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Güneş Enerjisi ve Ekonomik Büyüme

Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 515 - 533, 27.08.2021


Enerji, üretim süreçlerinin, ekonomik faaliyetlerin ve gündelik hayatın en önemli bileşenlerinden birisidir. Ülkelerin gerek ekonomik büyümelerinde, gerekse kalkınma göstergelerinde belirleyici olan enerji, aynı zamanda kıt bir kaynaktır. Öte yandan son 200 yıldır, enerji elde etmek için dünya kaynakları tüketilmekte ve zarar verilen doğal çevre de artık kıt bir kaynak haline gelmektedir. Doğal çevreye verilen zarar gittikçe geri dönülemez bir noktaya yaklaşmakta ve bu durum insanlığın tüm kazanımlarını tehdit etmektedir. Bu nedenle özellikle karbon emisyon oranlarını azaltacak yöntemlerin kullanılması için yenilenebilir kaynaklara yönelmek çok kritik hale gelmektedir. Ayrıca yenilenebilir kaynaklardan enerji elde etmek sürdürülebilir ekonomik büyüme için de elzemdir. Güneş enerjisi de sınırsız ve temiz olma özellikleri ile önemli bir yenilenebilir enerji kaynağıdır. Bu çalışmada güneş enerjisi ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi araştırılmaktadır. Deneysel çalışmada seçilmiş 19 ülkenin 1990-2019 yılları arasındaki bilgilerini kapsayan veri seti, panel veri yöntemleri ile analiz edilmektedir. Deneysel analizde hem statik hem de dinamik panel yöntemleri uygulanmaktadır. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre, güneş enerjisi kullanımı ile ekonomik büyüme arasında pozitif bir ilişki vardır. Elde edilen bulgular, kullanılan veri seti özelinde büyüme hipotezinin geçerli olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Adenle, A. A. (2020). Assessment of solar energy technologies in Africa-opportunities and challenges in meeting the 2030 agenda and sustainable development goals. Energy Policy, 137(111180).
  • Ang, J. (2007). CO2 emissions, energy consumption, and output in France. Energy Policy, 35(10), 4772-4778.
  • Ang, J. (2008). Economic development, pollutant emissions and energy consumption in Malaysia. Journal of Policy Modeling, 30(2), 271-278.
  • Apaydın, Ş. (2020). Küreselleşmenin ekolojik ayak izi üzerindeki etkileri: Türkiye örneği. Ekonomi, Politika & Finans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(1), 23-42.
  • Apaydın, Ş. ve Taşdoğan, C. (2019a). Türkiye'de iktisadi büyüme ve birincil enerji tüketiminin karbon salınımı üzerindeki etkisi: Yapısal VAR yaklaşımı. Akademi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(16), 19-35. Erişim adresi:
  • Apaydın, Ş. ve Taşdoğan, C. (201b). Türkiye'de yenilenebilir ve birincil enerji talebinin büyüme üzerindeki uzun dönem etkileri. 3. Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi Dergisi, 54(1), 431-445.
  • Apergis, N. and Payne, J. E. (2010). Renewable energy consumption and economic growth: Evidence from a panel of OECD countries. Energy Policy, 38, 656–660.
  • Apergis , N. and Payne, J. E. (2011). The renewable energy consumption–growth nexus in Central America. Applied Energy, 88(1), 343-347.
  • Apergis, N., Payne, J. E., Menyah, K. and Wolde-Rufael, Y. (2010). On the causal dynamics between emissions, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and economic growth. Ecological Economics, 69(11), 2255-2260.
  • Arrow, K., Bolin, B., Costanza, R., Dasgupta, P., Folke, C., Holling, C. S., … Pimentel, D. (1995). Economic growth, carrying capacity, and the environment. Ecological Economics, 15(2), 91-95.
  • Asafu-Adjaye, J. (2000). The relationship between energy consumption, energy prices and economic growth: Time series evidence from Asian developing countries. Energy Economics, 22(6), 615-625.
  • Atkeson, A. and Kehoe, P. J. (1999). Models of energy use: Putty-Putty versus Putty-Clay. American Economic Review, 89(4), 1028-1043.
  • Bailey, S., Brinker, D., Curtis, H., Jenkins, P. and Scheiman, D. (1997). Solar cell calibration and measurement techniques. NASA Technical Memorandum, 113155. Retrieved from
  • Baltagi, H. (2021). Econometric analysis for panel data (Sixth edition). Sweden: Springer International Publishing.
