Research Article
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Generational Change in Business Owners’ Social Ties: The Case of Turkey

Year 2020, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 18 - 40, 30.06.2020


Ağdüzeneklerinin dinamik doğasının açıklanması ile ilgili yazındaki boşluk araştırmacılara ağdüzeneklerinin değişimi ve evrimi hakkında daha fazla açıklama aramaları için ilham vermektedir. Bu boşluk göz önünde bulundurularak, çalışmada, örgütlerarası ağdüzeneklerinin değişimi, Türkiye’deki işletme sahiplerinin sosyal bağlarının birinci kuşaktan, ikinci ve üçüncü kuşaklara doğru değişimi üzerinden sosyal ağdüzeneği analizi ile araştırılmaktadır. Bulgular, kuşaklararası değişimin bazı ilişkilerin kademeli olarak ortadan kalkmasına neden olduğunu göstermektedir. Sonuçlar ayrıca, ağdüzenekleri evrildiğinde ve aktörlerin konumları değiştiğinde, ağdüzeneklerinin mevcut faydalarının da kaybolabileceğini desteklemektedir


  • Ahuja, G., Soda, G. and Zaheer, A. (2012), “The Genesis and Dynamics of Organizational Networks”, Organization Science, 23(2): 434-448.
  • Baker,W. E. and Faulkner, R. F. (2002), Companion to Organizations: An introduction. J. A. C. Baum (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Organizations. Oxford: Blackwell,1- 34.
  • Borgatti, S. P and Halgin, D. S. (2011), “On Network Theory”, Organization Science, 22(5): 1168-1181.
  • Borgatti, S. P. Mehra, A., Brass J. D. and Labianca, G. (2009), “Network Analysis in the Social Science”,, Retrieved: 09.05.19.
  • Borgatti,S.P., Everett,M.G., and Freeman, L.C.(2005), UCINET 6 for Windows Software for social network analysis, User‘s Guide.
  • Brass, D. L., Galaskiewicz, J., Greve, H., and Tsai, W. (2004), “Taking Stock of Networks and Organizations: A Multilevel Perspective”, Academy of Management Journal, 47(6): 795-17.
  • Bruggeman, J. (2008), “Social Networks: An Introduction”, Routledge, UK.
  • Bueno, E., Salmodor, P.M and Rodriguez, O. (2004), “The Role of Social Capital in Today‘s Economy”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 5(4): 556-574.
  • Burt, R. S. (2010), Neighbour Networks: Competitive Advantage Local and Personal, Oxford University Press, UK
  • Burt, R. S. (2005), Brokerage and Closure: An Introduction to Social Capital, Oxford, UK.
  • Burt, R. S. (1992), Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition, Harvard University Press, UK.
  • Carroll, W. K and Carson, C. (2003), “Forging a New Hegemony? The Role of Transnational Policy Groups in the Network and Discourses of Global Corporate Governance”, Journal of World Systems Research, 9(1): 67-102.
  • Carpenter, M. A. and Westphal, J. D. (2001), “The Strategic Context of External Network Ties: Examining the Impact of Director Appointments on Board Involvement in Strategic Decision Making”, Academy of Management Journal, 44(4): 639-660.
  • Dyer, J. H and Singh, H. (1998), “The Relational View: Cooperative Strategy and Sources of Interorganisational Competitive Advantage”, The Academy of Management Review, 23(4): 660-679.
