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Ecology of Trifolium elazizense, an endemic alpine meadow species from Türkiye

Year 2024, , 98 - 107, 03.10.2024


This study presents some ecological characteristics of Trifolium elazizense, a local endemic alpine meadow plant species in the East Anatolian region of Türkiye. Elemental analyses were carried out in plants and soils. Soil-plant relationships were evaluated. The results obtained from all plant parts of Trifolium elazizense (root, stem and leaves) showed that the elemental concentrations of boron, calcium, copper, potassium, manganese, lead and zinc were within the limit values; cadmium, iron and magnesium were above the limit values. The general concentration of all elements in the soil samples is generally within acceptable limits.


  • M. Ozturk, O. Secmen and G. Gork, “Plant Life in Southwest and Central Asia,”. vol. I, Ege Univ. Press Izmir, Turkiye; 1996a.
  • M. Ozturk, O. Secmen and G. Gork, “Plant Life in Southwest and Central Asia,” vol. II. Ege Univ. Press Izmir, Turkiye; 1996b.
  • M. Ozturk, V. Altay, S. Gucel and A. Aksoy, “Aegean grasslands as endangered ecosystems in Turkey,”. Pak J Bot. 44:7-18, 2012.
  • M. Ozturk, V. Altay, A. Gul, E. Altundag and M. Kucuk, “An ecological study on Betula medwediewii Regel and Veratrum album L. naturally distributed in the subalpine region of West Transcaucasia,” Plant & Fungal Research. June:11-16, 2024b.
  • M. Boersma, N. Aberle, F.M. Hantzsche, K.L. Schoo, K.H. Wiltshire and A.M. Malzahn, “Nutritional limitation travels up the food chain,” Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. 93(4-5):479-88, 2008.
  • V. Altay, M. Keskin and F. Karahan, “An assessment of the plant biodiversity of Mustafa Kemal University Tayfur Sokmen Campus (Hatay-Turkey) for the view of human health,” Int J Sci Technol Res. 1(2):83-103, 2015.
  • N. Imanberdieva, Z. Severoğlu, G. Kurmanbekova, V. Altay and M. Ozturk, “Plant diversity of Ala-Archa National park in Kyrgyzstan with emphasis on its economical potential,” in: Vegetation of Central Asia and environs. Springer Nature; pp. 365-381 (2018b).
  • N. Imanberdieva, B. Imankul, Z. Severoğlu, V. Altay and M. Ozturk, “Potential impacts of climate change on plant diversity of Sary-Chelek Biosphere Reserve in Kyrgyzstan,” in: Vegetation of Central Asia and environs. Springer Nature; pp. 349-364, 2018b.
  • V. Altay, “Ecology of Pinus sylvestris L. forests–a case study from Istanbul (Turkey),” Pak J Bot. 51(5):1711-18, 2019.
  • R.T. Corlett, “Plant diversity in a changing world: Status, trends, and conservation needs,” Plant Diversity. 38(1): 10-16, 2016.
  • M. Ozturk, V. Altay and R. Efe, “Biodiversity of West Asia-Caucasus: Prospects and Challenges for Conservation and Sustainable Use,”. vol. I., Springer Nature; 2021b.
  • M. Ozturk, S.M. Khan, V.Altay, R. Efe, D. Egamberdieva and F. Khassanov, “Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability in Asia,”.vol. II. Prospects and Challenges in South and Middle Asia. Springer Nature; 2022.
  • V. Altay, O. Celik and M. Ozturk, “An investigation on plant-soil interactions in some endemic Centaurea taxa from Hatay, Turkiye,” International Journal of Applied and Experimental Biology, 3(1): 31-36, 2024.
  • M. Ozturk, K.R. Hakeem, I. Faridah-Hanum and R. Efe, “Climate Change Impacts on High-Altitude Ecosystems,” Springer Science+Business Media, NY, 2015.
  • H.B. Tecimen, O. Sevgi and E. Altundağ, “Kaz Dağlarında yükseltiye bağlı azot mineralleşmesinin değişimi,” Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 62(1):19-29 (2012).