  • Belloumi, M. (2009). Energy consumption and GDP in Tunisia: Co-integration and causality analysis. Energy Policy, 37(7), 2745-2753.
  • Ben-Salha, O., Hkiri, B. and Aloui, C. (2018). Sectoral energy consumption by source and output in the U.S.: New evidence from wavelet-based approach. Energy Economics, 72, 75–96.
  • Bhattacharya, M., Paramati, S. R., Öztürk, İ. and Bhattacharya, S. (2016). The effect of renewable energy consumption on economic growth: Evidence from top 38 countries. Applied Energy, 162, 733-741.
  • Bilgili, F. and Öztürk, İ. (2015). Biomass energy and economic growth nexus in G7 countries: Evidence from dynamic panel data. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 49, 132–138.
  • Blundell, R. and Bond, S. (1998). Initial conditions and moment restrictions in dynamic panel data models. Journal of Econometrics, 87(1), 115–143.
  • Bowden, N. and Payne, J. E. (2009). The causal relationship between US energy consumption and real output: A disaggregated analysis. Journal of Policy Modelling, 31(2), 180-188.
  • BP Energy Outlook. (2020). Statistical review of world energy. Retrieved from
  • Dawson, T. P., Rounsevell, M. D., Kluvanková-Oravska, T., Chobotova, V. and Stirling, A. (2010). Dynamic properties of complex adaptive ecosystems: Implications for the sustainability of service provision. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19, 2843-2853.
  • Devezas, T., LePoire, D., Matias, J. O. and Silva, A. M. (2008). Energy scenarios: Toward a new energy paradigm. Futures, 40(1), 1-16.
  • Diaz, A., Marrero, G. A., Puch, L. A. and Rodriguez, J. (2019). Economic growth, energy intensity and the energy mix. Energy Economics, 81, 1056–1077.
  • Diaz, A., Puch, L. A. and Guilló, M. D. (2004). Costly capital reallocation and energy use. Review of Economic Dynamics, 7(2), 494-518.
  • Farhidi, F. (2017). Solar impacts on the sustainability of economic growth. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 77, 440–450.
  • Fischer, C. and Heutel, G. (2013). Environmental macroeconomics: Environmental policy, business cycles, and directed technical change. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 5(1), 197-210.
  • Groba, F. (2014). Determinants of trade with solar energy technology components: Evidence on the porter hypothesis? Applied Economics, 46(5), 503–526. /10.1080/00036846.2013. 857005
  • Inglesi-Lotz, R. (2016). The impact of renewable energy consumption to economic growth: A panel data application. Energy Economics, 53, 58-63.
  • Jamar, A., Majid, Z. A., Azmi, W. H., Norhafana, M. and Razak, A. A. (2016). A review of water heating system for solar energy applications. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 76, 178-187.
  • Johnsson, F., Kjarstad, J. and Rootzen, J. (2019). The threat to climate change mitigation posed by the abundance of fossil fuels. Climate Policy, 19(2), 258-274. 1080/14693062.2018.1483885
  • Karanfil, F. (2009). How many times again will we examine the energy–income nexus using a limited range of traditional econometric tools? Energy Policy, 36, 1191–1194.
  • Karanfil, F. and Li, Y. (2015). Electricity consumption and economic growth: Exploring panel-specific differences. Energy Policy, 82, 264–277.
  • Koç, Ü. (2020). Sektörel enerji tüketimi ve ekonomik büyüme. Üçüncü Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi, 55(1), 508-521.
  • Koç, Ü. ve Apaydın, Ş. (2020). İktisadi büyüme ve rüzgar enerjisi ilişkisi: Seçilmiş G-20 ülkeleri için bir analiz. Fiscaoeconomia, 4(3), 595-612.
  • Koç, Ü. ve Şahin, H. (2015). Parasal aktarım mekanizması: Firma bilanço kanalı ve Türkiye. Ege Academic Review, 15(1), 19-26. Erişim adresi:
  • Kraft, J. and Kraft, A. (1978). On the relationship between energy and GNP. Journal of Energy and Development, 3, 401–403. Retrieved from
  • Lee, C. (2006). The causality relationship between energy consumption and GDP in G-11 countries revisited. Energy Policy, 34, 1086–1093.
  • Madsen, D. N. and Hansen, J. P. (2019). Outlook of solar energy in Europe based on economic growth characteristics. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 114(109306).
  • Marchetti, C. (1977). Primary energy substitution models: On the interaction between energy and society. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 10(4), 345-356.
