödenen temettü oranı ve nakit akış oranı olmak üzere beş farklı kontrol değişkeni kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analiz neticesinde, yabancı sahiplik oranının kâr düzleştirme uygulamaları üzerinde negatif ve istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiş; ancak kurumsal sahiplik ve yönetsel sahiplik oranlarının kâr düzleştirme uygulamaları üzerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca kontrol değişkeni olarak kullanılan kârlılık, borçlanma ve büyüklük oranları arttıkça işletme yönetiminin kâr düzleştirme uygulamalarını gerçekleştirme olasılığının arttığı, nakit akış oranı yüksek olan işletmelerde ise kâr yumuşatma uygulamalarının gerçekleştirilme olasılığının azaldığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Abbadi, S.S., Hijazi, Q.F. and Al-Rahahleh, A.S. (2016). Corporate governance quality and earnings management: Evidence from Jordan. Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 10(2), 54-75.
  • Abogun, S., Adigbole, E.A. and Olorede, T.E. (2021). Income smoothing and firm value in a regulated market: The moderating effect of market risk. Asian Journal of Accounting Research, 6(3), 296-308.
  • Akbari, F., Salehi, M. and Vlashani, M.A.B. (2017). The relationship between tax avoidance and firm value with income smoothing. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27(1), 125-148.
  • Akusta, A. ve Salur, M.N. (2020). Firmalarda sahiplik yapısı ve kâr dağıtım politikası arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi: Borsa İstanbul’da bir uygulama. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 23(1), 141-153.
  • Alexander, N. (2019). The effect of ownership structure, cash holding and tax avoidance on income smoothing. GATR Journal of Finance and Banking Review, 4(4), 128-134. doi:10.35609/jfbr.2019.4.4
  • Alzoubi, E.S.S. (2016). Ownership structure and earnings management: Evidence from Jordan. International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, 24(2), 135-161.
  • Atik, A. (2009). Detecting income smoothing behaviors of Turkish listed companies through empirical tests using discretionary accounting changes. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 20(5), 591-613.
  • Büyükkurt, Ö.F. (2021). Income smoothing and firm-specific factors: Turkey case. Giresun Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 7(2), 269-288. doi:10.46849/guiibd.925825
  • Carlson, S.J. and Bathala, C.T. (1997). Ownership differences and firms' income smoothing behavior. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 24(2), 179-196.
  • Chen, C.L., Weng, P.Y. and Lin, Y.C. (2020). Global financial crisis, institutional ownership, and the earnings informativeness of income smoothing. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 35(1), 53-78.
  • Chung, R., Firth, M. and Kim, J.B. (2002). Institutional monitoring and opportunistic earnings management. Journal of Corporate Finance, 8(1), 29-48.
  • Çokluk, Ö. (2010). Lojistik regresyon analizi: Kavram ve uygulama. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 10(3), 1359-1407. Retrieved from
  • Do, T.K., Lai, T.N. and Tran, T.C.T. (2020). Foreign ownership and capital structure dynamics. Finance Research Letters, 36(1), 1-7. doi:10.1016/
  • Gantio, R. (2015). Effect of managerial ownership structure, financial risk and its value on income smoothing in the automotive industry and food & beverage industry listed in Indonesia stock exchange. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 6(4), 48-55. Retrieved from
  • Givoly, D. and Ronen, J. (1981). Smoothing manifestations in fourth quarter results of operations: Some empirical evidence. Abacus, 17(2), 174-193. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6281.1981.tb00108.x
  • Gordon, M.J. (1964). Postulates, principles and research in accounting. The Accounting Review, 39(2), 251-263. Retrieved from
  • Gunanta, R., Alvionita, M., Budi, T., Dewi, K., Bella, F., Anggriawati, F. and Saudi, M.H. (2021). The influence of profitability and dividend payout ratio (Dpr) on income smoothing. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 11(5), 835-845. Retrieved from
  • Gündüz, M. ve Soyer, M. (2019). Küresel rekabetçilik ile ekonomik özgürlük arasındaki ilişkinin binary lojistik regresyon analizi ile incelenmesi. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(3), 1906-1930.
  • Habib, A. (2005). Firm-specific determinants of income smoothing in Bangladesh: An empirical evaluation. Advances in International Accounting, 18, 53-71.
