Research Article
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Year 2019, , 204 - 215, 26.09.2019


paper proposes a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) for project
scheduling and staff allocation problem with time-dependent learning effect
considering task similarities for learning. Resources of a project, especially
staffs, can learn from previous tasks if those tasks and the current task are
similar. Considering similarities among tasks for each staff can produce a more
realistic schedule for a project. The objective function of the proposed
problem is to minimize project completion time. The learning effect in this
paper is dependent on the time when the project staff starts to do that task.
If a project staff does repetitive and/or similar tasks then that staff can get
experience and do tasks faster than planned durations. Therefore, task sequence
is essential to assign tasks to project staffs in order to minimize project
completion time by considering task similarities in view of learning.


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  • [5] Arık OA, Toksarı MD. Fuzzy Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem Under Fuzzy Job Deterioration and Learning Effects With Fuzzy Processing Times in Advanced Fuzzy Logic Approaches in Engineering Science, M. Ram, Ed. IGI Global, 2019, pp. 49–67.
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  • [14] Hassanein A. Moselhi O. Planning and scheduling highway construction. J Constr Eng Manag 2004; 130: 638–646.
  • [15] Wu MC. Sun SH. A project scheduling and staff assignment model considering learning effect. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2006; 28: 1190–1195.
  • [16] Yan JH, Wang ZM. GA based algorithm for staff scheduling considering learning-forgetting effect, in: 2011 IEEE 18th Int Conf Ind Eng Eng Manag IE EM 2011, 2011: 122–126.
  • [17] Ammar M.A, Abdel-Maged AF, Scheduling of repetitive projects with learning development effect, in: Adv Civ Eng Build Mater - Sel. Peer Rev Pap from 2012 2nd Int Conf Civ Eng Build Mater CEBM 2012, 2012: pp. 341–346.
  • [18] Zhang L, Zou X, Kan Z. Improved strategy for resource allocation in repetitive projects considering the learning effect. J Constr Eng Manag 2014; 140.
  • [19] Zha H, Zhang L. Scheduling projects with multiskill learning effect. Sci World J 2014.
  • [20] Mehmanchi E, Shadrokh S. Solving a new mixed integer non-linear programming model of the multi-skilled project scheduling problem considering learning and forgetting effect on the employee efficiency. in: IEEE Int Conf Ind Eng Eng Manag 2014: pp. 400–404.
  • [21] Yang Q, Lu T, Yao T, Zhang B. The impact of uncertainty and ambiguity related to iteration and overlapping on schedule of product development projects. Int J Proj Manag 2014; 32: 827–837.
  • [22] Zheng XL, Wang L. A multi-agent optimization algorithm for resource constrained project scheduling problem. Expert Syst Appl 2015; 42: 6039–6049.
  • [23] Van Peteghem V, Vanhoucke M. Influence of learning in resource-constrained project scheduling. Comput Ind Eng 2015; 87: 569–579.
  • [24] Qin S, Liu S, Kuang H. Piecewise Linear Model for Multiskilled Workforce Scheduling Problems considering Learning Effect and Project Quality. Math Probl Eng 2016.
  • [25] Ammar MA, Abdel-Maged AF. Modeling of LOB scheduling with learning development effect. Int J Constr Manag 2018; 1–10.
  • [26] Chen R, Liang C, Gu D and Leung J Y-T. A multi-objective model for multi-project scheduling and multi-skilled staff assignment for IT product development considering competency evolution. Int. J. Prod. Res. 2017; 55(21): 6207–6234.
  • [27] Guo Y-N, Ji J-H, Ji J-J and Gong D.-W. Multi-objective software project scheduling optimization method with the learning and forgetting effect. Kongzhi yu Juece/Control Decis. 2018; 33(2): 203–210.
  • [28] Guo Y, Ji, J, Ji, J, Gong D, Cheng J and Shen X., Firework-based software project scheduling method considering the learning and forgetting effect. Soft Computing. 2018; 1–16.
  • [29] Chen H, Wang K, Du Y and Wang L. The algorithm for duration acceleration of repetitive projects considering the learning effect in 2018 2nd International Workshop on Advances in Energy Science and Environment Engineering, AESEE. 2018.
  • [30] Rzepecki L, Biruk S. Simulation Method for Scheduling Linear Construction Projects Using the Learning-Forgetting Effect in 2nd Baltic Conference for Students and Young Researchers, BalCon. 2018.
  • [31] Hosseinian AH, Baradaran V and Bashiri M. Modeling of the time-dependent multi-skilled RCPSP considering learning effect: An evolutionary solution approach. Journal of Modelling in Management 2019.
  • [32] PROJECT SCHEDULING PROBLEM LIBRARY, “PROJECT SCHEDULING PROBLEM LIBRARY” 2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 08-Mar-2019].
Year 2019, , 204 - 215, 26.09.2019



