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Distribution of Traumatic Spinal Injuries in Turkey In Accordance with ICD-10 Codes between the Years 2015 and 2019

Year 2021, , 68 - 73, 16.07.2021


Introduction: The incidence of traumatic spinal injuries (TSIs) is increasing around the world, our country included. In this study, the distribution of ICD-10 codes used after TSI examinations in Turkey and specifically in Çanakkale between the years 2015 and 2019, and their changes throughout the years were analyzed.
Methods: Nationwide data of Turkey and data of Çanakkale province were obtained from relevant institutions and open access statistics reports. Anatomical regions, types of injury and annual changes in ICD-10 codes of TSI examinations were analyzed.
Results: Across Turkey, the number of medical examinations increased by 18% in secondary and tertiary care facilities between the years 2015 and 2019. For TSI examinations, the increase was 61%. In Çanakkale province, the number of medical examinations increased by 13.4% and TSI examinations by 9% in this 5-year period. Across Turkey, S33 (919.868) was the most used code in TSI examinations in these 5 years. The least used code was S24 (3.951). In Çanakkale province, it was determined that the code S22 (6508) was used the most, and S24 (23) was used the least.
Conclusion: It was determined that TSI examinations across Turkey increased by 61% in this 5-year period, and the lumbar region was the most effected. The neural injury rate was high in the cervical region, despite TSI being relatively less common. There was a significant difference between Çanakkale province and Turkey when the ICD code ratios in spinal region were compared. We can conclude from this difference that clinicians use different ICD-10 codes for the same disease. In conclusion, we believe that it should be confirmed that ICD-10 codes actually match the patient's diagnosis in epidemiological studies to be conducted.


  • 1. Ackery A, Tator C, Krassioukov A. A global perspective on spinal cord injury epidemiology. J Neurotrauma. 2004 Oct;21(10):1355–70.
  • 2. Wyndaele M, Wyndaele J-J. Incidence, prevalence and epidemiology of spinal cord injury: what learns a worldwide literature survey? Spinal Cord. 2006 Sep;44(9):523–9.
  • 3. Kumar R, Lim J, Mekary RA, Rattani A, Dewan MC, Sharif SY, et al. Traumatic Spinal Injury: Global Epidemiology and Worldwide Volume. World Neurosurg. 2018 May;113:e345–63.
  • 4. Karamehmetoğlu SS, Unal S, Karacan I, Yílmaz H, Togay HS, Ertekin M, et al. Traumatic spinal cord injuries in Istanbul, Turkey. An epidemiological study. Paraplegia. 1995 Aug;33(8):469–71.
  • 5. Karamehmetoğlu SS, Nas K, Karacan I, Sarac AJ, Koyuncu H, Ataoğlu S, et al. Traumatic spinal cord injuries in southeast Turkey: an epidemiological study. Spinal Cord. 1997 Aug;35(8):531–3.
  • 6. Karacan I, Koyuncu H, Pekel O, Sümbüloglu G, Kirnap M, Dursun H, et al. Traumatic spinal cord injuries in Turkey: a nation-wide epidemiological study. Spinal Cord. 2000 Nov;38(11):697–701.
  • 7. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü Sosyal Güvenlik Uygulamaları Dairesi Başkanlığı. July 1, 2005. Available at:,6220/icd-10-trm-hastalik-ve-saglik-girisimi-siniflandirma-sistemleri-gelistirilmesi.html Acccessed 24 February 2021.
  • 8. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sağlık Bakanlığı İstatistik Yıllıkları. May 29, 2015. Available at:,11588/istatistik-yilliklari.html Acccessed 24 February 2021.
  • 9. Hagen EM, Rekand T, Gilhus NE, Gronning M. Diagnostic coding accuracy for traumatic spinal cord injuries. Spinal Cord. 2009 May;47(5):367–71.
  • 10. Bellner J, Jensen S-M, Lexell J, Romner B. Diagnostic criteria and the use of ICD-10 codes to define and classify minor head injury. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2003 Mar;74(3):351–2.

Türkiye’de 2015-2019 Yıllarına ait Travmatik Spinal Yaralanmaların ICD-10 Kodlarına Göre Dağılımı

Year 2021, , 68 - 73, 16.07.2021


Giriş: Travmatik Spinal Yaralanma’ların (TSY) insidansı dünya genelinde olduğu gibi ülkemizde de artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye geneli ve Çanakkale ilinde 2015-2019 yılları arasında, TSY sonrası yapılan muayenelerde kullanılan ICD-10 kodlarının dağılımı ve yıllara göre değişimi analiz edildi.
Yöntemler: Türkiye geneline ve Çanakkale iline ait veriler, ilgili kurumlardan ve açık erişimli istatistik raporlardan temin edildi. TSY muayenesi sonrası kullanılan ICD-10 kodlarının anatomik bölgeler, yaralanma tipleri ve yıllık değişimlerinin analizi yapıldı.
Bulgular: Türkiye genelinde, 2015-2019 yılları arasında ikinci ve üçüncü basamak sağlık hizmeti veren kuruluşlarında yapılan genel muayeneler %18 oranında artmıştır. TSY muayenelerinde ise bu artış %61 oranında gerçekleşmiştir. Çanakkale ilindeki genel muayenelerin 5 yılda %13,4, TSY muayenelerinin ise %9 oranında artmış olduğu izlendi. Türkiye genelinde 5 yılda yapılan TSY muayenelerinde en çok S33 (919.868) en az ise S24 (3.951) kodu kullanılmıştır. Çanakkale ilinde ise en fazla S22 (6508) kodlu muayenenin yapıldığı, buna karşın en az kullanılan kodun ise S24 (23) olduğu belirlendi.
Sonuç: Türkiye genelinde, TSY muayene sayısının 5 yılda %61 oranında arttığı ve en çok lomber bölgenin etkilendiği görüldü. TSY’nin nispeten daha az görüldüğü servikal bölgede, nöral yaralanma oranının daha yüksek olduğu izlendi. Toplam TSY sayıları ile karşılaştırıldığında, spinal bölgelere ait kodların kullanım oranlarında, Türkiye geneli ve Çanakkale ilinde belirgin bir fark olduğu görüldü. Bu fark klinisyenlerin aynı hastalıklar için farklı ICD-10 kodlarını tercih etmesine bağlı olduğunu düşündürmektedir. Sonuç olarak, ICD-10 kodlarına göre yapılacak epidemiyolojik çalışmalarda, kullanılmış olan kodların hastaya ait tanı ile uyuşup uyuşmadığının doğrulanması gerektiğini düşünüyoruz.


