Research Article
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Year 2019, , 83 - 11, 29.08.2019



çalışma, bir dış politika kavramı ve pratiği olan ikitaraflılığın, Güney
Kafkasya’da Ermenistan – Gürcistan ilişkileri örneği üzerinden bağlamsallaştırılmasına
odaklanmaktadır. İki aktör arasında, ikili, bölgesel ve küresel bağlantılardan
doğan, kendine özgü ve sınırlı bir ikitaraflılık olduğu ve devam edeceği temel argümanı
çerçevesinde; önce ikitaraflılığın doğuşu, evrimi, belirli örnekleri, coğrafyaları
betimlenmektedir. İki aktörün ilişkilerinin tarihçesinin özetini müteakip,
sözkonusu ikitaraflılığın neden ve nasıl vuku bulduğu; ekonomik ve ticari
ilişkiler, sevkiyat hatları, ayrılıkçı sorunlar, azınlık unsuru ve Rusya etkisi
temelinde araştırılmaktadır. Nihai tahlilde, sözkonusu ikitaraflılığın mevcut
niteliğine ve gelecekteki akıbetine dair kimi değerlendirmeler ile öngörülerde


paper focuses on the contextualization of bilateralism, a foreign policy
concept and practice, via the case of Armenia – Georgia relations in South
Caucasus. In the framework of the main argument that there exists a sui generis and limited bilateralism
between the two actors emanating from their bilateral, regional and global connections,
and that this shall remain; the paper first provides a description of the
emergence, evolution, certain examples and settings of bilateralism. Following a
summary of the two actors’ relations, why and how the bilateralism at hand has
come into existence is explored on the basis of economic and trade relations, transportation
routes, separatism issues, minority factor, and the impact of Russia. In the
final analysis, the paper provides some asssessments and prospects with regard
to the current characteristics as well as the future of the bilateralism concerned.


  • “Armenia Abstains from Voting against Georgian IDP Resolution at UN for First Time.” 6 Haziran 2019, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • “Armenia and Georgia: Resilient Relationship.” Heinrich Böll Stiftung – Tbilisi (2017), erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • “Armenia Must Respond Cautiously to Abkhazia, South Ossetia Independence, Says Rustamyan.” 27 Ağustos 2008, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • “Armenia Rules Out Abkhazia, South Ossetia Recognition.” 4 Eylül 2008, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • “Armenian-Georgian Multi-Track Diplomacy is a Must.” Heinrich Böll Stiftung – Tbilisi, 2017, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • Ashizawa, Kuniko. “Japan’s Approach toward Asian Regional Security: From ‘Hub-and-Spoke’ Bilateralism to ‘Multi-tiered’.” The Pacific Review 16, no. 3 (2003): 361-382.
  • “Azerbaijanis Demonstrate near Tbilisi Parliament in Protest of Bust of Armenian Combatant.” 9 Şubat 2019, erişim 29 Haziran 2019.
  • Bajpai, Kanti. “Narendra Modi’s Pakistan and China Policy: Assertive Bilateral Diplomacy, Active Coalition Diplomacy.” International Affairs 93, no. 1 (2017): 69-91.
  • Barnett, Michael. “Social Constructivism.” İçinde The Globalizations of World Politics – An Introduction to International Relations, derleyenler John Baylis ve Steve Smith, 251-270. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
  • Baumann, Rainer, Volker Rittberger ve Wolfgang Wagner. “Power and Power Politics: Neorealist Foreign Policy Theory and Expectations from German Foreign Policy since Unification.” Tübinger Arbeitspapiere zur Internationalen Politik und Friedensforschung, no. 30a (2000),
  • Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali. “Bilateralism: New Directions.” Pakistan Horizon 29, no. 4 (1976): 3-59.
  • Bolton, Charles D. “Behavior, Experience, and Relationships: A Symbolic Interactionist Point of View.” American Journal of Sociology 64, no. 1 (1958): 45-58.
  • Breslin, Shaun. China and the Global Political Economy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
  • Cha, Victor D. “The Dilemma of Regional Security in East Asia: Multilateralism versus Bilateralism.” İçinde Regional Conflict Management, derleyenler Paul F. Diehl ve Joseph Lepgold, 104-122. Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2003.