  • Habib, A. and Jiang H. (2012). Managerial ownership-induced income smoothing and information asymmetry. Pacific Accounting Review, 24(2), 211-232.
  • Hadani, M., Goranova, M. and Khan, R. (2011). Institutional investors, shareholder activism and earnings management. Journal of Business Research, 64(12), 1352-1360.
  • Healy, P.M. (1985). The effect of bonus schemes on accounting decisions. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 7, 85-107.
  • Holinata, W.J. and Yanti (2020). Factors affecting income smoothing. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 478, 313-321.
  • Huang, P., Zhang, Y., Deis, D. and Moffitt, J.S. (2009). Do artificial income smoothing and real income smoothing contribute to firm value equivalently? Journal of Banking and Finance, 33(2), 224–233.
  • Inayah, M. and Izzaty, K.N. (2021). The influence of cash holding, profitability and institutional ownership on income smoothing. International Journal of Accounting, Taxation and Business, 2(1), 51-67. Retrieved from
  • Jung, B., Lee, D., Shin, I. and Yuen, C.Y. (2020). Foreign equity ownership and income smoothing. Journal of International Accounting Research, 19(2), 141-162.
  • Junianto, A. and Wisadha, I.G.S. (2014). Pengaruh firm size, financial leverage, dan institutional ownership pada praktik income smoothing. E-Jurnal Akuntansi, 7(3), 614-629
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (2010). SPSS uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri. Ankara: Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Koch, B.S. (1981). Income smoothing: An experiment. The Accounting Review, 56(3), 574-586. Retrieved from
  • Koh, P.S. (2005). Institutional ownership and income smoothing: Australian evidence. Accounting Research Journal, 18, 93–110.
  • Kordlouie, H. and Sheikhbeglo, A. (2012). Role of firm characteristics & corporate governance mechanism on type of earning smoothing. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(8), 71-79. doi:10.5539/ijbm.v7n8p71
  • Kubar, Y. ve Kıral, G. (2019). Lise öğrencilerinin şiddet algısı üzerine bir araştırma: Elâzığ merkez ilçe örneği. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 28(2), 354-374.
  • Kusuma, I.W. (2005). Do income smoothing practices explain the lower earnings price ratio of Japanese firms compared to those of the US firms? Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 7(1), 69-94. doi:10.22146/gamaijb.5564
  • LaFond, R., Lang, M. and Skaife, H.A. (2011). Earnings smoothing, governance and liquidity: International evidence (SSRN Working Paper). doi:10.2139/ssrn.975232
  • Liu, N. and Espahbodi, R. (2014). Does dividend policy drive earnings smoothing? Accounting Horizons, 28(3), 501-528.
  • Mertler, C.A. and Vannatta, R.A. (2005). Advanced multivariate statistical methods: Practical application and interpretation. Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Publishing.
  • Michelson, S.E., Jordan-Wagner, J. and Wootton, C.W. (1995). A market based analysis of income smoothing. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 22(8), 1179-1193.
  • Mulford, C.W. and Comiskey, E.E. (2002). The financial numbers game: Detecting creative accounting practices. Canada: John Wiley & Sons.Inc.
  • Ocak, M. ve Güçlü, F.C. (2014). Muhasebe manipülasyonu: Hile, yaratıcı muhasebe, kâr ve izlenim yönetimine ilişkin kavramsal çerçeve. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(3), 123-135. Erişim adresi:
  • Özvar, K. ve Ersoy, E. (2017). Sahiplik yapısının kâr dağıtım kararlarına etkisi: Panel Tobit yöntemiyle bir analiz. Finansal Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi, 9(17), 129-147. doi:10.14784/marufacd.346196
  • Pinto, I., Gaio, C. and Gonçalves, T. (2019). Corporate governance, foreign direct investment, and bank income smoothing in African countries. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 15(4), 670-690.
  • Pratomo, D., Kurnia, K. and Ikram, A.D. (2019). The effect of ownership structure on income smoothing. Accounting Research Journal of Sutaatmadja, 3(1), 73-82. doi:10.35310/accruals.v3i1.41
  • Sakawa, H. and Watanabel, N. (2020). Institutional ownership and firm performance under stakeholder-oriented corporate governance. Sustainability, 12(3), 1-21.
