Research Article
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Year 2021, , 312 - 325, 29.09.2021


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused noticeable changes when it comes to the consumption and purchasing behaviors of customers and the increase in online shopping besides various fields such as health, education, and transportation. Within this context, the goal of this study is to determine the relations between the online shopping, shopping locations, and the 3 particular time intervals during the COVID-19 pandemic, which were set to represent the pre-pandemic, pandemic, and new normal periods, in 2020. To fulfill this aim, the online shopping data of Marketyo were processed and a sample of 979 observations from 7 districts of Ankara province was analyzed via two factor ANOVA method to determine the effects of pandemic periods and chosen districts on online food/non-food expenditures. The results revealed a significant statistical difference in mean food and non-food expenditures among both periods and districts. The highest amount of food and non-food expenditures were recorded mostly in Etimesgut, Çankaya, and Keçiören districts during Period-2, while the lowest was in Altındağ, Mamak, and Sincan districts during Period-1. According to the Turkey HSD test results, Sincan differed from all the other districts, as the lowest online market spending rate was recorded in this district. The results are assumed to be in line with the socio-economic development levels of the districts, as well as other issues such as internet accessibility, availability of technological devices, and geographical factors. The findings of this study are supported to be guiding for further studies for the determination of the pandemic on online shopping behaviors and patterns, as well as their geospatial relations.


