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Effect of Immediat Dentin Sealing on the Bonding State of Hybrid Ceramic CAD/CAM Restorative Material to Dentin

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 52 - 58, 31.12.2020


Objectives: Lately, computer-aided design (CAD) computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems with simplified procedures for indirect restoration have gained rapid improvements and commenced to be used in daily practice of dental clinicians. The aim of this pilot in vitro study was to analyze the bonding efficiency and observation of the failure mode of hybrid ceramic CAD/CAM block materials after termo-cycling, with different immediate dentin sealing (IDS) techniques. Materials and Methods: Eighteen freshly extracted human molars were selected, and mounted with acrylic resin, fixed the root up to 2.0 mm under the cementoenamel junction. Standardized, flat, nonretentive, midcoronal dentin surfaces were prepared. Using the stratified random sampling process, all teeth (N=18) were divided into groups of three by approximately similar sizes; afterwards, these teeth were randomly distributed into the test groups 1, 2 and 3 (n = 6). The specimens from groups 2 and 3 received IDS, whereas delayed dentin sealing was carried out for specimens group 1. For IDS materials, universal adhesive system G-Premio Bond (GC, Tokyo, Japan) and highly filled flowable resin composite G-aenial Universal Flo (GC, Tokyo, Japan) were used. All block material specimens were prepared using the cutting instrument (IsoMet 1000; Buehler, USA) and were fitted with a standardized 3x3-mm3 cubes cutted out of a CAD/CAM block of hybrid ceramic (Cerasmart, GC; Tokyo, Japan). Dual-polymerized resin cement G-CEM Link Force (GC, Tokyo, Japan) was utilized to lute restoration materials for all groups. To test the shear bond strength (SBS) each of the specimens was placed in a jig with 90o to the vertical plane and tested a universal testing machine (Shimadzu AG-IS; Shimadzu Corp). One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the data of the SBS. Results were evaluated statistically significant for p<0.05. Results: No statistically significant difference revealed by the statistical analysis between Group 1,2 and 3 (p=0,372). This means there is no significant difference in the sealing methods (p>0,05). Bond failure rates showed similar results in all groups, where the most frequent failure pattern detected was ‘adhesive type’. Conclusions: Within the limitation of this in vitro pilot study, the following conclusion was drawn: Different IDS procedures tested does not statistically (p<0.05) effect the SBS of hybrid ceramic CAD/CAM material bonded to dentin with G-CEM Link Force.