  • Daveni, R. A. and Kesner, I. F. (1993), “Top Managerial Prestige, Power and Tender Offer Response - A Study of Elite Social Networks and Target Firm Cooperation During Takeovers”, Organization Science, 4(2): 123-151.
  • Fligstein, N. (2001), “Social Skill and the Theory of Fields”, Retrieved: 09.01.20.
  • Gargiulo, M and Benassi, M. (2000), “Traped in Your Own Net? Network Cohesion, Structural Holes, and the Adaptation of Social Capital”, Organization Science, 11(2): 183-196.
  • Geletkanycz, M. A. and Boyd, B. K. (2001), “The Strategic Value of CEO External Directorate Networks: Implications for CEO Compensation”, Strategic Management Journal, 22 (9): 889-898.
  • Granovetter, M. (1985), “Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embededdness”, American Journal of Sociology, (91): 481-510.
  • Greve, A and Salaff, J. W. (2003), Social Networks and Entrepreneurship,, Retrieved: 09.06.19.
  • Gulati, R., Dialdin, D. and Wang, L. (2002), “Organizational Networks”, Baum, J. (ed.) The Blackwell Companion to Organizations, Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Gulati, R. and Gargiulo, M. (1999), “Where do Interorganisational Networks Come From?”, American Journal of Sociology, 104(5): 1439-1493.
  • Gulati, R. and Westphal, J. D. (1999), “Cooperative or Controlling? The Effects of CEO-Board Relations and the Content of Interlocks on the Formation of Joint Ventures”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 44(3): 473-506.
  • Hallen, B. J. (2008), “The Causes and Consequences of the Initial Network Positions of New Organizations: from Whom Do Entrepreneurs Receive Investments?”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 53(4): 685-718.
  • Hansen, M. T. (1999), “The Search-Transfer Problem: The Role of Weak Ties in Sharing Knowledge Across Organization Subunits”, Administrative Science Quarterly”, 44(1): 82-111.
  • Hite, J. M. and Hesterly, W. S. (2001), “The Evolution of Firm Networks: From Emergence to Early Growth of The Firm”, Strategic Management Journal, 22(3): 275-286. Kadushin, C., (2002), “The Motivational Foundation of Social Networks”, Social Networks, 24(1): 79–91.
  • Kenis, P. and Oerlemans, L. (2007), “The Social Network Perspective: Understanding the Structure of Cooperation”,, Retrieved: 09.11.19.
  • Kim, T., Oh, H. and Swaminathan, A. (2006), “Framing Interorganisational Network Change: A Network Inertia Perspective”, Academy of Management Review, 31(3): 704-720.
  • Leung, A., (2003), “Different Ties for Different Needs - Recruitment Practices of Entrepreneurial Firms at Different Developmental Phases”, Human Resource Management, 42(4): 303-320.
  • Lin, N. (2005), “A Network Theory of Social Capital”, Chinese/speech/paper-final-041605.pdf. Retrieved: 05.06.19.
  • Lynall, M. D, Golden, B. R. and Hillman, A. J. (2003), “Board Composition from Adolescence to Maturity: A Multitheoretic View”, The Academy of Management Review, 28(3): 416-431.
  • Mariotti, F and Delbridge, R. (2012), “Overcoming Network Overload and Redundancy in Interorganisational Networks: The Roles of Potential and Latent Ties”, Organization Science, 23(2): 511-528.
