Kabak Atığı Silajlarının Silaj Kalitesi, Aerobik Stabilite, Gaz Üretimi ve İn Vitro Sindirilebilirliği
Year 2024,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 161 - 170, 31.12.2024
Yusuf Konca
Selma Büyükkılıç Beyzi
Mahmut Kaplan
Mustafa Boğa
Mahmut Kaliber
Bu çalışma, buğday samanı (S) ve yonca otu (Y) ile kabak atığının (PW) silaj kalitesini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Muamele grupları şu şekildedir: 1) %100 kabak atığı (PW), 2) %80PR ve %20 A (PW80+A20), 3) %80PW ve %20S (PW80+S20), 4) %60PW ve %40A (PW60+A40), 5) %60PW ve %40S (PW60+S40), 6) %80PW+%10Y+%10S (PW80+10Y+10S) ve 7) %60PW + %20Y + %20S (PW40+Y20+S20). En düşük kuru madde içeriği PW grubunda gözlenmiştir (39,0 g/kg). Yonca gruplarında ham protein oranı S ve PW gruplarından daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Ham selüloz PW grubunda diğer gruplara göre daha düşük, NDF ise daha yüksek bulunmuş ve ADF ise %40S grubunda en yüksek bulunmuştur. PW ve PW60+A20+S20 gruplarında suda çözünen karbonhidrat oranı diğer gruplardan daha yüksek bulunmuştur. PW grubunda laktik asit oranı PW80+S10+Y10 grubundan daha yüksek bulunmuştur. PW80+S20 grubunda en yüksek gaz üretimi 48., 72. ve 96. saatlerde gözlenmiştir. PW grubunun enerji değerleri ise diğer gruplardan daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Kabak silajının aerobik stabilitesi kuru ot ilavesiyle, özellikle 400 g/kg konsantrasyonunda yonca ilavesiyle iyileştirilmiştir.
Supporting Institution
Erciyes Üniversitesi BAP
Project Number
Project number: FBA-11-3611
This research was supported by University of Erciyes Scientific Research Projects Directorate (BAP) (Project number: FBA-11-3611). Authors thank Kayseri Cattle Breeder Association to support of fund.
- Akyildiz, A.R. (1984). Feed Analyses Laboratory Technics Manual (In Turkish). Ankara Üniversitesi Zir. Fak., Basımevi, Ankara, 236p.
- Alçiçek, A. (1995). Silo feed; importance and factors affecting quality (in Turkish). E.Ü.Z.F. Agricultural Application and Research Center Publications,1995, 22, İzmir.
- AOAC. (1990). Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Official Methods of Analysis, 15th ed., vol. 1. AOAC, Washington, DC, pp 69-79.
- Ashbell, G., Weinberg, Z.G., Azrieli, A., Hen, Y. and Horev, B. (1991). A simple system to study the aerobic deterioration of silages. Canadian Agric. Eng., 1991, 33: 391-393.
- Bakshi, M.P.S., Wadhwa, M., Makkar, H.P. (2016). Waste to worth: vegetable wastes as animal feed. CAB Reviews, 11(12), 1-26.
- Brune, H., Zaddach, M. (1996). Silages of pumpkin and pumpkin mixtures. Difference of digestibility of silage with pumpkin added and the drainage of fluid from pumpkin silages. Zeitschrift fur Tierphysiologie, Tierernahrung und Futtermittelkunde 1963, 18 pp.321-340.
- Church, D.C. (1996). Livestock feeds and feeding. 2nd. Edition, Princeton Hall, New Jersey.
Davies, D.R., Merry, R.J., Williams, A.P., Bakewell, E.L., Leemans, D.K., and Tweed, J.K.S. (1988). Proteolysis during ensilage of forages varying in soluble sugar content. J. Dairy Sci. 81 (2) 444-453.
- DLG (1997). Futterwerttabellenfür Wiederkäuer. DLG Verlag, Frankfurt/M.
Dubois, M., Giles, K.A., Hamilton, J.K., Rebes, P.A. and Smith, F. (1956). Colorimetric method for determination of sugars and related substances. Anal Chem 28: 350-356.
