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Aıyar, S. ; "The Problem of Law's Authority: John Finnis and Joseph Raz on Legal Obligation", Law and Philosophy, No.19, 2000, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 465-489.
Aktaş, Sururi; "Modern Doğal Hukuk Bağlamında John Finnis'in Hukuk Teorisi" , AÜEHFD, c.vm, S.1-2, 2004, s.3-22.
Batnıtzky, Batnıtzky, Leora; "A Seamless Web? John Fınnis and Joseph Raz on Practical Reason and the Obligation to Obey the Law", Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Vol:15, No:2, 1995, s. 153-175.
Bıondo, Francesco; "Two Types of Liberal Perfectionism", Ratio Juris, Vol:18, No:4, December 2005, s. 519-535.
Finnis, John; "Natura! Law and Legal Reasoning", Natural Law Theory: Contemporary Essays, Edited by: Robert P. George, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1992, s.134-157.
Finnis, John; "On the Incoherence of Legal Positivism", The Notre Dame Law Review 75, No: 5, Ag 2000, s. 1597-1611.
Finnis, John; "Authority", Authority, Edited by: Joseph Raz, Blackwell Publishing,1990.
Finnis, John; Natural Law and Natural Rights, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1988.
Finnis, John; "The Authority of Law in the Predicament of Social Theory", Notre Dame J.L. Ethics & Public Policy, Vol:1, 1984-1985, s. 115-137.
Finnis, John; Natural Law and Natural Rights, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1988.
Finnis, John; "Foundations of Practical Reason Revisited ", Am. J. Juris, Vol:50, 2005, s.109- 131.
Hershovitz, Scott; "Legitimacy, Democracy and Razian Authority", Legal Theory, Vol: 9, 2003, s. 201-220.
Kenneth Einar, Himma,;"Just Cause You're Smarter than Me Doesn't Give You a Right to Teli Me What to Do: Legitimate Authority and the Normal Justification Thesis" Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, August 2006; Vol:27, s. 1-30.
La Torre, Massimo; "On Two Distinct and Opposing Versions of Natura Law: 'Exclusive' Versus 'Inclusive', Ratio Juris, Vol:19, No:2, June 2006, s. 197-216.
Olsen, Henrik P., Toddington, Stuart; "Legal Idealism and the Autonomy of Law, Ratio Juris, Vol:12, No:3, September 1999,s. 286-310.
Raz, Joseph; Ethics in Public Domain: Essays in the Morality of Law and Politics, Revised Edition, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1996.
Raz, Joseph; "Authority and Justification", Authority, Edited by:Joseph Raz, Oxford, Basil Blackwell Ltd, 1990, s. 115-141.
Raz, Joseph; "Incorporation by Law", Legal Theory, Nr:10, Yıl:2004, s.1-17.
Raz, Joseph; Value, Respect and Attachment, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Raz, Joseph; "Authority and Consent", Virginia Law Review, Vol:67, 1981, s.103-131.
Sadurskı, Wojcıech; "Law's Legitimacy and 'Democracy -Plus", Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 2006, Vol:26, No:2, s. 377 - 409.
Scavone, Robert M.; "Natura! Law, Obligation and the Common Good: What Finnis Can't Teli Us", Toronto Fac. L. Rev. Vol: 43, 1985, s. 90-115.
Hukuki Otorite Kavramının İki Yönü: Raz ve Finnis
Year 2007,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1-2, 43 - 60, 30.06.2007
Aıyar, S. ; "The Problem of Law's Authority: John Finnis and Joseph Raz on Legal Obligation", Law and Philosophy, No.19, 2000, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 465-489.
Aktaş, Sururi; "Modern Doğal Hukuk Bağlamında John Finnis'in Hukuk Teorisi" , AÜEHFD, c.vm, S.1-2, 2004, s.3-22.
Batnıtzky, Batnıtzky, Leora; "A Seamless Web? John Fınnis and Joseph Raz on Practical Reason and the Obligation to Obey the Law", Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Vol:15, No:2, 1995, s. 153-175.
Bıondo, Francesco; "Two Types of Liberal Perfectionism", Ratio Juris, Vol:18, No:4, December 2005, s. 519-535.
Finnis, John; "Natura! Law and Legal Reasoning", Natural Law Theory: Contemporary Essays, Edited by: Robert P. George, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1992, s.134-157.
Finnis, John; "On the Incoherence of Legal Positivism", The Notre Dame Law Review 75, No: 5, Ag 2000, s. 1597-1611.
Finnis, John; "Authority", Authority, Edited by: Joseph Raz, Blackwell Publishing,1990.
Finnis, John; Natural Law and Natural Rights, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1988.
Finnis, John; "The Authority of Law in the Predicament of Social Theory", Notre Dame J.L. Ethics & Public Policy, Vol:1, 1984-1985, s. 115-137.
Finnis, John; Natural Law and Natural Rights, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1988.
Finnis, John; "Foundations of Practical Reason Revisited ", Am. J. Juris, Vol:50, 2005, s.109- 131.
Hershovitz, Scott; "Legitimacy, Democracy and Razian Authority", Legal Theory, Vol: 9, 2003, s. 201-220.
Kenneth Einar, Himma,;"Just Cause You're Smarter than Me Doesn't Give You a Right to Teli Me What to Do: Legitimate Authority and the Normal Justification Thesis" Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, August 2006; Vol:27, s. 1-30.
La Torre, Massimo; "On Two Distinct and Opposing Versions of Natura Law: 'Exclusive' Versus 'Inclusive', Ratio Juris, Vol:19, No:2, June 2006, s. 197-216.
Olsen, Henrik P., Toddington, Stuart; "Legal Idealism and the Autonomy of Law, Ratio Juris, Vol:12, No:3, September 1999,s. 286-310.
Raz, Joseph; Ethics in Public Domain: Essays in the Morality of Law and Politics, Revised Edition, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1996.
Raz, Joseph; "Authority and Justification", Authority, Edited by:Joseph Raz, Oxford, Basil Blackwell Ltd, 1990, s. 115-141.
Raz, Joseph; "Incorporation by Law", Legal Theory, Nr:10, Yıl:2004, s.1-17.
Raz, Joseph; Value, Respect and Attachment, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Raz, Joseph; "Authority and Consent", Virginia Law Review, Vol:67, 1981, s.103-131.
Sadurskı, Wojcıech; "Law's Legitimacy and 'Democracy -Plus", Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 2006, Vol:26, No:2, s. 377 - 409.
Scavone, Robert M.; "Natura! Law, Obligation and the Common Good: What Finnis Can't Teli Us", Toronto Fac. L. Rev. Vol: 43, 1985, s. 90-115.