  • McEvily, B. and Zaheer, A. (1999), “Bridging Ties: A Source of Firm Heterogeneity in Competitive Capabilities”, Strategic Management Journal, 20(12): 1133-56.
  • Mizruchi, M. S. (1996), “What Do Interlocks Do? An Analysis, Critique, and Assessment of Research on Interlocking Directorates”, Annual Review of Sociology, 22: 271-298.
  • Monge, P. R. and Contractor, N. S. (2001), Emergence of Communication Networks., Retrieved: 09.01.19.
  • Pacheco, D. F., York, J. G., Dean, J. and Sarasvathy, S. D. (2010), “The Coevolution of Institutional Entrepreneurship: A Tale of Two Theories”, Journal of Management, 36 (4): 974-1010.
  • Pfeffer, J. (1997), New Directions for Organization Theory. Problems and Prospects, Oxford University Press. New York.
  • Podolny, J. M. (2005), Status and Signals. A Sociological Study of Market Competition, Princeton University Press, UK.
  • Podolny, J. M. (2001), “Networks as the Pipes and Prisms of the Market”, The American Journal of Sociology, 107(1): 33-60.
  • Raider, H. and Krackhard, D. (2001), Intraorganizational Networks. (eds) Baum, J. Companion to Organizations, Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 58-74.
  • Sargut, A. S., Varoğlu, K. A., Özen, Ş. Oğuz, F. Sözen, C. H., Yeloğlu,O. and Sağsan, M. (2007), “Ulusal İş Sistemi ve Örgüt Ağları: Devlete Bağımlılık ve Merkez-Çevre İkiliğinin Örgütler Arası İlişkilere Etkisi”, TÜBİTAK Projesi.
  • Sargut, A. S. (2006), “Sosyal Sermaye: Yapının Sunduğu Bir Olanak mı, Yoksa Bireyin Amaçlı Eylemi mi?”, Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F Dergisi, (12): 1-13.
  • Scott, J. C. (2002), “Introduction”, Scott, J.C. (ed.), Social Networks: Critical Concepts in Sociology, London: Routledge, 1-23.
  • Soda, G., Usai, A. and Zaheer, A. (2004), “Network Memory: The Influence of Past and Current Networks on Performance”, Academy of Management Journal, 47(6): 893- 906.
  • Sözen, C. H. (2007), “Bağlam Kapsamında Örgütlerarası Ağdüzenekleri: Dayanıklı Ev Aletleri Sektörü Örneği”, Unpublished Phd. Thesis, Başkent University, Ankara. Stokman, F. N. and Doreian, P. (2003), Evolution of Social Networks: Processes and Principles,, Retrieved: 06.03.19.
  • Üsdiken, B. (2007), “Çevresel Baskı ve Talepler Karşısında Örgütler: Kaynak Bağımlılık Yaklaşımı”, Sargut, S. ve Özen, Ş. (eds.), Örgüt Kuramları, İmge Yayınevi.
  • Uzzi, B. (1996), “The Sources and Consequences of Embeddedness for the Economic Performance of Organizations: The Network Effect”, American Sociological Review, 61(4): 674-698.
  • Van de Ven, A. H. (1976), “On the Nature, Formation, and Maintenance of Relations among Organizations”, Academy of Management Review, 1(4): 24-36.
  • Yıldırım-Öktem, Ö. (2010), “Generational Differences in Involvement of Family Members in Governance and Management of Turkish Family Business Groups and Background Characteristics of Family Members”, Boğaziçi Journal, 24(1-2): 41-66.
  • Whitley, R. (1999), Divergent Capitalisms: The Social Structuring and Change of Business Systems, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Zaheer, A. and Soda, G. (2009), “Network Evolution: The Origins of Structural holes”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 51: 1-31.

