Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 27 - 45, 31.01.2025



  • Altun, Nurullah and Dinc Aybike (2016). “A Sociological Look at the Place of Foreign Brides in the Turkish Family”. Halk Kültüründe Aile Uluslar Arası Sempozyumu.
  • Anashkina, Galina and Svetlana Pogodina (2009). “Marriage with Foreigners as a New Model for Adapting Russian Women to the Conditions of a Transitional Society”. Etno-Zhurnal.
  • Aubakirova, Zhanna and Zhunusova Elvira (2017). “Interracial Marriage in Kazakhstan: Evolution and Practice”. Polzunovskij Al’manah, 4(4): 48-51.
  • Deniz, Ayla and Murat Ozgur (2013). “Russian Brides in Antalya: From Migration to Marriage: From Marriage to Migration”. Sosyoloji Dergisi, 3(27):151-175.
  • Goker, Goksel (2015). Migration, Identity, Identity: Swedish Turks in Terms of Intercultural Communication. Konya: Literatürk Academia.
  • Irastorza, Nahikari and DeVoretz Don (2009). “Factors Affecting International Marriage Survival: A Theoretical Approach”. Seminar on Bilingualism, 20.
  • Jones, Gavin, and Hsiu-hua Shen (2008). “International Marriage in East and Southeast Asia: Trends and Research Emphases”. Citizenship Studies, 12(1): 9-25.
  • Kartashova, Tatyana (2009). “Young People’s Marriage Motivation”. Uchenye Zapiski SPBGİPSR.
  • Kastoryano, Riva (2000). Negotiating Identity: State and Immigrant Relations in France and Germany. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Kaya, Alim, and Binaz Bozkur (2015). “Development of the Fatalism Tendency Scale: A Validity and Reliability Study”. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(3): 935-946.
  • Koludarova, Svetlana (2015). “The Trends of the Influence of International Marriages on the Demographic Situation in Russian Society”. Materials from the International Science Conference, 185-189
  • Koludarova, Svetlana (2010). “Interethnic Marriages as an Indicator of the Migration Process”. Sbornik Konferentsyi NİTS Sotsiosfera, 55-56.
  • Korneeva, Svetlana (2006). “Intermarriage with an Indigenous Partner in Modern Russian Society: Social Analysis”. Uchebnye Zapiski, (1):106-110.
  • Korosteleva, Elena and Nas (2011). “Research on Problems in Russian-Turkish Mixed Marriages”. Vestnik Magistratury, 28-35.
  • Lee, Hye-Kyung (2008). “International Marriage and the State in South Korea: Focusing on Government Policy”. Citizenship Studies, 12 (1): 107-123.
  • Morgan, Charlie and John Hoffmann (2007). “International Marriages in Japan: A Prefecture-Level Analysis”. International Journal of Sociology of the Family, 33(1): 157-182.
  • Nomura, Takako (2007). Perceptions of Marriage: Recent Japanese Immigrant Women in the Greater Toronto Area. Master’s Thesis.
  • Petrenko, Viktor (2011). “Constructivism as a New Paradigm in Human Sciences”. Voprosy Filosofyi, (6): 75-81.
  • Piper, Nicola (2003). “Wife or Worker? Worker or Wife? Marriage and Cross-Border Migration in Contemporary Japan”. International Journal of Population Geography, (9): 457–469.
  • Pochagina, Olga (2008). “Cross-Border Marriages: China and South Korea”. Problemy Dalnego Vostoka, (2): 125-137.
  • Popova, Vera and Marina Vereshagina (2015). “The Concept of Religious and Ethnic Identity”. International Research Journal, 6(37): 55-56.
  • Rosario, Teresita (2005). “Bridal Diaspora: Migration and Marriage Among Filipino Women”. Indian Journal of Gender Studies, (12): 253-273.
  • Saglam, Fatima (2006). “On Linguistic Development in Children of Mixed Married Couples in a Turkish-German Sample”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, (23): 231-241.
  • Sala, Bedir and Hatice Ersoy Celik (2021). “An Analysis of Interactions in Intercultural Marriages: A Field Study of Alanya”. Journal of Humanity and Society, 11(4):137-155.
  • Seah, Mabel (2012). “‘The Family as an Analytical Tool: Cases from International Marriages and Marriage Migration in East Asia”. International Journal of Sociology of the Family, 38(1): 63-84.
  • Suzuki, Nobue (2007). “Marrying a Marilyn of the Tropics: Manhood and Nationhood in Filipina-Japanese Marriages”. Anthropological Quarterly, 80(2): 427-454.
  • Tangalycheva, Rumiya and Tatyana Tsoy (2011). “Cultural Differences in Korean-Russian Mixed Marriages”. Vestnik SPBGU, 12(3): 299-309.
  • Tsallagova, İrina (1996). “Issues of Female Migration in the Mass Media”. Gendernye Aspekty Sotsyalnoi Transformatsyi, 25-256.
  • Tyuryukanova, Elena (1996). “Migration of Women from Russia: Another ‘Strategy for Success?”. Gendernye Aspekty Sotsyalnoi Transformatsyi, 84-103.
  • Yem, Natalya (2013). “Sexual Imbalance as a Factor of the Marriage Market of Inter-Ethnic Marriage”. Vestnik KazNU, 1(61): 64-70.
  • Yem, Natalya (2015). “Satisfaction with Family Life of Marriage Migrants in South Korea: Influencing Factors on the Example of Ethnic Koreans from the CIS”. KazNU Bulletin, Oriental Series, 2 (72): 58-63.


