Research Article
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Year 2012, Issue: 40, 95 - 132, 01.02.2012


Doğu Perinçek’in 1915 yılında Ermenilere soykırımı suçu işlendiğisavının gerçek dışı (yalan) olduğunu İsviçre’de açıklaması nedeniyle, İsviçreCeza Yasasının (İCY) 261.4 (mükerrer) maddesine göre, ırk ayrımcılığısuçunu işlemekten mahkûm edilmiştir. Doğu Perinçek, İsviçre’de kesinleşmişolan bu mahkûmiyetin Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi’nin (AİHS) ifadeözgürlüğüne ilişkin 10. maddesini ihlal ettiğini ileri sürerek Avrupa İnsanHakları Mahkemesi (AİHM) nezdinde dava açmıştır. Söz konusu dava, İsviçreve diğer benzer ülke kanunlarındaki çelişkileri ve hukuksuzluğu ortayakoyacak, Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi’nin ortaya koyduğu ifadeözgürlüğünün kapsamı ve tanımını teyit edecektir. Bu makalede ifadeözgürlüğünün tanımı ve İsviçre kanunlarının Avrupa İnsan HaklarıSözleşmesi’ne aykırılığı ele alınmaktadır


  • “Lois mémorielles: Le Rapport Accoyer et la position de Robert Badinter” 27 Ekim 2010 Son Erişim: 30 Ocak 2011
  • BRİSTOL, Admiral Mark Lambert Letter dated March 28 /tarihli mektup 1921 to Dr. James L. Barton ( Bristol Papers, Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress)
  • AYA, Şükrü Server (2008) The Genocide of Truth, Istanbul Commerce University Publications
  • BRYSON, Thomas (1968) “Mark Lambert Wilson, U.S. Navy, Admiral Diplomat: His Influence on the Armenian Mandate Question” The Armenian Review, Vol 21
  • Dashnakiz Materialov Departmania Politsii, ( Les Dashnacks dans les Documents du Département de la Police): Kaynak Yayınları, Istanbul 2007
  • EHRHOLD, Kaete (1937) Flucht in die Heimat. Aus dem Kriegserleben deutscher Missionsschwester in des asiatischen Türkei, Dresden
  • GUNTHER, Michael (1986) Pursuing the Just Cause of Their People Greenwood Press, New York
  • LOWRY, Heath (1995)“The U.S. Congress and Adolf Hitler on the Armenians” Vol.3.No.2 Political Communication and Persuasion
  • İNSEL, Ahmet (2006) “ Bellek çalışması, bellek yasalarına dönüştüğünde, bellek artık çalışmaz, donar. Mutlakın ve dogmanın esiri olur” Radikal İki, 15 Ekim 2006 Sayı 523
  • KARİBİ (2007) Le livre Rouge de la Géorgie . Réponse aux allegations Arméniens Kaynak Yayınları, Istanbul
  • KARİNİAN, A.B. (2006) Ermeni Milliyetçi Akımları (Les mouvements nationalistes Arméniens) Kaynak Yayınları, Istanbul
