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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 1 - 18, 29.12.2021


The rise of China has shaken the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region, leading to the emergence of new alternative approaches to the ‘unipolar’ international system in which the United States (US) is the hegemonic power. The theory of ‘multipolar’ systems has been one of these alternative approaches. China's economic success has resulted in wide acknowledgement of China positiononig itself to succeed the US as a global hegemon, putting the US- China rivalry at the centre stage of international arena. The rivalry between the US and China is not only limited to the economic sphere, but it has also spread into the military and cultural spheres. Treating international migration as one of the factors affecting the US-China rivalry,this study intends to examine the role of international migration on the power balances in Asia-Pacific. Focusing on the effects of international migration especially on the fields of culture and economy, the study elaborates further on the spheres of influence of the US and China in the Asia-Pacific region. To this objective, the study explores the role of migration on China-Myanmar relations, the US-Philippines relations, and the sphere of influence of Japan, a predominant regional power. The analytical findings of the study aims to contribute to the scholarly debates investigating the extent of influence of international migration on power competition within the international system.


  • Alidio, K. (1999). When I Get Home, I Want to Forget: Memory and Amnesia in the Occupied Philippines, 1901-1904. Social Text, sayı 59, 105-122.
  • Blunden, C. ve Elvin, M. (1989). Atlaslı Büyük Uygarlıklar Ansiklopedisi: Çin, (Çev. S. Esenbel ve L. Köker), cilt 7, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Boswell, W. E. (2016). Myanmar in the Balance. The Army War College Review, cilt 2, sayı 2, 14-24.
  • Brecher, M., James P. ve Wilkenfeld J. (1990). Polarity and Stability: New Concepts, Indicators and Evidence. International Interactions: Empirical and Theoretical Research in International Relations, cilt. 16, sayı 1, 49-80.
  • Brecher, M., Potter, P. B. K. ve Durocher, A.-M. (2008). International Political Earthquakes. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • Bukh, A. (2014). Revisiting Japan's Cultural Diplomacy: A Critique of the Agent-Level Approach to Japan's Soft Power. Asian Perspective, cilt 38, sayı 3, 461-485.
  • Callahan, W. A. (2008) Chinese Visions of World Order: Post-Hegemonic or a New Hegemony?. International Studies Review, cilt 10, sayı 4, 749-761.
  • Carrozza, M. C. (2018) The Robot and Us: An Antidisciplinary Perspective on the Scientific and Social Impacts of Robotics. Biosystems & Bioropbotics, cilt 20, 1-77.
  • Castles, S. ve Miller, M. J. (2008). Göçler Çağı: Modern Dünyada Uluslararası Göç Hareketleri, (çev. B. U. Bal ve İ. Akbulut), İstanbul: İstanbul bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Chang, W.-C. (2014). Beyond Borders: Stories of Yunnanese Chinese Migrants of Burma, (1. bs.), Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  • Cho, Y. N. ve Jeong, J. H. (2008). China's Soft Power: Discussions, Resources, and Prospects. Asian Survey, cilt 48, sayı 3, 453-472.
  • Cohen, J. H. ve Sirkeci, İ. (2011). Cultures of Migration: the Global Nature of Contemporary Mobility, (1. bs.), Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • De Keersmaeker, G. (2017). Polarity, Balance of Power and International Relations Theory: Post-Cold War and the 19th Century Compared. Gewerbestrasse: Springer Nature. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-42652-5 [19.01.2021].
  • Er, L. P. (2016). Myanmar: Japan's ‘Last Frontier’ in Asia?. Asian Survey, cilt 56, sayı 3, 512-31.
  • Fravel, M. T. (2017). Threading the Needle: The South China Sea Disputes and U.S.-China Relations, R. S. Ross ve Ø. Tunsjø (ed.), Strategic Adjustment and the Rise of China: Power and Politics in East Asia, (1. bs.), Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 233-260.
  • Gray, K. ve Murphy, C. N. (2013). Introduction: Rising Powers and the Future of Global Governance. Third World Quarterly, cilt 34, sayı 2, 183-193.