  • Marrero, G. A. (2010). Greenhouse gases emissions, growth and the energy mix in Europe. Energy Economics, 32(6), 1356–1363.
  • Narayan, S. and Doytch, N. (2017). An investigation of renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and economic growth nexus using industrial and residential energy consumption. Energy Economics, 68, 160-176.
  • Narayan, P. K. and Prasad, A. (2008). Electricity consumption-real GDP causality nexus: Evidence from a bootstrapped causality test for 30 OECD countries. Energy Policy, 36, 910–918.
  • Narayan, P. K. and Smyth, R. (2008). Energy consumption and real GDP in G7 countries: New evidence from panel cointegration with structural breaks. Energy Economics, 30(5), 2331-2341.
  • Nizic, M. K. and Rudan, E. (2013). Economic possibilities and management of solar energy use in tourism. Economia Seria Management, 16(1), 93-105. Retrieved from
  • Nordhaus, W. D. (2008). A question of balance: Economic models of climate change. Yale University Press: London.
  • OECD. (2011). Towards green growth (OECD Green Growth Studies). https://dx.doi. org/10.1787/ 9789264111318-en
  • OECD. (2012). Green growth and developing countries a summary for policy makers. Retrieved from
  • Oh,, W. and Lee, K. (2004). Causal relationship between energy consumption and GDP revisited: The case of Korea 1970–1999. Energy Economics, 26(1), 51-59.
  • Olsthoorn, D., Haghighat, F. and Mirzaei, P. A. (2016). Integration of storage and renewable energy into district heating systems: A review of modelling and optimization. Solar Energy, 136, 49-64.
  • Özbek, R. and Apaydın, Ş. (2020). The role of renewable energy generation in sustainable economic growth: The case of Turkey. Fiscaoeconomia, 4(3), 554-567. 10.25295/ fsecon.761992
  • Özsabuncuoğlu, İ. H. (1995). Economic analysis of flat plate collectors of solar energy. Energy Policy, 23(9), 755 763.
  • Pacesila, M. (2015). Solar energy policy developments in Europe. Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 10(1), 13-24. Retrieved from
  • Paul, S. and Bhattacharya, R. N. (2004). Causality between energy consumption and economic growth in India: A note on conflicting results. Energy Economics, 26(6), 977-983.
  • Pinel, P., Cruickshank, C. A., Beausoleil-Morrison, I. and Wills, A. (2011). A review of available methods for seasonal storage of solar thermal energy in residential applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(7), 3341-3359.
  • Raluy, R. G., Serra, L. M., Guadalfajara, M. and Lozano, M. A. (2014). Life cycle assessment of central solar heating plants with seasonal storage. Energy Procedia, 48, 966-976.
  • Ramakumar, R. and Hughes, W. L. (1981). Renewable energy sources and rural development in developing countries. IEEE Trans Edu, 24(3), 242–251.
  • Rezaie, B. and Rosen, M. A. (2012). District heating and cooling: Review of technology and potential enhancements. Applied Energy, 93, 2–10.
  • Rogelj, J., Shindell, D., Jiang, K., Fifita, S., Forster, P., Ginzburg, V., … Vilarino, M. V. (2018). Mitigation pathways compatible with 1.5°c in the context of sustainable development. In V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, H. Pörtner, D. Roberts, J. Skea, P. R. Shukla, . . . T. Waterfield (Eds)., Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways. Retrieved from
  • Soytas, U. and Sari, R. (2003). Energy consumption and GDP: Causality relationship in G-7 and emerging markets. Energy Economics, 25, 33–37.
  • Tennant-Wood, R. (2012). Environment, climate change and solar energy. In R. Tennant-Wood (Ed.), Following the sun (pp. 59-67). Australia: ANU E Press. Retrieved from
  • Thoma, M. (2004). Electrical energy usage over the business cycle. Energy Economics, 26, 363–385.
  • Timilsina, G. R., Kurdgelashvili, L. and Narbel, P. A. (2012). Solar energy: Markets, economics and policies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(1), 449-465.
  • Tulus, V., Abokersh, M. H., Cabeza, L. F., Valles, M., Jimenez, L., … Boer, D. (2019). Economic and environmental potential for solar assisted central heating plants in the EU residential sector: Contribution to the 2030 climate and energy EU agenda. Applied Energy, 236, 318–339.
  • U.S. Energy Information Administration. (2016). International energy outlook 2016. Retrieved from
  • World Bank. (2012). Inclusive green growth: The pathway to sustainable development.