Supporting Institution

Marmara University Scientific Research Projects Unit-BAPKO

Project Number



  • [1] Magne P, Knezevic A: Influence of overlay restorative materials and load cusps on the fatigue resistance of endodontically treated molars. Quintessence Int 2009;40:729-737.
  • [2] Magne P, Belser U: Understanding the intact tooth and the biomimetic principle. Bonded porcelain restorations in the anterior dentition: A biomimetic approach. Chicago: Quintessence 2002;23-55.
  • [3] Gandjour A, Kerschbaum T, Reis A, Lauterbach KW: Technology assessment in dentisry: a comparison of the longevity and cost-effectiveness of inlays. Int J Technol Assess Health Care 2005;21:319-325.
  • [4] Nikaido T, et al., Concept and clinical application of the resin-coating technique for indirect restorations. Dent Mater 2018;37:192-196.
  • [5] Pashley EL, Comer RW, Simpson MD, Horner JA, Pashley DH & Caughman WF: Dentin permeability: Sealing the dentin in crown preparations. Oper Dent 1992;17:13-20.
  • [6] Gresnigt MM, Cune MS, de Roos JG, Özcan M: Effect of immediate and delayed dentin sealing on the fracture strength, failure type and Weilbull characteristics of lithiumdisilicate laminate veneers. Dent Mater 2016;32:73-81.
  • [7] Magne P, So WS, Cascione D: Immediate dentin sealing supports delayed restoration placement. J Prosthet Dent 2007;98:166-174.
  • [8] Van Den Breemer CRG, Cune MS, Özcan M, Naves LZ, Kerdijk W, Gresnigt MMM: Prospective randomized clinical trial on the survival of lithium disilicate posterior partial crowns bonded using immediate or delayed dentin sealing: short-term results on tooth sensitivity and patient satisfaction. Oper Dent 2019;44:212-222.
  • [9] Magne P: Composite resins and bonded porcelain: the postamalgam era. CDA J 2006;34:135-147.
  • [10] Duarte Jr S, de Freitas CRB, Saad JRC, Sadan A: The effect of immediate dentin sealing on the marginal adaptation and bond strengths of total-etch and self-etch adhesives. J Prosthet Dent 2009;102:1-9.
  • [11] Oliveira L, Mota EG, Borges GA, Burnett Jr LH & Spohr AM: Influence of immediate dentin sealing techniques on cuspal deflection and fracture resistance of teeth restored with composite resin inlays. Oper Dent 2014;39:72-80.
  • [12] Duarte RM, de Goes MF, Montes MAJR: Effect of time on tensile bond strength of resin cement bonded to dentine and low-viscosity composite. J Dent 2006;34:52-61.
  • [13] Choi YS, Cho IH: An effect of immediate dentin sealing on the shear bond strength of resin cement to porcelain restoration. J Adv Prosthodont 2010;2:39-45.
  • [14] Magne P: Immediate dentin sealing: a fundamental procedure for indirect bonded restorations. J Esthet Restor Dent 2005;17:144-154.
  • [15] Magne P, Kim TH, Cascione D, Donovan TE: Immediate dentin sealing improves bond strength of indirect restorations. J Prosthet Dent 2005;94:511-519.
  • [16] Qanungo A, Aras MA, Chitre V, Mysore A, Amin B, Daswani SR: Immediate dentin sealing for indirect bonded restorations. J Prosthodont Res 2016;60:240-249.
  • [17] Duarte S, Sartori N, Phark JH: Ceramic-reinforced polymers: CAD/CAM hybrid restorative materials. Curr Oral Health Rep 2016;3:198-202.
  • [18] Gracis S, Thompson VP, Ferencz JL, Silva NR, Bonfante EA: A new classification system for all-ceramic and ceramic-like restorative materials. Int J Prosthodont 2015;28:227–235.
  • [19] Fasbinder DJ, Neiva GF: Surface evaluation of polishing techniques for new resilient CAD/CAM restorative materials. J Esthet Restor Dent 2016;28:56–66.
  • [20] Okuda M, Nikaido T, Maruoka R, Foxton RM, Tagami J: Microtensile bond strengths to cavity floor dentin in indirect composite restorations using resin coating. J Esthet Restor Dent 2007;19:38-46.
  • [21] Nakabayashi N, Kojima K, Masuhara E: The promotion of adhesion by the infiltration of monomers into tooth substrates. J Biomed Mater Res 1982;16:265-273.