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  • [2] Iriani SS, Andjarwati AL. Analysis of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived risk toward online shopping in the era of COVID-19 pandemic. Syst Rev Pharm, 2020;11:313–20.
  • [3] Kaur K, Kunasegaran M, Singh J, Salome S, Sandhu Sukjeet K. Impact of the First Phase of Movement Control Order during the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia on purchasing behavior of Malaysian consumers. Res J Humanit Soc Sci, 2020;2:131–44.
  • [4] Bharathi A, Natarajan AM. Cancer classification of bioinformatics data using ANOVA. Int J Comput Theory Eng, 2010;2:369–73.
  • [5] Roggeveen AL, Sethuraman R. How the COVID-19 pandemic may change the world of retailing. J Retail, 2020;96:169–71.
  • [6] Rogers K, Cosgrove A. How is COVID-19 affecting the way you spend money on the following? Spending more Spending less, 2020. Retrieved on 10.04.2021 from
  • [7] Baker SR, Farrokhnia RA, Meyer S, Pagel M, Yannelis C. How does household spending respond to an epidemic? Consumption during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Rev Asset Pricing Stud, 2020;10:834–62.
  • [8] Stanciu S, Radu RI, Sapira V, Bratoveanu BD, Florea AM. Consumer behavior in crisis situations. Research on the effects of COVID-19 in Romania. Ann Dunarea Jos Univ Galati Fascicle I Econ Appl Informatics, 2020;26:5–13.
  • [9] Hashem TN. Examining the ınfluence of COVID 19 pandemic in changing customers; orientation towards e-shopping. Mod Appl Sci, 2020;14:59–71.
  • [10] Koch J, Frommeyer B, Schewe G. Online shopping motives during the COVID-19 pandemic-lessons from the crisis. Sustain, 2020;12:1–20.
  • [11] Leone LA, Fleischhacker S, Anderson-Steeves B, Harper K, Winkler M, Racine E, et al. Healthy food retail during the COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges and future directions. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2020;17:1–14.
  • [12] Pham VK, Nguyen T Le, Do TTH, Tang MH, Thu Hoai H Le. A study on switching behavior toward online shopping of vietnamese consumer during the COVID-19 time. SSRN Electron J, 2020.
  • [13] Safara F. A computational model to predict consumer behaviour during COVID-19 pandemic. Comput Econ, 2020.
  • [14] Farrell D, Wheat C, Ward M, Relihan L. The early ımpact of COVID-19 on local commerce: Changes in spend across neighborhoods and online. SSRN Electron J, 2020:1–27.
  • [15] Eger L, Komárková L, Egerová D, Mičík M. The effect of COVID-19 on consumer shopping behaviour: Generational cohort perspective. J Retail Consum Serv, 2021;61:2–11. [16] Faour-Klingbeil D, Osaili TM, Al-Nabulsi AA, Jemni M, Todd ECD. An on-line survey of the behavioral changes in Lebanon, Jordan and Tunisia during the COVID-19 pandemic related to food shopping, food handling, and hygienic practices. Food Control, 2021;125.
  • [17] Martin-Neuninger R, Ruby MB. What does food retail research tell us about the ımplications of coronavirus (COVID-19) for grocery purchasing habits? Front Psychol, 2020;11.
  • [18] Richards TJ, Rickard B. COVID-19 impact on fruit and vegetable markets. Can J Agric Econ, 2020;68:189–94.
  • [19] Brumă IS, Vasiliu CD, Rodino S, Butu M, Tanasă L, Doboș S, et al. The behavior of dairy consumers in short food supply chains during COVID-19 pandemic in Suceava Area, Romania. Sustain, 2021;13.
  • [20] Grashuis J, Skevas T, Segovia MS. Grocery shopping preferences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sustain, 2020;12.
  • [21] Chenarides L, Grebitus C, Lusk JL, Printezis I. Food consumption behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Agribusiness, 2021;37:44–81.
  • [22] Li J, Hallsworth AG, Coca-Stefaniak JA. Changing grocery shopping behaviours among chinese consumers at the outset of the COVID-19 Outbreak. Tijdschr Voor Econ En Soc Geogr, 2020;111:574–83.
  • [23] Poelman MP, Gillebaart M, Schlinkert C, Dijkstra SC, Derksen E, Mensink F, et al. Eating behavior and food purchases during the COVID-19 lockdown: A cross-sectional study among adults in the Netherlands. Appetite, 2021;157.
  • [24] Güven H. COVID-19 Pandemik kriz sürecinde e-ticarette meydana gelen değişimler. Avrasya Sos ve Ekon Araştırmaları Derg, 2020;7:251–68.
  • [25] Yılmaz Ö, Bayram O. COVID-19 pandemi döneminde Türkiye’de e-ticaret ve e-ihracat. Kayseri Üniversitesi Sos Bilim Derg, 2020;2:37–54.
  • [26] Danışmaz AT. COVID-19 Salgınının Tüketicilerin Online Alışveriş Tercihine Etkisi. Sos Bilim Araştırma Derg, 2020;9:83–90.
  • [27] Seltman HJ. Experimental Design and Analysis. 2018. Retrieved on 21.03.2021 from
  • [28] Şeker M. İnsani gelişme endeksi-ilçeler. İnsani Gelişme Vakfı, İstanbul, 2018. Retrieved on 15.12.2020 from
  • [29] Li H, Kuo C, Russell MG. The impact of perceived channel utilities, shopping orientations, and demographics on the consumer’s online buying behavior. J Comput Commun, 1999;5.
  • [30] Sim LL, Koi SM. Singapore’s internet shoppers and their impact on traditional shopping patterns. J Retail Consum Serv, 2002;9:115–24.
  • [31] Sin L, Tse A. Profiling internet shoppers in hong kong: Demographic, psychographic, attitudinal and experiential factors. J Int Consum Mark, 2002;15:7–29.
  • [32] Naseri MB, Elliott G. Role of demographics, social connectedness and prior internet experience in adoption of online shopping: Applications for direct marketing. J Targeting, Meas Anal Mark, 2011;19:69–84.
  • [33] Mehrotra AA, Elias H, Al-Alawi AI, Al-Bassam SA. The effect of demographic factors of consumers online shopping behavior in a GCC university. Ethical Consum. Comp. Stud. Across Differ. Cult. Emerg. Res. Oppor, 2019, p. 126–51.
  • [34] Anderson WP, Chatterjee L, Lakshmanan TR. E-commerce, transportation, and economic geography. Growth Change, 2003;34:415–32.
  • [35] Farag S, Weltevreden J, van Rietbergen T, Dijst M, van Oort F. E-shopping in the Netherlands: Does geography matter? Environ Plan B Plan Des, 2006;33:59–74.
  • [36] Allianz Araştırmalar. COVID-19’un sektör bazında olumsuz etkileri. İstanbul: 2020. Retrieved on 03.04.2021 from
  • [37] Edvido. Pandemi sektörleri ve reklam harcamalarını nasıl etkiledi? 2020. Retrieved on 20.02.2021 from
  • [38] Blanca MJ, Alarcon R, Arnau J, Bono R, Bendayan R. Non-normal data: Is still ANOVA a valid option? Psicothema, 2017;29:4:552-557. https://doi: 10.7334/psicothema2016.383