  • Gupta, A. K. (2013). Soft Power of the United States, China, and India: A Comparative Analysis. Indian Journal of Asian Affairs, cilt 26, sayı 1/2, 37-57.
  • Herr, R. (2019). Chinese Influence in the Pacific Islands: The Yin and Yang of Soft Power, Social Report, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 15-20.
  • Hiro, D. (2010). After Empire: the Birth of a Multipolar World. New York: Nation Books.
  • Huntington, S. P. (1999). The Lonely Superpower. Foreign Affairs, cilt 78, sayı 2, 35-49.
  • IOM. (2019). The World Migration Report 2020. Geneva. Erişim Tarihi: 09.04.2021.
  • Kaplan, M. A. (1957). Balance of Power, Bipolarity and Other Models of International Systems. The American Political Science Review, cilt 51, sayı 3, 684-695.
  • Kennedy, P. (2017). Büyük Güçlerin Yükseliş ve Çöküşleri: 16. Yüzyıldan Günümüze Ekonomik Değişim ve Askeri Çatışmalar, (çev. B. Karanakçı), İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Khanna, P. (2011). Dünya Nasıl Yönetilmeli: İstikrarsız Dönemde Yeni Diplomasi, (çev. M. Akcanbaş), İstanbul: Destek Yayınevi.
  • Kissinger, H. (2002). Amerika’nın Dış Politikaya İhtiyacı Var Mı?, (çev. T. Evyapan), Ankara: ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı Yayıncılık ve İletişim.
  • Krauthammer, C. (1990-1991). The Unipolar Moment. Foreign Affairs, cilt 70, sayı 1, 23-33.
  • Lambino, J. X. (2015). Political-Security, Economy, and Culture within the Dynamics of Geopolitics and Migration: On Philippine Territory and the Filipino People. Kyoto University: Research Project Center Graduate School of Economics, sayı E-15-004, 1-39.
  • Liu-Farrer, G. (2009). Educationally Channeled International Labor Mobility: Contemporary Student Migration from China to Japan. International Migration Review, cilt 43, sayı 1, 178-204.
  • Maca, M. (2017). American Colonial Education Policy and Filipino Labour Migration to the US (1900–1935). Asia Pacific Journal of Education, cilt 37, sayı 3, 310-328.
  • Massey, D. S., Arango, J., Hugo, G., Kouaouci, A., Pellegrino, A. ve Taylor, J. E. (1993). Theories of International Migration: A Review and Appraisal. Population and Development Review, cilt 19, sayı 3, 431-466.
  • Memişoğlu, F. ve Yiğit, C. (2019). Uluslararası Göç ve Kalkınma: Teori ve Güncel Meseleler. Yıldız Social Science Review, cilt 5, sayı 1, 39-62.
  • Mori, H. (1997). Immigration Policy and Foreign Workers in Japan, (1. bs), London: Macmillan Press.
  • Norrlof, C. ve Wohlforth, W. C. (2019). Raison de l’Hégémonie (The Hegemon’s Interest): Theory of the Costs and Benefits of Hegemony. Security Studies, cilt 28, sayı 3, 422-450.
  • Nye, J. S. (2017a). Amerikan Yüzyılı Bitti Mi?, (çev. B. Beşgül), İstanbul: Uluslararası İlişkiler Kütüphanesi.
  • _______. (2017b). Yumuşak Güç: Dünya Siyasetinde Başarının Araçları, (2. bs), Ankara: BB101.
  • Obligacion, F. R. ve Obligacion-Arboleda, J. (1994). The Filipino Immigration Story: A Selective Literature Review. International Review of Modern Sociology, cilt 24, sayı 2, 49-66.
  • Panda, R. (2010). A Case of Japan. India International Centre Quarterly, cilt 37, sayı 2, 144-154.
  • Peng, N. (2019). Budding Indo-Myanmar Relations: Rising but Limited Challenges for China. Asian Affairs, cilt 1, sayı 4, 588-601.