  • Suyono, E. (2018). Institutional ownership, types of industry and income smoothing: Empirical evidence from Indonesia. Journal of Auditing, Finance and Forensic Accounting, 6(1), 1-12.
  • Ural, K., Gürarda, S. ve Önemli, M.B. (2015). Lojistik regresyon modeli ile finansal başarısızlık tahminlemesi: Borsa İstanbul’da faaliyet gösteren gıda, içki ve tütün şirketlerinde uygulama. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 67, 85-100.
  • Utami, D.R., Evana, E. and Yuliansyah, Y. (2020). The influence of audit opinion and managerial ownership on income smoothing in banking companies. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 8(1), 15-26.
  • Yang, C.Y., Murinde V. and Ding, X. (2010). Ownership structure, corporate governance and income smoothing in China. Paper presented at the European Financial Management Symposium. Beijing, China. Retrieved from
  • Yang, C.Y., Tan, B.L. and Ding, X. (2012). Corporate governance and income smoothing in China. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, 10(2), 120-139.
  • Yel, T. ve Erdem, M.S. (2016). Kârları istikrarlı hale getirme uygulamalarının hisse senetleri Borsa’da işlem gören şirketlerde tespit edilmesi. Mali Çözüm Dergisi, 138, 57-74. Erişim adresi:
  • Yılgör, A.G. ve Yücel, E. (2012). İşletmelerin sahiplik yapısının incelenmesi: Sahiplik ve kontrol ayrımı konusunda çıkarımlar. Uluslararası Yönetim ve İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 8(16), 41-58. Erişim adresi:

The Effect of Ownership Structure on Earnings Smoothing: A Study on Borsa İstanbul

Year 2022, , 238 - 256, 31.03.2022


Earnings smoothing practices aim to create a low risk and high yield business perception by providing a stable profit distribution over the years and to decrease the profit in the periods when the profit is high and to increase it in the periods when it is low. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between ownership structure and earnings smoothing practices. In the study, 199 firms which operate between 2012 and 2020 on Borsa İstanbul were analyzed by binary logistic regression method with financial data. Earnings smoothing practices is dependent variable and it was measured with the Eckel (1981) coefficient of variation model in the study. Ownership structure indicators which are institutional ownership rate, managerial ownership rate and foreign ownership rate was used as independent variables. In addition, profitability, leverage, size, dividend payout and cash flow rate were used as control variables. As a result of the analysis, while the relationship of between earnings smoothing and foreign ownership rate has a negative and statistically significant effect, institutional ownership rate and managerial ownership rate have not a statistically significant effect on earnings smoothing. Also, according to this study, profitability, leverage and size which were used control variables increase the probability of applying earnings smoothing on the other hand cash flow rate decreases the probability of applying earnings smoothing.


  • Abbadi, S.S., Hijazi, Q.F. and Al-Rahahleh, A.S. (2016). Corporate governance quality and earnings management: Evidence from Jordan. Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 10(2), 54-75.
  • Abogun, S., Adigbole, E.A. and Olorede, T.E. (2021). Income smoothing and firm value in a regulated market: The moderating effect of market risk. Asian Journal of Accounting Research, 6(3), 296-308.
  • Akbari, F., Salehi, M. and Vlashani, M.A.B. (2017). The relationship between tax avoidance and firm value with income smoothing. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27(1), 125-148.
  • Akusta, A. ve Salur, M.N. (2020). Firmalarda sahiplik yapısı ve kâr dağıtım politikası arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi: Borsa İstanbul’da bir uygulama. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 23(1), 141-153.
  • Alexander, N. (2019). The effect of ownership structure, cash holding and tax avoidance on income smoothing. GATR Journal of Finance and Banking Review, 4(4), 128-134. doi:10.35609/jfbr.2019.4.4
  • Alzoubi, E.S.S. (2016). Ownership structure and earnings management: Evidence from Jordan. International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, 24(2), 135-161.
  • Atik, A. (2009). Detecting income smoothing behaviors of Turkish listed companies through empirical tests using discretionary accounting changes. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 20(5), 591-613.
