The Effect of Animal and Plant-Based Proteins on Enamel Micro-hardness: An in vitro Study
Year 2024,
Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 104 - 109, 31.12.2024
İpek Doğancı
Buşra Parlak İnsel
Elif Tufan
Tuğba Tunalı-akbay
Objectives: Protein-rich beverages have the potential to protect the teeth against dental erosion. However, there is a lack of research on the effects of protein-rich beverages on the teeth. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of plant and animal-based protein-rich beverages, that are frequently consumed today, on enamel microhardness and surface roughness under in vitro conditions. Materials and Methods: The extracted permanent posterior teeth (15 premolars and 15 molars) were embedded in acrylic blocks, leaving the buccal surfaces of the teeth exposed. The extracted teeth were then divided randomly into five groups (n=6 per group): G1-cocoa-flavored protein-rich milk; G2-chocolate-flavored whey protein powder; G3-pea protein powder; G4-rice protein powder; and G5-artificial saliva (control). The pH of each beverage was assessed. The teeth were incubated in these beverages every day for 5 minutes for 30 days. Microhardness and surface roughness were measured at the baseline, at the 4th week and the third months. Results: It was found that all the protein beverages used in the study, both plant and animal-based, increased enamel microhardness. The beverage made with pea protein powder showed the highest increase in enamel microhardness. On the other hand, the rice protein powder beverage has been found to decrease tooth surface roughness significantly higher than the other beverages. Conclusions: It was found that all protein beverages used in this study increased enamel microhardness at different rates as the effects of these beverages on teeth depend on the chemical composition, contact time with teeth and pH.
Ethical Statement
This study was approved by the ethics committee Marmara University, Institute of Health Sciences Non-Interventional Clinical Research Ethics Committee (Approval Date:19.12.2023, Approval Number: 114)
- Addy M, Shellis RP. Interaction between attrition, abrasion and erosion in tooth wear. Dental Erosion 2006; 20:17-31.
- Al-Samadani KH. Effect of energy drinks on the surface texture of nanofilled composite resin. J. Contemp. Dent. Pract. 2013;14(5):830-835.
- Alrahlah A , Khan R, Al-Odayni A B, Saeed W S, Bautista L S, Alnofaiy I A, & De Vera M A T. Advancing Dimethacrylate Dental Composites by Synergy of Pre-Polymerized TEGDMA Co-Filler: A Physio-Mechanical Evaluation. Biomimetics, 2023; 8(8), 577.
- Arends J, Schuthof J, Christoffersen J. Inhibition of enamel demineralization by albumin in vitro.Caries Res.1986;20(4):337-340.
- Arranz E, Segat A, Velayos G, Flynn C, Brodkorb A, Giblin L. Dairy and plant based protein beverages: In vitro digestion behaviour and effect on intestinal barrier biomarkers. Food Res. Int. 2023;169:112815.
- Connie M, Marshall TA, Milgrom P, Coldwell SE. The contribution of dietary factors to dental caries and disparities in caries. Acad. Pediatr. 2009;9(6):410-414.
- Dugmore CR, Rock WP. The prevalence of tooth erosion in 12-year-old children. Br.Dent. J. 2004;196(5):279-282.
- Ferreira SS, Tais S, Hara AT, Aoki IV, Sobral MAP. Supplementation of an orange juice with dietary proteins to prevent enamel and dentin erosion.Br. Dent. J. 2015;26(3):263-267.
- Guler AU, Yilmaz F, Kulunk T, Guler E, Kurt S. Effects of different drinks on stainability of resin composite provisional restorative materials. J. Prosthet. Dent. 2005;94 (2):118-124.
- Hemingway CA, White AJ, Shellis RP, Addy M, Parker DM, Barbour ME. Enamel erosion in dietary acids: inhibition by food proteins in vitro.Caries Res. 2011;44 (6):525-530.
- Huew R, Waterhouse PJ, Moynihan PJ, Kometa S, Maguire A.Dental erosion and its association with diet in Libyan schoolchildren. Eur. Arch. Paediatr. Dent. 2011;12(5):234-240.
- Inchingolo AM, Malcangi G, Ferrante L, Vecchio GD, Viapiano F, Mancini A, Inchingolo F, Inchingolo AD, Venere DD, Dipalma G. Damage from carbonated soft drinks on enamel: a systematic review. Nutrients 2023;15 (7):1785.
- Kadam B, Ambadkar R, Rathod K, Landge S. Health benefits of whey: A brief review. Int. J. Livest. Res.2018;8(5):31-49.
- Kanzow P, Wegehaupt FJ, Attin T, Wiegand A. Etiology and pathogenesis of dental erosion. Quintessence Int. 2016;47(4):275-278.
- Karlund A, Gomez-Gallego C, Turpeinen AM, Palo-Oja Q, El-Nezami H, Kolehmainen M. Protein supplements and their relation with nutrition, microbiota composition and health: is more protein always better for sportspeople? Nutrients 2019;11(4):829.