  • Faure, Samuel B. H. “Varieties of International Co-operation: France’s ‘Flexilateral’ Policy in the Context of Brexit.” French Politics 17, no. 4 (2019): 1-25.
  • Gasparyan, Norik. “Armenia-Georgia: Political Will and Deepening Economic Relations.” 5 Aralık 2018, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • Gelovani, Shota. “3 Reasons Why The Armenian Revolution Means Nothing for the Foreign Policy of the Country and 3 Reasons Why We Thought It Would.” 25 Mayıs 2018, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • “Georgia – Armenia Row Brewing Over Contacts With Separatists.” 5 Mayıs 2015, erişim 30 Haziran 2019.
  • “Georgia PM Uncovers Details of His Meeting with Pashinyan.” 18 Ocak 2019, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • “Georgian MP: Georgians in Azerbaijan Must Have the Same Rights as Azerbaijanis in Georgia.” 27 Şubat 2019, erişim 29 Haziran 2019.
  • “Georgian President Zurabishvili Discusses Development of Cooperation with Armenian Prime Minister.” 13 Mart 2019, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • “Georgia’s Armenian and Azeri Minorities.” International Crisis Group Report, no. 178 (2006).
  • Gills, Barry. “Economic Liberalization and Reform in South Korea in the 1990s: A ‘Coming of Age’or a Case of ‘Graduation Blues’?.” Third World Quarterly 17, no. 4 (1996): 667-688.
  • Giragosian, Richard. “War in Nagorno-Karabakh: What Would It Mean for Georgia?.” 30 Mart 2017, erişim 18 Haziran 2019, georgian-security/
  • Haggard, Stephan ve Yun-jen Cheng. “The New Bilateralism: The East Asian NICs in American Foreign Economic Policy.” İçinde Pacific Dynamics – The International Politics of Industrial Change, derleyenler Stephan Haggard ve Chung-in Moon, 305-329. Inchon: Center for International Studies, 1989.
  • Heimler, Alberto. “Competititon Policy as a Tool of EU Foreign Policy: Multilateralism, Bilateralism, and Soft Convergence.” İçinde Foreign Policy of the European Union: Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, derleyen Federiga Bindi, 82-98. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2010.
  • Hovhannisyan, Mikayel. “Role of the Civil Society in Ensuring Accountable Border and Customs Services in Armenia and Supporting SMEs in International Trade.” İçinde Addressing Security Risks at the Ukrainian Border Through Best Practices on Good Governance, derleyenler Rafal Kęsek, Maxim Boroda ve Ziemowit Jóźwik, 119-126. Amsterdam: IOS Press BV, 2016.
  • Hughes, Christopher W. ve Akiko Fukushima. “U.S.-Japan Security Relations: Toward Bilateralism Plus?.” İçinde Beyond Bilateralism: U.S. –Japan Relations in the New Asia-Pacific, derleyenler Ellis S. Krauss ve T. J. Pempel, 55-86. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004.
  • “In Nod to Georgia, Armenia Changes UN Vote.” 5 Haziran 2019, erişim 30 Haziran 2019.
  • Inoguchi, Takashi. “Japan: Bilateralism at Any Cost?.” İçinde The Uses of Institutions: The U.S., Japan, and Governance in East Asia, derleyenler G. John Ikenberry ve Takashi Inoguchi, 51-73. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
  • “Is Georgia Changing Its Position on the Karabakh Conflict?.” 18 Mart 2019, erişim 29 Haziran 2019.
  • Kenneth, Heydon ve Stephen Woolcock. The Rise of Bilateralism: Comparing American, European and Asian Approaches to Preferential Trade Agreements. Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2009.
  • Kiatpongsan, Chaiyakorn. The EU-Thailand Relations: Tracing Patterns of New Bilateralism. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2011.
  • Kovacs, Peter. “Relativities in Unilateralism and Bilateralism of the International Law of Antiquity.” Journal of the History of International Law 6, no. 2 (2004): 173-186.
  • Krotz, Ulrich ve Joachim Schild. Shaping Europe: France, Germany, and Embedded Bilateralism from the Elysée Treaty to Twenty-First Century Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • Kuchins, Andrew C., Jeffrey Mankoff ve Oliver Backes. Armenia in a Reconnecting Eurasia: Foreign Economic and Security Interests. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2016.