  • Büyükkurt, Ö.F. (2021). Income smoothing and firm-specific factors: Turkey case. Giresun Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 7(2), 269-288. doi:10.46849/guiibd.925825
  • Carlson, S.J. and Bathala, C.T. (1997). Ownership differences and firms' income smoothing behavior. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 24(2), 179-196.
  • Chen, C.L., Weng, P.Y. and Lin, Y.C. (2020). Global financial crisis, institutional ownership, and the earnings informativeness of income smoothing. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 35(1), 53-78.
  • Chung, R., Firth, M. and Kim, J.B. (2002). Institutional monitoring and opportunistic earnings management. Journal of Corporate Finance, 8(1), 29-48.
  • Çokluk, Ö. (2010). Lojistik regresyon analizi: Kavram ve uygulama. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 10(3), 1359-1407. Retrieved from
  • Do, T.K., Lai, T.N. and Tran, T.C.T. (2020). Foreign ownership and capital structure dynamics. Finance Research Letters, 36(1), 1-7. doi:10.1016/
  • Gantio, R. (2015). Effect of managerial ownership structure, financial risk and its value on income smoothing in the automotive industry and food & beverage industry listed in Indonesia stock exchange. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 6(4), 48-55. Retrieved from
  • Givoly, D. and Ronen, J. (1981). Smoothing manifestations in fourth quarter results of operations: Some empirical evidence. Abacus, 17(2), 174-193. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6281.1981.tb00108.x
  • Gordon, M.J. (1964). Postulates, principles and research in accounting. The Accounting Review, 39(2), 251-263. Retrieved from
  • Gunanta, R., Alvionita, M., Budi, T., Dewi, K., Bella, F., Anggriawati, F. and Saudi, M.H. (2021). The influence of profitability and dividend payout ratio (Dpr) on income smoothing. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 11(5), 835-845. Retrieved from
  • Gündüz, M. ve Soyer, M. (2019). Küresel rekabetçilik ile ekonomik özgürlük arasındaki ilişkinin binary lojistik regresyon analizi ile incelenmesi. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(3), 1906-1930.
  • Habib, A. (2005). Firm-specific determinants of income smoothing in Bangladesh: An empirical evaluation. Advances in International Accounting, 18, 53-71.
  • Habib, A. and Jiang H. (2012). Managerial ownership-induced income smoothing and information asymmetry. Pacific Accounting Review, 24(2), 211-232.
  • Hadani, M., Goranova, M. and Khan, R. (2011). Institutional investors, shareholder activism and earnings management. Journal of Business Research, 64(12), 1352-1360.
  • Healy, P.M. (1985). The effect of bonus schemes on accounting decisions. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 7, 85-107.
  • Holinata, W.J. and Yanti (2020). Factors affecting income smoothing. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 478, 313-321.
  • Huang, P., Zhang, Y., Deis, D. and Moffitt, J.S. (2009). Do artificial income smoothing and real income smoothing contribute to firm value equivalently? Journal of Banking and Finance, 33(2), 224–233.
  • Inayah, M. and Izzaty, K.N. (2021). The influence of cash holding, profitability and institutional ownership on income smoothing. International Journal of Accounting, Taxation and Business, 2(1), 51-67. Retrieved from
  • Jung, B., Lee, D., Shin, I. and Yuen, C.Y. (2020). Foreign equity ownership and income smoothing. Journal of International Accounting Research, 19(2), 141-162.
  • Junianto, A. and Wisadha, I.G.S. (2014). Pengaruh firm size, financial leverage, dan institutional ownership pada praktik income smoothing. E-Jurnal Akuntansi, 7(3), 614-629
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (2010). SPSS uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri. Ankara: Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Koch, B.S. (1981). Income smoothing: An experiment. The Accounting Review, 56(3), 574-586. Retrieved from
  • Koh, P.S. (2005). Institutional ownership and income smoothing: Australian evidence. Accounting Research Journal, 18, 93–110.
  • Kordlouie, H. and Sheikhbeglo, A. (2012). Role of firm characteristics & corporate governance mechanism on type of earning smoothing. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(8), 71-79. doi:10.5539/ijbm.v7n8p71
  • Kubar, Y. ve Kıral, G. (2019). Lise öğrencilerinin şiddet algısı üzerine bir araştırma: Elâzığ merkez ilçe örneği. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 28(2), 354-374.
