Research Article
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Year 2006, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 306 - 343, 15.05.2006


Bu makalenin yayınlanma tarihi itibariyle öz bölümü bulunmamaktır.


  • ARAT, TUĞRUL, Avrupa Toplulukları Adalet Divanı, ATAUM Yayınları, No: 3, Ankara, 1989.
  • BOZKURT, ENVER —- ÖZCAN, MEHMET - KÖKTAŞ, ARİF, Avrupa Birliği Hukuku, 2. Baskı, Asit Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, 2004.
  • CHALMERS, DAMIAN, European Union Law Volume 1, Biddles Lmt., Great Britain, 1998.
  • COUNCIL OF BARS AND LAW SOCIETIFS OF EUROPE, <hitp:/ nov, 2004/documents/colloguium. pd£>, Colloguium on the Judicial Archtitecture of #he European Union, 2004
  • COURT OF JUSTİCE,<hitp://>, Notes for the Guidance of Counsel, 2004.
  • CRAJG, PAUL - DE BURCA, GRAINNE, EU Law: Texts, Cases and Materials, 3. Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003.
  • CUTHBERT, MIKE, E.U. Law in a Nutshell, 3. Edition, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2000.
  • DEHOUSSE, RENAUD, The European Court of Justice, The Politics of Judicial Integration, St. Martin's Press, Newyork, 1998.
  • DINAN, DESMOND, Ever Closer Union: An Introduction to European Mmtegration, 2. Edition, Palgrave, Great Britain, 1999.
  • DOUGLAS - SCOTT, SIONAIDH, Constitutional Law of the European Union, Great Britain, 2002,
  • GÜNUĞUR, HALUK, Avrupa Topluluğu Hukuku, Eğitim Yayıncılık, Ankara, 1993.
  • HOUSE OF LORDS, <>, The Future Role of the European Court of Justice, London, 2004.
  • KENT, PENELOPE, Law of the European Union, 3. Edition., Malaysia, 2001.
  • MENGOZZI, PAOLO, European Community Law from the Treaty of Rome to the Ireaty of Amsterdam, 2. Edition, Kluwer Law International, USA, 1999,
  • NUGENT, NEILL, The Government and Politics of the European Union, 5. Edition, Duke University Press, Durham, 2003.
  • STEINER, JO —-— WOODS, LORNA — TWIGG — FLESNER, CHRISTIAN, Text Book on EC Law, 8. Edition, Oxford University Press, Great Britain, 2003.
  • TEKİNALP, ÜNAL — TEKİNALP, GÜLÖREN, Avrupa Birliği Hukuku, Beta, İstanbul, 2000.
  • ALBORS-LLORENS, ALBERTINA, “Changes in the Jurisdictilon of the European Court of Justice under the Treaty of Amsterdam”, Common Market Law Review, Cilt: 35, Sayı: 6, Aralık 1998, s. 1273—1294.
  • ARNULL, ANTHONY, <http:/, papers/2004/arnu Il.pdf>, “Is Europe to have a Constitutional Court”, King College London, 2004, s. 1—19.
  • ARSAVA, FÜSUN, “ Nice Antlaşmasının Getirdikleri”, Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 2, Bahar/2002, s. 1—30.
  • BROWN, NEVILLE, “The First Five Years of the Court of First Instance and the Appeals to the Court of Justice: Assessment and Statistics”, Common Market Law Review, Cilt: 32, Sayı: 3, Haziran 1995, s. 743—761.
  • EDWARD, DAVID, “How the Court of Justice Works”, European Law Review, Cilt: 20, Sayı: 6, Aralık 1995, s. 539-559.
  • HEFFERNAN, LIZ, “The Community Courts Post-Nice: A European Certiotari Revisited”, International and Comparative Law Ouarteryiy, Cilt: 52, Kasım 2003, s. 907-933.
  • JACOBS, FRANCIS, “Recent and Ongoing Measures to Improve the Effiency of the Court of Justice”, European Law Review, Cilt: 29, Sayı: 6, Aralık 2004, 823-830.
  • LAVRANOS, NIKOLAOS, “The New Specialized Courts within the European Judicial System”, European Law Review, Cilt 30, Sayı: 2, Nisan 2005, 261-272.
  • LENAERTS, KEON, <http:/ Jo20Paper/620290202005 20Lenaerts.pdf>,“The Future Organization of the European Courts”, European Legal Studies, 2/2005, 2005; s. 1-16.
  • MILLER, VAUGHNE, < 1/£p01-049.pd£>, “The Treaty of Nice and the Future of Europe Debate”, House of Commons, 01/49, 2001, s. 1—70.
  • SCOREY, DAVID, “A New Model fort he Communities' Judicial Architecture in the New Union”, European Law Review, Cilt: 21, Sayı: 3, Haziran 1996, s. 224-233.
  • TRIDIMAS, TAKIS, <http//, 04.pd£>, “The ECJ and the Draft Constitution: A Supreme Court for the Union?”, The Federal Trust, 05/04, Mayıs 2004, s. 1-12.
  • TRIDIMAS, TAKIS, “The Role of the Advocate General in the Development of i Community Law: Some Reflections”, Common Market Law Review, Cilt: 34, Sayı: 6, Aralık 1997, s. 1349-1387,
  • VAN GERVEN, WALTER, “The Role and Structure of the European Judiciary Now and in the Future”, European Law Review, Cilt: 21, Sayı: 3, Haziran 1996, s.211—224.
  • YATAGANAS, XENOPHON, “The Treaty of Nice: The Sharing of Power and the Institutional Balance in the European Union — A Continental Perspective”, European Law Journal, Cilt: 7, Sayı: 3, Eylül 2001, s. 242— 291.