Year 2021, , 312 - 325, 29.09.2021



  • [1] Gopinath V. Comsumer behavior trends during COVID-19 pandemic. Int J Sci Dev Res, 2020;5:310–3.
  • [2] Iriani SS, Andjarwati AL. Analysis of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived risk toward online shopping in the era of COVID-19 pandemic. Syst Rev Pharm, 2020;11:313–20.
  • [3] Kaur K, Kunasegaran M, Singh J, Salome S, Sandhu Sukjeet K. Impact of the First Phase of Movement Control Order during the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia on purchasing behavior of Malaysian consumers. Res J Humanit Soc Sci, 2020;2:131–44.
  • [4] Bharathi A, Natarajan AM. Cancer classification of bioinformatics data using ANOVA. Int J Comput Theory Eng, 2010;2:369–73.
  • [5] Roggeveen AL, Sethuraman R. How the COVID-19 pandemic may change the world of retailing. J Retail, 2020;96:169–71.
  • [6] Rogers K, Cosgrove A. How is COVID-19 affecting the way you spend money on the following? Spending more Spending less, 2020. Retrieved on 10.04.2021 from
  • [7] Baker SR, Farrokhnia RA, Meyer S, Pagel M, Yannelis C. How does household spending respond to an epidemic? Consumption during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Rev Asset Pricing Stud, 2020;10:834–62.
  • [8] Stanciu S, Radu RI, Sapira V, Bratoveanu BD, Florea AM. Consumer behavior in crisis situations. Research on the effects of COVID-19 in Romania. Ann Dunarea Jos Univ Galati Fascicle I Econ Appl Informatics, 2020;26:5–13.
  • [9] Hashem TN. Examining the ınfluence of COVID 19 pandemic in changing customers; orientation towards e-shopping. Mod Appl Sci, 2020;14:59–71.
  • [10] Koch J, Frommeyer B, Schewe G. Online shopping motives during the COVID-19 pandemic-lessons from the crisis. Sustain, 2020;12:1–20.
  • [11] Leone LA, Fleischhacker S, Anderson-Steeves B, Harper K, Winkler M, Racine E, et al. Healthy food retail during the COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges and future directions. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2020;17:1–14.
  • [12] Pham VK, Nguyen T Le, Do TTH, Tang MH, Thu Hoai H Le. A study on switching behavior toward online shopping of vietnamese consumer during the COVID-19 time. SSRN Electron J, 2020.
  • [13] Safara F. A computational model to predict consumer behaviour during COVID-19 pandemic. Comput Econ, 2020.
  • [14] Farrell D, Wheat C, Ward M, Relihan L. The early ımpact of COVID-19 on local commerce: Changes in spend across neighborhoods and online. SSRN Electron J, 2020:1–27.
  • [15] Eger L, Komárková L, Egerová D, Mičík M. The effect of COVID-19 on consumer shopping behaviour: Generational cohort perspective. J Retail Consum Serv, 2021;61:2–11. [16] Faour-Klingbeil D, Osaili TM, Al-Nabulsi AA, Jemni M, Todd ECD. An on-line survey of the behavioral changes in Lebanon, Jordan and Tunisia during the COVID-19 pandemic related to food shopping, food handling, and hygienic practices. Food Control, 2021;125.
  • [17] Martin-Neuninger R, Ruby MB. What does food retail research tell us about the ımplications of coronavirus (COVID-19) for grocery purchasing habits? Front Psychol, 2020;11.
  • [18] Richards TJ, Rickard B. COVID-19 impact on fruit and vegetable markets. Can J Agric Econ, 2020;68:189–94.
  • [19] Brumă IS, Vasiliu CD, Rodino S, Butu M, Tanasă L, Doboș S, et al. The behavior of dairy consumers in short food supply chains during COVID-19 pandemic in Suceava Area, Romania. Sustain, 2021;13.
  • [20] Grashuis J, Skevas T, Segovia MS. Grocery shopping preferences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sustain, 2020;12.