  • Zamfir, A. (2014). Developing urban renewable energy projects: Opportunities and challenges for Romania. Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 9(4), 52-64. Retrieved from
  • Zhang, X. P. and Cheng, X. M. (2009). Energy consumption, carbon emissions, and economic growth in China. Ecological Economics, 68(10), 2706-2712.

Solar Energy and Economic Growth

Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 515 - 533, 27.08.2021


Energy is one of the most crucial components of production processes, economic activities and daily life. Being a determinant of both the economic growth and development indicators of the countries, energy is a scarce resource. On the other hand, in the last 200 years, world resources have been depleted for energy purposes, and the damaged natural environment has now become a scarce resource. The damage of the natural environment is getting closer to an irreversible point, and this situation threatens all the achievements of humanity. For this reason, it becomes very critical to use renewable resources especially for reducing the carbon emission rates. In addition, obtaining energy from renewable resources is essential for sustainable economic growth. Solar energy is an important renewable energy source that is unlimited and clean. In this study, the relationship between solar energy and economic growth is explored. In the empirical study, the data set covering the data of 19 selected countries between 1990 and 2019 is analyzed with panel data methods. Both static and dynamic panel data methods are applied in the empirical analysis. According to the results of the study, there is a positive relationship between solar energy use and economic growth. The findings show that the growth hypothesis is valid for this data set.


  • Adenle, A. A. (2020). Assessment of solar energy technologies in Africa-opportunities and challenges in meeting the 2030 agenda and sustainable development goals. Energy Policy, 137(111180).
  • Ang, J. (2007). CO2 emissions, energy consumption, and output in France. Energy Policy, 35(10), 4772-4778.
  • Ang, J. (2008). Economic development, pollutant emissions and energy consumption in Malaysia. Journal of Policy Modeling, 30(2), 271-278.
  • Apaydın, Ş. (2020). Küreselleşmenin ekolojik ayak izi üzerindeki etkileri: Türkiye örneği. Ekonomi, Politika & Finans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(1), 23-42.
  • Apaydın, Ş. ve Taşdoğan, C. (2019a). Türkiye'de iktisadi büyüme ve birincil enerji tüketiminin karbon salınımı üzerindeki etkisi: Yapısal VAR yaklaşımı. Akademi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(16), 19-35. Erişim adresi:
  • Apaydın, Ş. ve Taşdoğan, C. (201b). Türkiye'de yenilenebilir ve birincil enerji talebinin büyüme üzerindeki uzun dönem etkileri. 3. Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi Dergisi, 54(1), 431-445.
  • Apergis, N. and Payne, J. E. (2010). Renewable energy consumption and economic growth: Evidence from a panel of OECD countries. Energy Policy, 38, 656–660.
  • Apergis , N. and Payne, J. E. (2011). The renewable energy consumption–growth nexus in Central America. Applied Energy, 88(1), 343-347.
  • Apergis, N., Payne, J. E., Menyah, K. and Wolde-Rufael, Y. (2010). On the causal dynamics between emissions, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and economic growth. Ecological Economics, 69(11), 2255-2260.
  • Arrow, K., Bolin, B., Costanza, R., Dasgupta, P., Folke, C., Holling, C. S., … Pimentel, D. (1995). Economic growth, carrying capacity, and the environment. Ecological Economics, 15(2), 91-95.
  • Asafu-Adjaye, J. (2000). The relationship between energy consumption, energy prices and economic growth: Time series evidence from Asian developing countries. Energy Economics, 22(6), 615-625.
  • Atkeson, A. and Kehoe, P. J. (1999). Models of energy use: Putty-Putty versus Putty-Clay. American Economic Review, 89(4), 1028-1043.
  • Bailey, S., Brinker, D., Curtis, H., Jenkins, P. and Scheiman, D. (1997). Solar cell calibration and measurement techniques. NASA Technical Memorandum, 113155. Retrieved from
  • Baltagi, H. (2021). Econometric analysis for panel data (Sixth edition). Sweden: Springer International Publishing.
  • Belloumi, M. (2009). Energy consumption and GDP in Tunisia: Co-integration and causality analysis. Energy Policy, 37(7), 2745-2753.
  • Ben-Salha, O., Hkiri, B. and Aloui, C. (2018). Sectoral energy consumption by source and output in the U.S.: New evidence from wavelet-based approach. Energy Economics, 72, 75–96.
  • Bhattacharya, M., Paramati, S. R., Öztürk, İ. and Bhattacharya, S. (2016). The effect of renewable energy consumption on economic growth: Evidence from top 38 countries. Applied Energy, 162, 733-741.