An Analysis of The Reforms In The Judicial System OF The European Communities After The Nice Summit

Year 2006, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 306 - 343, 15.05.2006


As of the publication date, this article does not have an abstract section.


  • ARAT, TUĞRUL, Avrupa Toplulukları Adalet Divanı, ATAUM Yayınları, No: 3, Ankara, 1989.
  • BOZKURT, ENVER —- ÖZCAN, MEHMET - KÖKTAŞ, ARİF, Avrupa Birliği Hukuku, 2. Baskı, Asit Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, 2004.
  • CHALMERS, DAMIAN, European Union Law Volume 1, Biddles Lmt., Great Britain, 1998.
  • COUNCIL OF BARS AND LAW SOCIETIFS OF EUROPE, <hitp:/ nov, 2004/documents/colloguium. pd£>, Colloguium on the Judicial Archtitecture of #he European Union, 2004
  • COURT OF JUSTİCE,<hitp://>, Notes for the Guidance of Counsel, 2004.
  • CRAJG, PAUL - DE BURCA, GRAINNE, EU Law: Texts, Cases and Materials, 3. Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003.
  • CUTHBERT, MIKE, E.U. Law in a Nutshell, 3. Edition, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2000.
  • DEHOUSSE, RENAUD, The European Court of Justice, The Politics of Judicial Integration, St. Martin's Press, Newyork, 1998.
  • DINAN, DESMOND, Ever Closer Union: An Introduction to European Mmtegration, 2. Edition, Palgrave, Great Britain, 1999.
  • DOUGLAS - SCOTT, SIONAIDH, Constitutional Law of the European Union, Great Britain, 2002,
  • GÜNUĞUR, HALUK, Avrupa Topluluğu Hukuku, Eğitim Yayıncılık, Ankara, 1993.
  • HOUSE OF LORDS, <>, The Future Role of the European Court of Justice, London, 2004.
  • KENT, PENELOPE, Law of the European Union, 3. Edition., Malaysia, 2001.
  • MENGOZZI, PAOLO, European Community Law from the Treaty of Rome to the Ireaty of Amsterdam, 2. Edition, Kluwer Law International, USA, 1999,
  • NUGENT, NEILL, The Government and Politics of the European Union, 5. Edition, Duke University Press, Durham, 2003.
  • STEINER, JO —-— WOODS, LORNA — TWIGG — FLESNER, CHRISTIAN, Text Book on EC Law, 8. Edition, Oxford University Press, Great Britain, 2003.
  • TEKİNALP, ÜNAL — TEKİNALP, GÜLÖREN, Avrupa Birliği Hukuku, Beta, İstanbul, 2000.
  • ALBORS-LLORENS, ALBERTINA, “Changes in the Jurisdictilon of the European Court of Justice under the Treaty of Amsterdam”, Common Market Law Review, Cilt: 35, Sayı: 6, Aralık 1998, s. 1273—1294.
  • ARNULL, ANTHONY, <http:/, papers/2004/arnu Il.pdf>, “Is Europe to have a Constitutional Court”, King College London, 2004, s. 1—19.
  • ARSAVA, FÜSUN, “ Nice Antlaşmasının Getirdikleri”, Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 2, Bahar/2002, s. 1—30.
