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Year 2008, Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 15 - 20, 01.03.2008


Sunulan çalýþmada Konya Merinosu ýrký koyunlarda gebelik tanýsý ve fötal sayým amacýyla geç embriyonal ve erken fötal dönemdesað (R) ve sol (L) inguinal bölgeden yapýlan transabdominal ultrasonografik muayenenin (TAUM) etkinliðinin belirlenmesi amaçlandý.Bu amaçla aþým sonrasý 34. günde transrektal ultrasonografik muayene (TRUM) ile 45 baþ tek ve 39 baþ ikiz embriyo taþýyan gebekoyun belirlendi. Toplam 84 baþ gebe koyun 34 ve 50. günlerde, RTAUM ve LTAUM yoldan farklý saatlerde muayene edilerek, bulgularTRUM ve doðum kayýtlarý ile karþýlaþtýrýldý. TRUM ve doðum kayýtlarýna göre 34. günde tekli gebelik RTAUM ve LTAUM olarak sýrasýyla % 62 (28/45) ve % 64 (29/45), 50. günde de sýrasýyla % 88 (40/45) ve % 91 (41/45) oranýnda doðru olarak belirlendi. Ýkiz gebeliklerise RTAUM ve LTAUM olarak 34. günde sýrasýyla % 33 (13/39) ve % 28 (11/39) oranýnda belirlenebilirken; 50. günde sýrasýyla % 53(21/39) ve % 46 (18/39) oranýnda doðru olarak belirlendi. Bulgulara göre gerek muayene günleri ve gerekse muayene bölgeleri arasýndaistatistiki farklýlýk görülmedi.Sonuç olarak ultrasonografik muayenede ikiz gebeliklerin ilk 50 günde RTAUM ve/veya LTAUM olarak yüksek oranda belirlenemediði;fötal sayýmýn önemli olmadýðý durumlarda ise muayenelerin 34. günden itibaren transabdominal (TA) yolla yapýlabileceði kanýsýna varýldý


  • Aiumlamai, S., Fredriksson, G. and Nilsfors, L. (1992). Real-time ultrasonography for determining the gestational age of ewes. Vet. Rec., 131, 560-562 Alan, M., Timurkan, H. ve Gülyüz, F. (1994). Pregnancy diagnosis by real-time ultrasonography in ewes. Tr. J. Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 18, 161-163. Ali, A. and Hayder, M. (2007). Ultrasonographic assesment of embryonic, fetal and placental development in Ossimi sheep. Small Rum. Res., 73, 277-282
  • Alosta, R.A., Vaughan, L. and Collins, C.D. (1998). An abattoir of ovine reproductive tract in Ireland. Theriogenology, 50, 457-464.
  • Arthur, G.H., Noakes, D.E. and Pearson, H. (1989). Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics (Theriogenology). 6 th ed., Bailliere Tindall, London, pp 49-59
  • Balýkçý, E., Yýldýz, A. and Gürdoðan, F. (2007). Blood metabolite concentrations during pregnancy and postpartum in Akkaraman ewes. Small Rum. Res., 67, 247-251
  • Boscos, C.M., Samartzi, F.C., Lymberopoulos, A.G., Stefanakis, A. and Belibasaki, S. (2003). Assesmant o f p r o g e s t e r o n e c o n c e n t r a t i o n u s i n g enzymeimmunoassay, for early pregnancy diagnosis in sheep and goats. Reprod. Dom. Anim., 38, 170- 174
  • Bretzlaff, K., Edwards, H., Forrest, D. and Nuti, L. (1993). Ultrasonographic determination of pregnancy in small ruminants. Vet. Med., 1, 12-24. Buckrell, B.C. (1988). Application of ultrasonography in reproduction in sheep and goats. Theriogenology, 29, 1, 71-84.
  • Bucrell, B.C., Bonnet, B.N. and Johnson, W.H. (1986). The use of real-time ultrasound rectally for early diagnosis in sheep. Theriogenology, 25, 5, 665-673 Bulnes, A.G., Moreno, J.S. and Sebastian, A.L. (1998). Estimation of fetal development in Manchega dairy ewes by transrectal ultrasonographic measurements. Small Rum. Res., 27, 243-250
  • Davey, C.G. (1986). An evaluation of pregnancy testing in sheep using a real-time ultrasound scanner. Aust Vet J, 63, 10, 347-348.
