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Year 2018, Volume: 19 Issue: 3, 574 - 584, 01.09.2018



  • (Erişim tarihi: 20.12.2016)
  • Izquierdo MA, Navarro FJ, Martínez-Boza FJ, Gallegos C. Novel stable MDI isocyanate-based bituminous foams. Fuel 2011; 90:681-688.
  • Cuadri AA, García-Morales M, Navarro FJ, Partal P. Effect of transesterification degree and post-treatment on the in-service performance of NCO-functionalized vegetable oil bituminous products. Chem Eng Sci 2014; 111: 126-134.
  • Izquierdo MA, Navarro FJ, Martínez-Boza FJ, Gallegos C. Bituminous polyurethane foams for building applications: Influence of bitumen hardness. Con Build Mat 2012; 30: 706-713.
  • Bulatovic VO, Rek V, Markovic KJ. Effect of polymer modifiers on the properties of bitumen. J Elast Plast 2014; 46: 448-469.
  • Zhu J, Birgisson B, Kringos N. Polymer modification of bitumen: Advances and challenges. Eur Polym J 2014; 54: 18-38.
  • Lu X. 1997. On polymer modified road bitumens (doctoral dissertation), Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
  • Chen JS, Liao MC, Shiah MS. Asphalt modified by styrene-butadiene-styrene triblock copolymer: morphology and model. J Mater Civ Eng 2002; 14: 224-229.
  • Vargas MA, Chavez AE, Herrera R, Manero O. Asphalt modified by partially hydrogenated SBS tri-block copolymers. Rubber Chem Techn 2005; 78: 620-643.
  • Şengöz B, Işıkyakar G. Analysis of styrene-butadiene-styrene polymer modified bitumen using fluorescent microscopy and conventional test methods. J Haz Mat 2008; 150: 424-432.
  • Collins JH, Bouldin MG. Stability of straight and polymer-modified asphalts. Transportation Research Record: J Trans Res Board 1992; 1342: 92-100.
  • Li Y, Li I, Zhang Y, Zhao S, Xie L, Yao S. . Improving the aging resistance of styrene-butadiene-styrene tri-block copolymer and application in polymer modified asphalt. J Appl Polym Sci 2010; 116; 754-761.
  • Zhang J, Wang J, Wu Y, Wang Y, Wang Y. Evaluation of the improved properties of SBR/weathered coal modified bitumen containing carbon black. . Con Build Mat 2009; 23: 2678-2687.
  • Polacco G, Muscente A, Biondi D, Santini S. . Effect of composition on the properties of SEBS modified asphalts. E Poylm J 2006; 42: 1113-1121.
  • Karahrodi MH, Jazani OM, Paran SMR, Formela K, Saeb MR. Modification of thermal and rheological characteristics of bitumen by waste PET /GTR blends. Con Build Mat 2017; 134: 157-166.
  • Padhan RK, Gupta AA, Badoni RP, Bhatnagar AK. Poly(ethylene terephthalate) waste derived chemicals as an antistripping additive for bitumen – An environment friendly approach for disposal of environmentally hazardous material. Poly Deg Stab 2013; 98: 2592-2601.
  • Bocci M, Colagrande S, Montepara A. PVC and PET plastics taken from solid urban waste in bituminous concrete. Waste Management Series 2000; 1:186-195.
  • Gürü M, Çubuk MK, Arslan D, Farzanian SA, Bilici İ. An approach to the usage of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) waste as roadway pavementmaterial. J Haz Mat 2014; 279: 302-310.
  • Achilias, D.S. 2012. Material Recycling-Trends and Perpective. Chapter 15: From PET Waste to Novel Polyurethanes. InTech, DOI: 10.5772/31642, Pg:358
  • Xi G, Lu M, Sun C. Study on depolymerization of waste polyethylene terephthalate into monomer bis(2-hydroxyethyl terephthalate). Poly Deg Stab 2005; 87:117-120.
  • Chen CH, Chen CY, Lo YW, Mao CF, Liao WT. Studied of glycolysis of poly(ethylene terephthalate) recycled from postconsumer soft-drink bottles. I. Influence of glycolysis conditions. J Appl Polym Sci 2001; 80:943-948.
  • Moriyoshi A, Jin T, Nakai T, Ishikawa H, Tokumitsu K, Kasahara A. Construction and pavement properties after seven years in porous asphalt with long life. Con Build Mat 2014; 50:401–413.
  • Appiah JK, Berko-Boateng VN, Tagbor TA. Use of waste plastic materials for road construction in Ghana. Case Studies in Construction Materials 2017; 6: 1-7.
  • Erkuş Y. Effects of graphite on rheological and conventional properties of bituminous binders. I J Pav Res Techn 2017 (Article in press) DOI: 10.106/j.ijprt.2017.04.003
  • Firoozifar SH, Foroutan S, Foroutan S. The effect of asphaltene on thermal properties of bitumen. Chem Eng R&D 2011; 89: 2044-2048.
  • Ameri M, Jelodar YAK, Moniri A. Relationship between elastic recovery and linear amplitude sweeo as asphalt binder fatique tests. J Appl Env Bio Sci 2015; 5: 7-10.
  • (Erişim tarihi: 22.01.2017)
  • Yıldırım Y. Polymer modified asphalt binders. Con Build Mat 2007; 21: 66-72.

