A Study of UK Nationalised Industries: Their Role in the Economy and Control in the Future, Appendix Volume, Her Majesty's Stationary Office, London 1976.
Beesley, Michael Edwin, Privatization: Reflections on UK Experience. in Beesley, Michael Edwin, (Ed.), Privatization, Regulation and Deregulation, Routledge, 2nd Edition, London 1997, pp. 43-57.
Bishop, Matthew - Kay, John, Does Privatization Work? Lessons from the UK, London Business School, London 1988.
Castles, Francis G, The Decision to Nationalize, in Nationalized lndustries, The Open University, Buckinghamshire 1972.
Chesshire, John, UK Electricity Supply under Public Ownership. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 14-39.
Chick, Martin, lndustrial Policy in Britain 1945-1951: Economic Planning, Nationalisation and the Labour Governments, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1998.
Clegg, Hugh Armstrong - Chester, Theodore Edward, The Future of Nationalization, Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1955.
Cm. 322, Privatising Electricity: The Government' s Proposals for the Privatisation of the Electricity Supply lndustry in England and Wales, February 1988.
Cmnd. 9672, Report of the Committee of lnquiry into the Electricity Supply lndustry- the Herbert Report, HMSO, January 1956.
Electricity Supply in Great Britain: A Chronology - From the Beginnings of the lndustry to 31 December 1972, Electricity Council, London 1973.
Gray, Philip - Helm, Dieter - Powell, Andrew, Competition Versus Regulation in British Electricity Generation. in MacKerron, Gordon - Pearson, Peter (Eds.), The UK Energy Experience: A Model or A Warning?, lmperial College Press, London 1996, pp. 201-220.
Hannah, Leslie, Electricity Before Nationalisation: A Study of the Development of the Electricity Supply lndustry in Britain to 1948, The Macmillan Press Ltd., London 1979.
Heald, David, The United Kingdom: Privatisation and lts Political Context. in Vickers, John - Wright, Vincent (Eds.), The Politics of Privatisation in Western Europe, Frank Cass, London 1989.
Jennings, David, Corporate Planning: Post-Privatization Change in a UK Electricity Utility, Utilities Policy, vol. 8, 1999, issue 4, pp. 223-232.
Johnson, Christopher, The Economics of Britain's Electricity Privatization. in Johnson, Christopher (Ed.), Privatization and Ownership (Lloyds Bank Annual Review), volume 1, Pinter Publishers, London and New York 1988, pp. 60-76.
Kavanagh, Dennis - Richards, David - Smith, Martin - Geddes, Andrew, British Politics, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006.
Kavanagh, Dennis, The Reordering of British Politics: Politics After Thatcher, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1997.
Kelf-Cohen, Reuben, British Nationalisation: 1945-1973, Macmillan, London 1973.
Lee, Geoff, Privatisation. in Jones, Bill (Ed.), Political lssues in Britain Today, Manchester University Press, Manchester 1999.
Littlechild, Stephen C, Office of Electricity Regulation: The New Regulatory Framework for Electricity. in Veljanovski, Cento (Ed.), Regulators and the Market: An Assessment of the Growth of Regulation in the UK, The lnstitute of Economic Affairs, London 1991, pp. 107-118.
Megginson, William L. - Netter, Jeffry M, History and Methods of Privatization. in Parker, David - Saal, David (Eds.), lnternational Handbook on Privatization, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,
Cheltenham 2003, pp. 25-40.
Megginson, William L. - Netter, Jeffry M, History and Methods of Privatization. in Parker, David - Saal, David (Eds.), lnternationalHandbook on Privatization, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited , Cheltenham 2003, pp. 25-40.
Newbery, David M. - Green, Richard, Regulation, Public Ownership and Privatisation of the English Electricity lndustry. in Gilbert, Richard J. - Kalın, Edward P. (Eds.), lnternational Comparisons of Electricity Regulation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1996, pp. 25-81.
Park, Patricia P, Energy Law and the Environment, Taylor & Francis, London and New York 2002.
Parker, Mike, General Conclusions and Lessons. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 295-304.
Prosser, Tony - Moran, Michael, Privatization and Regulatory Change: The Case of Great Britain. in Moran, Michael & Prosser, Tony (Eds.). Privatization and Regulatory Change in Europe, Open University Press, Buchingham and Philadelphia 1994, pp. 35-49.
Roberts, Jane - Elliot, David - Houghton, Trewor, Privatising Electricity: The Politics of Power, Belhaven Press, London and New York 1991.
Robson, William A, Nationalized lndustry and Public Ownership, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London 1962.
Saal, David, Restructuring, Regulation and the Liberalization of Privatized Utilities in the UK. in Parker, David - Saal, David (Eds.), lnternational Handbook on Privatization, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham 2003, pp. 560-582.