  • Pillsbury, M. (2000). China Debates the Future Security Environment, (1. bs.), Washington, D. C.: National Defense University Press.
  • Russett, B. (1985). The Mysterious Case of Vanishing Hegemony; or, Is Mark Twain Really Dead?. International Organization, cilt 39, sayı D2, 207-231.
  • Scharrenberg, P. (1929). The Philippine Problem: Attitude of American Labor Toward Filipino Immigration and Philippine Independence. Pacific Affairs, cilt 2, sayı 2, 49-54.
  • Schultz, D (2015). The Crisis of Public Administration Theory in a Postglobal World, D. C. Menzel ve H. L. White (ed.), The State of Public Administration: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities. Newyork: Routledge, 453-463.
  • Schweller, R. L. ve Pu, X. (2011). After Unipolarity: China's Visions of International Order in an Era of U.S. Decline. International Security, cilt 36, sayı 1, 41-72.
  • Shannon, S. ve Farrelly, N. (2014). Ethnic Chinese in the Midst of Myanmar’s Transition. The Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1-10.
  • Shen, W. (2008). Chinese Student Migration in Europe: A Migration That Nobody Objects To?, H. Kolb, H. Egbert (ed.), Migrants and Markets: Perspectives from Economics and the Other Social Sciences, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 147-167.
  • Sheetz, M. S. ve Mastanduno, M. (1997-1998). Debating the Unipolar Moment. International Security, cilt 22, sayı 3, 168-174.
  • Sohrabi, H. (2019). A Durkheimian Critique of Contemporary Multiculturalism”. Ethnic and Racial Studies, cilt 42, sayı 8, 1283-1304.
  • Su, X. (2016). Repositioning Yunnan: Security and China’s Geoeconomic Engagement with Myanmar. Area Development and Policy, cilt 0, sayı 0, 1-17. DOI:10.1080/23792949.2016.1197780.
  • Sun, Y. (2014). Myanmar in US-China Relations. Rapor Stimson Center, 1-16. Erişim Tarihi 22.01.2021.
  • Suleiman, K. A. (2012). The International Crisis and the International System: A Study on the Interplay between the Management of International Strategic Crises and the Structure of the International System. Rapor, Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies, 1-29.
  • Talmon, S. A. G. (2014). The South China Sea Arbitration: Is There a Case to Answer?, S. Talmon ve B. B. Jia (ed.), The South China Sea Arbitration: A Chinese Perspective. (1. bs.), Oxford: Hart Publishing, 15-79.
  • Tammen, R. L. (2006). The Impact of Asia on World Politics: China and India Options for the United States. International Studies, cilt 8, sayı 4, 563-580.
  • The World Bank. (2019). Data: GDP (current US$). Erişim Tarihi: 14.01.2021.
  • Theoharides, C. (2018). The Unintended Consequences of Migration Policy on Origin-Country Labor Market Decisions. Journal of Development Economics, 1-64. Doi: 10.1016/ j.jdeveco.2018.07.012.
  • Thiesmeyer, L. (2010). Informal and Illegal Movement in the Upper Greater Mekong Subregion: Costs and Benefits of Informal Networks for Goods and People. Bangkok: L’Institut de Recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est Contemporaine (IRASEC). Doi :10.4000/books.irasec.1094
  • Thunø, M. ve Pieke, F. N. (2005). Institutionalizing Recent Rural Emigration from China to Europe: New Transnational Villages in Fujian. The International Migration Review, cilt 39, sayı 2, 485-514.
  • Tingyang, Z. (2009). A Political World Philosophy in terms of All-under-heaven (Tian-xia). Diogenes 221, cilt 56, sayı 1, 5-18.
  • United Nations: DESA, (2019a). International Migrant Stock: by Destination and Origin. Erişim Tarihi: 08.04.2021.
  • _______. (2019b). International Migrants Numbered 272 Million in 2019, Continuing an Upward Trend in All Major World Regions. Rapor. Erişim Tarihi: 09.04.2021.
