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Year 2019, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 371 - 376, 18.10.2019


Çalışma Gana'nın çeşitli
bölgelerinde yıllık kolera salgınlarını değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Dünyada
ve Gana'da kolera salgınları üzerine yayınlanan makalelerin ayrıntılı bir
incelemesi yapıldı. Kolera'da yayınlanan çalışmalar PubMed, ScienceDirect,
Google Akademik veritabanlarında sistematik olarak değerlendirildi. Çalışma,
1970'teki ilk vakasından bu yana kolera'nın, Gana için önemli bir halk sağlığı
sorunu olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Kolera'nın en yüksek olduğu bölge
greater Accra with Accra ilçesidir.
1998'den 2017'ye kadar bu ilçede Gana'daki tüm kolera vakalarının % 58,5'I
görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte, Yukarı Batı, Kuzey, Yukarı Doğu ve Volta bölgesi
Gana'da en az etkilenen bölgelerdir. Meydana gelen kolera salgınları, zayıf
sanitasyon ve güvenli olmayan içme suyunun bir sonucudur. Her yıl Gana'da
kolera salgınları meydana gelmekte ve dikkat çekmektedir. Bu salgınlar birkaç
ölüme neden oldu. Yeterli güvenli içme suyu sağlanırsa ve Gana'da sanitasyon
iyileştirilirse bu ölümler önlenebilir.


  • 1. WHO. Global Task Force on Cholera Control Prevention and control of cholera outbreaks: WHO policy and recommendations Accessed on 26/07/2019.
  • 2. Ali M, Nelson AR, Lopez AL, Sack D. (2015). Updated global burden of cholera in endemic countries. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 9(6): e0003832. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003832.
  • 3. WHO (2014). WHO fact sheet on Cholera. accessed on 26th July, 2019.
  • 4. WHO (2017). Global Health Observatory (GHO) data Accessed on 30th July, 2019.
  • 5. Amankwa, J. (2011). Cholera epidemic kills 60 in Ghana. Ghanaweb; 28th July, 2019.
  • 6. Ghana Health Service (2018). Cholera alerts to general public.
  • 7. Ministry of health Ghana (2018). Epidemiological surveillance data (1998–2017, excluding 2003 and 2006)
  • 8. WHO (2000). Weekly epidemiological record: cholera articles. Accessed on 29th July, 2019.
  • 9. Ministry of Health Ghana (2014). 1998–2013 cholera data. Missing data for 2003, 2006, 2008 and 2009
  • 10. Moore S, Piarroux R, Cottavoz P. Integrated approach to understand the dynamics of cholera epidemics in Ghana, Togo and Benin (2015) UNICEF Accessed on 30th July, 2019.
  • 11. AMA (Accra Metropolitan Assembly), 2006. Medium-term development plan 2006–2009. Accra: AMA.
  • 12. WHO/UNICEF (2010). Progress on Sanitation and Drinking-Water: 2010 Update. WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation. Geneva and New York WHO/UNICEF.
  • 13. Government of Ghana (2010). National Environmental Sanitation Strategy and Action Plan. Accra: Environmental Health and Sanitation Directorate, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development.
  • 14. Ghana Statistical Service (2013). 2010 Population and Housing Census: National Analytical Report. Accra, GSS.
  • 15. WHO/UNICEF (2012). Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation update WHO, Geneva/ New York: WHO/UNICEF.
  • 16. WHO/UNICEF (2015). Progress on sanitation and drinking water-2015 update and MDG assessment. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Press.
  • 17. UNDP (2012). Water & Sanitation Program Report, 2012. Economic Impacts of Poor Sanitation in Africa,. . Accessed on 4th August, 2019.
  • 18. Ghana National Environmental Strategy and Action Plan. (2010).
  • 19. Daabu MA (2014). National Sanitation Day gets off to a promising start. Accessed on 2nd August, 2019.
  • 20. Manteaw B. (2017). National Sanitation Day: Why it Failed. Accessed on 2nd August, 2019.
  • 21. Kwawukeme V. (2017). I’ll make Accra cleanest city in Africa — President. Accessed on 5th August, 2019.
  • 22. Citinewsonline (2018). We’ll succeed in making Accra Africa’s cleanest city. Accessed on 5th August, 2019.
  • 23. Ghanaweb (2018). Accra Metropolitan Assembly launches 1 house, 1 toilet project. Accessed on 5th August, 2019.
  • 24. Dailyguidenetwork (2019). Don’t marry men without toilets facilities. 5th August, 2019.


