Article Evaluation Process

In order for an article to be published, it must be reviewed by the editor(s) or reviewed by referees as necessary; It must be deemed appropriate in terms of both text layout and content. Articles submitted to the journal are first evaluated by the editor. It is then sent to at least 2 referees who are appropriate to the relevant subject and who are not affiliated with the study. Authors can indicate the referees to whom they recommend the manuscript be sent for evaluation. These referees may be members of the journal's advisory board, people who are not on the advisory board, or referees recommended by the author. The article sent to the referees does not contain information indicating the identity of the author(s) or the institution. In addition, when deemed necessary, the articles are examined by a third referee for statistics. In line with the decision of the referees, the editor-in-chief decides whether the manuscript will be accepted or not. The referee identity is not included in the referee reports sent to the authors that require positive or negative corrections. The editor publishes articles that do not comply with the publication conditions; has the authority to send it back to the author for correction, edit or reject it.

Last Update Time: 3/28/24, 11:03:44 PM