  • Wallerstein, I. (2011). The Modern World-system I: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century. Berkeley: The Regents of the University of California.
  • _______. (1984). The Politics of the World-Economy: The States, the Movements, and the Civilizations. (1. bs.), Cambridge: Maison des Sciences de l’Homme and Cambridge University Press.
  • Walt, S. M. (2009). Alliances in a Unipolar World. World Politics, cilt 61, sayı 1, 86-120.
  • Waltz, K. N. (1964). The Stability of a Bipolar World. Daedalus, cilt 93, sayı 3, 881-909.
  • _______. (1997). Evaluating Theories. The American Political Science Review, cilt 91, sayı 4, 913-917.
  • Wohlforth, W. C. (1999). The Stability of a Unipolar World. International Security, cilt 24, sayı 1, 5-41.
  • Woodley, D. (2015). Globalization and Capitalist Geopolitics: Sovereignty and State Power in a Multipolar World, (1. bs.), New York: Routledge.
  • Yu-Jose, L. N. (2001). Building Cultural Bridges: The Philippines and Japan in the 1930s. Philippine Studies, cilt 49, sayı 3, 399-416.
  • Zarsky, L. (1993). From Junior Partner To …?: Japan in the World Economy, E. Gerald, G. Julıe ve N. Jessica (ed.), In Creating a New World Economy: Forces of Change and Plans for Action. Temple University Press, 258-273.
  • Zhao, S. ve Qi, X. (2016). Hedging and Geostrategic Balance of East Asian Countries toward China. Journal of Contemporary China, cilt 25, sayı 100, 1-15.


Yıl 2021, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 1 - 18, 29.12.2021


Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti’nin (Çin) yükselişi Asya-Pasifik bölgesinde güç dengelerini sarsmış ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin (ABD) hegemon güç olduğu ‘tek kutuplu’ uluslararası sisteme karşı ‘çok kutuplu’ sistem teorisi gibi yeni alternatif yaklaşımların ortaya çıkmasına yol açmıştır. Çin’in ekonomik alanda yakaladığı başarı sonucunda ABD’nin yerine halef olarak görülmesi ABD-Çin rekabetini uluslararası alanda merkezileştirmiştir. Bu rekabet sadece ekonomik alanla sınırlı kalmayarak askerî ve kültürel alanlara da yayılmıştır. Bu çalışma uluslararası göçü ABD-Çin rekabetini etkileyen unsurlardan biri olarak değerlendirerek, uluslararası göçün Asya-Pasifik’teki güç dengeleri üzerindeki rolünü incelemektedir. Çalışmada uluslararası göçün özellikle kültür ve ekonomi alanlara etkisi ön plana çıkartılarak ABD ve Çin’in Asya-Pasifik bölgesindeki nüfuz bölgeleri ve yayılma alanları detaylandırılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda göçün Çin-Myanmar ilişkileri, ABD-Filipinler ilişkileri ve bölgesel güç Japonya’nın nüfuz alanı üzerindeki rolü irdelenmektedir. Çalışmanın bulguları uluslararası göçün, uluslararası sistemde süregelen güç rekabeti üzerinde ne ölçüde etkin olduğuna yönelik akademik tartışmalara katkı sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Alidio, K. (1999). When I Get Home, I Want to Forget: Memory and Amnesia in the Occupied Philippines, 1901-1904. Social Text, sayı 59, 105-122.
  • Blunden, C. ve Elvin, M. (1989). Atlaslı Büyük Uygarlıklar Ansiklopedisi: Çin, (Çev. S. Esenbel ve L. Köker), cilt 7, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Boswell, W. E. (2016). Myanmar in the Balance. The Army War College Review, cilt 2, sayı 2, 14-24.
  • Brecher, M., James P. ve Wilkenfeld J. (1990). Polarity and Stability: New Concepts, Indicators and Evidence. International Interactions: Empirical and Theoretical Research in International Relations, cilt. 16, sayı 1, 49-80.