Year 2025, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 27 - 45, 31.01.2025


This study explores the motivations behind the marriages of Kazakhstani women to Turkish citizens and examines the broader implications of these unions, particularly regarding the emigration of highly qualified young Kazakhstani women of reproductive age. Employing a qualitative research approach, the study is based on in-depth interviews with 23 Kazakhstani women who have married Turkish men. The collected data were analyzed through text analysis to identify key patterns and drivers of these cross-national marriages. The findings reveal that the motivations for these marriages vary significantly. While love and emotional attachment play a crucial role, other factors such as economic stability, social security, and the perception of Turkish men as responsible family- oriented individuals also contribute to these marriage decisions. Additionally, sociocultural similarities between Kazakhstan and Türkiye, family influence, and religious alignment emerge as important determinants. Some women see marriage to a Turkish citizen as a means of personal development and access to better economic opportunities, while others emphasize the support, reliability, and traditional values they find in their Turkish partners. Given the growing trend of international marriages, the study highlights the need for further sociological and demographic research to assess the long-term impact of such unions on Kazakhstani society. It also calls for policies that address the social and economic factors influencing marriage migration.

Ethical Statement

This study involving human participants has completed and fulfilled the ethical guidelines requirements. The participants provided written informed consent before taking part in the study and were informed about its objectives.


