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Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri Sonrası Anne Olan Kadınlarda Postpartum Depresyon ve Etkileyen Faktörler

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 424 - 433, 10.10.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışma, yardımcı üreme teknikleri sonrası anne olan kadınlarda postpartum depresyon ve etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Yöntemler: Araştırma tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel nitelikte olup, Çukurova Üniversitesi hastanesinin infertilite polikliniğinde tedavi sonucu bebek sahibi olan anneler (n=93) ile yürütülmüştür. Araştırma verileri “Kişisel Bilgi Formu” ve “Edinburgh Doğum Sonrası Depresyon Ölçeği (EDSDÖ)” kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Araştırma verilerinin analizinde, tanımlayıcı istatistikler, Independet T testi, Kruskall Wallis ve Mann Whitney U testleri kullanılmıştır.
Bulgular: Çalışmadaki kadınların EDSDÖ toplam puan ortalaması 18,22± 3,22 ve %94.6' sının postpartum depresyon yönünden risk altında olduğu belirlenmiştir.Annelerin EDSDÖ toplam puan ortalamaları ile sahip olmak istediği bebek cinsiyeti, kaygı yaşama ve eşle sorunları paylaşma değişkenleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlılık saptanmış olup (p<0.05); diğer değişkenlerle istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmamıştır (p>0.05)
Sonuç: İnfertilite tedavisi sonucu bebek sahibi olan annelerin postpartum depresyon yönünden risk altında oldukları saptanmıştır. Tedavi sonucu elde edilmiş gebeliklerin sağlıklı bir biçimde sonuçlanması anneler tarafından çok istekle beklense de postpartum dönem infertil anneler için de risk oluşturmaktadır. Tüm sağlık profesyonellerinin bakım verirken tüm ruhsal değişkenlere yönelik durumlar göz önünde bulundurmalıdır.