  • Dinç, D,A,, Erdem, H., Taþal, Ý., Semacan, A. and Ergin, A. (2001). Early pregnancy diagnosis in ewes by means of transrectal real-time ultrasonography. Arch. Tierz., 44, 1, 65-69
  • Doize, F., Vaillancourt, D., Carabin, H. and Belanger, D. (1997). Determination of gestational age in sheep and goats using transrectal ultrasonographic measurement of placentomes. Theriogenology, 48, 449-460
  • Fowler, D.G. and Wilkins J.F. (1984). Diagnosis of pregnancy and number of foetuses in sheep by real- time ultrasoning imaging. I. Effect of number foetuses, stage of gestation, operator and breed of ewe on accuracy of diagnosis. Livest. Prod. Sci., 11, 437- 450.
  • Gearhart, M.A., Wingfield, W.E., Knight, A.P., Smith, J.A., Dargatz, D.A., Boon, J.A. and Stokes, C.A. (1988). Real-time ultrasonography for determining pregnancy status and viable fetal numbers in ewes. Theriogenology, 30, 2, 323-335.
  • Karen, A., El Amiri, B., Beckers, J.F., Sulon, J., Taverne, M.A.M. and Szenci, O. (2006). Comparison of accuracy of transabdominal ultrasonography, progesterone and pregnancy-associated glycoproteins tests for discrimination between single and multiple pregnancy in sheep. Theriogenology, 66, 314-322 Karen, A., Kovacs, P., Beckers, J.F. and Szenci, O. (2001). Pregnancy diagnosis in sheep:review of the most proctical methods. A.C.T.A. Vet. Brno., 70, 115- 126
  • Karen, A., Szabados, K., Reiczigel, J., Beckers, J.F. and Szenci, O. (2004). Accuracy of transrectal ultrasonography for determination of pregnancy in sheep:effect of fasting and handling of the animals. Theriogenology, 61, 7-8, 1291-1298
  • Kaulfuss, K.H., May, J., Süss, R. and Moog, U. (1997). In vivo diagnosis of embryo mortality in sheep by real- time ultrasound. Small Rum. Res., 24, 141-145 Kaulfuss, K.H., Uhlich, K., Brabant, S., Blume, K. and Strittmatter, K. (1996). Real-time ultrasonic pregnancy diagnosis (B-mode) in sheep. 1. Frequent examinations during the first month of pregnancy. Tierarztliche Praxis 24, 5, 443-452.
  • Ley, W.B. (1985). Influence of the sire of on early embryonic loss in domestic large animals. Compend. Cont. Educ. Pract. Vet., 7, 4, 277-284.
  • Müler, T., Schubert, H. and Schwab, M. (2003). Early prediction of fetal numbers in sheep based on peripheral plasma progesterone concentrations and season of the year. Vet. Rec., 152, 137-138 Nancarrow, C.D. (1994). Embryonic mortality in the ewe and doe. In “Embryonic Mortality in Domestic Species’’. Eds. Zavy, M.T. and Geisert, R.D., 79-97, Crd Press, Boca Raton.
  • Ranilla, M.J., Sulon, J., Mantecon, A.R., Beckers, J.F. and Carro, M.D. (1997). Plasma pregnancy-associated glycoprotein and progesterone concentrations in pregnant Assaf ewes carrying single and twin lambs. Small Rum. Res., 24, 125-131
  • Rawlings, N.C., Jeffcoate, I.A., Savage, N.C., Steuart, D.M.K. and Steuart, L.H.M. (1983). Pregnancy diagnosis and assesment of fetal numbers in the ewe in a commercial setting. Theriogenology, 19, 5, 665- 663
  • Santos, M.H.B., Rabelo, M.C., Filho, C.R.A., Dezzoti, C.H., Reichenbach, H.D., Neves, J.P., Lima, P.H. and Oliveira, M.A.L. (2007). Accuracy of early fetal sex determination by ultrasonic assessment in goats. Res. Vet. Sci., 83, 251-253
  • Sarýbay, M.K. (2005). Koyunlarda real-time ultrasonografi ile embriyonik ölümlerin insidansýnýn belirlenmesi. Doktora tezi, S.Ü. Saðlýk Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya
  • Slosarz, P., Frankowska, A. and Mis, M. (2003). Transrectal ultrasonography in diagnosing the ovulation rate in sheep. Anim. Sci. and Reports, 21, 3, 183-189
  • Strmsnýk, L., Pogacnýk, M., Kdunc, N.C. and Kosec, M. (2002). Examination of oestrus cycle and early pregnancy in sheep using transrectal ultrasonography. Slov. Vet. Res., 39, 1, 47-58
  • Trap, M.J. and Slyter, A.L. (1983). Pregnancy diagnosis in the ewe. J. Anim. Sci., 57, 1, 1-5
  • Vinoles, C., Meikle, A. and Forsberg, M. (2004). Accuracy of evaluation of ovarian structures by transrectal ultrasonography in ewes. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 80, 69-79
  • White, I.R. and Russel, A.J.F. (1984). Determination of fetal numbers in sheep by real-time ultrasonic scanning. Vet. Rec., 6, 200-202.