  • Altun, Nurullah and Dinc Aybike (2016). “A Sociological Look at the Place of Foreign Brides in the Turkish Family”. Halk Kültüründe Aile Uluslar Arası Sempozyumu.
  • Anashkina, Galina and Svetlana Pogodina (2009). “Marriage with Foreigners as a New Model for Adapting Russian Women to the Conditions of a Transitional Society”. Etno-Zhurnal.
  • Aubakirova, Zhanna and Zhunusova Elvira (2017). “Interracial Marriage in Kazakhstan: Evolution and Practice”. Polzunovskij Al’manah, 4(4): 48-51.
  • Deniz, Ayla and Murat Ozgur (2013). “Russian Brides in Antalya: From Migration to Marriage: From Marriage to Migration”. Sosyoloji Dergisi, 3(27):151-175.
  • Goker, Goksel (2015). Migration, Identity, Identity: Swedish Turks in Terms of Intercultural Communication. Konya: Literatürk Academia.
  • Irastorza, Nahikari and DeVoretz Don (2009). “Factors Affecting International Marriage Survival: A Theoretical Approach”. Seminar on Bilingualism, 20.
  • Jones, Gavin, and Hsiu-hua Shen (2008). “International Marriage in East and Southeast Asia: Trends and Research Emphases”. Citizenship Studies, 12(1): 9-25.
  • Kartashova, Tatyana (2009). “Young People’s Marriage Motivation”. Uchenye Zapiski SPBGİPSR.
  • Kastoryano, Riva (2000). Negotiating Identity: State and Immigrant Relations in France and Germany. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Kaya, Alim, and Binaz Bozkur (2015). “Development of the Fatalism Tendency Scale: A Validity and Reliability Study”. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(3): 935-946.
  • Koludarova, Svetlana (2015). “The Trends of the Influence of International Marriages on the Demographic Situation in Russian Society”. Materials from the International Science Conference, 185-189
  • Koludarova, Svetlana (2010). “Interethnic Marriages as an Indicator of the Migration Process”. Sbornik Konferentsyi NİTS Sotsiosfera, 55-56.
  • Korneeva, Svetlana (2006). “Intermarriage with an Indigenous Partner in Modern Russian Society: Social Analysis”. Uchebnye Zapiski, (1):106-110.
  • Korosteleva, Elena and Nas (2011). “Research on Problems in Russian-Turkish Mixed Marriages”. Vestnik Magistratury, 28-35.
  • Lee, Hye-Kyung (2008). “International Marriage and the State in South Korea: Focusing on Government Policy”. Citizenship Studies, 12 (1): 107-123.
  • Morgan, Charlie and John Hoffmann (2007). “International Marriages in Japan: A Prefecture-Level Analysis”. International Journal of Sociology of the Family, 33(1): 157-182.
  • Nomura, Takako (2007). Perceptions of Marriage: Recent Japanese Immigrant Women in the Greater Toronto Area. Master’s Thesis.
  • Petrenko, Viktor (2011). “Constructivism as a New Paradigm in Human Sciences”. Voprosy Filosofyi, (6): 75-81.
  • Piper, Nicola (2003). “Wife or Worker? Worker or Wife? Marriage and Cross-Border Migration in Contemporary Japan”. International Journal of Population Geography, (9): 457–469.
  • Pochagina, Olga (2008). “Cross-Border Marriages: China and South Korea”. Problemy Dalnego Vostoka, (2): 125-137.
  • Popova, Vera and Marina Vereshagina (2015). “The Concept of Religious and Ethnic Identity”. International Research Journal, 6(37): 55-56.
  • Rosario, Teresita (2005). “Bridal Diaspora: Migration and Marriage Among Filipino Women”. Indian Journal of Gender Studies, (12): 253-273.
  • Saglam, Fatima (2006). “On Linguistic Development in Children of Mixed Married Couples in a Turkish-German Sample”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, (23): 231-241.
  • Sala, Bedir and Hatice Ersoy Celik (2021). “An Analysis of Interactions in Intercultural Marriages: A Field Study of Alanya”. Journal of Humanity and Society, 11(4):137-155.
  • Seah, Mabel (2012). “‘The Family as an Analytical Tool: Cases from International Marriages and Marriage Migration in East Asia”. International Journal of Sociology of the Family, 38(1): 63-84.
  • Suzuki, Nobue (2007). “Marrying a Marilyn of the Tropics: Manhood and Nationhood in Filipina-Japanese Marriages”. Anthropological Quarterly, 80(2): 427-454.
  • Tangalycheva, Rumiya and Tatyana Tsoy (2011). “Cultural Differences in Korean-Russian Mixed Marriages”. Vestnik SPBGU, 12(3): 299-309.
  • Tsallagova, İrina (1996). “Issues of Female Migration in the Mass Media”. Gendernye Aspekty Sotsyalnoi Transformatsyi, 25-256.
  • Tyuryukanova, Elena (1996). “Migration of Women from Russia: Another ‘Strategy for Success?”. Gendernye Aspekty Sotsyalnoi Transformatsyi, 84-103.
  • Yem, Natalya (2013). “Sexual Imbalance as a Factor of the Marriage Market of Inter-Ethnic Marriage”. Vestnik KazNU, 1(61): 64-70.
  • Yem, Natalya (2015). “Satisfaction with Family Life of Marriage Migrants in South Korea: Influencing Factors on the Example of Ethnic Koreans from the CIS”. KazNU Bulletin, Oriental Series, 2 (72): 58-63.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies of the Turkic World
Journal Section Research Articles

Zhanar Nakipbayeva This is me 0000-0003-3422-841X

Publication Date January 31, 2025
Submission Date December 16, 2024
Acceptance Date January 30, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 7 Issue: 1