  • [1] Wright TP. Factors Affecting the Cost of Airplanes. J Aeronaut Sci 1936; 3: 122–128.
  • [2] Biskup D. Single-machine scheduling with learning considerations. Eur J Oper Res 1999; 115: 173–178.
  • [3] Kuo WH, Yang DL. Minimizing the total completion time in a single-machine scheduling problem with a time-dependent learning effect. Eur J Oper Res 2006; 174: 1184–1190.
  • [4] Arık OA, Toksarı MD. Multi-objective fuzzy parallel machine scheduling problems under fuzzy job deterioration and learning effects. Int J Prod Res 2018; 56: 2488–2505.
  • [5] Arık OA, Toksarı MD. Fuzzy Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem Under Fuzzy Job Deterioration and Learning Effects With Fuzzy Processing Times in Advanced Fuzzy Logic Approaches in Engineering Science, M. Ram, Ed. IGI Global, 2019, pp. 49–67.
  • [6] Arık OA, Toksari MD. Fuzzy chance constrained programming technique for single machine earliness/tardiness scheduling problem under effects of fuzzy learning and deterioration. Sak. Univ J Sci 2018; 22(2): 652–662.
  • [7] Toksarı MD, Arık OA. Single machine scheduling problems under position-dependent fuzzy learning effect with fuzzy processing times. J Manuf Syst, 2017; 45:159-179.
  • [8] Shtub A, LeBlanc LJ, Cai Z. Scheduling programs with repetitive projects: A comparison of a simulated annealing, a genetic and a pair-wise swap algorithm. Eur J Oper Res 1996; 88: 124–138.
  • [9] Ash R, Smith-Daniels DE. The effects of learning, forgetting, and relearning on decision rule performance in multi project scheduling. Decis Sci 1999; 30: 47–79.
  • [10] Arditi D, Tokdemir OB, Suh K. Effect of learning on line-of-balance scheduling. Int J Proj Manag 2001; 19: 265–277.
  • [11] Lam KC, Lee D, Hu T. Understanding the effect of the learning-forgetting phenomenon to duration of projects construction. Int J Proj Manag 2001; 19: 411–420.
  • [12] Arditi D, Tokdemir OB, Suh K. Challenges in line-of-balance scheduling. J Constr Eng Manag 2002; 128: 545–556.
  • [13] Moselhi O, Hassanein A. Optimized scheduling of linear projects, J Constr Eng Manag, 2003; 129: 664–673.
  • [14] Hassanein A. Moselhi O. Planning and scheduling highway construction. J Constr Eng Manag 2004; 130: 638–646.
  • [15] Wu MC. Sun SH. A project scheduling and staff assignment model considering learning effect. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2006; 28: 1190–1195.
  • [16] Yan JH, Wang ZM. GA based algorithm for staff scheduling considering learning-forgetting effect, in: 2011 IEEE 18th Int Conf Ind Eng Eng Manag IE EM 2011, 2011: 122–126.
  • [17] Ammar M.A, Abdel-Maged AF, Scheduling of repetitive projects with learning development effect, in: Adv Civ Eng Build Mater - Sel. Peer Rev Pap from 2012 2nd Int Conf Civ Eng Build Mater CEBM 2012, 2012: pp. 341–346.
  • [18] Zhang L, Zou X, Kan Z. Improved strategy for resource allocation in repetitive projects considering the learning effect. J Constr Eng Manag 2014; 140.
  • [19] Zha H, Zhang L. Scheduling projects with multiskill learning effect. Sci World J 2014.
  • [20] Mehmanchi E, Shadrokh S. Solving a new mixed integer non-linear programming model of the multi-skilled project scheduling problem considering learning and forgetting effect on the employee efficiency. in: IEEE Int Conf Ind Eng Eng Manag 2014: pp. 400–404.
  • [21] Yang Q, Lu T, Yao T, Zhang B. The impact of uncertainty and ambiguity related to iteration and overlapping on schedule of product development projects. Int J Proj Manag 2014; 32: 827–837.
  • [22] Zheng XL, Wang L. A multi-agent optimization algorithm for resource constrained project scheduling problem. Expert Syst Appl 2015; 42: 6039–6049.
  • [23] Van Peteghem V, Vanhoucke M. Influence of learning in resource-constrained project scheduling. Comput Ind Eng 2015; 87: 569–579.
  • [24] Qin S, Liu S, Kuang H. Piecewise Linear Model for Multiskilled Workforce Scheduling Problems considering Learning Effect and Project Quality. Math Probl Eng 2016.
  • [25] Ammar MA, Abdel-Maged AF. Modeling of LOB scheduling with learning development effect. Int J Constr Manag 2018; 1–10.
  • [26] Chen R, Liang C, Gu D and Leung J Y-T. A multi-objective model for multi-project scheduling and multi-skilled staff assignment for IT product development considering competency evolution. Int. J. Prod. Res. 2017; 55(21): 6207–6234.
  • [27] Guo Y-N, Ji J-H, Ji J-J and Gong D.-W. Multi-objective software project scheduling optimization method with the learning and forgetting effect. Kongzhi yu Juece/Control Decis. 2018; 33(2): 203–210.
  • [28] Guo Y, Ji, J, Ji, J, Gong D, Cheng J and Shen X., Firework-based software project scheduling method considering the learning and forgetting effect. Soft Computing. 2018; 1–16.
  • [29] Chen H, Wang K, Du Y and Wang L. The algorithm for duration acceleration of repetitive projects considering the learning effect in 2018 2nd International Workshop on Advances in Energy Science and Environment Engineering, AESEE. 2018.
  • [30] Rzepecki L, Biruk S. Simulation Method for Scheduling Linear Construction Projects Using the Learning-Forgetting Effect in 2nd Baltic Conference for Students and Young Researchers, BalCon. 2018.
  • [31] Hosseinian AH, Baradaran V and Bashiri M. Modeling of the time-dependent multi-skilled RCPSP considering learning effect: An evolutionary solution approach. Journal of Modelling in Management 2019.
  • [32] PROJECT SCHEDULING PROBLEM LIBRARY, “PROJECT SCHEDULING PROBLEM LIBRARY” 2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 08-Mar-2019].
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Oğuzhan Ahmet Arık 0000-0002-7088-2104

Publication Date September 26, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019