  • Brecher, M., Potter, P. B. K. ve Durocher, A.-M. (2008). International Political Earthquakes. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • Bukh, A. (2014). Revisiting Japan's Cultural Diplomacy: A Critique of the Agent-Level Approach to Japan's Soft Power. Asian Perspective, cilt 38, sayı 3, 461-485.
  • Callahan, W. A. (2008) Chinese Visions of World Order: Post-Hegemonic or a New Hegemony?. International Studies Review, cilt 10, sayı 4, 749-761.
  • Carrozza, M. C. (2018) The Robot and Us: An Antidisciplinary Perspective on the Scientific and Social Impacts of Robotics. Biosystems & Bioropbotics, cilt 20, 1-77.
  • Castles, S. ve Miller, M. J. (2008). Göçler Çağı: Modern Dünyada Uluslararası Göç Hareketleri, (çev. B. U. Bal ve İ. Akbulut), İstanbul: İstanbul bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Chang, W.-C. (2014). Beyond Borders: Stories of Yunnanese Chinese Migrants of Burma, (1. bs.), Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  • Cho, Y. N. ve Jeong, J. H. (2008). China's Soft Power: Discussions, Resources, and Prospects. Asian Survey, cilt 48, sayı 3, 453-472.
  • Cohen, J. H. ve Sirkeci, İ. (2011). Cultures of Migration: the Global Nature of Contemporary Mobility, (1. bs.), Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • De Keersmaeker, G. (2017). Polarity, Balance of Power and International Relations Theory: Post-Cold War and the 19th Century Compared. Gewerbestrasse: Springer Nature. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-42652-5 [19.01.2021].
  • Er, L. P. (2016). Myanmar: Japan's ‘Last Frontier’ in Asia?. Asian Survey, cilt 56, sayı 3, 512-31.
  • Fravel, M. T. (2017). Threading the Needle: The South China Sea Disputes and U.S.-China Relations, R. S. Ross ve Ø. Tunsjø (ed.), Strategic Adjustment and the Rise of China: Power and Politics in East Asia, (1. bs.), Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 233-260.
  • Gray, K. ve Murphy, C. N. (2013). Introduction: Rising Powers and the Future of Global Governance. Third World Quarterly, cilt 34, sayı 2, 183-193.
  • Gupta, A. K. (2013). Soft Power of the United States, China, and India: A Comparative Analysis. Indian Journal of Asian Affairs, cilt 26, sayı 1/2, 37-57.
  • Herr, R. (2019). Chinese Influence in the Pacific Islands: The Yin and Yang of Soft Power, Social Report, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 15-20.
  • Hiro, D. (2010). After Empire: the Birth of a Multipolar World. New York: Nation Books.
  • Huntington, S. P. (1999). The Lonely Superpower. Foreign Affairs, cilt 78, sayı 2, 35-49.
  • IOM. (2019). The World Migration Report 2020. Geneva. Erişim Tarihi: 09.04.2021.
  • Kaplan, M. A. (1957). Balance of Power, Bipolarity and Other Models of International Systems. The American Political Science Review, cilt 51, sayı 3, 684-695.
  • Kennedy, P. (2017). Büyük Güçlerin Yükseliş ve Çöküşleri: 16. Yüzyıldan Günümüze Ekonomik Değişim ve Askeri Çatışmalar, (çev. B. Karanakçı), İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Khanna, P. (2011). Dünya Nasıl Yönetilmeli: İstikrarsız Dönemde Yeni Diplomasi, (çev. M. Akcanbaş), İstanbul: Destek Yayınevi.
  • Kissinger, H. (2002). Amerika’nın Dış Politikaya İhtiyacı Var Mı?, (çev. T. Evyapan), Ankara: ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı Yayıncılık ve İletişim.
  • Krauthammer, C. (1990-1991). The Unipolar Moment. Foreign Affairs, cilt 70, sayı 1, 23-33.
