Brucellozisin laboratuar teþhisinde bakteriyolojik, moleküler ve serolojik testler kullanýlmaktadýr. Brucella cinsi mikroorganizmalar,16S rRNA sekans analizi sonucuna göre Rhizobium, Agrobacterium, Ochrobactrum türlerinin de içinde bulunduðu Proteobactereaceaenin2a altgrubunda yer almaktadýrlar. Bu çalýþmada, koyun ve sýðýr kan serumlarýnda (toplam 200 serum) bulunan B. abortus ve B. melitensisekarþý oluþmuþ antikorlarý teþhis etmede Rhizobium tropici (R. tropici) tüm hücre antijeni kullanýldý. R. tropici ile B. abortus ve B. melitensisarasýndaki genetik yakýnlýk Random Amplifiye Polimorfik DNA-PCR (RAPD-PCR) yöntemi ile araþtýrýldý. Hazýrlanan antijenin sensitivitesive spesifitesi, sýðýr kan serumlarý için sýrasýyla % 81.1 ve % 22.6, koyun kan serumlarý için ise sýrasýyla % 80.1 ve % 59.5 olarakhesaplandý. RAPD-PCR analizi sonucunda, genetik benzerlik B. abortus ve R. tropici arasýnda % 33.3, B. melitensis ile R. tropici arasýnda% 46.2 ve B. abortus ile B. melitensis arasýnda % 72.7 olarak hesaplandý. Sonuç olarak, B. abortus ve B. melitensis ile R. tropiciarasýndaki genetik benzerlik RAPD-PCR kullanýlarak ortaya konuldu. R. tropiciden üretilen tüm hücre antijeni ile brucellozisin serolojikteþhisinin yapýlamayacaðý fakat hayvanlarýn R. tropiciye karþý antikor geliþtirebilecekleri ve bu antikorlarýnda Brucella serolojisinde yanlýþpozitiflik sebepleri arasýnda yer alabileceði sonucuna varýldý
Laboratory diagnosis of brucellosis is made by serological, molecular or cultural methods. Brucella spp., Agrobacterium,Ochrobactrum and Rhizobium all belong to the alpha-2 subgroup of Proteobacteria as revealed by studies on 16S rRNA sceqenceanalysis. O.anthropi has been used to diagnose brucellosis. In this study, whole cell extract from Rhizobium tropici (R. tropici) wasexamined for detecting antibodies to B. abortus and B. melitensis in cattle and sheep sera (200 in total), respectively. Genetic similaritybetween the bacteria R. tropici, B. abortus and B. melitensis was also investigated by RAPD-PCR. Using the sera from cattle, sensitivityand specificity were calculated as being 81.1% and 22.6%, respecitively when the SAT considered as Gold Standard. RLATs sensitivityfor sheep sera (80.1%) was found being close to that of cattle sera (81.1%) while specivity of RLAT for sheep sera (59.5%) was quitehigher than the figure for the cattle sera (22.6%). In conclusion, use of whole cell antigen from R. tropici is not practical in sero diagnosingbrucellosis in cattle and sheep. It is also considered that some antibodies to R. tropici are also mounted in the hosts contributingmisunderstanding of the positivitiness in the serology
Other ID | JA69UD53EE |
Journal Section | Research |
Authors | |
Publication Date | March 1, 2008 |
Published in Issue | Year 2008 Volume: 24 Issue: 1 |