- Khan HB, Gulam S, Mohd Sarmin NI, Zahid MF, Hashim NA. The effect of different milk products on enamel hardness: an in vitro study. Compend. Oral Sci.2022;9(1):67-79.
- Lachowski KM, Ferreira D, Oliveira TA, Pita Sobral MA. Effect of the mixture of coffee or chocolate to milk in the progression of des-remineralization of tooth enamel-An in vitro study. Pesqui. Bras. Odontopediatria Clin. Integr. 2014;14(3):183-190.
- Moynihan P, Petersen PE. Diet, nutrition and the prevention of dental diseases. Public Health Nutr. 2004;7(1a):201-226.
- Münchow EA, Ferreira ACA, Machado RMM, Ramos TS, Rodrigues-Junior SA, Zanchi CH. Effect of acidic solutions on the surface degradation of a micro-hybrid composite resin. Br. Dent. J. 2014;25(4):321-326.
- Reynolds EC, Black CL. Reduction of chocolate’s cariogenicity by supplementation with sodium caseinate. Caries Res.1987;21(5):445-451.
- Rezvani MB, Karimi M, Rasoolzade RA, Haghgoo R. Comparing the effects of whey extract and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) on enamel microhardness. J. Dent. 2015;16(1):49.
- Rusyan E, Grabowska E, Strużycka I. The association between erosive tooth wear and diet, hygiene habits and health awareness in adolescents aged 15 in Poland. Eur. Arch. Paediatr. Dent. 2022;1-9.
- Tsutomu S, Fukuzawa Y, Kawakami S, Suzuki M, Tanaka Y, Terayama H, Sakabe K. The onset of dental erosion caused by food and drinks and the preventive effect of alkaline ionized water. Nutrients 2021;13(10):3440.
- Shiozawa M,Takahashi H, Asakawa Y, Iwasaki N. Color stability of adhesive resin cements after immersion in coffee. Clin. Oral Invest. 2015;19:309-317.
- Yıldırım E, Bolaca A. Evaluation of traumatic dental injuries in patients attending the pediatric dentistry clinic: a retrospective study.Pamukkale Med. J. 2023;16(4):570-578.
Hayvansal ve Bitkisel Protein Kaynaklı İçeceklerinin Mine Mikro Sertliği Üzerine Etkisi: in vitro Çalışma
Year 2024,
Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 104 - 109, 31.12.2024
İpek Doğancı
Buşra Parlak İnsel
Elif Tufan
Tuğba Tunalı-akbay
Amaç: Protein açısından zengin içecekler dişleri diş erozyonuna karşı koruma potansiyeline sahiptir. Ancak, protein açısından zengin içeceklerin dişler üzerindeki etkileri ile ilgili araştırmalar sınırlıdır. Bu nedenle, bu çalışma günümüzde sıklıkla tüketilen bitkisel ve hayvansal kaynaklı protein açısından zengin içeceklerin in vitro koşullarda mine mikro sertliği ve yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerindeki etkisini araştırmayı amaçlamıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çekilen daimi arka dişler (15 premolar ve 15 molar) bukkal yüzeyleri açıkta kalacak şekilde akrilik bloklara gömüldü. Dişler her grupta 6 diş olacak şekilde; G1-kakao aromalı protein açısından zengin süt; G2-çikolata aromalı peynir altı suyu proteini tozu; G3-bezelye proteini tozu; G4-pirinç proteini tozu; ve G5-yapay tükürük (kontrol) gruplarına ayrıldı. Her içeceğe ait pH değerleri kaydedildi. Ayrılan dişler bu içeceklerde her gün 5 dakika olmak üzere 30 gün boyunca inkübe edildi. Başlangıç, 4.haftanın sonu ve 3. ayın sonunda dişlerin mikro sertlik ve yüzey pürüzlülüğü ölçümleri yapıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmada kullanılan hem bitkisel hem de hayvansal tüm protein içeceklerinin mine mikro sertliğini artırdığı tespit edilmiştir. Bezelye proteini tozuyla yapılan içecek mine mikro sertliğinde en yüksek artışa neden olmuştur. Öte yandan, pirinç proteini tozu içeceğinin diş yüzey pürüzlülüğünü diğer içeceklere göre önemli ölçüde azalttığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar: Bu çalışmada kullanılan tüm protein içeceklerinin mine mikro sertliğini farklı oranlarda artırdığı bulunmuştur. Proteince zengin bu içeceklerin dişler üzerindeki etkileri içeceğin kimyasal bileşimine ve dişlerle temas süresine göre farklılık gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir.
- Addy M, Shellis RP. Interaction between attrition, abrasion and erosion in tooth wear. Dental Erosion 2006; 20:17-31.
- Al-Samadani KH. Effect of energy drinks on the surface texture of nanofilled composite resin. J. Contemp. Dent. Pract. 2013;14(5):830-835.