- Enishi O., Yoshioka T., Nakashima K., Saeki M., Kawashima T. (2004). Analysis of in situ ruminal digestive characteristics and nutritive value of pumpkin and carrot juice residue for ruminant feeds. Grassland Sci 50., (4) 360-365.
- Hashemi, A.J., Razzaghzadeh, S. (2007). Investigation on the possibility of ensiling cucurbit (Cucurbita pepo) residues and determination of best silage formula. J Anim Vet Adv 6: 1450-1452.
- Invanchuk, V.A. (1984). Vitamin rich silage a valuable feed for pigs. Prollemy Kormleniya. Sovrmennom Zhivotnovodstve. Russia.
- Kara B., Ayhan V., Akman Z., Adiyaman E. (2009). Determination of silage quality, herbage and hay yield of different triticale cultivars. Asian J Anim Vet Adv 4(3), 167-171.
- Keleş, G., Alataş, M.S. and Ateş, S. (2013). Nutrient value and fermentation characteristics of alfalfa and Hungarian clover silages ensiled with silage additives. VII. National Animal Feed Congress, 26-27 September, Ankara, Turkey (In Turkish).
- Kılıç, Ü., Boğa, M. (2009). Determining the effects of sunflower varieties with different protein contents on results of in vitro gas production and enzyme techniques. J. Tübav Sci 2.2: 231-238.
- Konca, Y., Alçiçek, A. and Yaylak, E. (2005). Determination of quality of the silage made in dairy cattle farms. J. Animal production, 46:6–13.
- Kutlu, H.R. (2014). Silage and silage feeding in all aspects (in Turkish). Çukurova Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni Bölümü yayınları, Adana. http://www.zootekni.org.tr/upload/File/SILAJ%20El%20KTABI.pdf Access: 21 April (2016.)
Lozicki, A., Koziorzebska, A., Halik, G., Dymnicka, M., Arkuszewska, E., Niemiec, T. and Bogdan, J. (2015). Effect of ensiling pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima D.) with dried sugar beet pulp on the content of bioactive compounds in silage and its antioxidant potential. Anim. Feed Sci Tech 206, 108-113 doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.(2015).05.012
- McDonald, P., Henderson, A.R. and Heron, S.J.E. (1991). The Biochemistry of Silage. (2nd ed.). Chalcombe Publ., Church Lane, Kingston, Canterbury, Kent, UK, 1991.
- Menke, K.H. and Steingass, H. (1988). Estimation of the energetic feed value obtained from chemical analysis and gas production using rumen fluid. Anim Res Dev 28 (1988), pp. 7–55.
- Mokhtarpour, G.H. (1994). Selecting the best method of preparing silage of Pumpkin residues. Final Report. Natural resources and animal affairs research center of Golestan Province, Iran.
Ørskov, E.R. (1980). Nutritional principles in utilization of waste and by-products. In: by-products and wastes in animal nutrition. Br. Soc. Anim Prod No. 3. pp. 13–17.
- Ørskov, E.R. and McDonald, I. (1979). The estimation of protein degradability in the rumen from incubation measurements weighed according to rate of passage. J Agric Sci 92: 499-503.
- Ozen, N., Çakır, A., Haşimoğlu, S., Aksoy, A. (1986). Feed Science and Technology (In Turkish). Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Kitabı, Erzurum, 1986, No:50.
- Polat, C., Koç, F. and Özdüven, M.L. (2005). The effects of lactic acid bacteria and lactic acid bacteria+enzyme mixture silage inoculants on maize silage fermentation and nutrient digestibility in lambs. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty. 2005, 2(1):13-22.
- Razzaghzadeh, S., Amini-jabalkandi, J. and Hashemi, A. (2007). Effects of different levels of Pumpkin (Cucurbita Pepo) residue silage replacement with forage part of ration on male buffalo calves fattening performance. Ital. J. Anim Sci 6 (Suppl. 2), 575-577.
- Scharrer K., Schreiber, B. and Kuhn, H. (1960). Suitability for silage and feed value of oil pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo). Zeitschrift fur Tierphysiologie, Tierernahrung und Futtermittelkunde 15: 265-273.
- SPSS. (1988). Version 17.00 for Windows. SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL. USA.