  • M.Ozturk, Y. Gemici, G. Gork and O. Seçmen, “A general account of high mountain flora and vegetation of mediterranean part of Turkey,” Ege Univ. Sci. Fac. Jour. 13:51-9, 1991.
  • M. Ozturk, V. Altay and T.M. Gonenç, “Herbal from high mountains in the East Mediterranean. Drug Discovery from Herbs-Approaches and Applications,” NAM S&T Centre. pp. 327-67, 2017.
  • A. Demir, “Possible effect of biotechnology on plant gene pools in Turkey,” Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment” 29(1):1-9, 2015.
  • A. Guner, S. Aslan, T. Ekim, M. Vural and M.T. Babaç, “Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler),” Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını. Istanbul-Türkiye 2012.
  • M. Ozturk and V. Altay, “An overview of the endemic medicinal and aromatic plants of Türkiye - Conservation and sustainable use” in: I. International Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Natural and Healthy Life. pp. 11-39, 2017.
  • M. Ozturk, V. Altay and M. Keskin, “Folkloric Knowledge of Endemic Plants: Their Traditional Uses as Spices, Food and Herbal Teas by the Local Communities in Turkiye,” in: Ethnic Knowledge and Perspectives of Medicinal Plants. Apple Academic Press. pp. 137-152, 2024a
  • Z. Severoğlu, V. Altay, I.I. Ozyigit, M. Keskin, M. Serin, C. Yarcı, U. Yaşar and G. Demir, “Some ecological characteristics and the flora of Gölcük District, its environs (Kocaeli-Turkey),” Scientific Research and Essays, 6(4):847-75, 2011.
  • B. Eskin, V. Altay, I.I. Ozyigit and M. Serin, “Urban vascular flora and ecologic characteristics of the Pendik District (Istanbul-Turkey),” African Journal of Agricultural Research 7(4):629-46, 2012.
  • M. Ozturk, I. Uysal, E. Karabacak and S. Çelik, “Plant species microendemism, rarity and conservation of pseudo-alpine zone of Kazdaği (Mt. Ida) National Park-Turkey,” Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 19:778-86, 2011.
  • V. Altay, I.I. Ozyigit and C. Yarci, “Urban flora and ecological characteristics of the Kartal District (Istanbul): a contribution to urban ecology in Turkey,” Scientific Research and Essays; 5(2):183-200, 2010.
  • V. Altay, I.I. Ozyigit and C. Yarcı, “Plant communities in urban habitats of Istanbul-Turkey”, Pak J Bot. 44, 177-86, 2012.
  • B. Eskin, I.I. Ozyiğit, I. Doğan, V. Altay, G. Demir and M. Serin, “Germination physiology and autecology of Centaurea kilaea Boiss. from Turkey,” Sains Malaysiana, 42(10):1473-82, 2013.
  • H.K. Eroglu, I.I. Ozyigit, V. Altay and C. Yarcı, “Autecological characteristics of Centaurea hermannii F. Herm.: An endemic species from Turkey,” Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20(1):183-87, 2014
  • V. Altay, I.I. Ozyigit, M. Keskin, G. Demir and I.E. Yalçın, “An ecological study of endemic plant Polygonum istanbulicum Keskin and its environs,” Pak J Bot. 45(S1):455-459, 2013.
  • V. Altay, F. Karahan, M. Ozturk K.R. Hakeem, E. Ilhan and M. Erayman, “Molecular and ecological investigations on the wild populations of Glycyrrhiza L. taxa distributed in the East Mediterranean Area of Turkey,” Journal of Plant Research, 129(6):1021-1032, 2016a.
  • V. Altay, S. Gulyanar and I.I. Ozyigit, “Autecology of Cephalaria taurica Szabó, a narrow endemic from Turkey: Plant-soil interactions,” IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 10(9):90-94, 2016b.
  • V. Altay, M.Y. Daloglu and M. Ozturk, “Edaphic relations of Cirsium cassium Davis & Parris (Asteraceae), a local endemic from Hatay (Turkiye),” Anatolian Journal of Botany, 1(2):41-44, 2017.
  • M. Ozturk, V. Altay, M. Kucuk, E. Altundağ, Z. Severoğlu and I.E. Yalçın, “Preservation and ecology of a living relict shrub in South Caucasus as a eco-genetic heritage from Tertiary: Epigaea gaultherioides (Boiss. & Bal.) Takht.,” Journal of Environmental Biology, 41(SI):279-84, 2020.