Steel, David R. - Heald, David A, Privatising Public Enterprise: An Analysis of the Government Case, The Political Quarterly, vol. 53, 1982, issue, 3, pp. 333-349.
Surrey, John, lntroduction. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 3-13.
Swann, Dennis, The Retreat of the State: Deregulation and Privatisation in the UK and US, Harvester, London 1988.
Taverne, Dick - Liddle, Roger, Preface. in Vickers, John - Yarrow, George (Eds.), Privatization and the Natural Monopolies, Public Policy Centre, London 1985, pp. vii-ix.
Thomas, David, The Union Response to Denationalization. in Steel, David - Heald, David (Eds.), Privatizing Public Enterprises, Royal lnstitute of Public Administration, London 1984, pp. 59-75.
Thomas, Steve, Strategic Government and Corporate lssues. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 255- 291.
Thomas, Steve, The Privatisation of the Electricity Supply lndustry. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 40-63.
Tivey, Leonard, Nationaliation in British lndustry, Jonathan Cape Ltd., London 1973.
Veljanovski, Cento, The Future of lndustry Regulation in the UK: A Report of an lndependent lnquiry, European Policy Forum for British and European Market Studies, London 1993.
Veljanovski, Cento, The Regulation Game. in Veljanovski, Cento (Ed.), Regulators and the Market: An Assesment of the Growth of Regulation in the UK, The lnstitute ofEconomic Affairs, London 1991, pp. 3-28.
Vickers, John - Yarrow, George, Privatisation: An Economic Analysis. MiT Press, London 1988.
Webb, Michael, Privatization of the Electricity and Gas lndustries. in Steel, David - Heald, David (Eds.), Privatizing Public Enterprises, Royal lnstitute of Public Administration, London 1984, pp. 87-100.
Yarrow, George, Privatization, Restructuring, and Regulatory Reform in Electricity Supply. in Bishop, Matthew - Kay, John - Mayer, Colin (Eds.), Privatization & Economic Performance, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1995, pp. 62-88.
Yarrow, George, Regulation and Competition in the Electricity Supply lndustry. in Kay, John - Mayer, Colin - Thompson, David (Eds.), Privatisation and Regulation: The UK Experience, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1989, pp. 189-209.
A Study of UK Nationalised Industries: Their Role in the Economy and Control in the Future, Appendix Volume, Her Majesty's Stationary Office, London 1976.
Beesley, Michael Edwin, Privatization: Reflections on UK Experience. in Beesley, Michael Edwin, (Ed.), Privatization, Regulation and Deregulation, Routledge, 2nd Edition, London 1997, pp. 43-57.
Bishop, Matthew - Kay, John, Does Privatization Work? Lessons from the UK, London Business School, London 1988.
Castles, Francis G, The Decision to Nationalize, in Nationalized lndustries, The Open University, Buckinghamshire 1972.
Chesshire, John, UK Electricity Supply under Public Ownership. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 14-39.
Chick, Martin, lndustrial Policy in Britain 1945-1951: Economic Planning, Nationalisation and the Labour Governments, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1998.
Clegg, Hugh Armstrong - Chester, Theodore Edward, The Future of Nationalization, Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1955.
Cm. 322, Privatising Electricity: The Government' s Proposals for the Privatisation of the Electricity Supply lndustry in England and Wales, February 1988.
Cmnd. 9672, Report of the Committee of lnquiry into the Electricity Supply lndustry- the Herbert Report, HMSO, January 1956.
Electricity Supply in Great Britain: A Chronology - From the Beginnings of the lndustry to 31 December 1972, Electricity Council, London 1973.
Gray, Philip - Helm, Dieter - Powell, Andrew, Competition Versus Regulation in British Electricity Generation. in MacKerron, Gordon - Pearson, Peter (Eds.), The UK Energy Experience: A Model or A Warning?, lmperial College Press, London 1996, pp. 201-220.
Hannah, Leslie, Electricity Before Nationalisation: A Study of the Development of the Electricity Supply lndustry in Britain to 1948, The Macmillan Press Ltd., London 1979.
Heald, David, The United Kingdom: Privatisation and lts Political Context. in Vickers, John - Wright, Vincent (Eds.), The Politics of Privatisation in Western Europe, Frank Cass, London 1989.
Jennings, David, Corporate Planning: Post-Privatization Change in a UK Electricity Utility, Utilities Policy, vol. 8, 1999, issue 4, pp. 223-232.
Johnson, Christopher, The Economics of Britain's Electricity Privatization. in Johnson, Christopher (Ed.), Privatization and Ownership (Lloyds Bank Annual Review), volume 1, Pinter Publishers, London and New York 1988, pp. 60-76.