  • Lambino, J. X. (2015). Political-Security, Economy, and Culture within the Dynamics of Geopolitics and Migration: On Philippine Territory and the Filipino People. Kyoto University: Research Project Center Graduate School of Economics, sayı E-15-004, 1-39.
  • Liu-Farrer, G. (2009). Educationally Channeled International Labor Mobility: Contemporary Student Migration from China to Japan. International Migration Review, cilt 43, sayı 1, 178-204.
  • Maca, M. (2017). American Colonial Education Policy and Filipino Labour Migration to the US (1900–1935). Asia Pacific Journal of Education, cilt 37, sayı 3, 310-328.
  • Massey, D. S., Arango, J., Hugo, G., Kouaouci, A., Pellegrino, A. ve Taylor, J. E. (1993). Theories of International Migration: A Review and Appraisal. Population and Development Review, cilt 19, sayı 3, 431-466.
  • Memişoğlu, F. ve Yiğit, C. (2019). Uluslararası Göç ve Kalkınma: Teori ve Güncel Meseleler. Yıldız Social Science Review, cilt 5, sayı 1, 39-62.
  • Mori, H. (1997). Immigration Policy and Foreign Workers in Japan, (1. bs), London: Macmillan Press.
  • Norrlof, C. ve Wohlforth, W. C. (2019). Raison de l’Hégémonie (The Hegemon’s Interest): Theory of the Costs and Benefits of Hegemony. Security Studies, cilt 28, sayı 3, 422-450.
  • Nye, J. S. (2017a). Amerikan Yüzyılı Bitti Mi?, (çev. B. Beşgül), İstanbul: Uluslararası İlişkiler Kütüphanesi.
  • _______. (2017b). Yumuşak Güç: Dünya Siyasetinde Başarının Araçları, (2. bs), Ankara: BB101.
  • Obligacion, F. R. ve Obligacion-Arboleda, J. (1994). The Filipino Immigration Story: A Selective Literature Review. International Review of Modern Sociology, cilt 24, sayı 2, 49-66.
  • Panda, R. (2010). A Case of Japan. India International Centre Quarterly, cilt 37, sayı 2, 144-154.
  • Peng, N. (2019). Budding Indo-Myanmar Relations: Rising but Limited Challenges for China. Asian Affairs, cilt 1, sayı 4, 588-601.
  • Pillsbury, M. (2000). China Debates the Future Security Environment, (1. bs.), Washington, D. C.: National Defense University Press.
  • Russett, B. (1985). The Mysterious Case of Vanishing Hegemony; or, Is Mark Twain Really Dead?. International Organization, cilt 39, sayı D2, 207-231.
  • Scharrenberg, P. (1929). The Philippine Problem: Attitude of American Labor Toward Filipino Immigration and Philippine Independence. Pacific Affairs, cilt 2, sayı 2, 49-54.
  • Schultz, D (2015). The Crisis of Public Administration Theory in a Postglobal World, D. C. Menzel ve H. L. White (ed.), The State of Public Administration: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities. Newyork: Routledge, 453-463.
  • Schweller, R. L. ve Pu, X. (2011). After Unipolarity: China's Visions of International Order in an Era of U.S. Decline. International Security, cilt 36, sayı 1, 41-72.
  • Shannon, S. ve Farrelly, N. (2014). Ethnic Chinese in the Midst of Myanmar’s Transition. The Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1-10.
  • Shen, W. (2008). Chinese Student Migration in Europe: A Migration That Nobody Objects To?, H. Kolb, H. Egbert (ed.), Migrants and Markets: Perspectives from Economics and the Other Social Sciences, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 147-167.
  • Sheetz, M. S. ve Mastanduno, M. (1997-1998). Debating the Unipolar Moment. International Security, cilt 22, sayı 3, 168-174.
  • Sohrabi, H. (2019). A Durkheimian Critique of Contemporary Multiculturalism”. Ethnic and Racial Studies, cilt 42, sayı 8, 1283-1304.