  • H.I.S. Ahmed, A. Badr, H.H. El-Shazly, L. Watson, A.S. Fuoad and F.Y. Ellmouni, “Molecular phylogeny of Trifolium L. section Trifolium with reference to chromosome number and subsections delimitation,” Plants 10(1985):1-14, 2021.
  • J. Gillett and N. Taylor, “The World of Clovers” Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, USA; 2001.
  • M. Uyanık, K.A.P. Rezaeieh, Y. Delen ve B. Gürbüz, “Baklagillerde bakteri aşılaması ve azot fiksasyonu,” Ziraat Mühendisliği, 357: 8-12, 2011.
  • A. Scoppola, J. López Tirado, F. Manzano Gutiérrez and S. Magrini, “The genus Trifolium L. (Fabaceae) in south Europe: a critical review on species richness and distribution,” Nordic Journal of Botany 36(1-2):1-17, 2018.
  • M. Keskin, V. Sonay and M.M. Balos, “Trifolium elazizense (Fabaceae), a new species from Turkey,” Phytotaxa 83(2):199-206, 2023.
  • M. Keskin “Novelties in the genus Trifolium in Türkiye”. Frontiers in Life Sciences and Related Technologies 5(2): 140-154, 2024.
  • M. Keskin, “A contribution to the genus Trifolium in Turkey,” Journal of Faculty Pharmacy Istanbul, 34(2):1-8, 2001.
  • M. Keskin, “Fabaceae familyasından yeni kare kayıtları,” OT Sistematik Botanik Dergisi, 2:181-7, 2003.
  • M. Keskin, “İstanbul’un Trifolium L. (Fabaceae) türleri,” Kırsal Çevre Yıllığı, 1: 7-17, 2004.
  • M. Keskin, “Türkiye’de Trifolium L. cinsinden yeni bir takson kaydı ve bir türün varlığı,” OT Sistematik Botanik Dergisi, 12(1): 21-24, 2005.
  • M. Keskin, “Türkiye’de Trifolium pratense L. (Fabaceae) türü ve iki yeni varyete kaydı,” OT Sistematik Botanik Dergisi, 14(2): 5-8, 2007.
  • M. Keskin, “Türkiye’de yayılış gösteren Trifolium nigrescens Viv. (Fabaceae) türünün taksonomik durumu,” OT Sistematik Botanik Dergisi 18(2): 25-34, 2011a
  • M. Keskin, “Yoncalar (Trifolium spp.),” Bağbahçe 33: 2-5, 2011b.
  • M. Keskin, “Trifolium L.” in: Güner A et al. (eds.), Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyiğit Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını. Istanbul. p. 488-498, 2012.
  • M. Keskin and M. Çelik “Türkiye İçin Yeni Bir Yonca Kaydı: Trifolium alexandrinum var. serotinum” YYU FBED 29(2): 423-428, 2024.
  • L. Marini, M. Scotton, S. Klimek J. Isselstein and A. Pecile, “Effects of local factors on plant species richness and composition of Alpine meadows,” Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 119(3-4): 281-288, 2007.
  • M. Ozturk, V. Altay, M. Kucuk and I.E. Yalçın, “Trace elements in the soil-plant systems of copper mine areas - A case study from Murgul Copper Mine from the Black Sea Region of Turkiye,” Phyton-Inter. J. Experi. Bot. 88: 223-238, 2018.
  • I.E. Yalcin and V. Altay, “Investigation of water-soil-plant relationships based on hazardous and macro-micro element concentrations on Orontes River, Türkiye,” International Journal of Phytoremediation, 25(14):1859-1880, 2023.
  • F. Candan, M. Ozturk, V. Altay and I.E. Yalcin, “An experimental study on the effects copper and lead on the seedlings of some economically important vegetable species,” Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 51(4):131-158, 2023
  • A. Kabata-Pendias and H. Pendias, “Trace Elements in Soils and Plants,” 3rd ed. CRC Press: Boca Raton, New York, Washington, D.C.; 2001.
  • A.V. Barker and D.J. Pilbeam, “Handbook of Plant Nutrition,” CRC Press, 2015.
  • C. Lopes, M. Herva, A. Franco-Uría and E. Roca, “Multicorrelation models and uptake factors to estimate extractable metal concentrations from soil and metal in plants in pasturelands fertilized with manure,” Environ. Pollut. 166: 17-22, 2012.