  • Layder, Derek. “Symbolic Interaction: A Social Structural Version by Sheldon Stryker.” The British Journal of Sociology 33, no. 3 (1982): 445-446.
  • Lohm, Hedvig. “Javakheti after the Rose Revolution: Progress and Regress in the Pursuit of National Unity in Georgia.” European Centre for Minority Issues (2007).
  • Markarov, Alexander, Narek S. Galstyan ve Grigor Hayrapetyan. “The Main Dimensions and Issues of Armenia’s Foreign Security Policy.” İçinde Values and Identity as Sources of Foreign Policy in Armenia and Georgia, derleyenler Kornely Kakachia ve Alexander Markarov, 107-145. Tbilisi: Publishing House Universal, 2016.
  • Markarov, Alexander. “Armenia’s Foreign Policy Priorities – Are There Any Major Changes Following the Spring 2018 Political Transformation?.” Caucasus Analytical Digest, no. 104 (2018): 3-7.
  • Mattelaer, Alexander. “The Resurgence of Bilateral Diplomacy in Europe.” Egmont Paper, no. 104 (Brussels: Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations, 2019): 1-17.
  • Meissner, Katharina Luise. “Resorting to Bilateralism: The EU, MERCOSUR, and the Strategic Partnership with Brazil.” Journal of European Integration 40, no. 1 (2018): 51-66.
  • Melikyan, Johnny. “Georgia Looks West, Armenia East.” 3 Eylül 2014, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • Menabde, Giorgi. “Abkhazia and South Ossetia ‘Block’ Transit Agreement Between Russia and Georgia.” 22 Şubat 2019, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • Mestres, Laia.“Bilateralism in the Spanish Presidencies of the Council of the European Union: Alliances for the Development of European Foreign Policy.” International Journal of Iberian Studies 28, no. 2-3 (2015): 177-189.
  • Minasyan, Sergey. “New Challenges and Oppurtunities For Armenia and Georgia in the Context of Regional Security.” Armenia and Georgia in the Context of Current Political Developments – New Challenges and Opportunities in the Realm of Regional Security, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (2015): 4-10.
  • Molchanov, Mikhail A. Eurasian Regionalisms and Russian Foreign Policy. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2015.
  • Morgenthau, Hans J. Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace. New York: Knopf, 1978.
  • Murray, Philomena. “Regionalism, Interregionalism, and Bilateralism: The EU and the Asia-Pacific.” İçinde Foreign Policy of the European Union: Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, derleyen Federiga Bindi, 253-262. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2010.
  • Nanwani, Suresh. “Belt and Road Initiative: Responses from Japan and India – Bilateralism, Multilateralism and Collaborations.” Global Policy 10, no. 2 (2019): 284-289.
  • “Nikol Pashinyan: There Are No Unsolvable Issues Between Georgia and Armenia.” 30 Mayıs 2018, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • Ohanyan, Anna. “Armenia’s Democratic Dreams.” 7 Kasım 2018, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • “Pashinyan Praises Armenia-Georgia Relations.” 10 Eylül 2018, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • Pataraia, Tamar. “In Search of the New Opportunities for Armenian – Georgian Cooperation within the Global Security Framework.” Armenia and Georgia in the Context of Current Political Developments – New Challenges and Opportunities in the Realm of Regional Security, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (2015): 23-32.
  • Pempel, T. J. “Challenges to Bilateralism: Changing Foes, Capital Flows, and Complex Forums.” İçinde Beyond Bilateralism: U.S.-Japan Relations in the New Asia Pacific, derleyenler Ellis Krauss ve T. J. Pempel, 1-36. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004.
  • Petros, Tiffany G. “Evolution of Armenia’s Foreign Policy.” Armenian International Policy Research, Working Paper no.03/13 (2003): 1-17.
  • Racine, Jean-Luc. “The Indo-French Strategic Dialogue: Bilateralism and World Perceptions.” Journal of Strategic Studies 25, no. 4 (2002): 157-191.
  • Renard, Thomas. “Partnerships for Effective Multilateralism? Assessing the Compatibility Between EU Bilateralism, (Inter-)regionalism and Multilateralism.” Cambridge Review of International Affairs 29, no. 1 (2016): 18-35.
  • Ruggie, John Gerald, der. Multilateralism Matters: New Directions in World Politics. New York: Columbia Press, 1993.