  • Bilgili, F. and Öztürk, İ. (2015). Biomass energy and economic growth nexus in G7 countries: Evidence from dynamic panel data. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 49, 132–138.
  • Blundell, R. and Bond, S. (1998). Initial conditions and moment restrictions in dynamic panel data models. Journal of Econometrics, 87(1), 115–143.
  • Bowden, N. and Payne, J. E. (2009). The causal relationship between US energy consumption and real output: A disaggregated analysis. Journal of Policy Modelling, 31(2), 180-188.
  • BP Energy Outlook. (2020). Statistical review of world energy. Retrieved from
  • Dawson, T. P., Rounsevell, M. D., Kluvanková-Oravska, T., Chobotova, V. and Stirling, A. (2010). Dynamic properties of complex adaptive ecosystems: Implications for the sustainability of service provision. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19, 2843-2853.
  • Devezas, T., LePoire, D., Matias, J. O. and Silva, A. M. (2008). Energy scenarios: Toward a new energy paradigm. Futures, 40(1), 1-16.
  • Diaz, A., Marrero, G. A., Puch, L. A. and Rodriguez, J. (2019). Economic growth, energy intensity and the energy mix. Energy Economics, 81, 1056–1077.
  • Diaz, A., Puch, L. A. and Guilló, M. D. (2004). Costly capital reallocation and energy use. Review of Economic Dynamics, 7(2), 494-518.
  • Farhidi, F. (2017). Solar impacts on the sustainability of economic growth. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 77, 440–450.
  • Fischer, C. and Heutel, G. (2013). Environmental macroeconomics: Environmental policy, business cycles, and directed technical change. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 5(1), 197-210.
  • Groba, F. (2014). Determinants of trade with solar energy technology components: Evidence on the porter hypothesis? Applied Economics, 46(5), 503–526. /10.1080/00036846.2013. 857005
  • Inglesi-Lotz, R. (2016). The impact of renewable energy consumption to economic growth: A panel data application. Energy Economics, 53, 58-63.
  • Jamar, A., Majid, Z. A., Azmi, W. H., Norhafana, M. and Razak, A. A. (2016). A review of water heating system for solar energy applications. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 76, 178-187.
  • Johnsson, F., Kjarstad, J. and Rootzen, J. (2019). The threat to climate change mitigation posed by the abundance of fossil fuels. Climate Policy, 19(2), 258-274. 1080/14693062.2018.1483885
  • Karanfil, F. (2009). How many times again will we examine the energy–income nexus using a limited range of traditional econometric tools? Energy Policy, 36, 1191–1194.
  • Karanfil, F. and Li, Y. (2015). Electricity consumption and economic growth: Exploring panel-specific differences. Energy Policy, 82, 264–277.
  • Koç, Ü. (2020). Sektörel enerji tüketimi ve ekonomik büyüme. Üçüncü Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi, 55(1), 508-521.
  • Koç, Ü. ve Apaydın, Ş. (2020). İktisadi büyüme ve rüzgar enerjisi ilişkisi: Seçilmiş G-20 ülkeleri için bir analiz. Fiscaoeconomia, 4(3), 595-612.
  • Koç, Ü. ve Şahin, H. (2015). Parasal aktarım mekanizması: Firma bilanço kanalı ve Türkiye. Ege Academic Review, 15(1), 19-26. Erişim adresi:
  • Kraft, J. and Kraft, A. (1978). On the relationship between energy and GNP. Journal of Energy and Development, 3, 401–403. Retrieved from
  • Lee, C. (2006). The causality relationship between energy consumption and GDP in G-11 countries revisited. Energy Policy, 34, 1086–1093.
  • Madsen, D. N. and Hansen, J. P. (2019). Outlook of solar energy in Europe based on economic growth characteristics. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 114(109306).
  • Marchetti, C. (1977). Primary energy substitution models: On the interaction between energy and society. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 10(4), 345-356.
  • Marrero, G. A. (2010). Greenhouse gases emissions, growth and the energy mix in Europe. Energy Economics, 32(6), 1356–1363.
  • Narayan, S. and Doytch, N. (2017). An investigation of renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and economic growth nexus using industrial and residential energy consumption. Energy Economics, 68, 160-176.
  • Narayan, P. K. and Prasad, A. (2008). Electricity consumption-real GDP causality nexus: Evidence from a bootstrapped causality test for 30 OECD countries. Energy Policy, 36, 910–918.