  • Adeyemo, EO. (2020). Prevalence and predictors of postpartum depression among postnatal women in Lagos, Nigeria. African Health Sciences, 20(4),1943-54.
  • Ay, F., Tektaş, E., Mak, A., & Aktay, N. (2018). Postpartum depression and factors affecting it: 2000-2017 research results. J Psychiatric Nurs, 9(3),147-152.
  • Alshikh Ahmad, H., Alkhatib, A., & Luo, J. (2021). Prevalence and risk factors of postpartum depression in the Middle East: a systematic review and meta–analysis. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21, 1-12.
  • Aydin, N., İnandi, T., Yigit, A., & Hodoglugil,N.N.S. (2004). Validation of the Turkish version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale among women within their first postpartum year. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 39, 483-486.
  • Barber, G.A., & Steinberg, J.R. (2022). The association between pregnancy intention, fertility treatment use, and postpartum depression. Social Science & Medicine, 314, 115439.
  • Cox, J.L., Holden, J.M. & Sagovsky, R. (1987). Detection of postnatal depression. Development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Br J Psychiatry, 150, 782-2.
  • Civan, E., & Beydağ, K.D. (2023). Investigation of the Relationship Between Infertility Stress and Spouse Support Levels of Infertility Women and Men. Artuklu International Journal of Health Science, 3(1), 58-63.
  • Dayan, N., Velez, M. P., Vigod, S., Pudwell, J., Djerboua, M., Fell, D. B., ... & Ray, J. G. (2022). Infertility treatment and postpartum mental illness: a population-based cohort study. Canadian Medical Association Open Access Journal, 10(2), E430-E438.
  • Demir, K. (2022). Investiation o te relationsi eteen te siritual ellein o oen o et renant it sontaneous or assisted rerodutive teniues and the level of prenatal stress and attachment. Ege University Institute of Health Sciences Master's Thesis.
  • Dolatian, M., Mirabzadeh, A., Forouzan, A. S., Sajjadi, H., Majd, H. A., Moafi, F., & Mahmoodi, Z. (2013). Correlation between self-esteem and perceived stress in pregnancy and ways to coping with stress. Pajoohandeh Journal, 18(3), 148-155.
  • Engindeniz, A.N., Küey, L., & Kültür, S. (1997). Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale--Turkish Version (EPDS). Spring Symposiums, 1(1), 51-2.
  • Erdoğan, A., & Hocaoğlu. Ç. (2022). Diagnosis and Treatment of Postpartum Depression: A Review. Mustafa Kemal University Medical Journal, 11(39), 31-37
  • Hasanpoor-Azghdy, S.B., Simbar, M., & Vedadhir, A. (2014). The emotional-psychological consequences of infertility among infertile women seeking treatment: Results of a qualitative study. Iran Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 12, 131-138.
  • Hoffmann, L., & Banse, R. (2021). Psychological aspects of childbirth: Evidence for a birth‐related mindset. European Journal of Social Psychology, 51(1), 124-151.
  • Huang, L. H., Lee, T. H., Huang, J. Y., Ng, S. C., Lee, M. S., & Lee, S. H. (2020). Effect of stay in a postpartum care institution on postpartum depression in women. Midwifery, 82, 102600.
  • Karaçam, Z., Çoban, A., Akbaş, B., & Karabukut, E. (2018). Status of postpartum depression in Turkey: A meta-analysis. Health Care for Women International, 39, 821-841
  • Koç, E., & Kızılkaya Beji, N. (2016). Counseling regarding problems of pregnancy after successful infertility treatment. Düzce Healt Sciences Faculty Journal, 6(3), 201-206
  • Ladores, S. & Aroian, K. (2015). The early postpartum experience of previously infertile mothers. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 44(3), 370-379.
  • Kamışlı, S., Terzioğlu, C. & Bozdağ, G. (2021). Mentalstates of infertile women: Hopelessness, anxiety and depression levels. J Psychiatric Nurs, 12(1), 43-49.
  • Joelsson, LS. (2020). Anxiety and depression symptoms among sub-fertile women, women pregnant after infertility treatment, and naturally pregnant women. European Psychiatry, 45,212-219.
  • Malling, G. H., Gronemann, F. H., Vassard, D., Ter-Borch, A. S., Pinborg, A., Hageman, I., & Schmidt, L. (2021). The association between antidepressant use and assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment in Danish women: A national registry-based cohort study. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 258, 401-408.
  • Muruganandam, P., Shanmugam, D. & Ramachandran, N. (2020). Does the mode of conception influence early postpartum depression? A prospective comparative study from South India. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 42(6), 525-529.
  • Özdemir, E. (2021). Assessment of Mother-İnfant Bonding and Postpartum Depression Level in Women Who Conceive Naturally and with Assisted Reproductive Techniques. (Doctoral Thesis) Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Institute of Health Sciences.
  • Sözer, G.A. (2021). From an infertility diagnosis to postpartum story. Journal of General Health Sciences, 3(1), 81-89.
  • Simoni, M. K., Gilstad-Hayden, K., Naqvi, S. H., Pal, L., & Yonkers, K. A. (2022). Progression of depression and anxiety symptoms in pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive technology in the United States. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 43(2), 214-223.
  • Ranjbar, F., Behboodi-Moghadam, Z., Borimnejad, L., Ghaffari, S. R., & Akhondi, M. M. (2015). Experiences of infertile women seeking assisted pregnancy in Iran: a qualitative study. Journal of Reproduction & infertility, 16(4), 221.
  • Roy-Byrne, et al. (2016). Unipolar major de- pression in pregnant women: clinical features, consequences, assessment, and diagnosis. Am. Psychiatr Assoc, 1–15
  • Sharifipour, F., Javadnoori, M., Moghadam, Z. B., Najafian, M., Cheraghian, B., & Abbaspoor, Z. (2022). Interventions to improve social support among postpartum mothers: A systematic review. Health Promotion Perspectives, 12(2), 141.
  • Rong, X. F., Li, M. Q., Pérez-López, F. R., Wu, J. N., & Zhang, B. (2023). Maternal expectations of fetal gender and risk of postpartum depression. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 23(1), 112.
  • Tianyi, F. L., Li, Y., Alderdice, F., Quigley, M. A., Kurinczuk, J. J., Bankhead, C., & Carson, C. (2022). The association between conception history and subsequent postpartum depression and/or anxiety: Evidence from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink 1991–2013. Journal of Affective Disorders, 310, 266-273.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) Mental Health, Brain Health and Substance Use.(2024).

Postpartum Depression Levels in Women After the Application of Assisted Reproduction Techniques and Their Affecting Factors

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 424 - 433, 10.10.2024


Objective: This study was carried out to determine postpartum depression levels and their affecting factors in women who became women after the application of assisted reproductive techniques.
Methods: The study is descriptive and cross-sectional and was conducted with mothers (n=93) who had babies as a result of treatment at the infertility clinic of Cukurova University Hospital. Research data were collected using the “Personal Information Form” and “Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS)”. In the analysis of the research data, descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, Kruskall Wallis and Mann Whitney U test were employed.
Results: The EPDS mean score of the women in the study was determined to be 18.22± 3.22 and 94.6% of them were at risk for postpartum depression. Statistically significant differences were found between the EPDS mean score of the mothers and the gender of the baby they want to have, experiencing anxiety, and sharing problems with their spouse (p<0.05), and no statistically significant relationship was found with other variables (p>0.05).
Conclusion: It was determined that mothers who have a baby as a result of infertility treatment are at risk for postpartum depression. Although a healthy outcome of pregnancies obtained as a result of treatment is eagerly awaited by the mothers, it also poses a risk for postpartum infertile mothers.