  • Ruggie, John Gerard. “Multilateralism: The Anatomy of an Institution.” International Organization 46, no. 3 (1992): 561-598.
  • Samuels, Richard J. “Bilateralism.” Encyclopaedia of United States National Security. Erişim 19 Haziran 2019.
  • Santander, Sebastian. “EU-LAC Relations: From Interregionalism to Selective Bilateralism?.” İçinde The European Union and the Rise of Regionalism: Source of Inspiration and Active Promoter, derleyenler Christian Franck, Jean-Christophe Defraigne ve Virginie de Monriamé, 263-272. Brussels: Bruylant, 2009.
  • Saradzhyan, Simon. “Why Hasn’t Putin Intervened in Armenia Yet?.” 25 Nisan 2018, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • Sedelmeier, Ulrich. “Collective Identity.” İçinde Contemporary European Foreign Policy, derleyenler Walter Carlsneas, Helene Sjursen ve Brian White, 123-140. London: SAGE Publications, 2004.
  • Singh, Swaran. “Paradigm Shift in India-China Relations: From Bilateralism to Multilateralism.” Journal of International Affairs 64, no. 2 (2011): 155-168.
  • Solingen, Etel. “Multilateralism, Regionalism, and Bilateralism: Conceptual Overview from International Relations Theory.” İçinde International Relations in Southeast Asia: Between Bilateralism and Multilateralism, derleyenler N. Ganesan ve Ramses Amer, 3-36. Singapore: ISEAS Publishing, 2010.
  • Stryker, Sheldon. Symbolic Interaction: A Social Structural Version. Menlo Park: Benjamin and Cummings, 1980.
  • Tago, Atsushi. “Multilateralism, Bilateralism, and Unilateralism in Foreign Policy.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 2017. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.449.
  • Thompson, Alexander ve Daniel Verdier. “Multilateralism, Bilateralism, and Regime Design.” International Studies Quarterly 58, no. 1 (2014): 15-28.
  • Tow, William T. ve Brendan Taylor, der. Bilateralism, Multilateralism and Asia – Pacific Security: Contending Cooperation. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge, 2013.
  • “What Happens Next in Armenia?.” 11 Aralık 2018, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • World Bank, erişim 27 Haziran 2019.
  • World Trade Organization, Regional Trade Agreements Database, erişim 27 Haziran 2019.
  • Wright, Thomas. “Bilateral and Multilateral Diplomacy in Normal Times and in Crises.” İçinde Diplomacy in a Globalizing World: Theories and Practices, derleyenler Pauline Kerr ve Geoffrey Wiseman, 175-191. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
  • Zhang, Muhui. “Proceeding Hardship: The Trilateralism-Bilateralism Nexus and the Institutional Evolution of China-Japan-South Korea Trilateralism.” The Pacific Review 31, no. 1 (2018): 57-75.
  • Zurabashvili, Tornike. “Georgia: Fearing the Worst from the Karabakh Flare-up.” 12 Nisan 2016, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
Year 2019, , 83 - 11, 29.08.2019



  • “Armenia Abstains from Voting against Georgian IDP Resolution at UN for First Time.” 6 Haziran 2019, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • “Armenia and Georgia: Resilient Relationship.” Heinrich Böll Stiftung – Tbilisi (2017), erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • “Armenia Must Respond Cautiously to Abkhazia, South Ossetia Independence, Says Rustamyan.” 27 Ağustos 2008, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • “Armenia Rules Out Abkhazia, South Ossetia Recognition.” 4 Eylül 2008, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • “Armenian-Georgian Multi-Track Diplomacy is a Must.” Heinrich Böll Stiftung – Tbilisi, 2017, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • Ashizawa, Kuniko. “Japan’s Approach toward Asian Regional Security: From ‘Hub-and-Spoke’ Bilateralism to ‘Multi-tiered’.” The Pacific Review 16, no. 3 (2003): 361-382.
  • “Azerbaijanis Demonstrate near Tbilisi Parliament in Protest of Bust of Armenian Combatant.” 9 Şubat 2019, erişim 29 Haziran 2019.
  • Bajpai, Kanti. “Narendra Modi’s Pakistan and China Policy: Assertive Bilateral Diplomacy, Active Coalition Diplomacy.” International Affairs 93, no. 1 (2017): 69-91.
