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Atlarda beyin hemisferlerine ait substantia grisea, alba ve ventriculus lateralis hacimlerinin Cavalieri prensibi kullanılarak hesaplanması

Year 2014, Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 102 - 107, 01.06.2014


Amaç: Yapılan bu araştırma ile atlarda beyin hemisferlerinin bazı morfometrik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve son zamanlarda veteriner sahada da kullanılmaya başlanan MRI/CT görüntülerine ve ölçümlerine referans olması amaçlanmaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu amaçla cinsiyet ve ırk ayrımı gözetmeksizin 5 at beyini kullanıldı. Beyin hemisferlerine ait substantia alba, substantia grisea ve lateral ventrikül hacmi hesaplamalarında Cavalieri prensibi kullanıldı. Bulgular: Araştırmada sağ ve sol hemisfere ait hesaplamaları yapılan substantia alba, substantia grisea, lateral ventrikül hacmi ve total hacimler arasında istatistiki fark belirlenmedi. Öneri: Atlarda sağ ve sol beyin hemisferlerinin volumetrik özelliklerinin benzer olduğu ve elde edilen verilerin bölge morfolojisine ve gelecekte yapılacak araştırmalara katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Bahar S, Bolat D, Selcuk ML 2013. The segmental morphometric properties of the horse cervical spinal cord: A study of cadaver. The ScientificWorld Journal, Article ID 734923
  • Bjugn R, Boe R, Haugland HK 1989. A stereological study of the ependyma of the mouse spinal cord with a comparative note on the choroid plexus ependyma. J Anat, 166, 171-178.
  • Bjugn R, Gundersen HJ 1993. Estimate of the total number of neurons and glial and endothelial cells in the rat spinal cord by means of the optical disector. J Comp Neurol, 328, 406-414.
  • Canan S, Sahin B, Odaci E, Unal B, Aslan H, Bilgic S, Kaplan S 2002. Toplam hacim, hacim yogunlugu ve hacim oranlarinin hesaplanmasinda kullanilan bir stereolojik yöntem: cavalieri prensibi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci, 22, 7-14.
  • Dursun N 2008. Veteriner Anatomi III, 3 baskı, Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara, Türkiye, pp:23-60.
  • Dyce KM, Sack WO, Wensing CJG 2002. Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. 3rd edition, Philadelphia, Saunders, USA.
  • Firlag M, Kamaszewski M, Gaca K, Balasinska B 2013. Age related changes in the central nervous system in selected domestic mammals and primates. Postepy Hig Med Dosw, 67, 269-275.
  • Garcia-Finana M, Cruz-Orive LM, Mackay CE, Pakkenberg B, Roberts N 2003. Comparison of MR imaging against physical sectioning to estimate the volume of human cerebral compartments. NeuroImage, 18, 505-516.
  • Getty R 1975a. Sissons and Grossmann’s The Anatomy of the Domestic Animals, 5th edition, volume 1, Phiadelphia, W.B. Saunders Company, USA, pp: 633-650.
  • Getty R 1975b Sissons and Grossmann’s The Anatomy of the Domestic Animals, 5th edition, volume 2, Phiadelphia, W.B. Saunders Company, USA, pp: 1671-1686.
  • Gundersen H, Jensen EB 1987. The efficiency of systematic sampling in stereology and its prediction. J Microsc, 147, 229-263.
  • Gundersen HJ, Jensen EB, Kieu K, Nielsen J 1999. The efficiency of systematic sampling in stereology reconsidered. J Microsc, 193, 199-211.