Generational Change in Business Owners’ Social Ties: The Case of Turkey

Year 2020, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 18 - 40, 30.06.2020


The gap in the literature concerning the explanation of the dynamic nature of networks has inspired researchers to look for further explanations about network change and evolution. In consideration of this shortcoming, the social network analysis has been applied in this study, in order to investigate inter-organizational networks through the change of business owners’ social ties from the first to second and third generations in Turkey. The findings suggest that intergenerational change results in a gradual disappearance of some of the relationships. The results also support that, when networks evolve and actors’ positions change, the current benefits of the networks may also fade away


  • Ahuja, G., Soda, G. and Zaheer, A. (2012), “The Genesis and Dynamics of Organizational Networks”, Organization Science, 23(2): 434-448.
  • Baker,W. E. and Faulkner, R. F. (2002), Companion to Organizations: An introduction. J. A. C. Baum (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Organizations. Oxford: Blackwell,1- 34.
  • Borgatti, S. P and Halgin, D. S. (2011), “On Network Theory”, Organization Science, 22(5): 1168-1181.
  • Borgatti, S. P. Mehra, A., Brass J. D. and Labianca, G. (2009), “Network Analysis in the Social Science”,, Retrieved: 09.05.19.
  • Borgatti,S.P., Everett,M.G., and Freeman, L.C.(2005), UCINET 6 for Windows Software for social network analysis, User‘s Guide.
  • Brass, D. L., Galaskiewicz, J., Greve, H., and Tsai, W. (2004), “Taking Stock of Networks and Organizations: A Multilevel Perspective”, Academy of Management Journal, 47(6): 795-17.
  • Bruggeman, J. (2008), “Social Networks: An Introduction”, Routledge, UK.
  • Bueno, E., Salmodor, P.M and Rodriguez, O. (2004), “The Role of Social Capital in Today‘s Economy”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 5(4): 556-574.
  • Burt, R. S. (2010), Neighbour Networks: Competitive Advantage Local and Personal, Oxford University Press, UK
  • Burt, R. S. (2005), Brokerage and Closure: An Introduction to Social Capital, Oxford, UK.
  • Burt, R. S. (1992), Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition, Harvard University Press, UK.
  • Carroll, W. K and Carson, C. (2003), “Forging a New Hegemony? The Role of Transnational Policy Groups in the Network and Discourses of Global Corporate Governance”, Journal of World Systems Research, 9(1): 67-102.
  • Carpenter, M. A. and Westphal, J. D. (2001), “The Strategic Context of External Network Ties: Examining the Impact of Director Appointments on Board Involvement in Strategic Decision Making”, Academy of Management Journal, 44(4): 639-660.
  • Dyer, J. H and Singh, H. (1998), “The Relational View: Cooperative Strategy and Sources of Interorganisational Competitive Advantage”, The Academy of Management Review, 23(4): 660-679.
  • Daveni, R. A. and Kesner, I. F. (1993), “Top Managerial Prestige, Power and Tender Offer Response - A Study of Elite Social Networks and Target Firm Cooperation During Takeovers”, Organization Science, 4(2): 123-151.
  • Fligstein, N. (2001), “Social Skill and the Theory of Fields”, Retrieved: 09.01.20.
  • Gargiulo, M and Benassi, M. (2000), “Traped in Your Own Net? Network Cohesion, Structural Holes, and the Adaptation of Social Capital”, Organization Science, 11(2): 183-196.
  • Geletkanycz, M. A. and Boyd, B. K. (2001), “The Strategic Value of CEO External Directorate Networks: Implications for CEO Compensation”, Strategic Management Journal, 22 (9): 889-898.
  • Granovetter, M. (1985), “Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embededdness”, American Journal of Sociology, (91): 481-510.
  • Greve, A and Salaff, J. W. (2003), Social Networks and Entrepreneurship,, Retrieved: 09.06.19.
  • Gulati, R., Dialdin, D. and Wang, L. (2002), “Organizational Networks”, Baum, J. (ed.) The Blackwell Companion to Organizations, Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Gulati, R. and Gargiulo, M. (1999), “Where do Interorganisational Networks Come From?”, American Journal of Sociology, 104(5): 1439-1493.
  • Gulati, R. and Westphal, J. D. (1999), “Cooperative or Controlling? The Effects of CEO-Board Relations and the Content of Interlocks on the Formation of Joint Ventures”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 44(3): 473-506.
  • Hallen, B. J. (2008), “The Causes and Consequences of the Initial Network Positions of New Organizations: from Whom Do Entrepreneurs Receive Investments?”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 53(4): 685-718.
  • Hansen, M. T. (1999), “The Search-Transfer Problem: The Role of Weak Ties in Sharing Knowledge Across Organization Subunits”, Administrative Science Quarterly”, 44(1): 82-111.