  • Wilkins, J.F. (1997). Method of stimulating ovulation rate in Merino ewes may affect conception but not embryo survival. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 47, 31-42 Wurst, A.K., Dixon, A.B. and Inskeep, E.K. (2007). Lack of effect of transrectal ultrasonography with restraint on lambing rate and prolificacy in ewes. Theriogenology, 68, 1012-1016

Efficiency of transabdominal ultrasonography in pregnancy diagnosis during late embryonic and early fetal stages of pregnancy in Konya Merino ewes

Year 2008, Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 15 - 20, 01.03.2008


Objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of location (right ingiunal region [RIR] or left ingiunal region [LIR]) oftransabdominal ultrasonography to determine pregnancy and number of embryo/fetus during late embryonic and early fetal stages ofpregnancy in Konya Merino ewes. Eighty-four ewes were diagnosed as pregnant 34 days after mating by transrectal ultasonography.Of these ewes, 45 had single embryo and 39 had twin embryos. On days 34 and 50, these ewes were again examined by RIR and LIRtransabdominal ultasonography. The results were compared with transrectal ultrasonography and lambing records. On day 34, 62 %(28/45) and 64% (29/45) of single pregnancies and 33 % (13/39) and 28 % (11/39) of twin pregnancies could be detected through RIRand LIR transabdominal ultrasonography, respectively. On day 50, 88 % (40/45) and 91 % (41/45) of single and 53 % (21/39) and 46% (18/39) of twin pregnancies were detected through RIR and LIR transabdominal ultrasonography, respectively. Data were analysedby paired simple t-test and there were no significant differences between the days 34 and 50 and locations of examinations (RIR vsLIR). In conclusion, twin pregnancies could not be diagnosed accurately by transabdominal ultasonography during the first 50 days ofpregnancy. However, in case counting the embryo/fetus is not important, pregnancy diagnosis can be performed by this method startingon day 34


  • Aiumlamai, S., Fredriksson, G. and Nilsfors, L. (1992). Real-time ultrasonography for determining the gestational age of ewes. Vet. Rec., 131, 560-562 Alan, M., Timurkan, H. ve Gülyüz, F. (1994). Pregnancy diagnosis by real-time ultrasonography in ewes. Tr. J. Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 18, 161-163. Ali, A. and Hayder, M. (2007). Ultrasonographic assesment of embryonic, fetal and placental development in Ossimi sheep. Small Rum. Res., 73, 277-282
  • Alosta, R.A., Vaughan, L. and Collins, C.D. (1998). An abattoir of ovine reproductive tract in Ireland. Theriogenology, 50, 457-464.
  • Arthur, G.H., Noakes, D.E. and Pearson, H. (1989). Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics (Theriogenology). 6 th ed., Bailliere Tindall, London, pp 49-59
  • Balýkçý, E., Yýldýz, A. and Gürdoðan, F. (2007). Blood metabolite concentrations during pregnancy and postpartum in Akkaraman ewes. Small Rum. Res., 67, 247-251
  • Boscos, C.M., Samartzi, F.C., Lymberopoulos, A.G., Stefanakis, A. and Belibasaki, S. (2003). Assesmant o f p r o g e s t e r o n e c o n c e n t r a t i o n u s i n g enzymeimmunoassay, for early pregnancy diagnosis in sheep and goats. Reprod. Dom. Anim., 38, 170- 174
  • Bretzlaff, K., Edwards, H., Forrest, D. and Nuti, L. (1993). Ultrasonographic determination of pregnancy in small ruminants. Vet. Med., 1, 12-24. Buckrell, B.C. (1988). Application of ultrasonography in reproduction in sheep and goats. Theriogenology, 29, 1, 71-84.