  • KATCHAZNOUNI, Hovhannes (2005) Le Parti Dachnak n’a plus rien a faire. Rapport a la Conférence du Parti en 1923 Kaynak Yayınları, Istanbul
  • LALAİAN A.A. (2006) “Le rôle contre révolutionnaire du parti Dachnak 1914- 1923” Traduction en turc. Kaynak Yayınları, İstanbul
  • MALEVİLLE, Georges de (1988) La tragédie Arménienne de 1915 Editions Lanore, Paris
  • MC CARTHY, Justin (1983) Muslim and Minirities, The Population of Ottoman Anatolia and the End of the Empire New York, University Press, New York
  • MC CARTHY, Justin (1995)Death and Exile, The Ethnic Cleansing of Ottoman Muslims 1821-1922 Darwin Press, Princeyom, New Jersey
  • MOSER, Pierre A. (1989) Les Arméniens ou est la réalité? Librairie Ediitions Malier, Paris,
  • NOVO, John De (1963) American Interests and Policies in the Middle East 1900- 1939 Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
  • Osmanlı İmparatorluğundaki Ermeniler ve Türkiye Sempozyumu (Symposium on Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey) (1912-1926) Boğaziçi University Publications, Istanbul, 1984
  • PERİNÇEK, Mehmet (2006) La lutte arméno-turque selon B.A. Borian homme d’etat Arménien Kaynak Yayınları, İstanbul,
  • S.G. PİRUMİAN (2006) “ Les Dachnaks de la Diaspora” Traduction en turc, Kaynak Yayınları, İstanbul
  • SCHABAS, Wilhelm (2010) “ Commentary on Paul Boghossian – The concept of genocide” Journal of Genocide Reserch,12.1 Sh. 92.
  • SELVİ, Haluk (2007)Armenian Question- From the First World War to the Treaty of Lausanne, Sakarya University Turksih-Armenian Relationship Research Centre, Sakarya
  • SONYEL, Salahi (2001)“Turkey’s struggle for liberation and the Armenians” SAM Papers No.1/2001, Center for Strategic Resarch, Ankara, 2001.
  • SONYEL, Salahi (2001) “Turkey’s Struggle for Liberation and The Armenians” SAM Papers No1/2001, Ankara, Center for Strategic Research, Ankara
  • STRATENWERTH, Günter (2002) Schweiz, Strafrecht, Bes.Teil II,5.Aufl.2000 & 39 N.37
  • OREL, Şinasi and Süreyya YÜCE (1980)The Talat Pasha Telegrams: Historical Fact or Armenian Fiction K. Rüstem &Bro. London
  • The Armenian Rebellion of Van (2006) ed. Justin Mc.Carthy, Esat
  • Arslan,Cemalettin Taşkıran, ÖmerTuran, the University of Utah Press, 2006.
  • YERASİMOS, Stéphane (1989)“ Questions d’Orient” Revue: Herodote, 1989, Paris