  • 1. Ackery A, Tator C, Krassioukov A. A global perspective on spinal cord injury epidemiology. J Neurotrauma. 2004 Oct;21(10):1355–70.
  • 2. Wyndaele M, Wyndaele J-J. Incidence, prevalence and epidemiology of spinal cord injury: what learns a worldwide literature survey? Spinal Cord. 2006 Sep;44(9):523–9.
  • 3. Kumar R, Lim J, Mekary RA, Rattani A, Dewan MC, Sharif SY, et al. Traumatic Spinal Injury: Global Epidemiology and Worldwide Volume. World Neurosurg. 2018 May;113:e345–63.
  • 4. Karamehmetoğlu SS, Unal S, Karacan I, Yílmaz H, Togay HS, Ertekin M, et al. Traumatic spinal cord injuries in Istanbul, Turkey. An epidemiological study. Paraplegia. 1995 Aug;33(8):469–71.
  • 5. Karamehmetoğlu SS, Nas K, Karacan I, Sarac AJ, Koyuncu H, Ataoğlu S, et al. Traumatic spinal cord injuries in southeast Turkey: an epidemiological study. Spinal Cord. 1997 Aug;35(8):531–3.
  • 6. Karacan I, Koyuncu H, Pekel O, Sümbüloglu G, Kirnap M, Dursun H, et al. Traumatic spinal cord injuries in Turkey: a nation-wide epidemiological study. Spinal Cord. 2000 Nov;38(11):697–701.
  • 7. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü Sosyal Güvenlik Uygulamaları Dairesi Başkanlığı. July 1, 2005. Available at:,6220/icd-10-trm-hastalik-ve-saglik-girisimi-siniflandirma-sistemleri-gelistirilmesi.html Acccessed 24 February 2021.
  • 8. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sağlık Bakanlığı İstatistik Yıllıkları. May 29, 2015. Available at:,11588/istatistik-yilliklari.html Acccessed 24 February 2021.
  • 9. Hagen EM, Rekand T, Gilhus NE, Gronning M. Diagnostic coding accuracy for traumatic spinal cord injuries. Spinal Cord. 2009 May;47(5):367–71.
  • 10. Bellner J, Jensen S-M, Lexell J, Romner B. Diagnostic criteria and the use of ICD-10 codes to define and classify minor head injury. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2003 Mar;74(3):351–2.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Ümit Ali Malçok This is me 0000-0002-1272-9654

Ali Akar This is me 0000-0002-6567-6218

Publication Date July 16, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Malçok, Ü. A., & Akar, A. (2021). Distribution of Traumatic Spinal Injuries in Turkey In Accordance with ICD-10 Codes between the Years 2015 and 2019. Eskisehir Medical Journal, 2(2), 68-73.
AMA Malçok ÜA, Akar A. Distribution of Traumatic Spinal Injuries in Turkey In Accordance with ICD-10 Codes between the Years 2015 and 2019. Eskisehir Med J. July 2021;2(2):68-73. doi:10.48176/esmj.2021.20
Chicago Malçok, Ümit Ali, and Ali Akar. “Distribution of Traumatic Spinal Injuries in Turkey In Accordance With ICD-10 Codes Between the Years 2015 and 2019”. Eskisehir Medical Journal 2, no. 2 (July 2021): 68-73.
EndNote Malçok ÜA, Akar A (July 1, 2021) Distribution of Traumatic Spinal Injuries in Turkey In Accordance with ICD-10 Codes between the Years 2015 and 2019. Eskisehir Medical Journal 2 2 68–73.
IEEE Ü. A. Malçok and A. Akar, “Distribution of Traumatic Spinal Injuries in Turkey In Accordance with ICD-10 Codes between the Years 2015 and 2019”, Eskisehir Med J, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 68–73, 2021, doi: 10.48176/esmj.2021.20.
ISNAD Malçok, Ümit Ali - Akar, Ali. “Distribution of Traumatic Spinal Injuries in Turkey In Accordance With ICD-10 Codes Between the Years 2015 and 2019”. Eskisehir Medical Journal 2/2 (July 2021), 68-73.
JAMA Malçok ÜA, Akar A. Distribution of Traumatic Spinal Injuries in Turkey In Accordance with ICD-10 Codes between the Years 2015 and 2019. Eskisehir Med J. 2021;2:68–73.
MLA Malçok, Ümit Ali and Ali Akar. “Distribution of Traumatic Spinal Injuries in Turkey In Accordance With ICD-10 Codes Between the Years 2015 and 2019”. Eskisehir Medical Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, 2021, pp. 68-73, doi:10.48176/esmj.2021.20.
Vancouver Malçok ÜA, Akar A. Distribution of Traumatic Spinal Injuries in Turkey In Accordance with ICD-10 Codes between the Years 2015 and 2019. Eskisehir Med J. 2021;2(2):68-73.