  • Barnett, Michael. “Social Constructivism.” İçinde The Globalizations of World Politics – An Introduction to International Relations, derleyenler John Baylis ve Steve Smith, 251-270. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
  • Baumann, Rainer, Volker Rittberger ve Wolfgang Wagner. “Power and Power Politics: Neorealist Foreign Policy Theory and Expectations from German Foreign Policy since Unification.” Tübinger Arbeitspapiere zur Internationalen Politik und Friedensforschung, no. 30a (2000),
  • Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali. “Bilateralism: New Directions.” Pakistan Horizon 29, no. 4 (1976): 3-59.
  • Bolton, Charles D. “Behavior, Experience, and Relationships: A Symbolic Interactionist Point of View.” American Journal of Sociology 64, no. 1 (1958): 45-58.
  • Breslin, Shaun. China and the Global Political Economy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
  • Cha, Victor D. “The Dilemma of Regional Security in East Asia: Multilateralism versus Bilateralism.” İçinde Regional Conflict Management, derleyenler Paul F. Diehl ve Joseph Lepgold, 104-122. Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2003.
  • Faure, Samuel B. H. “Varieties of International Co-operation: France’s ‘Flexilateral’ Policy in the Context of Brexit.” French Politics 17, no. 4 (2019): 1-25.
  • Gasparyan, Norik. “Armenia-Georgia: Political Will and Deepening Economic Relations.” 5 Aralık 2018, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • Gelovani, Shota. “3 Reasons Why The Armenian Revolution Means Nothing for the Foreign Policy of the Country and 3 Reasons Why We Thought It Would.” 25 Mayıs 2018, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • “Georgia – Armenia Row Brewing Over Contacts With Separatists.” 5 Mayıs 2015, erişim 30 Haziran 2019.
  • “Georgia PM Uncovers Details of His Meeting with Pashinyan.” 18 Ocak 2019, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • “Georgian MP: Georgians in Azerbaijan Must Have the Same Rights as Azerbaijanis in Georgia.” 27 Şubat 2019, erişim 29 Haziran 2019.
  • “Georgian President Zurabishvili Discusses Development of Cooperation with Armenian Prime Minister.” 13 Mart 2019, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • “Georgia’s Armenian and Azeri Minorities.” International Crisis Group Report, no. 178 (2006).
  • Gills, Barry. “Economic Liberalization and Reform in South Korea in the 1990s: A ‘Coming of Age’or a Case of ‘Graduation Blues’?.” Third World Quarterly 17, no. 4 (1996): 667-688.
  • Giragosian, Richard. “War in Nagorno-Karabakh: What Would It Mean for Georgia?.” 30 Mart 2017, erişim 18 Haziran 2019, georgian-security/
  • Haggard, Stephan ve Yun-jen Cheng. “The New Bilateralism: The East Asian NICs in American Foreign Economic Policy.” İçinde Pacific Dynamics – The International Politics of Industrial Change, derleyenler Stephan Haggard ve Chung-in Moon, 305-329. Inchon: Center for International Studies, 1989.
  • Heimler, Alberto. “Competititon Policy as a Tool of EU Foreign Policy: Multilateralism, Bilateralism, and Soft Convergence.” İçinde Foreign Policy of the European Union: Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, derleyen Federiga Bindi, 82-98. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2010.
  • Hovhannisyan, Mikayel. “Role of the Civil Society in Ensuring Accountable Border and Customs Services in Armenia and Supporting SMEs in International Trade.” İçinde Addressing Security Risks at the Ukrainian Border Through Best Practices on Good Governance, derleyenler Rafal Kęsek, Maxim Boroda ve Ziemowit Jóźwik, 119-126. Amsterdam: IOS Press BV, 2016.
  • Hughes, Christopher W. ve Akiko Fukushima. “U.S.-Japan Security Relations: Toward Bilateralism Plus?.” İçinde Beyond Bilateralism: U.S. –Japan Relations in the New Asia-Pacific, derleyenler Ellis S. Krauss ve T. J. Pempel, 55-86. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004.
  • “In Nod to Georgia, Armenia Changes UN Vote.” 5 Haziran 2019, erişim 30 Haziran 2019.