  • Narayan, P. K. and Smyth, R. (2008). Energy consumption and real GDP in G7 countries: New evidence from panel cointegration with structural breaks. Energy Economics, 30(5), 2331-2341.
  • Nizic, M. K. and Rudan, E. (2013). Economic possibilities and management of solar energy use in tourism. Economia Seria Management, 16(1), 93-105. Retrieved from
  • Nordhaus, W. D. (2008). A question of balance: Economic models of climate change. Yale University Press: London.
  • OECD. (2011). Towards green growth (OECD Green Growth Studies). https://dx.doi. org/10.1787/ 9789264111318-en
  • OECD. (2012). Green growth and developing countries a summary for policy makers. Retrieved from
  • Oh,, W. and Lee, K. (2004). Causal relationship between energy consumption and GDP revisited: The case of Korea 1970–1999. Energy Economics, 26(1), 51-59.
  • Olsthoorn, D., Haghighat, F. and Mirzaei, P. A. (2016). Integration of storage and renewable energy into district heating systems: A review of modelling and optimization. Solar Energy, 136, 49-64.
  • Özbek, R. and Apaydın, Ş. (2020). The role of renewable energy generation in sustainable economic growth: The case of Turkey. Fiscaoeconomia, 4(3), 554-567. 10.25295/ fsecon.761992
  • Özsabuncuoğlu, İ. H. (1995). Economic analysis of flat plate collectors of solar energy. Energy Policy, 23(9), 755 763.
  • Pacesila, M. (2015). Solar energy policy developments in Europe. Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 10(1), 13-24. Retrieved from
  • Paul, S. and Bhattacharya, R. N. (2004). Causality between energy consumption and economic growth in India: A note on conflicting results. Energy Economics, 26(6), 977-983.
  • Pinel, P., Cruickshank, C. A., Beausoleil-Morrison, I. and Wills, A. (2011). A review of available methods for seasonal storage of solar thermal energy in residential applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(7), 3341-3359.
  • Raluy, R. G., Serra, L. M., Guadalfajara, M. and Lozano, M. A. (2014). Life cycle assessment of central solar heating plants with seasonal storage. Energy Procedia, 48, 966-976.
  • Ramakumar, R. and Hughes, W. L. (1981). Renewable energy sources and rural development in developing countries. IEEE Trans Edu, 24(3), 242–251.
  • Rezaie, B. and Rosen, M. A. (2012). District heating and cooling: Review of technology and potential enhancements. Applied Energy, 93, 2–10.
  • Rogelj, J., Shindell, D., Jiang, K., Fifita, S., Forster, P., Ginzburg, V., … Vilarino, M. V. (2018). Mitigation pathways compatible with 1.5°c in the context of sustainable development. In V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, H. Pörtner, D. Roberts, J. Skea, P. R. Shukla, . . . T. Waterfield (Eds)., Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways. Retrieved from
  • Soytas, U. and Sari, R. (2003). Energy consumption and GDP: Causality relationship in G-7 and emerging markets. Energy Economics, 25, 33–37.
  • Tennant-Wood, R. (2012). Environment, climate change and solar energy. In R. Tennant-Wood (Ed.), Following the sun (pp. 59-67). Australia: ANU E Press. Retrieved from
  • Thoma, M. (2004). Electrical energy usage over the business cycle. Energy Economics, 26, 363–385.
  • Timilsina, G. R., Kurdgelashvili, L. and Narbel, P. A. (2012). Solar energy: Markets, economics and policies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(1), 449-465.
  • Tulus, V., Abokersh, M. H., Cabeza, L. F., Valles, M., Jimenez, L., … Boer, D. (2019). Economic and environmental potential for solar assisted central heating plants in the EU residential sector: Contribution to the 2030 climate and energy EU agenda. Applied Energy, 236, 318–339.
  • U.S. Energy Information Administration. (2016). International energy outlook 2016. Retrieved from
  • World Bank. (2012). Inclusive green growth: The pathway to sustainable development.
  • Zamfir, A. (2014). Developing urban renewable energy projects: Opportunities and challenges for Romania. Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 9(4), 52-64. Retrieved from
  • Zhang, X. P. and Cheng, X. M. (2009). Energy consumption, carbon emissions, and economic growth in China. Ecological Economics, 68(10), 2706-2712.
There are 68 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Makaleler

Ümit Koç 0000-0002-1853-5156

Publication Date August 27, 2021
Acceptance Date June 10, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Koç, Ü. (2021). Güneş Enerjisi ve Ekonomik Büyüme. Ekonomi Politika Ve Finans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 515-533.