  • [22] Paul SJ, Schärer P: Effect of provisional cements on the bond strength of various adhesive bonding systems on dentine. J Oral Rehabil 1997;24:8-14.
  • [23] McCabe JF, Rusby S: Dentine bonding-the effect of pre-curing the bonding resin. Br Dent J 1994;176:333-336.
  • [24] Dietschi D, Magne P,Holz J: Bonded to tooth ceramic restorations: in vitro evaluation of the efficiency and failure mode of two modern adhesives. Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed 1995;105:299-305.
  • [25] Dietschi D, Herzfeld D: In vitro evaluation of marginal and internal adaptation of class II resin composite restorations after thermal and occlusal stressing. Eur J Oral Sci 1998;106:1033-1042.
  • [26] Magne P, Paranhos MP, Hehn J, Oderich E, Boff LL: Selective masking for thin indirect restorations: Can the use of opaque resin affect the dentine bond strength of immediately sealed preparations? J Dent 2011;39:707-709.
  • [27] Jayasooriya PR, Pereira PN, Nikaido T, Tagami J: Efficacy of a resin coating on bond strengths of resin cement to dentin. J Esthet Restor Dent 2003:15;105-113
  • [28] Lee JI, Park SH: The effect of three variables on shear bond strength when luting a resin inlay to dentin. Oper Dent 2009;34:288-292.
  • [29] Stavridakis MM, Krejci I, Magne P: Immediate dentin sealing of onlay preparations: thickness of pre-cured dentin bonding agent and effect of surface cleaning. Oper Dent 2005;30:747–57.
  • [30] Mithiborwala S, Chaugule V, Munshi AK, Patil V: A comparison of the resin tag penetration of the total etch and the self-etch dentin bonding systems in the primary teeth: An in vitro study. Contemp Clin Dent 2012;3:158-163.
  • [31] Perdigão J, Sezinando A, Monteiro PC: Laboratory bonding ability of a multi-purpose dentin adhesive. Am J Dent 2012;25:153-158.
  • [32] Jang JH, Lee MG, Woo SU, Lee CO, Yi JK, Kim DS: Comparative study of the dentin bond strength of a new universal adhesive. Dent Mater J 2016;35:606-612.
  • [33] Vermelho PM, Reis AF, Ambrosano GMB, Giannini M: Adhesion of multimode adhesives to enamel and dentin after one year of water storage. Clin Oral Investig 2017;21:1707-1715.
  • [34] Muñoz MA, Luque I, Hass V, Reis A, Loguercio AD, Bombarda NHC: Immediate bonding properties of universal adhesives to dentine. J Dent 2013;41:404-411.
  • [35] Muñoz MA, Luque-Martinez I, Malaquias P, Hass V, Reis A, Campanha NH, Loguercio AD: In vitro longevity of bonding properties of universal adhesives to dentin. Oper Dent 2015;40:282-292.
  • [36] Mine A, Kabetani T, Kawaguchi-Uemura A, Higashi M, Tajiri Y, Hagino R, Yatani H: Effectiveness of current adhesive systems when bonding to CAD/CAM indirect resin materials: a review of 32 publications. Jpn Dent Sci Rev 2019;55:41-50.
  • [37] Goldberg J, Güth JF, Magne P: Accelerated fatigue resistance of thick CAD/CAM composite resin overlays bonded with light-and dual-polymerizing luting resins. J Adhes Dent 2016;18:341-348.
  • [38] Rocca GT, Gregor L, Sandoval MJ, Krejci I, Dietchi D: In vitro evaluation of marginal and internal adaptation after occlusal stressing of indirect class II composite restorations with different resinous bases and interface treatments. Post-fatigue adaptation of indirect composite restorations. Clin Oral Investig 2012;5:1385–1393.
  • [39] Dillenburg AL, Soares CG, Paranhos MP, Spohr AM, Loguercio AD, Burnett Jr LH: Microtensile bondstrength of pre-hybridized dentin: storage time and surface treatment effects. J Adhes Dent 2009;11:231–237.
  • [40] Dagostin A, Ferrari M: Effect of resins sealing of dentin on the bond strength of ceramic restorations. Dent Mater 2002;18:304–310.
  • [41] Falkensammer F, Arnetzl GV, Wildburger A, Krall C, Freudenthaler J: Influence of different conditioning methods on immediate and delayed dentin sealing. J Prosthet Dent 2014;112:204–10.