  • Inoguchi, Takashi. “Japan: Bilateralism at Any Cost?.” İçinde The Uses of Institutions: The U.S., Japan, and Governance in East Asia, derleyenler G. John Ikenberry ve Takashi Inoguchi, 51-73. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
  • “Is Georgia Changing Its Position on the Karabakh Conflict?.” 18 Mart 2019, erişim 29 Haziran 2019.
  • Kenneth, Heydon ve Stephen Woolcock. The Rise of Bilateralism: Comparing American, European and Asian Approaches to Preferential Trade Agreements. Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2009.
  • Kiatpongsan, Chaiyakorn. The EU-Thailand Relations: Tracing Patterns of New Bilateralism. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2011.
  • Kovacs, Peter. “Relativities in Unilateralism and Bilateralism of the International Law of Antiquity.” Journal of the History of International Law 6, no. 2 (2004): 173-186.
  • Krotz, Ulrich ve Joachim Schild. Shaping Europe: France, Germany, and Embedded Bilateralism from the Elysée Treaty to Twenty-First Century Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • Kuchins, Andrew C., Jeffrey Mankoff ve Oliver Backes. Armenia in a Reconnecting Eurasia: Foreign Economic and Security Interests. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2016.
  • Layder, Derek. “Symbolic Interaction: A Social Structural Version by Sheldon Stryker.” The British Journal of Sociology 33, no. 3 (1982): 445-446.
  • Lohm, Hedvig. “Javakheti after the Rose Revolution: Progress and Regress in the Pursuit of National Unity in Georgia.” European Centre for Minority Issues (2007).
  • Markarov, Alexander, Narek S. Galstyan ve Grigor Hayrapetyan. “The Main Dimensions and Issues of Armenia’s Foreign Security Policy.” İçinde Values and Identity as Sources of Foreign Policy in Armenia and Georgia, derleyenler Kornely Kakachia ve Alexander Markarov, 107-145. Tbilisi: Publishing House Universal, 2016.
  • Markarov, Alexander. “Armenia’s Foreign Policy Priorities – Are There Any Major Changes Following the Spring 2018 Political Transformation?.” Caucasus Analytical Digest, no. 104 (2018): 3-7.
  • Mattelaer, Alexander. “The Resurgence of Bilateral Diplomacy in Europe.” Egmont Paper, no. 104 (Brussels: Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations, 2019): 1-17.
  • Meissner, Katharina Luise. “Resorting to Bilateralism: The EU, MERCOSUR, and the Strategic Partnership with Brazil.” Journal of European Integration 40, no. 1 (2018): 51-66.
  • Melikyan, Johnny. “Georgia Looks West, Armenia East.” 3 Eylül 2014, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • Menabde, Giorgi. “Abkhazia and South Ossetia ‘Block’ Transit Agreement Between Russia and Georgia.” 22 Şubat 2019, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • Mestres, Laia.“Bilateralism in the Spanish Presidencies of the Council of the European Union: Alliances for the Development of European Foreign Policy.” International Journal of Iberian Studies 28, no. 2-3 (2015): 177-189.
  • Minasyan, Sergey. “New Challenges and Oppurtunities For Armenia and Georgia in the Context of Regional Security.” Armenia and Georgia in the Context of Current Political Developments – New Challenges and Opportunities in the Realm of Regional Security, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (2015): 4-10.
  • Molchanov, Mikhail A. Eurasian Regionalisms and Russian Foreign Policy. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2015.
  • Morgenthau, Hans J. Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace. New York: Knopf, 1978.
  • Murray, Philomena. “Regionalism, Interregionalism, and Bilateralism: The EU and the Asia-Pacific.” İçinde Foreign Policy of the European Union: Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, derleyen Federiga Bindi, 253-262. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2010.
  • Nanwani, Suresh. “Belt and Road Initiative: Responses from Japan and India – Bilateralism, Multilateralism and Collaborations.” Global Policy 10, no. 2 (2019): 284-289.
  • “Nikol Pashinyan: There Are No Unsolvable Issues Between Georgia and Armenia.” 30 Mayıs 2018, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • Ohanyan, Anna. “Armenia’s Democratic Dreams.” 7 Kasım 2018, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • “Pashinyan Praises Armenia-Georgia Relations.” 10 Eylül 2018, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • Pataraia, Tamar. “In Search of the New Opportunities for Armenian – Georgian Cooperation within the Global Security Framework.” Armenia and Georgia in the Context of Current Political Developments – New Challenges and Opportunities in the Realm of Regional Security, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (2015): 23-32.