- VanSoest, PJ. and Robertson, J.B. (1979). Systems of Analyses For Evaluation of Fibrous Feed. In W.J. Pigden, C. C. Balch and M. Grahm (Eds). Proc. Int. Workshop on Standardization of Analytical Methodology for Feeds. Int. Dev. Res. Center, Ottowa.
Silage Quality, Aerobic Stability, Gas Production and in vitro Digestibility of Pumpkin Waste Silages
Year 2024,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 161 - 170, 31.12.2024
Yusuf Konca
Selma Büyükkılıç Beyzi
Mahmut Kaplan
Mustafa Boğa
Mahmut Kaliber
This experiment was carried out to determine the silage quality of pumpkin waste with wheat straw (S) and alfalfa hay (A). The treatment groups as follows: 1) 100% pumpkin waste (PR), 2) 80%PR and 20% A (PW80+A20), 3) 80%PW and 20%S (PW80+S20), 4) 60%PW and 40%A (PW60+A40), 5) 60%PW and 40%S (PW60+S40), 6) 80%PW+10%A+10%S (PW80+A10+S10) and 7) 60%PW + 20%A + 20%S (PW40+A20+S20). The lowest dry matter content was observed in PW group (39.0 g/kg). The crude protein ratio in the alfalfa groups were higher than those of S and PW groups. The crude cellulose was lower and NDF higher in the PW group than those of other groups and ADF was highest in the 40%S group. Water soluble carbohydrate ratio in PW and PW60+A20+S20 groups were higher than those of other groups. In the PW group, the lactic acid ratio was higher than PW80+S10+A10 group. In the PW80+S20 group the highest gas production was observed at 48th, 72nd and 96th hours. The energy values of PW group were higher than those of other groups. The aerobic stability of pumpkin silage was improved with hay addition especially alfalfa addition in 400 g/kg concentration.
Project Number
Project number: FBA-11-3611
- Akyildiz, A.R. (1984). Feed Analyses Laboratory Technics Manual (In Turkish). Ankara Üniversitesi Zir. Fak., Basımevi, Ankara, 236p.
- Alçiçek, A. (1995). Silo feed; importance and factors affecting quality (in Turkish). E.Ü.Z.F. Agricultural Application and Research Center Publications,1995, 22, İzmir.
- AOAC. (1990). Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Official Methods of Analysis, 15th ed., vol. 1. AOAC, Washington, DC, pp 69-79.
- Ashbell, G., Weinberg, Z.G., Azrieli, A., Hen, Y. and Horev, B. (1991). A simple system to study the aerobic deterioration of silages. Canadian Agric. Eng., 1991, 33: 391-393.
- Bakshi, M.P.S., Wadhwa, M., Makkar, H.P. (2016). Waste to worth: vegetable wastes as animal feed. CAB Reviews, 11(12), 1-26.
- Brune, H., Zaddach, M. (1996). Silages of pumpkin and pumpkin mixtures. Difference of digestibility of silage with pumpkin added and the drainage of fluid from pumpkin silages. Zeitschrift fur Tierphysiologie, Tierernahrung und Futtermittelkunde 1963, 18 pp.321-340.
- Church, D.C. (1996). Livestock feeds and feeding. 2nd. Edition, Princeton Hall, New Jersey.
Davies, D.R., Merry, R.J., Williams, A.P., Bakewell, E.L., Leemans, D.K., and Tweed, J.K.S. (1988). Proteolysis during ensilage of forages varying in soluble sugar content. J. Dairy Sci. 81 (2) 444-453.
- DLG (1997). Futterwerttabellenfür Wiederkäuer. DLG Verlag, Frankfurt/M.
Dubois, M., Giles, K.A., Hamilton, J.K., Rebes, P.A. and Smith, F. (1956). Colorimetric method for determination of sugars and related substances. Anal Chem 28: 350-356.
- Enishi O., Yoshioka T., Nakashima K., Saeki M., Kawashima T. (2004). Analysis of in situ ruminal digestive characteristics and nutritive value of pumpkin and carrot juice residue for ruminant feeds. Grassland Sci 50., (4) 360-365.