  • Kusuma, I.W. (2005). Do income smoothing practices explain the lower earnings price ratio of Japanese firms compared to those of the US firms? Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 7(1), 69-94. doi:10.22146/gamaijb.5564
  • LaFond, R., Lang, M. and Skaife, H.A. (2011). Earnings smoothing, governance and liquidity: International evidence (SSRN Working Paper). doi:10.2139/ssrn.975232
  • Liu, N. and Espahbodi, R. (2014). Does dividend policy drive earnings smoothing? Accounting Horizons, 28(3), 501-528.
  • Mertler, C.A. and Vannatta, R.A. (2005). Advanced multivariate statistical methods: Practical application and interpretation. Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Publishing.
  • Michelson, S.E., Jordan-Wagner, J. and Wootton, C.W. (1995). A market based analysis of income smoothing. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 22(8), 1179-1193.
  • Mulford, C.W. and Comiskey, E.E. (2002). The financial numbers game: Detecting creative accounting practices. Canada: John Wiley & Sons.Inc.
  • Ocak, M. ve Güçlü, F.C. (2014). Muhasebe manipülasyonu: Hile, yaratıcı muhasebe, kâr ve izlenim yönetimine ilişkin kavramsal çerçeve. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(3), 123-135. Erişim adresi:
  • Özvar, K. ve Ersoy, E. (2017). Sahiplik yapısının kâr dağıtım kararlarına etkisi: Panel Tobit yöntemiyle bir analiz. Finansal Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi, 9(17), 129-147. doi:10.14784/marufacd.346196
  • Pinto, I., Gaio, C. and Gonçalves, T. (2019). Corporate governance, foreign direct investment, and bank income smoothing in African countries. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 15(4), 670-690.
  • Pratomo, D., Kurnia, K. and Ikram, A.D. (2019). The effect of ownership structure on income smoothing. Accounting Research Journal of Sutaatmadja, 3(1), 73-82. doi:10.35310/accruals.v3i1.41
  • Sakawa, H. and Watanabel, N. (2020). Institutional ownership and firm performance under stakeholder-oriented corporate governance. Sustainability, 12(3), 1-21.
  • Suyono, E. (2018). Institutional ownership, types of industry and income smoothing: Empirical evidence from Indonesia. Journal of Auditing, Finance and Forensic Accounting, 6(1), 1-12.
  • Ural, K., Gürarda, S. ve Önemli, M.B. (2015). Lojistik regresyon modeli ile finansal başarısızlık tahminlemesi: Borsa İstanbul’da faaliyet gösteren gıda, içki ve tütün şirketlerinde uygulama. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 67, 85-100.
  • Utami, D.R., Evana, E. and Yuliansyah, Y. (2020). The influence of audit opinion and managerial ownership on income smoothing in banking companies. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 8(1), 15-26.
  • Yang, C.Y., Murinde V. and Ding, X. (2010). Ownership structure, corporate governance and income smoothing in China. Paper presented at the European Financial Management Symposium. Beijing, China. Retrieved from
  • Yang, C.Y., Tan, B.L. and Ding, X. (2012). Corporate governance and income smoothing in China. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, 10(2), 120-139.
  • Yel, T. ve Erdem, M.S. (2016). Kârları istikrarlı hale getirme uygulamalarının hisse senetleri Borsa’da işlem gören şirketlerde tespit edilmesi. Mali Çözüm Dergisi, 138, 57-74. Erişim adresi:
  • Yılgör, A.G. ve Yücel, E. (2012). İşletmelerin sahiplik yapısının incelenmesi: Sahiplik ve kontrol ayrımı konusunda çıkarımlar. Uluslararası Yönetim ve İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 8(16), 41-58. Erişim adresi:
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Finance
Journal Section Makaleler

Aysel Öztürkçü Akçay 0000-0001-9655-5673

Halil Cem Sayın 0000-0003-3487-805X

Gamze Sevimli Örgün 0000-0002-4233-8363

Publication Date March 31, 2022
Acceptance Date March 28, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Öztürkçü Akçay, A., Sayın, H. C., & Sevimli Örgün, G. (2022). Sahiplik Yapısının Kâr Düzleştirme Uygulamaları Üzerine Etkisi: Borsa İstanbul Uygulaması. Ekonomi Politika Ve Finans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(1), 238-256.