Year 2019, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 371 - 376, 18.10.2019


study aims to assess the annual outbreaks of cholera in various parts of Ghana.
A detailed review of
published articles on cholera outbreaks globally and in Ghana was conducted. A
systematic search was conducted in PubMed, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar
databases to retrieve studies published on Cholera. The study showed that
cholera has been a major public health challenge that occurs annually in Ghana since
its first case in 1970. The region with the highest cholera cases annually is
greater Accra with Accra being the district with the highest cases. From 1998
to 2017, greater Accra alone recorded 58.5% of all the cholera cases in Ghana.
However, Upper West, Northern, Upper East and Volta region are the least
affected regions in Ghana. These cholera outbreaks are as a result of poor
sanitation and unsafe drinking water.
Cholera outbreaks occur every year in Ghana and needs greater attention.
These outbreaks have led to several deaths. This can be prevented if adequate
safe drinking water is provided and sanitation is improved in Ghana.


  • 1. WHO. Global Task Force on Cholera Control Prevention and control of cholera outbreaks: WHO policy and recommendations Accessed on 26/07/2019.
  • 2. Ali M, Nelson AR, Lopez AL, Sack D. (2015). Updated global burden of cholera in endemic countries. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 9(6): e0003832. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003832.
  • 3. WHO (2014). WHO fact sheet on Cholera. accessed on 26th July, 2019.
  • 4. WHO (2017). Global Health Observatory (GHO) data Accessed on 30th July, 2019.
  • 5. Amankwa, J. (2011). Cholera epidemic kills 60 in Ghana. Ghanaweb; 28th July, 2019.
  • 6. Ghana Health Service (2018). Cholera alerts to general public.
  • 7. Ministry of health Ghana (2018). Epidemiological surveillance data (1998–2017, excluding 2003 and 2006)
  • 8. WHO (2000). Weekly epidemiological record: cholera articles. Accessed on 29th July, 2019.
  • 9. Ministry of Health Ghana (2014). 1998–2013 cholera data. Missing data for 2003, 2006, 2008 and 2009
  • 10. Moore S, Piarroux R, Cottavoz P. Integrated approach to understand the dynamics of cholera epidemics in Ghana, Togo and Benin (2015) UNICEF Accessed on 30th July, 2019.
  • 11. AMA (Accra Metropolitan Assembly), 2006. Medium-term development plan 2006–2009. Accra: AMA.
  • 12. WHO/UNICEF (2010). Progress on Sanitation and Drinking-Water: 2010 Update. WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation. Geneva and New York WHO/UNICEF.
  • 13. Government of Ghana (2010). National Environmental Sanitation Strategy and Action Plan. Accra: Environmental Health and Sanitation Directorate, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development.
  • 14. Ghana Statistical Service (2013). 2010 Population and Housing Census: National Analytical Report. Accra, GSS.
  • 15. WHO/UNICEF (2012). Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation update WHO, Geneva/ New York: WHO/UNICEF.
  • 16. WHO/UNICEF (2015). Progress on sanitation and drinking water-2015 update and MDG assessment. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Press.
  • 17. UNDP (2012). Water & Sanitation Program Report, 2012. Economic Impacts of Poor Sanitation in Africa,. . Accessed on 4th August, 2019.
  • 18. Ghana National Environmental Strategy and Action Plan. (2010).
  • 19. Daabu MA (2014). National Sanitation Day gets off to a promising start. Accessed on 2nd August, 2019.
  • 20. Manteaw B. (2017). National Sanitation Day: Why it Failed. Accessed on 2nd August, 2019.
  • 21. Kwawukeme V. (2017). I’ll make Accra cleanest city in Africa — President. Accessed on 5th August, 2019.
  • 22. Citinewsonline (2018). We’ll succeed in making Accra Africa’s cleanest city. Accessed on 5th August, 2019.
  • 23. Ghanaweb (2018). Accra Metropolitan Assembly launches 1 house, 1 toilet project. Accessed on 5th August, 2019.
  • 24. Dailyguidenetwork (2019). Don’t marry men without toilets facilities. 5th August, 2019.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Review

Abdul-ghaffar Donkor 0000-0003-4430-1342

Maimaiti Namaitijiang This is me 0000-0002-7854-7044

Publication Date October 18, 2019
Submission Date August 21, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 4 Issue: 3


Vancouver Donkor A-g, Namaitijiang M. THE CHOLERA OUTBREAK in GHANA. ESTUDAM Public Health Journal. 2019;4(3):371-6.

International Peer Reviewed Journal

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