İmmediat Dentin Kapama Prosedürünün Hibrit Seramik CAD/CAM Restoratif Materyalinin Dentine olan Bağlantısına Etkisi

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 52 - 58, 31.12.2020


Amaç: Günümüz diş hekimliği pratiğinde indirekt restorasyonların üretiminde CAD/CAM teknolojisinin kullanımı oldukça yaygınlaşmıştır. Bu pilot çalışmada dentin yüzeylerine uygulanan farklı IDS prosedürlerinin, hibrit seramik CAD/CAM restoratif materyalin dentine bağlanma dayanımına etkisini değerlendirmek amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: 18 tane yeni çekilmiş büyük azı dişi mine sement sınırının 2 mm altından akrilik rezin içerisine gömülerek sabitlendi. Tüm dişler (N=18) düz dentin yüzeyleri oluşturulacak şekilde prepare edildi. Birbirine yakın boyutlardaki dişler rastgele olmak üzere eşit sayıdaki 3 test grubuna (n=6) ayrıldı. Grup 2 ve Grup 3 örneklerine IDS tekniği uygulanırken Grup 1 örneklerine bu teknik uygulanmadı. IDS tekniğinde yüksek miktarda doldurucu içeren G-Premio Bond (GC, Tokyo, Japonya) universal adezivi ve G-aenial Universal Flo (GC, Tokyo, Japan) akışkan kompozit rezini kullanıldı. Tüm hibrit seramik CAD/CAM blok materyal (Cerasmart, GC; Tokyo, Japan) örnekleri kesme cihazında (IsoMet 1000; Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL, USA) 3x3 mm3 lük küpler halinde hazırlandı. Tüm örneklerin simantasyonunda dual polimerize rezin siman G-CEM Link Force (GC, Tokyo, Japonya) kullanıldı. Makaslama bağlantı kuvvetlerinin hesaplanmasında tüm örnekler için universal test cihazı (Shimadzu AG-IS; Shimadzu Corp) kullanıldı. Tüm veriler İstatistiksel olarak tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) kullanılarak değerlendirildi.. Sonuçlar p<0.05 için istatistiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edildi. Bulgular: Farklı immediat dentin kapama prosedürleri arasında dentine bağlantıda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır (p>0,05). Bütün örneklerin kopma yerleri optik mikroskopta değerlendirilmiş ve tüm gruplarda en sık ‘adeziv kopma’ gözlemlenmiştir. Sonuç: Bu in vitro pilot çalışmanın sınırları dahilinde, düz dentin yüzeylerine farklı immediat dentin kapama prosedürleri uygulanması, tümü G-CEM Link Force ile simante edilen hibrit seramik CAD/CAM materyalinin dentine olan makaslama bağlantı kuvvetini etkilememiştir.