  • Adeyemo, EO. (2020). Prevalence and predictors of postpartum depression among postnatal women in Lagos, Nigeria. African Health Sciences, 20(4),1943-54.
  • Ay, F., Tektaş, E., Mak, A., & Aktay, N. (2018). Postpartum depression and factors affecting it: 2000-2017 research results. J Psychiatric Nurs, 9(3),147-152.
  • Alshikh Ahmad, H., Alkhatib, A., & Luo, J. (2021). Prevalence and risk factors of postpartum depression in the Middle East: a systematic review and meta–analysis. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21, 1-12.
  • Aydin, N., İnandi, T., Yigit, A., & Hodoglugil,N.N.S. (2004). Validation of the Turkish version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale among women within their first postpartum year. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 39, 483-486.
  • Barber, G.A., & Steinberg, J.R. (2022). The association between pregnancy intention, fertility treatment use, and postpartum depression. Social Science & Medicine, 314, 115439.
  • Cox, J.L., Holden, J.M. & Sagovsky, R. (1987). Detection of postnatal depression. Development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Br J Psychiatry, 150, 782-2.
  • Civan, E., & Beydağ, K.D. (2023). Investigation of the Relationship Between Infertility Stress and Spouse Support Levels of Infertility Women and Men. Artuklu International Journal of Health Science, 3(1), 58-63.
  • Dayan, N., Velez, M. P., Vigod, S., Pudwell, J., Djerboua, M., Fell, D. B., ... & Ray, J. G. (2022). Infertility treatment and postpartum mental illness: a population-based cohort study. Canadian Medical Association Open Access Journal, 10(2), E430-E438.
  • Demir, K. (2022). Investiation o te relationsi eteen te siritual ellein o oen o et renant it sontaneous or assisted rerodutive teniues and the level of prenatal stress and attachment. Ege University Institute of Health Sciences Master's Thesis.
  • Dolatian, M., Mirabzadeh, A., Forouzan, A. S., Sajjadi, H., Majd, H. A., Moafi, F., & Mahmoodi, Z. (2013). Correlation between self-esteem and perceived stress in pregnancy and ways to coping with stress. Pajoohandeh Journal, 18(3), 148-155.
  • Engindeniz, A.N., Küey, L., & Kültür, S. (1997). Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale--Turkish Version (EPDS). Spring Symposiums, 1(1), 51-2.
  • Erdoğan, A., & Hocaoğlu. Ç. (2022). Diagnosis and Treatment of Postpartum Depression: A Review. Mustafa Kemal University Medical Journal, 11(39), 31-37
  • Hasanpoor-Azghdy, S.B., Simbar, M., & Vedadhir, A. (2014). The emotional-psychological consequences of infertility among infertile women seeking treatment: Results of a qualitative study. Iran Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 12, 131-138.
  • Hoffmann, L., & Banse, R. (2021). Psychological aspects of childbirth: Evidence for a birth‐related mindset. European Journal of Social Psychology, 51(1), 124-151.
  • Huang, L. H., Lee, T. H., Huang, J. Y., Ng, S. C., Lee, M. S., & Lee, S. H. (2020). Effect of stay in a postpartum care institution on postpartum depression in women. Midwifery, 82, 102600.
  • Karaçam, Z., Çoban, A., Akbaş, B., & Karabukut, E. (2018). Status of postpartum depression in Turkey: A meta-analysis. Health Care for Women International, 39, 821-841
  • Koç, E., & Kızılkaya Beji, N. (2016). Counseling regarding problems of pregnancy after successful infertility treatment. Düzce Healt Sciences Faculty Journal, 6(3), 201-206
  • Ladores, S. & Aroian, K. (2015). The early postpartum experience of previously infertile mothers. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 44(3), 370-379.
  • Kamışlı, S., Terzioğlu, C. & Bozdağ, G. (2021). Mentalstates of infertile women: Hopelessness, anxiety and depression levels. J Psychiatric Nurs, 12(1), 43-49.
  • Joelsson, LS. (2020). Anxiety and depression symptoms among sub-fertile women, women pregnant after infertility treatment, and naturally pregnant women. European Psychiatry, 45,212-219.
  • Malling, G. H., Gronemann, F. H., Vassard, D., Ter-Borch, A. S., Pinborg, A., Hageman, I., & Schmidt, L. (2021). The association between antidepressant use and assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment in Danish women: A national registry-based cohort study. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 258, 401-408.
  • Muruganandam, P., Shanmugam, D. & Ramachandran, N. (2020). Does the mode of conception influence early postpartum depression? A prospective comparative study from South India. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 42(6), 525-529.
  • Özdemir, E. (2021). Assessment of Mother-İnfant Bonding and Postpartum Depression Level in Women Who Conceive Naturally and with Assisted Reproductive Techniques. (Doctoral Thesis) Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Institute of Health Sciences.
  • Sözer, G.A. (2021). From an infertility diagnosis to postpartum story. Journal of General Health Sciences, 3(1), 81-89.
  • Simoni, M. K., Gilstad-Hayden, K., Naqvi, S. H., Pal, L., & Yonkers, K. A. (2022). Progression of depression and anxiety symptoms in pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive technology in the United States. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 43(2), 214-223.
  • Ranjbar, F., Behboodi-Moghadam, Z., Borimnejad, L., Ghaffari, S. R., & Akhondi, M. M. (2015). Experiences of infertile women seeking assisted pregnancy in Iran: a qualitative study. Journal of Reproduction & infertility, 16(4), 221.
  • Roy-Byrne, et al. (2016). Unipolar major de- pression in pregnant women: clinical features, consequences, assessment, and diagnosis. Am. Psychiatr Assoc, 1–15
  • Sharifipour, F., Javadnoori, M., Moghadam, Z. B., Najafian, M., Cheraghian, B., & Abbaspoor, Z. (2022). Interventions to improve social support among postpartum mothers: A systematic review. Health Promotion Perspectives, 12(2), 141.
  • Rong, X. F., Li, M. Q., Pérez-López, F. R., Wu, J. N., & Zhang, B. (2023). Maternal expectations of fetal gender and risk of postpartum depression. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 23(1), 112.
  • Tianyi, F. L., Li, Y., Alderdice, F., Quigley, M. A., Kurinczuk, J. J., Bankhead, C., & Carson, C. (2022). The association between conception history and subsequent postpartum depression and/or anxiety: Evidence from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink 1991–2013. Journal of Affective Disorders, 310, 266-273.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) Mental Health, Brain Health and Substance Use.(2024).
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Psychosocial Aspects of Childbirth and Perinatal Mental Health
Journal Section Articles