Türkiye’den alpinik çayırlarda yetişen endemik Trifolium elazizense türünün ekolojisi

Year 2024, , 98 - 107, 03.10.2024


Bu çalışma, Türkiye'nin Doğu Anadolu bölgesinde lokal endemik, alpin çayır bitkisi olan Trifolium elazizense türünün bazı ekolojik özelliklerini sunmaktadır. Toprakta ve bitkide element analizleri yapılmıştır. Toprak-bitki ilişkileri değerlendirilmiştir. Trifolium elazizense türünün tüm bitki kısımlarından elde edilen sonuçlar (kök, gövde ve yapraklar) element konsantrasyonlarının bor, kalsiyum, bakır, potasyum, manganez, kurşun ve çinko değerleri sınır değerlerinin; kadmiyum, demir ve magnezyum ise sınır değerlerinin üzerindeydi. Toprak örneklerindeki tüm elementlerin genel konsantrasyonu genel olarak kabul edilebilir sınırlar içindedir.


  • M. Ozturk, O. Secmen and G. Gork, “Plant Life in Southwest and Central Asia,”. vol. I, Ege Univ. Press Izmir, Turkiye; 1996a.
  • M. Ozturk, O. Secmen and G. Gork, “Plant Life in Southwest and Central Asia,” vol. II. Ege Univ. Press Izmir, Turkiye; 1996b.
  • M. Ozturk, V. Altay, S. Gucel and A. Aksoy, “Aegean grasslands as endangered ecosystems in Turkey,”. Pak J Bot. 44:7-18, 2012.
  • M. Ozturk, V. Altay, A. Gul, E. Altundag and M. Kucuk, “An ecological study on Betula medwediewii Regel and Veratrum album L. naturally distributed in the subalpine region of West Transcaucasia,” Plant & Fungal Research. June:11-16, 2024b.
  • M. Boersma, N. Aberle, F.M. Hantzsche, K.L. Schoo, K.H. Wiltshire and A.M. Malzahn, “Nutritional limitation travels up the food chain,” Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. 93(4-5):479-88, 2008.
  • V. Altay, M. Keskin and F. Karahan, “An assessment of the plant biodiversity of Mustafa Kemal University Tayfur Sokmen Campus (Hatay-Turkey) for the view of human health,” Int J Sci Technol Res. 1(2):83-103, 2015.
  • N. Imanberdieva, Z. Severoğlu, G. Kurmanbekova, V. Altay and M. Ozturk, “Plant diversity of Ala-Archa National park in Kyrgyzstan with emphasis on its economical potential,” in: Vegetation of Central Asia and environs. Springer Nature; pp. 365-381 (2018b).
  • N. Imanberdieva, B. Imankul, Z. Severoğlu, V. Altay and M. Ozturk, “Potential impacts of climate change on plant diversity of Sary-Chelek Biosphere Reserve in Kyrgyzstan,” in: Vegetation of Central Asia and environs. Springer Nature; pp. 349-364, 2018b.
  • V. Altay, “Ecology of Pinus sylvestris L. forests–a case study from Istanbul (Turkey),” Pak J Bot. 51(5):1711-18, 2019.
  • R.T. Corlett, “Plant diversity in a changing world: Status, trends, and conservation needs,” Plant Diversity. 38(1): 10-16, 2016.
  • M. Ozturk, V. Altay and R. Efe, “Biodiversity of West Asia-Caucasus: Prospects and Challenges for Conservation and Sustainable Use,”. vol. I., Springer Nature; 2021b.
  • M. Ozturk, S.M. Khan, V.Altay, R. Efe, D. Egamberdieva and F. Khassanov, “Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability in Asia,”.vol. II. Prospects and Challenges in South and Middle Asia. Springer Nature; 2022.
  • V. Altay, O. Celik and M. Ozturk, “An investigation on plant-soil interactions in some endemic Centaurea taxa from Hatay, Turkiye,” International Journal of Applied and Experimental Biology, 3(1): 31-36, 2024.
  • M. Ozturk, K.R. Hakeem, I. Faridah-Hanum and R. Efe, “Climate Change Impacts on High-Altitude Ecosystems,” Springer Science+Business Media, NY, 2015.
  • H.B. Tecimen, O. Sevgi and E. Altundağ, “Kaz Dağlarında yükseltiye bağlı azot mineralleşmesinin değişimi,” Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 62(1):19-29 (2012).
  • M.Ozturk, Y. Gemici, G. Gork and O. Seçmen, “A general account of high mountain flora and vegetation of mediterranean part of Turkey,” Ege Univ. Sci. Fac. Jour. 13:51-9, 1991.
  • M. Ozturk, V. Altay and T.M. Gonenç, “Herbal from high mountains in the East Mediterranean. Drug Discovery from Herbs-Approaches and Applications,” NAM S&T Centre. pp. 327-67, 2017.