Project Number



  • [1] Magne P, Knezevic A: Influence of overlay restorative materials and load cusps on the fatigue resistance of endodontically treated molars. Quintessence Int 2009;40:729-737.
  • [2] Magne P, Belser U: Understanding the intact tooth and the biomimetic principle. Bonded porcelain restorations in the anterior dentition: A biomimetic approach. Chicago: Quintessence 2002;23-55.
  • [3] Gandjour A, Kerschbaum T, Reis A, Lauterbach KW: Technology assessment in dentisry: a comparison of the longevity and cost-effectiveness of inlays. Int J Technol Assess Health Care 2005;21:319-325.
  • [4] Nikaido T, et al., Concept and clinical application of the resin-coating technique for indirect restorations. Dent Mater 2018;37:192-196.
  • [5] Pashley EL, Comer RW, Simpson MD, Horner JA, Pashley DH & Caughman WF: Dentin permeability: Sealing the dentin in crown preparations. Oper Dent 1992;17:13-20.
  • [6] Gresnigt MM, Cune MS, de Roos JG, Özcan M: Effect of immediate and delayed dentin sealing on the fracture strength, failure type and Weilbull characteristics of lithiumdisilicate laminate veneers. Dent Mater 2016;32:73-81.
  • [7] Magne P, So WS, Cascione D: Immediate dentin sealing supports delayed restoration placement. J Prosthet Dent 2007;98:166-174.
  • [8] Van Den Breemer CRG, Cune MS, Özcan M, Naves LZ, Kerdijk W, Gresnigt MMM: Prospective randomized clinical trial on the survival of lithium disilicate posterior partial crowns bonded using immediate or delayed dentin sealing: short-term results on tooth sensitivity and patient satisfaction. Oper Dent 2019;44:212-222.
  • [9] Magne P: Composite resins and bonded porcelain: the postamalgam era. CDA J 2006;34:135-147.
  • [10] Duarte Jr S, de Freitas CRB, Saad JRC, Sadan A: The effect of immediate dentin sealing on the marginal adaptation and bond strengths of total-etch and self-etch adhesives. J Prosthet Dent 2009;102:1-9.
  • [11] Oliveira L, Mota EG, Borges GA, Burnett Jr LH & Spohr AM: Influence of immediate dentin sealing techniques on cuspal deflection and fracture resistance of teeth restored with composite resin inlays. Oper Dent 2014;39:72-80.
  • [12] Duarte RM, de Goes MF, Montes MAJR: Effect of time on tensile bond strength of resin cement bonded to dentine and low-viscosity composite. J Dent 2006;34:52-61.
  • [13] Choi YS, Cho IH: An effect of immediate dentin sealing on the shear bond strength of resin cement to porcelain restoration. J Adv Prosthodont 2010;2:39-45.
  • [14] Magne P: Immediate dentin sealing: a fundamental procedure for indirect bonded restorations. J Esthet Restor Dent 2005;17:144-154.
  • [15] Magne P, Kim TH, Cascione D, Donovan TE: Immediate dentin sealing improves bond strength of indirect restorations. J Prosthet Dent 2005;94:511-519.
  • [16] Qanungo A, Aras MA, Chitre V, Mysore A, Amin B, Daswani SR: Immediate dentin sealing for indirect bonded restorations. J Prosthodont Res 2016;60:240-249.
  • [17] Duarte S, Sartori N, Phark JH: Ceramic-reinforced polymers: CAD/CAM hybrid restorative materials. Curr Oral Health Rep 2016;3:198-202.
  • [18] Gracis S, Thompson VP, Ferencz JL, Silva NR, Bonfante EA: A new classification system for all-ceramic and ceramic-like restorative materials. Int J Prosthodont 2015;28:227–235.
  • [19] Fasbinder DJ, Neiva GF: Surface evaluation of polishing techniques for new resilient CAD/CAM restorative materials. J Esthet Restor Dent 2016;28:56–66.
  • [20] Okuda M, Nikaido T, Maruoka R, Foxton RM, Tagami J: Microtensile bond strengths to cavity floor dentin in indirect composite restorations using resin coating. J Esthet Restor Dent 2007;19:38-46.
  • [21] Nakabayashi N, Kojima K, Masuhara E: The promotion of adhesion by the infiltration of monomers into tooth substrates. J Biomed Mater Res 1982;16:265-273.
  • [22] Paul SJ, Schärer P: Effect of provisional cements on the bond strength of various adhesive bonding systems on dentine. J Oral Rehabil 1997;24:8-14.
  • [23] McCabe JF, Rusby S: Dentine bonding-the effect of pre-curing the bonding resin. Br Dent J 1994;176:333-336.