  • Su, X. (2016). Repositioning Yunnan: Security and China’s Geoeconomic Engagement with Myanmar. Area Development and Policy, cilt 0, sayı 0, 1-17. DOI:10.1080/23792949.2016.1197780.
  • Sun, Y. (2014). Myanmar in US-China Relations. Rapor Stimson Center, 1-16. Erişim Tarihi 22.01.2021.
  • Suleiman, K. A. (2012). The International Crisis and the International System: A Study on the Interplay between the Management of International Strategic Crises and the Structure of the International System. Rapor, Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies, 1-29.
  • Talmon, S. A. G. (2014). The South China Sea Arbitration: Is There a Case to Answer?, S. Talmon ve B. B. Jia (ed.), The South China Sea Arbitration: A Chinese Perspective. (1. bs.), Oxford: Hart Publishing, 15-79.
  • Tammen, R. L. (2006). The Impact of Asia on World Politics: China and India Options for the United States. International Studies, cilt 8, sayı 4, 563-580.
  • The World Bank. (2019). Data: GDP (current US$). Erişim Tarihi: 14.01.2021.
  • Theoharides, C. (2018). The Unintended Consequences of Migration Policy on Origin-Country Labor Market Decisions. Journal of Development Economics, 1-64. Doi: 10.1016/ j.jdeveco.2018.07.012.
  • Thiesmeyer, L. (2010). Informal and Illegal Movement in the Upper Greater Mekong Subregion: Costs and Benefits of Informal Networks for Goods and People. Bangkok: L’Institut de Recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est Contemporaine (IRASEC). Doi :10.4000/books.irasec.1094
  • Thunø, M. ve Pieke, F. N. (2005). Institutionalizing Recent Rural Emigration from China to Europe: New Transnational Villages in Fujian. The International Migration Review, cilt 39, sayı 2, 485-514.
  • Tingyang, Z. (2009). A Political World Philosophy in terms of All-under-heaven (Tian-xia). Diogenes 221, cilt 56, sayı 1, 5-18.
  • United Nations: DESA, (2019a). International Migrant Stock: by Destination and Origin. Erişim Tarihi: 08.04.2021.
  • _______. (2019b). International Migrants Numbered 272 Million in 2019, Continuing an Upward Trend in All Major World Regions. Rapor. Erişim Tarihi: 09.04.2021.
  • Wallerstein, I. (2011). The Modern World-system I: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century. Berkeley: The Regents of the University of California.
  • _______. (1984). The Politics of the World-Economy: The States, the Movements, and the Civilizations. (1. bs.), Cambridge: Maison des Sciences de l’Homme and Cambridge University Press.
  • Walt, S. M. (2009). Alliances in a Unipolar World. World Politics, cilt 61, sayı 1, 86-120.
  • Waltz, K. N. (1964). The Stability of a Bipolar World. Daedalus, cilt 93, sayı 3, 881-909.
  • _______. (1997). Evaluating Theories. The American Political Science Review, cilt 91, sayı 4, 913-917.
  • Wohlforth, W. C. (1999). The Stability of a Unipolar World. International Security, cilt 24, sayı 1, 5-41.
  • Woodley, D. (2015). Globalization and Capitalist Geopolitics: Sovereignty and State Power in a Multipolar World, (1. bs.), New York: Routledge.
  • Yu-Jose, L. N. (2001). Building Cultural Bridges: The Philippines and Japan in the 1930s. Philippine Studies, cilt 49, sayı 3, 399-416.
  • Zarsky, L. (1993). From Junior Partner To …?: Japan in the World Economy, E. Gerald, G. Julıe ve N. Jessica (ed.), In Creating a New World Economy: Forces of Change and Plans for Action. Temple University Press, 258-273.
  • Zhao, S. ve Qi, X. (2016). Hedging and Geostrategic Balance of East Asian Countries toward China. Journal of Contemporary China, cilt 25, sayı 100, 1-15.
Toplam 69 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

İlyas Güneş 0000-0002-5899-2650

Fulya Memisoglu 0000-0001-8113-813X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2

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