  • Pempel, T. J. “Challenges to Bilateralism: Changing Foes, Capital Flows, and Complex Forums.” İçinde Beyond Bilateralism: U.S.-Japan Relations in the New Asia Pacific, derleyenler Ellis Krauss ve T. J. Pempel, 1-36. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004.
  • Petros, Tiffany G. “Evolution of Armenia’s Foreign Policy.” Armenian International Policy Research, Working Paper no.03/13 (2003): 1-17.
  • Racine, Jean-Luc. “The Indo-French Strategic Dialogue: Bilateralism and World Perceptions.” Journal of Strategic Studies 25, no. 4 (2002): 157-191.
  • Renard, Thomas. “Partnerships for Effective Multilateralism? Assessing the Compatibility Between EU Bilateralism, (Inter-)regionalism and Multilateralism.” Cambridge Review of International Affairs 29, no. 1 (2016): 18-35.
  • Ruggie, John Gerald, der. Multilateralism Matters: New Directions in World Politics. New York: Columbia Press, 1993.
  • Ruggie, John Gerard. “Multilateralism: The Anatomy of an Institution.” International Organization 46, no. 3 (1992): 561-598.
  • Samuels, Richard J. “Bilateralism.” Encyclopaedia of United States National Security. Erişim 19 Haziran 2019.
  • Santander, Sebastian. “EU-LAC Relations: From Interregionalism to Selective Bilateralism?.” İçinde The European Union and the Rise of Regionalism: Source of Inspiration and Active Promoter, derleyenler Christian Franck, Jean-Christophe Defraigne ve Virginie de Monriamé, 263-272. Brussels: Bruylant, 2009.
  • Saradzhyan, Simon. “Why Hasn’t Putin Intervened in Armenia Yet?.” 25 Nisan 2018, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • Sedelmeier, Ulrich. “Collective Identity.” İçinde Contemporary European Foreign Policy, derleyenler Walter Carlsneas, Helene Sjursen ve Brian White, 123-140. London: SAGE Publications, 2004.
  • Singh, Swaran. “Paradigm Shift in India-China Relations: From Bilateralism to Multilateralism.” Journal of International Affairs 64, no. 2 (2011): 155-168.
  • Solingen, Etel. “Multilateralism, Regionalism, and Bilateralism: Conceptual Overview from International Relations Theory.” İçinde International Relations in Southeast Asia: Between Bilateralism and Multilateralism, derleyenler N. Ganesan ve Ramses Amer, 3-36. Singapore: ISEAS Publishing, 2010.
  • Stryker, Sheldon. Symbolic Interaction: A Social Structural Version. Menlo Park: Benjamin and Cummings, 1980.
  • Tago, Atsushi. “Multilateralism, Bilateralism, and Unilateralism in Foreign Policy.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 2017. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.449.
  • Thompson, Alexander ve Daniel Verdier. “Multilateralism, Bilateralism, and Regime Design.” International Studies Quarterly 58, no. 1 (2014): 15-28.
  • Tow, William T. ve Brendan Taylor, der. Bilateralism, Multilateralism and Asia – Pacific Security: Contending Cooperation. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge, 2013.
  • “What Happens Next in Armenia?.” 11 Aralık 2018, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
  • World Bank, erişim 27 Haziran 2019.
  • World Trade Organization, Regional Trade Agreements Database, erişim 27 Haziran 2019.
  • Wright, Thomas. “Bilateral and Multilateral Diplomacy in Normal Times and in Crises.” İçinde Diplomacy in a Globalizing World: Theories and Practices, derleyenler Pauline Kerr ve Geoffrey Wiseman, 175-191. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
  • Zhang, Muhui. “Proceeding Hardship: The Trilateralism-Bilateralism Nexus and the Institutional Evolution of China-Japan-South Korea Trilateralism.” The Pacific Review 31, no. 1 (2018): 57-75.
  • Zurabashvili, Tornike. “Georgia: Fearing the Worst from the Karabakh Flare-up.” 12 Nisan 2016, erişim 18 Haziran 2019.
There are 76 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Research Article

F. Didem Ekinci 0000-0002-2882-7582

Publication Date August 29, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019
