Çalışmanın konusu Türk Ceza Hukukundaki seçenek yaptırımlar
ile İslâm hukukunda mevcut olan ta῾zir cezalarının karşılaştırılması-
dır. Hukuk tarihine baktığımızda cezalar infaz edilirken ödetme, kefa-
ret, caydırma, önleme, topluma kazandırma vb. hedefler gözetilmiştir.
Bu makalenin amacı yapı ve kaynak bakımından her nekadar birbirle-
rinden farklı olsalar da cezanın infazında fert ve toplum için gözettik-
leri bazı maslahatlar açısından bu iki hukukun benzeyen ve ayrılan
noktalarını ortaya koymaktır. Sonuç olarak seçenek yaptırımlar ile
İslâm ceza hukukundaki cezalarda evrensel ve tarihsel değerler açı-sından gözetilen insanın sosyalleşmesi ve topluma kazandırılması
hedefinin benzeştiği görülmektedir. Bu da iki hukukun da sosyolojik
olarak cezanın infazında insanı öncelediğini göstermekte ve cezanın
infazında hedefledikleri hususların kıyaslanmasını önemli kılmakta-
dır. Bu hedefler cezanın infazıyla birlikte kamu vicdanının rahatlatıl-
ması, toplumsal güvenin sağlanması, kişinin terbiye edilerek topluma
kazandırılması ve sosyalleşmesidir. Bu hususlar Türk ceza hukukunda
diğer cezaların infazında da var olmakla birlikte baskın olarak seçe-
nek yaptırımlarda bulunmaktadır. İslâm ceza hukukunda ise bu alan
ta῾zir cezası adı altında oldukça geniş bırakılmıştır. Konu ele alınırken
her iki hukuk sistemindeki suç ve ceza kavramları da değerlendiril-
miştir. Bu çalışmada konu nitel yöntemin metin analizi, karşılaştırma
ve tarihi, güncel doküman yöntemi esas alınarak irdelenmiştir.
The subject of the article is the comparison of the alternative sanc
tions in Turkish Criminal Law and the ta῾zir penalty in Islamic law.
While discussing the subject, the concepts of crime and punishment in
both legal systems were also evaluated in relation to the subject. Positi
ve Turkish Law protects rights in society and imposes certain respon
sibilities on individuals, with a distinction between criminal law, civil
law and law of obligations. Achieving social justice and ensuring the
security of life and property is only possible with the rules of law. In the
Turkish Penal Code, crimes are divided into two: reckless and intentio
nal crimes. Although the punishment for many of these crimes is clear,
the way in which some resulting penalties will be executed or deemed
to have been executed has been left to the conscientious opinion of the
judge by the legislator in case certain conditions are met. Although Is
lamic Law does not, in principle, base on a sharp distinction such as
criminal, debts and civil law, like Turkish law, it has a section called
criminal law/ukubat. In Islamic criminal law, punishments are divided
into three types: hadd, retaliation-diyyat and ta῾zīr. The limits, quality
and method of execution of hadd and retaliation punishments are de
termined by the texts. The legislature did not leave discretion to thejudge in the punishment of these crimes. However, in Islamic law, the
punishment of some crimes is left to the discretion of the judge. The
judge has the right to assess these penalties depending on the crime
and the criminal's situation. These penalties are called ta῾zir penalties.
Ta῾zīr punishments should be of a nature that prevents, modifies, de
ters and disciplines people from committing crimes. The purpose of
this article is to evaluate the similarity of the alternative sanctions in
the Turkish Penal Code with the Ta῾zîr penalty in Islamic law and to
reveal their similarities and points of difference in terms of some inte
rests they pursue for the individual and the society, even though the
two laws are different from each other in terms of structure and source.
This issue makes the study current and important. When we look at
legal systems, it is clear that legislators always consider the purpose,
interests and justice dimension of the provisions. The judge can use his
discretionary power in favor of the peace and security of the individual
and society, based on the corridor that the legislator has given him fre
edom. As a matter of fact, the phenomenon of alternative sanctions in
the Turkish Penal Code are criminal law sanctions other than impri
sonment that do not deprive the person of his freedom, such as emplo
ying him in a job that is beneficial to the public if it is voluntary, restric
ting the right to go to certain places, electronic monitoring, and fines.
This sanction is applied to convicts whose penalty amount is converted
into a prison sentence of one year or less by various means after the
sentence is determined, and to reckless crimes, excluding conscious
negligence, without any time limit. In this context, alternative sanctions
have been determined in a way that they are not as restrictive to free
dom as imprisonment and are an alternative to imprisonment. TCK Art.
Execution limits of 50 alternative sanctions have been drawn. In the
Turkish Penal Code No. 5237, alternative sanctions to short-term imp
risonment are judicial fines, working in an educational institution, ban
ning from performing certain activities, withdrawal of driver's license
and registration, and public benefits, depending on the personality of
the criminal, his social and economic situation, his remorse during the
trial process and the commission of the crime. It covers issues such as
employment in certain jobs. In Islamic criminal law, in addition to pe
nalties whose arbitrariness and implementation are clear, penalties
whose arbitrariness and implementation are left to the discretion of the
judge are also included in the agenda. The execution of these sentencesis carried out by the judge's jurisprudence. Especially in cases where
the criminal elements were not fully established or the detection was
not based on material evidence and was suspicious, it was generally
implemented in the form of exile or deprivation of certain rights. Here,
the defendant's remorse and previous good condition are also a deter
mining factor. In this case, although the crime is clear, the punishment
is not determined in advance and is left to the discretion of the judge.
The similarity to alternative sanctions in Turkish criminal law is that
the amount and quality of the punishment will be determined by the
judge. ..continued in the article
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Criminal Procedure |
Journal Section | Kamu Hukuku |
Authors | |
Publication Date | October 28, 2024 |
Submission Date | July 27, 2024 |
Acceptance Date | August 22, 2024 |
Published in Issue | Year 2024 |
Erciyes Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.