  • [21] Chenarides L, Grebitus C, Lusk JL, Printezis I. Food consumption behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Agribusiness, 2021;37:44–81.
  • [22] Li J, Hallsworth AG, Coca-Stefaniak JA. Changing grocery shopping behaviours among chinese consumers at the outset of the COVID-19 Outbreak. Tijdschr Voor Econ En Soc Geogr, 2020;111:574–83.
  • [23] Poelman MP, Gillebaart M, Schlinkert C, Dijkstra SC, Derksen E, Mensink F, et al. Eating behavior and food purchases during the COVID-19 lockdown: A cross-sectional study among adults in the Netherlands. Appetite, 2021;157.
  • [24] Güven H. COVID-19 Pandemik kriz sürecinde e-ticarette meydana gelen değişimler. Avrasya Sos ve Ekon Araştırmaları Derg, 2020;7:251–68.
  • [25] Yılmaz Ö, Bayram O. COVID-19 pandemi döneminde Türkiye’de e-ticaret ve e-ihracat. Kayseri Üniversitesi Sos Bilim Derg, 2020;2:37–54.
  • [26] Danışmaz AT. COVID-19 Salgınının Tüketicilerin Online Alışveriş Tercihine Etkisi. Sos Bilim Araştırma Derg, 2020;9:83–90.
  • [27] Seltman HJ. Experimental Design and Analysis. 2018. Retrieved on 21.03.2021 from
  • [28] Şeker M. İnsani gelişme endeksi-ilçeler. İnsani Gelişme Vakfı, İstanbul, 2018. Retrieved on 15.12.2020 from
  • [29] Li H, Kuo C, Russell MG. The impact of perceived channel utilities, shopping orientations, and demographics on the consumer’s online buying behavior. J Comput Commun, 1999;5.
  • [30] Sim LL, Koi SM. Singapore’s internet shoppers and their impact on traditional shopping patterns. J Retail Consum Serv, 2002;9:115–24.
  • [31] Sin L, Tse A. Profiling internet shoppers in hong kong: Demographic, psychographic, attitudinal and experiential factors. J Int Consum Mark, 2002;15:7–29.
  • [32] Naseri MB, Elliott G. Role of demographics, social connectedness and prior internet experience in adoption of online shopping: Applications for direct marketing. J Targeting, Meas Anal Mark, 2011;19:69–84.
  • [33] Mehrotra AA, Elias H, Al-Alawi AI, Al-Bassam SA. The effect of demographic factors of consumers online shopping behavior in a GCC university. Ethical Consum. Comp. Stud. Across Differ. Cult. Emerg. Res. Oppor, 2019, p. 126–51.
  • [34] Anderson WP, Chatterjee L, Lakshmanan TR. E-commerce, transportation, and economic geography. Growth Change, 2003;34:415–32.
  • [35] Farag S, Weltevreden J, van Rietbergen T, Dijst M, van Oort F. E-shopping in the Netherlands: Does geography matter? Environ Plan B Plan Des, 2006;33:59–74.
  • [36] Allianz Araştırmalar. COVID-19’un sektör bazında olumsuz etkileri. İstanbul: 2020. Retrieved on 03.04.2021 from
  • [37] Edvido. Pandemi sektörleri ve reklam harcamalarını nasıl etkiledi? 2020. Retrieved on 20.02.2021 from
  • [38] Blanca MJ, Alarcon R, Arnau J, Bono R, Bendayan R. Non-normal data: Is still ANOVA a valid option? Psicothema, 2017;29:4:552-557. https://doi: 10.7334/psicothema2016.383
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Burcu Yılmazel 0000-0001-8917-6499

Müzeyyen Anıl Şenyel Kürkçüoğlu 0000-0002-9423-6932

Tuğrul Hocaoğlu 0000-0002-7096-3051

Saye Nihan Çabuk 0000-0003-4859-2271

Bülent Günsoy 0000-0001-6370-189X

Alper Çabuk 0000-0002-0684-2247

Publication Date September 29, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


AMA Yılmazel B, Şenyel Kürkçüoğlu MA, Hocaoğlu T, Çabuk SN, Günsoy B, Çabuk A. ANALYSIS OF ONLINE SHOPPING BEHAVIORS DURING COVID 19 PANDEMIC: ANKARA CASE. Estuscience - Se. September 2021;22(3):312-325. doi:10.18038/estubtda.962633