Is There a Covid-19 Transmission With Percutaneous Needle Prick? A Case Report
Year 2022,
Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 223 - 225, 01.08.2022
Murat Duyan
Serhat Günlü
Ali Sarıdaş
Resmiye Nur Okudan
While a 34-year-old male healthcare worker was working in the clinic ward where patients infected with COVID-19 were hospitalized, the needle of the syringe through which blood was taken from the patient accidentally pierced the left-hand 2nd finger into the volar surface of the distal phalanx. The patient for whom the syringe was used was a 54-year-old female patient who had been treated in the hospital for 3 days due to COVID-19 pneumonia. The health worker was followed for 4 weeks. No symptoms or signs of disease suggestive of COVID-19 infection were detected. Healthcare worker were vaccinated with 2 doses of BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine with 42 days between 2 doses. His last vaccination was 1 month before the needle stick injury ago. Even if the risk of transmission is considered, the fact that the patient had two doses of the BNT162b2 vaccine may have protected him. Theoretically, although there seems to be a risk of transmission of coronavirus through blood, it has not been proven yet. The risk of transmission is almost non-existent when we compare the infection that will occur by the needle stick injury in patients infected with the virüs, through the respiratory route, where the risk of transmission is high. A large-scale study is required on this subject.
- 1. C.I. Paules, H.D. Marston, A.S. Fauci Coronavirus infections—more than just the common cold JAMA, 323 (8) (2020), pp. 707-708, 10.1001/jama.2020.0757
- 2. van Doremalen N, Bushmaker T, Morris DH, et al. Aerosol and surface stability of SARS-CoV-2 as compared with SARS-CoV-1. New England Journal of Medicine. 2020;382(16):1564–1567. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc2004973)
- 3. Rational use of personal protective equipment for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and considerations during severe shortages, in Interim Guidance, W.H. Organizaton, Editor. 2020. p. 28.
- 4. J.M. Dement, C. Epling, T. Ostbye, et al.Blood and body fluid exposure risks among health care workers: results from the Duke Health and Safety Surveillance System Am J Ind Med, 46 (2004), pp. 637-648.
- 5. Cho HJ, Koo JW, Roh SK, et al. COVID-19 transmission and blood transfusion: A case report. Journal of Infection and Public Health. 2020;13(11):1678–1679. doi: 10.1016/j.jiph.2020.05.001
- 6. (Accessed on September 05, 2021).]
- 7. Dagan N, Barda N, Kepten E, et al. BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 vaccine in a nationwide mass vaccination setting. N Engl J Med 2021;384:1412-1423.
- 8. Hall VJ, Foulkes S, Saei A, et al. COVID-19 vaccine coverage in health-care workers in England and effectiveness of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against infection (SIREN): a prospective, multicentre, cohort study. Lancet 2021;397:1725-1735.
Is there a covid-19 transmission with percutaneous needle prick? A case report
Year 2022,
Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 223 - 225, 01.08.2022
Murat Duyan
Serhat Günlü
Ali Sarıdaş
Resmiye Nur Okudan
34 yaşında erkek sağlık çalışanı, COVID-19 ile enfekte hastaların yattığı klinikte çalışırken, hastadan kan alınan şırınganın iğnesi yanlışlıkla sol elin 2. Parmağının distal falanksın volar yüzeyine kazara saplandı. Şırınganın kullanıldığı hasta 54 yaşında COVID-19 pnömonisi nedeniyle hastanede 3 gündür tedavi alan kadın hastaydı. Sağlık çalışanı 4 hafta boyunca takip edildi. COVID-19 enfeksiyonunu düşündüren hiçbir semptom veya bulgu tespit edilmedi. Sağlık çalışanı 2 doz BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) aşısı ile 2 doz arası 42 gün olmak üzere aşılanmıştır. Son aşısı, iğne batması yaralanmasından 1 ay önceydi.Perkütan iğne batması sonucu yaralanma nedeniyle virüs bulaşma riski yok denecek kadar azdır veya yoktur. Bulaşma riski düşünülse dahi hastanın iki doz BNT162b2 aşısı olması kendisini korumuş olabilir. Teorik olarak koronavirüsün kan yoluyla bulaşma riski var gibi görünse de henüz kanıtlanamamıştır. Virüs bulaşmış hastalarda, bulaş riskinin yüksek olduğu solunum yolu ile perkütan iğne batması sonucu yaralanma karşılaştırıldığında, enfeksiyonun bulaşma riski yok denecek kadar azdır.Bu konuda geniş çaplı çalışma yapılması gerekir.
- 1. C.I. Paules, H.D. Marston, A.S. Fauci Coronavirus infections—more than just the common cold JAMA, 323 (8) (2020), pp. 707-708, 10.1001/jama.2020.0757
- 2. van Doremalen N, Bushmaker T, Morris DH, et al. Aerosol and surface stability of SARS-CoV-2 as compared with SARS-CoV-1. New England Journal of Medicine. 2020;382(16):1564–1567. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc2004973)
- 3. Rational use of personal protective equipment for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and considerations during severe shortages, in Interim Guidance, W.H. Organizaton, Editor. 2020. p. 28.
- 4. J.M. Dement, C. Epling, T. Ostbye, et al.Blood and body fluid exposure risks among health care workers: results from the Duke Health and Safety Surveillance System Am J Ind Med, 46 (2004), pp. 637-648.
- 5. Cho HJ, Koo JW, Roh SK, et al. COVID-19 transmission and blood transfusion: A case report. Journal of Infection and Public Health. 2020;13(11):1678–1679. doi: 10.1016/j.jiph.2020.05.001
- 6. (Accessed on September 05, 2021).]
- 7. Dagan N, Barda N, Kepten E, et al. BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 vaccine in a nationwide mass vaccination setting. N Engl J Med 2021;384:1412-1423.
- 8. Hall VJ, Foulkes S, Saei A, et al. COVID-19 vaccine coverage in health-care workers in England and effectiveness of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against infection (SIREN): a prospective, multicentre, cohort study. Lancet 2021;397:1725-1735.