  • Howard V, Reed M 2005. Unbiased stereology: Threedimensional measurement in microscopy. Garland Science, Bios Scientific, Oxon, UK, pp: 53-64.
  • König HE, Liebich HG, Cerveny C 2004. Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals, Chapter 14: Nervous system, 1st edition, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Martola J, Bergström J, Fredrikson S ve ark 2010. A longitudinal abservational study of brain atrophy rate reflecting four decades of multiple sclerosis: A comparison of serial 1D. 2D, and volumetric measurements from MRI images. Neuroradiology, 52, 109-117.
  • Mayhew TM, Mwamengele GLM, Dantzer V 1990. Comparative morphometry of the mammalian brain: estimates of cerebral volume and cortical surface areas obtained from macroscopic slices. J Anat, 172, 191-200.
  • Mayhew TM, Mwamengele GLM, Dantzer V 1996. Stereological and allometric studies on mammalian cerebral cortex with implications for medical brain imaging. J Anat, 189, 177-184.
  • Miller ME 1964. Anatomy of The Dog, 1st edition, Philadelphia, Saunders Company, USA. Mouton PR 2002. Principles and practices of unbiased stereology. John Hopkins University Press, USA, pp: 5-6.
  • Nickel R, Schummer A, Seiferle E 1975. Lehrbuch Der Anatomie Der Haustiere. Band IV. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin, Germany.
  • Ohm T, Busch C, Bohl J 1997. Unbiased estimation of neuronal numbers in the human nucleus coeruleus during aging. Neurobiol Aging, 18, 393-399.
  • Oto Ç 2007. Merkepte (Equus asinus) encephalon’un anatomisi ve transversal kesitlerinin incelenmesi. AÜ, Sağ- lık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, doktora tezi, Ankara, Türkiye. Oto C, Haziroglu RM 2009. Macro-anatomical investigation of encephalon in donkey. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 56, 159-164.
  • Ross DE 2011. Review of longitudinal studies of MRI brain volumetry in patients with traumatic brain injury. Brain Inj, 25, 1271-1278.
  • Sanfilipo MP, Benedict RHB, Sharma J, Weinstock-Guttman B, Bakshi R 2005. The relationship between whole bra n volume and disability in multiple sclerosis: A comparison of normalized gray vs, White matter with misclassification correction. NeuroImage, 26, 1068-1077.
  • Staff RT, Murray AD, Deary IJ, Whalley LJ 2006. Generality and spesificity in cognitive aging: A volumetric brain analysis. NeuroImage, 30, 1433-1440.
  • Tecirlioğlu S 1983. Komparatif Veteriner Anatomi: Sinir Sistemi. 1. Baskı. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayınları, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Turgut M, Tunc AT, Aslan H, Yazici A, Kaplan S 2007. Effect of pinealectomy on the morphology of the chick cervical spinal cord: A stereological and histopathological study. Brain Res, 1129, 166-173.
  • West M 1993. New stereological methods for counting neurons. Neurobiol Aging, 14, 275-285.
  • Yücel F, Ünal N, Erçakır M, Güven G 2003. Rat beynindeki yaşa bağlı hacim değişikliklerinin Cavalieri yöntemi ile saptanması. Erciyes Tıp Der, 25, 179-185.
  • Zarow C, Kim TS, Singh M, Chui H 2004. A standardized method for brain-cutting suitable for both stereology and MRI-brain co-registration. J Neurosci Meth, 139, 209-215.
  • Zhang K, Sejnowski TJ 2000. A universal scaling law between gray matter and white matter of cerebral cortex. PNAS, 97, 5621-5626