  • [24] Dietschi D, Magne P,Holz J: Bonded to tooth ceramic restorations: in vitro evaluation of the efficiency and failure mode of two modern adhesives. Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed 1995;105:299-305.
  • [25] Dietschi D, Herzfeld D: In vitro evaluation of marginal and internal adaptation of class II resin composite restorations after thermal and occlusal stressing. Eur J Oral Sci 1998;106:1033-1042.
  • [26] Magne P, Paranhos MP, Hehn J, Oderich E, Boff LL: Selective masking for thin indirect restorations: Can the use of opaque resin affect the dentine bond strength of immediately sealed preparations? J Dent 2011;39:707-709.
  • [27] Jayasooriya PR, Pereira PN, Nikaido T, Tagami J: Efficacy of a resin coating on bond strengths of resin cement to dentin. J Esthet Restor Dent 2003:15;105-113
  • [28] Lee JI, Park SH: The effect of three variables on shear bond strength when luting a resin inlay to dentin. Oper Dent 2009;34:288-292.
  • [29] Stavridakis MM, Krejci I, Magne P: Immediate dentin sealing of onlay preparations: thickness of pre-cured dentin bonding agent and effect of surface cleaning. Oper Dent 2005;30:747–57.
  • [30] Mithiborwala S, Chaugule V, Munshi AK, Patil V: A comparison of the resin tag penetration of the total etch and the self-etch dentin bonding systems in the primary teeth: An in vitro study. Contemp Clin Dent 2012;3:158-163.
  • [31] Perdigão J, Sezinando A, Monteiro PC: Laboratory bonding ability of a multi-purpose dentin adhesive. Am J Dent 2012;25:153-158.
  • [32] Jang JH, Lee MG, Woo SU, Lee CO, Yi JK, Kim DS: Comparative study of the dentin bond strength of a new universal adhesive. Dent Mater J 2016;35:606-612.
  • [33] Vermelho PM, Reis AF, Ambrosano GMB, Giannini M: Adhesion of multimode adhesives to enamel and dentin after one year of water storage. Clin Oral Investig 2017;21:1707-1715.
  • [34] Muñoz MA, Luque I, Hass V, Reis A, Loguercio AD, Bombarda NHC: Immediate bonding properties of universal adhesives to dentine. J Dent 2013;41:404-411.
  • [35] Muñoz MA, Luque-Martinez I, Malaquias P, Hass V, Reis A, Campanha NH, Loguercio AD: In vitro longevity of bonding properties of universal adhesives to dentin. Oper Dent 2015;40:282-292.
  • [36] Mine A, Kabetani T, Kawaguchi-Uemura A, Higashi M, Tajiri Y, Hagino R, Yatani H: Effectiveness of current adhesive systems when bonding to CAD/CAM indirect resin materials: a review of 32 publications. Jpn Dent Sci Rev 2019;55:41-50.
  • [37] Goldberg J, Güth JF, Magne P: Accelerated fatigue resistance of thick CAD/CAM composite resin overlays bonded with light-and dual-polymerizing luting resins. J Adhes Dent 2016;18:341-348.
  • [38] Rocca GT, Gregor L, Sandoval MJ, Krejci I, Dietchi D: In vitro evaluation of marginal and internal adaptation after occlusal stressing of indirect class II composite restorations with different resinous bases and interface treatments. Post-fatigue adaptation of indirect composite restorations. Clin Oral Investig 2012;5:1385–1393.
  • [39] Dillenburg AL, Soares CG, Paranhos MP, Spohr AM, Loguercio AD, Burnett Jr LH: Microtensile bondstrength of pre-hybridized dentin: storage time and surface treatment effects. J Adhes Dent 2009;11:231–237.
  • [40] Dagostin A, Ferrari M: Effect of resins sealing of dentin on the bond strength of ceramic restorations. Dent Mater 2002;18:304–310.
  • [41] Falkensammer F, Arnetzl GV, Wildburger A, Krall C, Freudenthaler J: Influence of different conditioning methods on immediate and delayed dentin sealing. J Prosthet Dent 2014;112:204–10.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Original Articles

Ezgi Günsel Kesimli

Pınar Yılmaz Atalı

Cafer Türkmen

Project Number SAG-C-DRP-121218-0627
Publication Date December 31, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Günsel Kesimli, E., Yılmaz Atalı, P., & Türkmen, C. (2020). Effect of Immediat Dentin Sealing on the Bonding State of Hybrid Ceramic CAD/CAM Restorative Material to Dentin. European Journal of Research in Dentistry, 4(2), 52-58. https://doi.org/10.35333/ERD.2020.266