Seda Karaçay Yıkar 0000-0003-1885-5376

Zehra Çerçer 0000-0002-2487-2140

Evşen Nazik 0000-0001-5464-4467

İbrahim Ferhat Ürünsak 0000-0002-4056-6434

Early Pub Date October 9, 2024
Publication Date October 10, 2024
Submission Date January 11, 2024
Acceptance Date August 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


APA Karaçay Yıkar, S., Çerçer, Z., Nazik, E., Ürünsak, İ. F. (2024). Postpartum Depression Levels in Women After the Application of Assisted Reproduction Techniques and Their Affecting Factors. Ebelik Ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(3), 424-433.
AMA Karaçay Yıkar S, Çerçer Z, Nazik E, Ürünsak İF. Postpartum Depression Levels in Women After the Application of Assisted Reproduction Techniques and Their Affecting Factors. Journal of Midwifery and Health Sciences. October 2024;7(3):424-433. doi:10.62425/esbder.1417044
Chicago Karaçay Yıkar, Seda, Zehra Çerçer, Evşen Nazik, and İbrahim Ferhat Ürünsak. “Postpartum Depression Levels in Women After the Application of Assisted Reproduction Techniques and Their Affecting Factors”. Ebelik Ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 7, no. 3 (October 2024): 424-33.
EndNote Karaçay Yıkar S, Çerçer Z, Nazik E, Ürünsak İF (October 1, 2024) Postpartum Depression Levels in Women After the Application of Assisted Reproduction Techniques and Their Affecting Factors. Ebelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 7 3 424–433.
IEEE S. Karaçay Yıkar, Z. Çerçer, E. Nazik, and İ. F. Ürünsak, “Postpartum Depression Levels in Women After the Application of Assisted Reproduction Techniques and Their Affecting Factors”, Journal of Midwifery and Health Sciences, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 424–433, 2024, doi: 10.62425/esbder.1417044.
ISNAD Karaçay Yıkar, Seda et al. “Postpartum Depression Levels in Women After the Application of Assisted Reproduction Techniques and Their Affecting Factors”. Ebelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 7/3 (October 2024), 424-433.
JAMA Karaçay Yıkar S, Çerçer Z, Nazik E, Ürünsak İF. Postpartum Depression Levels in Women After the Application of Assisted Reproduction Techniques and Their Affecting Factors. Journal of Midwifery and Health Sciences. 2024;7:424–433.
MLA Karaçay Yıkar, Seda et al. “Postpartum Depression Levels in Women After the Application of Assisted Reproduction Techniques and Their Affecting Factors”. Ebelik Ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 3, 2024, pp. 424-33, doi:10.62425/esbder.1417044.
Vancouver Karaçay Yıkar S, Çerçer Z, Nazik E, Ürünsak İF. Postpartum Depression Levels in Women After the Application of Assisted Reproduction Techniques and Their Affecting Factors. Journal of Midwifery and Health Sciences. 2024;7(3):424-33.

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