Volumetric estimations of the gray matter, white matter and lateral ventricles on the brain hemispheres in horses using Cavalieri principle

Year 2014, Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 102 - 107, 01.06.2014


Aim: The aim of this study was to determine morphometric features of the horse brain hemispheres and to be reference MRI/CT images and measurements which recently started to be used in veterinary field.Materials and Methods: Brains of five horses of different breeds and sexes were used. Volumetric estimations of the gray matter, white matter and lateral ventricles of the cerebrum were performed using Cavalieri principle.Results: In this study, there were no significant differences between volumes of gray matter, white matter, lateral ventricules and the total volumes in the left and the right hemispheres of brain.Conclusions: The volumetric features of the left and the right brain hemispheres in horses were similar. It is thought that obtained data will contribute to the morphology of related region and the further studies.


  • Bahar S, Bolat D, Selcuk ML 2013. The segmental morphometric properties of the horse cervical spinal cord: A study of cadaver. The ScientificWorld Journal, Article ID 734923
  • Bjugn R, Boe R, Haugland HK 1989. A stereological study of the ependyma of the mouse spinal cord with a comparative note on the choroid plexus ependyma. J Anat, 166, 171-178.
  • Bjugn R, Gundersen HJ 1993. Estimate of the total number of neurons and glial and endothelial cells in the rat spinal cord by means of the optical disector. J Comp Neurol, 328, 406-414.
  • Canan S, Sahin B, Odaci E, Unal B, Aslan H, Bilgic S, Kaplan S 2002. Toplam hacim, hacim yogunlugu ve hacim oranlarinin hesaplanmasinda kullanilan bir stereolojik yöntem: cavalieri prensibi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci, 22, 7-14.
  • Dursun N 2008. Veteriner Anatomi III, 3 baskı, Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara, Türkiye, pp:23-60.
  • Dyce KM, Sack WO, Wensing CJG 2002. Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. 3rd edition, Philadelphia, Saunders, USA.
  • Firlag M, Kamaszewski M, Gaca K, Balasinska B 2013. Age related changes in the central nervous system in selected domestic mammals and primates. Postepy Hig Med Dosw, 67, 269-275.
  • Garcia-Finana M, Cruz-Orive LM, Mackay CE, Pakkenberg B, Roberts N 2003. Comparison of MR imaging against physical sectioning to estimate the volume of human cerebral compartments. NeuroImage, 18, 505-516.
  • Getty R 1975a. Sissons and Grossmann’s The Anatomy of the Domestic Animals, 5th edition, volume 1, Phiadelphia, W.B. Saunders Company, USA, pp: 633-650.
  • Getty R 1975b Sissons and Grossmann’s The Anatomy of the Domestic Animals, 5th edition, volume 2, Phiadelphia, W.B. Saunders Company, USA, pp: 1671-1686.
  • Gundersen H, Jensen EB 1987. The efficiency of systematic sampling in stereology and its prediction. J Microsc, 147, 229-263.
  • Gundersen HJ, Jensen EB, Kieu K, Nielsen J 1999. The efficiency of systematic sampling in stereology reconsidered. J Microsc, 193, 199-211.
  • Howard V, Reed M 2005. Unbiased stereology: Threedimensional measurement in microscopy. Garland Science, Bios Scientific, Oxon, UK, pp: 53-64.
  • König HE, Liebich HG, Cerveny C 2004. Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals, Chapter 14: Nervous system, 1st edition, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Martola J, Bergström J, Fredrikson S ve ark 2010. A longitudinal abservational study of brain atrophy rate reflecting four decades of multiple sclerosis: A comparison of serial 1D. 2D, and volumetric measurements from MRI images. Neuroradiology, 52, 109-117.
  • Mayhew TM, Mwamengele GLM, Dantzer V 1990. Comparative morphometry of the mammalian brain: estimates of cerebral volume and cortical surface areas obtained from macroscopic slices. J Anat, 172, 191-200.
  • Mayhew TM, Mwamengele GLM, Dantzer V 1996. Stereological and allometric studies on mammalian cerebral cortex with implications for medical brain imaging. J Anat, 189, 177-184.
  • Miller ME 1964. Anatomy of The Dog, 1st edition, Philadelphia, Saunders Company, USA. Mouton PR 2002. Principles and practices of unbiased stereology. John Hopkins University Press, USA, pp: 5-6.
  • Nickel R, Schummer A, Seiferle E 1975. Lehrbuch Der Anatomie Der Haustiere. Band IV. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin, Germany.
  • Ohm T, Busch C, Bohl J 1997. Unbiased estimation of neuronal numbers in the human nucleus coeruleus during aging. Neurobiol Aging, 18, 393-399.
  • Oto Ç 2007. Merkepte (Equus asinus) encephalon’un anatomisi ve transversal kesitlerinin incelenmesi. AÜ, Sağ- lık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, doktora tezi, Ankara, Türkiye. Oto C, Haziroglu RM 2009. Macro-anatomical investigation of encephalon in donkey. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 56, 159-164.
  • Ross DE 2011. Review of longitudinal studies of MRI brain volumetry in patients with traumatic brain injury. Brain Inj, 25, 1271-1278.
  • Sanfilipo MP, Benedict RHB, Sharma J, Weinstock-Guttman B, Bakshi R 2005. The relationship between whole bra n volume and disability in multiple sclerosis: A comparison of normalized gray vs, White matter with misclassification correction. NeuroImage, 26, 1068-1077.
  • Staff RT, Murray AD, Deary IJ, Whalley LJ 2006. Generality and spesificity in cognitive aging: A volumetric brain analysis. NeuroImage, 30, 1433-1440.
  • Tecirlioğlu S 1983. Komparatif Veteriner Anatomi: Sinir Sistemi. 1. Baskı. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayınları, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Turgut M, Tunc AT, Aslan H, Yazici A, Kaplan S 2007. Effect of pinealectomy on the morphology of the chick cervical spinal cord: A stereological and histopathological study. Brain Res, 1129, 166-173.
  • West M 1993. New stereological methods for counting neurons. Neurobiol Aging, 14, 275-285.
  • Yücel F, Ünal N, Erçakır M, Güven G 2003. Rat beynindeki yaşa bağlı hacim değişikliklerinin Cavalieri yöntemi ile saptanması. Erciyes Tıp Der, 25, 179-185.
  • Zarow C, Kim TS, Singh M, Chui H 2004. A standardized method for brain-cutting suitable for both stereology and MRI-brain co-registration. J Neurosci Meth, 139, 209-215.
  • Zhang K, Sejnowski TJ 2000. A universal scaling law between gray matter and white matter of cerebral cortex. PNAS, 97, 5621-5626
There are 30 citations in total.