Year 2012, Issue: 40, 95 - 132, 01.02.2012


Doğu Perinçek was convicted in accordance with the Article 261.4 ofSwedish Penal Code on grounds of racial discrimination, when he openlydeclared in Sweden that the contention that in 1915 Armenians were subjectedto genocide was a lie. He brought the case before the European Court of HumanRights claiming that the definite judgment by the Swedish court violated Article10 of the European Declaration of Human Rights on freedom of speech. Thecase will be a reconfirmation and reassertion of the definition and scope of theprinciple of freedom of speech as defined by the European Declaration ofHuman Rights. In this article, the scope and definition of the principle offreedom of speech as well as the incongruity of Swedish law with the EuropeanDeclaration of Human Rights will be evaluated.


  • “Lois mémorielles: Le Rapport Accoyer et la position de Robert Badinter” 27 Ekim 2010 Son Erişim: 30 Ocak 2011
  • BRİSTOL, Admiral Mark Lambert Letter dated March 28 /tarihli mektup 1921 to Dr. James L. Barton ( Bristol Papers, Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress)
  • AYA, Şükrü Server (2008) The Genocide of Truth, Istanbul Commerce University Publications
  • BRYSON, Thomas (1968) “Mark Lambert Wilson, U.S. Navy, Admiral Diplomat: His Influence on the Armenian Mandate Question” The Armenian Review, Vol 21
  • Dashnakiz Materialov Departmania Politsii, ( Les Dashnacks dans les Documents du Département de la Police): Kaynak Yayınları, Istanbul 2007
  • EHRHOLD, Kaete (1937) Flucht in die Heimat. Aus dem Kriegserleben deutscher Missionsschwester in des asiatischen Türkei, Dresden
  • GUNTHER, Michael (1986) Pursuing the Just Cause of Their People Greenwood Press, New York
  • LOWRY, Heath (1995)“The U.S. Congress and Adolf Hitler on the Armenians” Vol.3.No.2 Political Communication and Persuasion
  • İNSEL, Ahmet (2006) “ Bellek çalışması, bellek yasalarına dönüştüğünde, bellek artık çalışmaz, donar. Mutlakın ve dogmanın esiri olur” Radikal İki, 15 Ekim 2006 Sayı 523
  • KARİBİ (2007) Le livre Rouge de la Géorgie . Réponse aux allegations Arméniens Kaynak Yayınları, Istanbul
  • KARİNİAN, A.B. (2006) Ermeni Milliyetçi Akımları (Les mouvements nationalistes Arméniens) Kaynak Yayınları, Istanbul
  • KATCHAZNOUNI, Hovhannes (2005) Le Parti Dachnak n’a plus rien a faire. Rapport a la Conférence du Parti en 1923 Kaynak Yayınları, Istanbul
  • LALAİAN A.A. (2006) “Le rôle contre révolutionnaire du parti Dachnak 1914- 1923” Traduction en turc. Kaynak Yayınları, İstanbul
  • MALEVİLLE, Georges de (1988) La tragédie Arménienne de 1915 Editions Lanore, Paris
  • MC CARTHY, Justin (1983) Muslim and Minirities, The Population of Ottoman Anatolia and the End of the Empire New York, University Press, New York
  • MC CARTHY, Justin (1995)Death and Exile, The Ethnic Cleansing of Ottoman Muslims 1821-1922 Darwin Press, Princeyom, New Jersey
  • MOSER, Pierre A. (1989) Les Arméniens ou est la réalité? Librairie Ediitions Malier, Paris,
  • NOVO, John De (1963) American Interests and Policies in the Middle East 1900- 1939 Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
  • Osmanlı İmparatorluğundaki Ermeniler ve Türkiye Sempozyumu (Symposium on Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey) (1912-1926) Boğaziçi University Publications, Istanbul, 1984
  • PERİNÇEK, Mehmet (2006) La lutte arméno-turque selon B.A. Borian homme d’etat Arménien Kaynak Yayınları, İstanbul,
  • S.G. PİRUMİAN (2006) “ Les Dachnaks de la Diaspora” Traduction en turc, Kaynak Yayınları, İstanbul
  • SCHABAS, Wilhelm (2010) “ Commentary on Paul Boghossian – The concept of genocide” Journal of Genocide Reserch,12.1 Sh. 92.
  • SELVİ, Haluk (2007)Armenian Question- From the First World War to the Treaty of Lausanne, Sakarya University Turksih-Armenian Relationship Research Centre, Sakarya
  • SONYEL, Salahi (2001)“Turkey’s struggle for liberation and the Armenians” SAM Papers No.1/2001, Center for Strategic Resarch, Ankara, 2001.
  • SONYEL, Salahi (2001) “Turkey’s Struggle for Liberation and The Armenians” SAM Papers No1/2001, Ankara, Center for Strategic Research, Ankara
  • STRATENWERTH, Günter (2002) Schweiz, Strafrecht, Bes.Teil II,5.Aufl.2000 & 39 N.37
  • OREL, Şinasi and Süreyya YÜCE (1980)The Talat Pasha Telegrams: Historical Fact or Armenian Fiction K. Rüstem &Bro. London
  • The Armenian Rebellion of Van (2006) ed. Justin Mc.Carthy, Esat
  • Arslan,Cemalettin Taşkıran, ÖmerTuran, the University of Utah Press, 2006.
  • YERASİMOS, Stéphane (1989)“ Questions d’Orient” Revue: Herodote, 1989, Paris
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Other ID JA52BS67UM
Journal Section Research Article

Pulat Tacar This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Issue: 40


Chicago Tacar, Pulat. “BİR ADİL BELLEK SORUNU YA DA İFADE ÖZGÜRLÜĞÜNÜN SINIRLARI HAKKINDA BİR AİHM DAVASI”. Ermeni Araştırmaları, no. 40 (February 2012): 95-132.