Kavanagh, Dennis - Richards, David - Smith, Martin - Geddes, Andrew, British Politics, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006.
Kavanagh, Dennis, The Reordering of British Politics: Politics After Thatcher, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1997.
Kelf-Cohen, Reuben, British Nationalisation: 1945-1973, Macmillan, London 1973.
Lee, Geoff, Privatisation. in Jones, Bill (Ed.), Political lssues in Britain Today, Manchester University Press, Manchester 1999.
Littlechild, Stephen C, Office of Electricity Regulation: The New Regulatory Framework for Electricity. in Veljanovski, Cento (Ed.), Regulators and the Market: An Assessment of the Growth of Regulation in the UK, The lnstitute of Economic Affairs, London 1991, pp. 107-118.
Megginson, William L. - Netter, Jeffry M, History and Methods of Privatization. in Parker, David - Saal, David (Eds.), lnternational Handbook on Privatization, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,
Cheltenham 2003, pp. 25-40.
Megginson, William L. - Netter, Jeffry M, History and Methods of Privatization. in Parker, David - Saal, David (Eds.), lnternationalHandbook on Privatization, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited , Cheltenham 2003, pp. 25-40.
Newbery, David M. - Green, Richard, Regulation, Public Ownership and Privatisation of the English Electricity lndustry. in Gilbert, Richard J. - Kalın, Edward P. (Eds.), lnternational Comparisons of Electricity Regulation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1996, pp. 25-81.
Park, Patricia P, Energy Law and the Environment, Taylor & Francis, London and New York 2002.
Parker, Mike, General Conclusions and Lessons. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 295-304.
Prosser, Tony - Moran, Michael, Privatization and Regulatory Change: The Case of Great Britain. in Moran, Michael & Prosser, Tony (Eds.). Privatization and Regulatory Change in Europe, Open University Press, Buchingham and Philadelphia 1994, pp. 35-49.
Roberts, Jane - Elliot, David - Houghton, Trewor, Privatising Electricity: The Politics of Power, Belhaven Press, London and New York 1991.
Robson, William A, Nationalized lndustry and Public Ownership, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London 1962.
Saal, David, Restructuring, Regulation and the Liberalization of Privatized Utilities in the UK. in Parker, David - Saal, David (Eds.), lnternational Handbook on Privatization, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham 2003, pp. 560-582.
Steel, David R. - Heald, David A, Privatising Public Enterprise: An Analysis of the Government Case, The Political Quarterly, vol. 53, 1982, issue, 3, pp. 333-349.
Surrey, John, lntroduction. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 3-13.
Swann, Dennis, The Retreat of the State: Deregulation and Privatisation in the UK and US, Harvester, London 1988.
Taverne, Dick - Liddle, Roger, Preface. in Vickers, John - Yarrow, George (Eds.), Privatization and the Natural Monopolies, Public Policy Centre, London 1985, pp. vii-ix.
Thomas, David, The Union Response to Denationalization. in Steel, David - Heald, David (Eds.), Privatizing Public Enterprises, Royal lnstitute of Public Administration, London 1984, pp. 59-75.
Thomas, Steve, Strategic Government and Corporate lssues. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 255- 291.
Thomas, Steve, The Privatisation of the Electricity Supply lndustry. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 40-63.
Tivey, Leonard, Nationaliation in British lndustry, Jonathan Cape Ltd., London 1973.
Veljanovski, Cento, The Future of lndustry Regulation in the UK: A Report of an lndependent lnquiry, European Policy Forum for British and European Market Studies, London 1993.
Veljanovski, Cento, The Regulation Game. in Veljanovski, Cento (Ed.), Regulators and the Market: An Assesment of the Growth of Regulation in the UK, The lnstitute ofEconomic Affairs, London 1991, pp. 3-28.
Vickers, John - Yarrow, George, Privatisation: An Economic Analysis. MiT Press, London 1988.
Webb, Michael, Privatization of the Electricity and Gas lndustries. in Steel, David - Heald, David (Eds.), Privatizing Public Enterprises, Royal lnstitute of Public Administration, London 1984, pp. 87-100.
Yarrow, George, Privatization, Restructuring, and Regulatory Reform in Electricity Supply. in Bishop, Matthew - Kay, John - Mayer, Colin (Eds.), Privatization & Economic Performance, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1995, pp. 62-88.
Yarrow, George, Regulation and Competition in the Electricity Supply lndustry. in Kay, John - Mayer, Colin - Thompson, David (Eds.), Privatisation and Regulation: The UK Experience, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1989, pp. 189-209.
Kaya, Cemil. “THE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY INDUSTRY IN THE UK: THE WINDS OF CHANGE - FROM LIBERALIZATION TO REGULATION”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 4, no. 1 (June 2009): 3-20.