Preparation and Characterization of Polyester Polyol Modified Bitumen for Pavement Applications

Year 2018, Volume: 19 Issue: 3, 574 - 584, 01.09.2018


In this study, polymer modified bitumen (PMB) from polyester polyols was prepared by bis(2-hydroxyethyl terephthalate) (BHET) which was obtained by glycolysis of Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) waste. The effect of polyester polyol structure on the rheological properties of PMB was investigated. Polyester polyols obtained by the reaction of various polyols and polycarboxylic acids. POL1, synthesized from BHET and adipic acid (AA), were blended with the bitumen resulting in improved stiffness, rutting resistance and fatigue performance with respect to neat bitumen. Also, the synergistic effects of the polyester polyol addition into styrene-butadiene-styrene modified bitumen (SBS-Bitumen) were investigated where this reference mixture contains SBS loading of 3 % according to the weight of bitumen. Although the addition of POL1(1.3:1) into SBS:Bitumen mixture at 3:3:94 weight ratio didn’t alter the high temperature performance grade of PMB, POL1:SBS:Bitumen exhibited higher softening point, elastic recovery and rutting parameter than reference mixture. The early stage promising results of this study indicated the potential benefits of polyester polyol as bitumen modifier. Also, this study showed that the use of BHET obtained by PET waste as a starting material for polyester polyol synthesis could be an alternative way to utilize plastic waste.