  • BROWN, NEVILLE, “The First Five Years of the Court of First Instance and the Appeals to the Court of Justice: Assessment and Statistics”, Common Market Law Review, Cilt: 32, Sayı: 3, Haziran 1995, s. 743—761.
  • EDWARD, DAVID, “How the Court of Justice Works”, European Law Review, Cilt: 20, Sayı: 6, Aralık 1995, s. 539-559.
  • HEFFERNAN, LIZ, “The Community Courts Post-Nice: A European Certiotari Revisited”, International and Comparative Law Ouarteryiy, Cilt: 52, Kasım 2003, s. 907-933.
  • JACOBS, FRANCIS, “Recent and Ongoing Measures to Improve the Effiency of the Court of Justice”, European Law Review, Cilt: 29, Sayı: 6, Aralık 2004, 823-830.
  • LAVRANOS, NIKOLAOS, “The New Specialized Courts within the European Judicial System”, European Law Review, Cilt 30, Sayı: 2, Nisan 2005, 261-272.
  • LENAERTS, KEON, <http:/ Jo20Paper/620290202005 20Lenaerts.pdf>,“The Future Organization of the European Courts”, European Legal Studies, 2/2005, 2005; s. 1-16.
  • MILLER, VAUGHNE, < 1/£p01-049.pd£>, “The Treaty of Nice and the Future of Europe Debate”, House of Commons, 01/49, 2001, s. 1—70.
  • SCOREY, DAVID, “A New Model fort he Communities' Judicial Architecture in the New Union”, European Law Review, Cilt: 21, Sayı: 3, Haziran 1996, s. 224-233.
  • TRIDIMAS, TAKIS, <http//, 04.pd£>, “The ECJ and the Draft Constitution: A Supreme Court for the Union?”, The Federal Trust, 05/04, Mayıs 2004, s. 1-12.
  • TRIDIMAS, TAKIS, “The Role of the Advocate General in the Development of i Community Law: Some Reflections”, Common Market Law Review, Cilt: 34, Sayı: 6, Aralık 1997, s. 1349-1387,
  • VAN GERVEN, WALTER, “The Role and Structure of the European Judiciary Now and in the Future”, European Law Review, Cilt: 21, Sayı: 3, Haziran 1996, s.211—224.
  • YATAGANAS, XENOPHON, “The Treaty of Nice: The Sharing of Power and the Institutional Balance in the European Union — A Continental Perspective”, European Law Journal, Cilt: 7, Sayı: 3, Eylül 2001, s. 242— 291.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Law in Context (Other)
Journal Section Özel Hukuk

İlke Göçmen This is me

Publication Date May 15, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


Chicago Göçmen, İlke. “NİCE ZİRVESİ SONRASINDA AVRUPA TOPLULUKLARI YARGI SİSTEMİNDE MEYDANA GELEN DEĞİŞİKLİKLERE BİR BAKIŞ”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 1, no. 1 (May 2006): 306-43. University Journal of Law Faculty by Erciyes University Law Faculty is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0