  • A. Demir, “Possible effect of biotechnology on plant gene pools in Turkey,” Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment” 29(1):1-9, 2015.
  • A. Guner, S. Aslan, T. Ekim, M. Vural and M.T. Babaç, “Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler),” Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını. Istanbul-Türkiye 2012.
  • M. Ozturk and V. Altay, “An overview of the endemic medicinal and aromatic plants of Türkiye - Conservation and sustainable use” in: I. International Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Natural and Healthy Life. pp. 11-39, 2017.
  • M. Ozturk, V. Altay and M. Keskin, “Folkloric Knowledge of Endemic Plants: Their Traditional Uses as Spices, Food and Herbal Teas by the Local Communities in Turkiye,” in: Ethnic Knowledge and Perspectives of Medicinal Plants. Apple Academic Press. pp. 137-152, 2024a
  • Z. Severoğlu, V. Altay, I.I. Ozyigit, M. Keskin, M. Serin, C. Yarcı, U. Yaşar and G. Demir, “Some ecological characteristics and the flora of Gölcük District, its environs (Kocaeli-Turkey),” Scientific Research and Essays, 6(4):847-75, 2011.
  • B. Eskin, V. Altay, I.I. Ozyigit and M. Serin, “Urban vascular flora and ecologic characteristics of the Pendik District (Istanbul-Turkey),” African Journal of Agricultural Research 7(4):629-46, 2012.
  • M. Ozturk, I. Uysal, E. Karabacak and S. Çelik, “Plant species microendemism, rarity and conservation of pseudo-alpine zone of Kazdaği (Mt. Ida) National Park-Turkey,” Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 19:778-86, 2011.
  • V. Altay, I.I. Ozyigit and C. Yarci, “Urban flora and ecological characteristics of the Kartal District (Istanbul): a contribution to urban ecology in Turkey,” Scientific Research and Essays; 5(2):183-200, 2010.
  • V. Altay, I.I. Ozyigit and C. Yarcı, “Plant communities in urban habitats of Istanbul-Turkey”, Pak J Bot. 44, 177-86, 2012.
  • B. Eskin, I.I. Ozyiğit, I. Doğan, V. Altay, G. Demir and M. Serin, “Germination physiology and autecology of Centaurea kilaea Boiss. from Turkey,” Sains Malaysiana, 42(10):1473-82, 2013.
  • H.K. Eroglu, I.I. Ozyigit, V. Altay and C. Yarcı, “Autecological characteristics of Centaurea hermannii F. Herm.: An endemic species from Turkey,” Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20(1):183-87, 2014
  • V. Altay, I.I. Ozyigit, M. Keskin, G. Demir and I.E. Yalçın, “An ecological study of endemic plant Polygonum istanbulicum Keskin and its environs,” Pak J Bot. 45(S1):455-459, 2013.
  • V. Altay, F. Karahan, M. Ozturk K.R. Hakeem, E. Ilhan and M. Erayman, “Molecular and ecological investigations on the wild populations of Glycyrrhiza L. taxa distributed in the East Mediterranean Area of Turkey,” Journal of Plant Research, 129(6):1021-1032, 2016a.
  • V. Altay, S. Gulyanar and I.I. Ozyigit, “Autecology of Cephalaria taurica Szabó, a narrow endemic from Turkey: Plant-soil interactions,” IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 10(9):90-94, 2016b.
  • V. Altay, M.Y. Daloglu and M. Ozturk, “Edaphic relations of Cirsium cassium Davis & Parris (Asteraceae), a local endemic from Hatay (Turkiye),” Anatolian Journal of Botany, 1(2):41-44, 2017.
  • M. Ozturk, V. Altay, M. Kucuk, E. Altundağ, Z. Severoğlu and I.E. Yalçın, “Preservation and ecology of a living relict shrub in South Caucasus as a eco-genetic heritage from Tertiary: Epigaea gaultherioides (Boiss. & Bal.) Takht.,” Journal of Environmental Biology, 41(SI):279-84, 2020.
  • H.I.S. Ahmed, A. Badr, H.H. El-Shazly, L. Watson, A.S. Fuoad and F.Y. Ellmouni, “Molecular phylogeny of Trifolium L. section Trifolium with reference to chromosome number and subsections delimitation,” Plants 10(1985):1-14, 2021.
  • J. Gillett and N. Taylor, “The World of Clovers” Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, USA; 2001.