  • (Erişim tarihi: 20.12.2016)
  • Izquierdo MA, Navarro FJ, Martínez-Boza FJ, Gallegos C. Novel stable MDI isocyanate-based bituminous foams. Fuel 2011; 90:681-688.
  • Cuadri AA, García-Morales M, Navarro FJ, Partal P. Effect of transesterification degree and post-treatment on the in-service performance of NCO-functionalized vegetable oil bituminous products. Chem Eng Sci 2014; 111: 126-134.
  • Izquierdo MA, Navarro FJ, Martínez-Boza FJ, Gallegos C. Bituminous polyurethane foams for building applications: Influence of bitumen hardness. Con Build Mat 2012; 30: 706-713.
  • Bulatovic VO, Rek V, Markovic KJ. Effect of polymer modifiers on the properties of bitumen. J Elast Plast 2014; 46: 448-469.
  • Zhu J, Birgisson B, Kringos N. Polymer modification of bitumen: Advances and challenges. Eur Polym J 2014; 54: 18-38.
  • Lu X. 1997. On polymer modified road bitumens (doctoral dissertation), Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
  • Chen JS, Liao MC, Shiah MS. Asphalt modified by styrene-butadiene-styrene triblock copolymer: morphology and model. J Mater Civ Eng 2002; 14: 224-229.
  • Vargas MA, Chavez AE, Herrera R, Manero O. Asphalt modified by partially hydrogenated SBS tri-block copolymers. Rubber Chem Techn 2005; 78: 620-643.
  • Şengöz B, Işıkyakar G. Analysis of styrene-butadiene-styrene polymer modified bitumen using fluorescent microscopy and conventional test methods. J Haz Mat 2008; 150: 424-432.
  • Collins JH, Bouldin MG. Stability of straight and polymer-modified asphalts. Transportation Research Record: J Trans Res Board 1992; 1342: 92-100.
  • Li Y, Li I, Zhang Y, Zhao S, Xie L, Yao S. . Improving the aging resistance of styrene-butadiene-styrene tri-block copolymer and application in polymer modified asphalt. J Appl Polym Sci 2010; 116; 754-761.
  • Zhang J, Wang J, Wu Y, Wang Y, Wang Y. Evaluation of the improved properties of SBR/weathered coal modified bitumen containing carbon black. . Con Build Mat 2009; 23: 2678-2687.
  • Polacco G, Muscente A, Biondi D, Santini S. . Effect of composition on the properties of SEBS modified asphalts. E Poylm J 2006; 42: 1113-1121.
  • Karahrodi MH, Jazani OM, Paran SMR, Formela K, Saeb MR. Modification of thermal and rheological characteristics of bitumen by waste PET /GTR blends. Con Build Mat 2017; 134: 157-166.
  • Padhan RK, Gupta AA, Badoni RP, Bhatnagar AK. Poly(ethylene terephthalate) waste derived chemicals as an antistripping additive for bitumen – An environment friendly approach for disposal of environmentally hazardous material. Poly Deg Stab 2013; 98: 2592-2601.
  • Bocci M, Colagrande S, Montepara A. PVC and PET plastics taken from solid urban waste in bituminous concrete. Waste Management Series 2000; 1:186-195.
  • Gürü M, Çubuk MK, Arslan D, Farzanian SA, Bilici İ. An approach to the usage of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) waste as roadway pavementmaterial. J Haz Mat 2014; 279: 302-310.
  • Achilias, D.S. 2012. Material Recycling-Trends and Perpective. Chapter 15: From PET Waste to Novel Polyurethanes. InTech, DOI: 10.5772/31642, Pg:358
  • Xi G, Lu M, Sun C. Study on depolymerization of waste polyethylene terephthalate into monomer bis(2-hydroxyethyl terephthalate). Poly Deg Stab 2005; 87:117-120.
  • Chen CH, Chen CY, Lo YW, Mao CF, Liao WT. Studied of glycolysis of poly(ethylene terephthalate) recycled from postconsumer soft-drink bottles. I. Influence of glycolysis conditions. J Appl Polym Sci 2001; 80:943-948.
  • Moriyoshi A, Jin T, Nakai T, Ishikawa H, Tokumitsu K, Kasahara A. Construction and pavement properties after seven years in porous asphalt with long life. Con Build Mat 2014; 50:401–413.
  • Appiah JK, Berko-Boateng VN, Tagbor TA. Use of waste plastic materials for road construction in Ghana. Case Studies in Construction Materials 2017; 6: 1-7.
  • Erkuş Y. Effects of graphite on rheological and conventional properties of bituminous binders. I J Pav Res Techn 2017 (Article in press) DOI: 10.106/j.ijprt.2017.04.003
  • Firoozifar SH, Foroutan S, Foroutan S. The effect of asphaltene on thermal properties of bitumen. Chem Eng R&D 2011; 89: 2044-2048.
  • Ameri M, Jelodar YAK, Moniri A. Relationship between elastic recovery and linear amplitude sweeo as asphalt binder fatique tests. J Appl Env Bio Sci 2015; 5: 7-10.
  • (Erişim tarihi: 22.01.2017)
  • Yıldırım Y. Polymer modified asphalt binders. Con Build Mat 2007; 21: 66-72.
There are 28 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Gülşen Albayrak Arı This is me

Serenay Akyol This is me

Muzaffer Yaşar This is me

Metin Sormagir This is me

Savaş Gürdal This is me

Emel Başkent This is me

Ramazan Oğuz Canıaz This is me

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Serhat Arca This is me

Elif Kocaman This is me

Ziya Köstereli This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 19 Issue: 3


AMA Arı GA, Akyol S, Yaşar M, Sormagir M, Gürdal S, Başkent E, Canıaz RO, Çetintaş R, Arca S, Kocaman E, Köstereli Z. Preparation and Characterization of Polyester Polyol Modified Bitumen for Pavement Applications. Estuscience - Se. September 2018;19(3):574-584.