Other ID JA62GU75JE
Journal Section Research

Sadullah Bahar This is me

M. Orhun Dayan This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 30 Issue: 2


APA Bahar, S., & Dayan, M. O. (2014). Volumetric estimations of the gray matter, white matter and lateral ventricles on the brain hemispheres in horses using Cavalieri principle. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 30(2), 102-107.
AMA Bahar S, Dayan MO. Volumetric estimations of the gray matter, white matter and lateral ventricles on the brain hemispheres in horses using Cavalieri principle. Eurasian J Vet Sci. June 2014;30(2):102-107.
Chicago Bahar, Sadullah, and M. Orhun Dayan. “Volumetric Estimations of the Gray Matter, White Matter and Lateral Ventricles on the Brain Hemispheres in Horses Using Cavalieri Principle”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 30, no. 2 (June 2014): 102-7.
EndNote Bahar S, Dayan MO (June 1, 2014) Volumetric estimations of the gray matter, white matter and lateral ventricles on the brain hemispheres in horses using Cavalieri principle. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 30 2 102–107.
IEEE S. Bahar and M. O. Dayan, “Volumetric estimations of the gray matter, white matter and lateral ventricles on the brain hemispheres in horses using Cavalieri principle”, Eurasian J Vet Sci, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 102–107, 2014.
ISNAD Bahar, Sadullah - Dayan, M. Orhun. “Volumetric Estimations of the Gray Matter, White Matter and Lateral Ventricles on the Brain Hemispheres in Horses Using Cavalieri Principle”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 30/2 (June 2014), 102-107.
JAMA Bahar S, Dayan MO. Volumetric estimations of the gray matter, white matter and lateral ventricles on the brain hemispheres in horses using Cavalieri principle. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2014;30:102–107.
MLA Bahar, Sadullah and M. Orhun Dayan. “Volumetric Estimations of the Gray Matter, White Matter and Lateral Ventricles on the Brain Hemispheres in Horses Using Cavalieri Principle”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, vol. 30, no. 2, 2014, pp. 102-7.
Vancouver Bahar S, Dayan MO. Volumetric estimations of the gray matter, white matter and lateral ventricles on the brain hemispheres in horses using Cavalieri principle. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2014;30(2):102-7.