  • M. Uyanık, K.A.P. Rezaeieh, Y. Delen ve B. Gürbüz, “Baklagillerde bakteri aşılaması ve azot fiksasyonu,” Ziraat Mühendisliği, 357: 8-12, 2011.
  • A. Scoppola, J. López Tirado, F. Manzano Gutiérrez and S. Magrini, “The genus Trifolium L. (Fabaceae) in south Europe: a critical review on species richness and distribution,” Nordic Journal of Botany 36(1-2):1-17, 2018.
  • M. Keskin, V. Sonay and M.M. Balos, “Trifolium elazizense (Fabaceae), a new species from Turkey,” Phytotaxa 83(2):199-206, 2023.
  • M. Keskin “Novelties in the genus Trifolium in Türkiye”. Frontiers in Life Sciences and Related Technologies 5(2): 140-154, 2024.
  • M. Keskin, “A contribution to the genus Trifolium in Turkey,” Journal of Faculty Pharmacy Istanbul, 34(2):1-8, 2001.
  • M. Keskin, “Fabaceae familyasından yeni kare kayıtları,” OT Sistematik Botanik Dergisi, 2:181-7, 2003.
  • M. Keskin, “İstanbul’un Trifolium L. (Fabaceae) türleri,” Kırsal Çevre Yıllığı, 1: 7-17, 2004.
  • M. Keskin, “Türkiye’de Trifolium L. cinsinden yeni bir takson kaydı ve bir türün varlığı,” OT Sistematik Botanik Dergisi, 12(1): 21-24, 2005.
  • M. Keskin, “Türkiye’de Trifolium pratense L. (Fabaceae) türü ve iki yeni varyete kaydı,” OT Sistematik Botanik Dergisi, 14(2): 5-8, 2007.
  • M. Keskin, “Türkiye’de yayılış gösteren Trifolium nigrescens Viv. (Fabaceae) türünün taksonomik durumu,” OT Sistematik Botanik Dergisi 18(2): 25-34, 2011a
  • M. Keskin, “Yoncalar (Trifolium spp.),” Bağbahçe 33: 2-5, 2011b.
  • M. Keskin, “Trifolium L.” in: Güner A et al. (eds.), Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyiğit Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını. Istanbul. p. 488-498, 2012.
  • M. Keskin and M. Çelik “Türkiye İçin Yeni Bir Yonca Kaydı: Trifolium alexandrinum var. serotinum” YYU FBED 29(2): 423-428, 2024.
  • L. Marini, M. Scotton, S. Klimek J. Isselstein and A. Pecile, “Effects of local factors on plant species richness and composition of Alpine meadows,” Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 119(3-4): 281-288, 2007.
  • M. Ozturk, V. Altay, M. Kucuk and I.E. Yalçın, “Trace elements in the soil-plant systems of copper mine areas - A case study from Murgul Copper Mine from the Black Sea Region of Turkiye,” Phyton-Inter. J. Experi. Bot. 88: 223-238, 2018.
  • I.E. Yalcin and V. Altay, “Investigation of water-soil-plant relationships based on hazardous and macro-micro element concentrations on Orontes River, Türkiye,” International Journal of Phytoremediation, 25(14):1859-1880, 2023.
  • F. Candan, M. Ozturk, V. Altay and I.E. Yalcin, “An experimental study on the effects copper and lead on the seedlings of some economically important vegetable species,” Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 51(4):131-158, 2023
  • A. Kabata-Pendias and H. Pendias, “Trace Elements in Soils and Plants,” 3rd ed. CRC Press: Boca Raton, New York, Washington, D.C.; 2001.
  • A.V. Barker and D.J. Pilbeam, “Handbook of Plant Nutrition,” CRC Press, 2015.
  • C. Lopes, M. Herva, A. Franco-Uría and E. Roca, “Multicorrelation models and uptake factors to estimate extractable metal concentrations from soil and metal in plants in pasturelands fertilized with manure,” Environ. Pollut. 166: 17-22, 2012.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Ecology (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Mustafa Keskin 0000-0003-2454-1891

Veysel Sonay 0000-0001-8523-5113

İbrahim Ertuğrul Yalçın 0000-0003-3140-7922

Volkan Altay 0000-0003-2450-6914

Münir Öztürk 0000-0002-8687-9401

Publication Date October 3, 2024
Submission Date August 7, 2024
Acceptance Date September 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


IEEE M. Keskin, V. Sonay, İ. E. Yalçın, V. Altay, and M. Öztürk, “Ecology of Trifolium elazizense, an endemic alpine meadow species from Türkiye”, Etoxec, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 98–107, 2024, doi: 10.59838/etoxec.1529960.