- Hashemi, A.J., Razzaghzadeh, S. (2007). Investigation on the possibility of ensiling cucurbit (Cucurbita pepo) residues and determination of best silage formula. J Anim Vet Adv 6: 1450-1452.
- Invanchuk, V.A. (1984). Vitamin rich silage a valuable feed for pigs. Prollemy Kormleniya. Sovrmennom Zhivotnovodstve. Russia.
- Kara B., Ayhan V., Akman Z., Adiyaman E. (2009). Determination of silage quality, herbage and hay yield of different triticale cultivars. Asian J Anim Vet Adv 4(3), 167-171.
- Keleş, G., Alataş, M.S. and Ateş, S. (2013). Nutrient value and fermentation characteristics of alfalfa and Hungarian clover silages ensiled with silage additives. VII. National Animal Feed Congress, 26-27 September, Ankara, Turkey (In Turkish).
- Kılıç, Ü., Boğa, M. (2009). Determining the effects of sunflower varieties with different protein contents on results of in vitro gas production and enzyme techniques. J. Tübav Sci 2.2: 231-238.
- Konca, Y., Alçiçek, A. and Yaylak, E. (2005). Determination of quality of the silage made in dairy cattle farms. J. Animal production, 46:6–13.
- Kutlu, H.R. (2014). Silage and silage feeding in all aspects (in Turkish). Çukurova Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni Bölümü yayınları, Adana. http://www.zootekni.org.tr/upload/File/SILAJ%20El%20KTABI.pdf Access: 21 April (2016.)
Lozicki, A., Koziorzebska, A., Halik, G., Dymnicka, M., Arkuszewska, E., Niemiec, T. and Bogdan, J. (2015). Effect of ensiling pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima D.) with dried sugar beet pulp on the content of bioactive compounds in silage and its antioxidant potential. Anim. Feed Sci Tech 206, 108-113 doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.(2015).05.012
- McDonald, P., Henderson, A.R. and Heron, S.J.E. (1991). The Biochemistry of Silage. (2nd ed.). Chalcombe Publ., Church Lane, Kingston, Canterbury, Kent, UK, 1991.
- Menke, K.H. and Steingass, H. (1988). Estimation of the energetic feed value obtained from chemical analysis and gas production using rumen fluid. Anim Res Dev 28 (1988), pp. 7–55.
- Mokhtarpour, G.H. (1994). Selecting the best method of preparing silage of Pumpkin residues. Final Report. Natural resources and animal affairs research center of Golestan Province, Iran.
Ørskov, E.R. (1980). Nutritional principles in utilization of waste and by-products. In: by-products and wastes in animal nutrition. Br. Soc. Anim Prod No. 3. pp. 13–17.
- Ørskov, E.R. and McDonald, I. (1979). The estimation of protein degradability in the rumen from incubation measurements weighed according to rate of passage. J Agric Sci 92: 499-503.
- Ozen, N., Çakır, A., Haşimoğlu, S., Aksoy, A. (1986). Feed Science and Technology (In Turkish). Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Kitabı, Erzurum, 1986, No:50.
- Polat, C., Koç, F. and Özdüven, M.L. (2005). The effects of lactic acid bacteria and lactic acid bacteria+enzyme mixture silage inoculants on maize silage fermentation and nutrient digestibility in lambs. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty. 2005, 2(1):13-22.
- Razzaghzadeh, S., Amini-jabalkandi, J. and Hashemi, A. (2007). Effects of different levels of Pumpkin (Cucurbita Pepo) residue silage replacement with forage part of ration on male buffalo calves fattening performance. Ital. J. Anim Sci 6 (Suppl. 2), 575-577.
- Scharrer K., Schreiber, B. and Kuhn, H. (1960). Suitability for silage and feed value of oil pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo). Zeitschrift fur Tierphysiologie, Tierernahrung und Futtermittelkunde 15: 265-273.
- SPSS. (1988). Version 17.00 for Windows. SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL. USA.
- VanSoest, PJ. and Robertson, J.B. (1979). Systems of Analyses For Evaluation of Fibrous Feed. In W.J. Pigden, C. C. Balch and M. Grahm (Eds). Proc. Int. Workshop on Standardization of Analytical Methodology for Feeds. Int. Dev. Res. Center, Ottowa.