- Alrahlah A , Khan R, Al-Odayni A B, Saeed W S, Bautista L S, Alnofaiy I A, & De Vera M A T. Advancing Dimethacrylate Dental Composites by Synergy of Pre-Polymerized TEGDMA Co-Filler: A Physio-Mechanical Evaluation. Biomimetics, 2023; 8(8), 577.
- Arends J, Schuthof J, Christoffersen J. Inhibition of enamel demineralization by albumin in vitro.Caries Res.1986;20(4):337-340.
- Arranz E, Segat A, Velayos G, Flynn C, Brodkorb A, Giblin L. Dairy and plant based protein beverages: In vitro digestion behaviour and effect on intestinal barrier biomarkers. Food Res. Int. 2023;169:112815.
- Connie M, Marshall TA, Milgrom P, Coldwell SE. The contribution of dietary factors to dental caries and disparities in caries. Acad. Pediatr. 2009;9(6):410-414.
- Dugmore CR, Rock WP. The prevalence of tooth erosion in 12-year-old children. Br.Dent. J. 2004;196(5):279-282.
- Ferreira SS, Tais S, Hara AT, Aoki IV, Sobral MAP. Supplementation of an orange juice with dietary proteins to prevent enamel and dentin erosion.Br. Dent. J. 2015;26(3):263-267.
- Guler AU, Yilmaz F, Kulunk T, Guler E, Kurt S. Effects of different drinks on stainability of resin composite provisional restorative materials. J. Prosthet. Dent. 2005;94 (2):118-124.
- Hemingway CA, White AJ, Shellis RP, Addy M, Parker DM, Barbour ME. Enamel erosion in dietary acids: inhibition by food proteins in vitro.Caries Res. 2011;44 (6):525-530.
- Huew R, Waterhouse PJ, Moynihan PJ, Kometa S, Maguire A.Dental erosion and its association with diet in Libyan schoolchildren. Eur. Arch. Paediatr. Dent. 2011;12(5):234-240.
- Inchingolo AM, Malcangi G, Ferrante L, Vecchio GD, Viapiano F, Mancini A, Inchingolo F, Inchingolo AD, Venere DD, Dipalma G. Damage from carbonated soft drinks on enamel: a systematic review. Nutrients 2023;15 (7):1785.
- Kadam B, Ambadkar R, Rathod K, Landge S. Health benefits of whey: A brief review. Int. J. Livest. Res.2018;8(5):31-49.
- Kanzow P, Wegehaupt FJ, Attin T, Wiegand A. Etiology and pathogenesis of dental erosion. Quintessence Int. 2016;47(4):275-278.
- Karlund A, Gomez-Gallego C, Turpeinen AM, Palo-Oja Q, El-Nezami H, Kolehmainen M. Protein supplements and their relation with nutrition, microbiota composition and health: is more protein always better for sportspeople? Nutrients 2019;11(4):829.
- Khan HB, Gulam S, Mohd Sarmin NI, Zahid MF, Hashim NA. The effect of different milk products on enamel hardness: an in vitro study. Compend. Oral Sci.2022;9(1):67-79.
- Lachowski KM, Ferreira D, Oliveira TA, Pita Sobral MA. Effect of the mixture of coffee or chocolate to milk in the progression of des-remineralization of tooth enamel-An in vitro study. Pesqui. Bras. Odontopediatria Clin. Integr. 2014;14(3):183-190.
- Moynihan P, Petersen PE. Diet, nutrition and the prevention of dental diseases. Public Health Nutr. 2004;7(1a):201-226.
- Münchow EA, Ferreira ACA, Machado RMM, Ramos TS, Rodrigues-Junior SA, Zanchi CH. Effect of acidic solutions on the surface degradation of a micro-hybrid composite resin. Br. Dent. J. 2014;25(4):321-326.
- Reynolds EC, Black CL. Reduction of chocolate’s cariogenicity by supplementation with sodium caseinate. Caries Res.1987;21(5):445-451.
- Rezvani MB, Karimi M, Rasoolzade RA, Haghgoo R. Comparing the effects of whey extract and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) on enamel microhardness. J. Dent. 2015;16(1):49.
- Rusyan E, Grabowska E, Strużycka I. The association between erosive tooth wear and diet, hygiene habits and health awareness in adolescents aged 15 in Poland. Eur. Arch. Paediatr. Dent. 2022;1-9.
- Tsutomu S, Fukuzawa Y, Kawakami S, Suzuki M, Tanaka Y, Terayama H, Sakabe K. The onset of dental erosion caused by food and drinks and the preventive effect of alkaline ionized water. Nutrients 2021;13(10):3440.
- Shiozawa M,Takahashi H, Asakawa Y, Iwasaki N. Color stability of adhesive resin cements after immersion in coffee. Clin. Oral Invest. 2015;19:309-317.
- Yıldırım E, Bolaca A. Evaluation of traumatic dental injuries in patients attending the pediatric dentistry clinic: a retrospective study.Pamukkale Med. J. 2023;16(4):570-578.