  • Hite, J. M. and Hesterly, W. S. (2001), “The Evolution of Firm Networks: From Emergence to Early Growth of The Firm”, Strategic Management Journal, 22(3): 275-286. Kadushin, C., (2002), “The Motivational Foundation of Social Networks”, Social Networks, 24(1): 79–91.
  • Kenis, P. and Oerlemans, L. (2007), “The Social Network Perspective: Understanding the Structure of Cooperation”,, Retrieved: 09.11.19.
  • Kim, T., Oh, H. and Swaminathan, A. (2006), “Framing Interorganisational Network Change: A Network Inertia Perspective”, Academy of Management Review, 31(3): 704-720.
  • Leung, A., (2003), “Different Ties for Different Needs - Recruitment Practices of Entrepreneurial Firms at Different Developmental Phases”, Human Resource Management, 42(4): 303-320.
  • Lin, N. (2005), “A Network Theory of Social Capital”, Chinese/speech/paper-final-041605.pdf. Retrieved: 05.06.19.
  • Lynall, M. D, Golden, B. R. and Hillman, A. J. (2003), “Board Composition from Adolescence to Maturity: A Multitheoretic View”, The Academy of Management Review, 28(3): 416-431.
  • Mariotti, F and Delbridge, R. (2012), “Overcoming Network Overload and Redundancy in Interorganisational Networks: The Roles of Potential and Latent Ties”, Organization Science, 23(2): 511-528.
  • McEvily, B. and Zaheer, A. (1999), “Bridging Ties: A Source of Firm Heterogeneity in Competitive Capabilities”, Strategic Management Journal, 20(12): 1133-56.
  • Mizruchi, M. S. (1996), “What Do Interlocks Do? An Analysis, Critique, and Assessment of Research on Interlocking Directorates”, Annual Review of Sociology, 22: 271-298.
  • Monge, P. R. and Contractor, N. S. (2001), Emergence of Communication Networks., Retrieved: 09.01.19.
  • Pacheco, D. F., York, J. G., Dean, J. and Sarasvathy, S. D. (2010), “The Coevolution of Institutional Entrepreneurship: A Tale of Two Theories”, Journal of Management, 36 (4): 974-1010.
  • Pfeffer, J. (1997), New Directions for Organization Theory. Problems and Prospects, Oxford University Press. New York.
  • Podolny, J. M. (2005), Status and Signals. A Sociological Study of Market Competition, Princeton University Press, UK.
  • Podolny, J. M. (2001), “Networks as the Pipes and Prisms of the Market”, The American Journal of Sociology, 107(1): 33-60.
  • Raider, H. and Krackhard, D. (2001), Intraorganizational Networks. (eds) Baum, J. Companion to Organizations, Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 58-74.
  • Sargut, A. S., Varoğlu, K. A., Özen, Ş. Oğuz, F. Sözen, C. H., Yeloğlu,O. and Sağsan, M. (2007), “Ulusal İş Sistemi ve Örgüt Ağları: Devlete Bağımlılık ve Merkez-Çevre İkiliğinin Örgütler Arası İlişkilere Etkisi”, TÜBİTAK Projesi.
  • Sargut, A. S. (2006), “Sosyal Sermaye: Yapının Sunduğu Bir Olanak mı, Yoksa Bireyin Amaçlı Eylemi mi?”, Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F Dergisi, (12): 1-13.
  • Scott, J. C. (2002), “Introduction”, Scott, J.C. (ed.), Social Networks: Critical Concepts in Sociology, London: Routledge, 1-23.
  • Soda, G., Usai, A. and Zaheer, A. (2004), “Network Memory: The Influence of Past and Current Networks on Performance”, Academy of Management Journal, 47(6): 893- 906.
  • Sözen, C. H. (2007), “Bağlam Kapsamında Örgütlerarası Ağdüzenekleri: Dayanıklı Ev Aletleri Sektörü Örneği”, Unpublished Phd. Thesis, Başkent University, Ankara. Stokman, F. N. and Doreian, P. (2003), Evolution of Social Networks: Processes and Principles,, Retrieved: 06.03.19.
  • Üsdiken, B. (2007), “Çevresel Baskı ve Talepler Karşısında Örgütler: Kaynak Bağımlılık Yaklaşımı”, Sargut, S. ve Özen, Ş. (eds.), Örgüt Kuramları, İmge Yayınevi.
  • Uzzi, B. (1996), “The Sources and Consequences of Embeddedness for the Economic Performance of Organizations: The Network Effect”, American Sociological Review, 61(4): 674-698.
  • Van de Ven, A. H. (1976), “On the Nature, Formation, and Maintenance of Relations among Organizations”, Academy of Management Review, 1(4): 24-36.
  • Yıldırım-Öktem, Ö. (2010), “Generational Differences in Involvement of Family Members in Governance and Management of Turkish Family Business Groups and Background Characteristics of Family Members”, Boğaziçi Journal, 24(1-2): 41-66.
  • Whitley, R. (1999), Divergent Capitalisms: The Social Structuring and Change of Business Systems, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Zaheer, A. and Soda, G. (2009), “Network Evolution: The Origins of Structural holes”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 51: 1-31.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research

Şule Erdem This is me 0000-0001-8244-6396

H. Sözen This is me 0000-0001-9324-5557

Selami Sargut This is me 0000-0002-9337-1673

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Erdem, Ş., Sözen, H., & Sargut, S. (2020). Generational Change in Business Owners’ Social Ties: The Case of Turkey. LAÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(1), 18-40.

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