  • Bucrell, B.C., Bonnet, B.N. and Johnson, W.H. (1986). The use of real-time ultrasound rectally for early diagnosis in sheep. Theriogenology, 25, 5, 665-673 Bulnes, A.G., Moreno, J.S. and Sebastian, A.L. (1998). Estimation of fetal development in Manchega dairy ewes by transrectal ultrasonographic measurements. Small Rum. Res., 27, 243-250
  • Davey, C.G. (1986). An evaluation of pregnancy testing in sheep using a real-time ultrasound scanner. Aust Vet J, 63, 10, 347-348.
  • Dinç, D,A,, Erdem, H., Taþal, Ý., Semacan, A. and Ergin, A. (2001). Early pregnancy diagnosis in ewes by means of transrectal real-time ultrasonography. Arch. Tierz., 44, 1, 65-69
  • Doize, F., Vaillancourt, D., Carabin, H. and Belanger, D. (1997). Determination of gestational age in sheep and goats using transrectal ultrasonographic measurement of placentomes. Theriogenology, 48, 449-460
  • Fowler, D.G. and Wilkins J.F. (1984). Diagnosis of pregnancy and number of foetuses in sheep by real- time ultrasoning imaging. I. Effect of number foetuses, stage of gestation, operator and breed of ewe on accuracy of diagnosis. Livest. Prod. Sci., 11, 437- 450.
  • Gearhart, M.A., Wingfield, W.E., Knight, A.P., Smith, J.A., Dargatz, D.A., Boon, J.A. and Stokes, C.A. (1988). Real-time ultrasonography for determining pregnancy status and viable fetal numbers in ewes. Theriogenology, 30, 2, 323-335.
  • Karen, A., El Amiri, B., Beckers, J.F., Sulon, J., Taverne, M.A.M. and Szenci, O. (2006). Comparison of accuracy of transabdominal ultrasonography, progesterone and pregnancy-associated glycoproteins tests for discrimination between single and multiple pregnancy in sheep. Theriogenology, 66, 314-322 Karen, A., Kovacs, P., Beckers, J.F. and Szenci, O. (2001). Pregnancy diagnosis in sheep:review of the most proctical methods. A.C.T.A. Vet. Brno., 70, 115- 126
  • Karen, A., Szabados, K., Reiczigel, J., Beckers, J.F. and Szenci, O. (2004). Accuracy of transrectal ultrasonography for determination of pregnancy in sheep:effect of fasting and handling of the animals. Theriogenology, 61, 7-8, 1291-1298
  • Kaulfuss, K.H., May, J., Süss, R. and Moog, U. (1997). In vivo diagnosis of embryo mortality in sheep by real- time ultrasound. Small Rum. Res., 24, 141-145 Kaulfuss, K.H., Uhlich, K., Brabant, S., Blume, K. and Strittmatter, K. (1996). Real-time ultrasonic pregnancy diagnosis (B-mode) in sheep. 1. Frequent examinations during the first month of pregnancy. Tierarztliche Praxis 24, 5, 443-452.
  • Ley, W.B. (1985). Influence of the sire of on early embryonic loss in domestic large animals. Compend. Cont. Educ. Pract. Vet., 7, 4, 277-284.
  • Müler, T., Schubert, H. and Schwab, M. (2003). Early prediction of fetal numbers in sheep based on peripheral plasma progesterone concentrations and season of the year. Vet. Rec., 152, 137-138 Nancarrow, C.D. (1994). Embryonic mortality in the ewe and doe. In “Embryonic Mortality in Domestic Species’’. Eds. Zavy, M.T. and Geisert, R.D., 79-97, Crd Press, Boca Raton.
  • Ranilla, M.J., Sulon, J., Mantecon, A.R., Beckers, J.F. and Carro, M.D. (1997). Plasma pregnancy-associated glycoprotein and progesterone concentrations in pregnant Assaf ewes carrying single and twin lambs. Small Rum. Res., 24, 125-131
  • Rawlings, N.C., Jeffcoate, I.A., Savage, N.C., Steuart, D.M.K. and Steuart, L.H.M. (1983). Pregnancy diagnosis and assesment of fetal numbers in the ewe in a commercial setting. Theriogenology, 19, 5, 665- 663
  • Santos, M.H.B., Rabelo, M.C., Filho, C.R.A., Dezzoti, C.H., Reichenbach, H.D., Neves, J.P., Lima, P.H. and Oliveira, M.A.L. (2007). Accuracy of early fetal sex determination by ultrasonic assessment in goats. Res. Vet. Sci., 83, 251-253
  • Sarýbay, M.K. (2005). Koyunlarda real-time ultrasonografi ile embriyonik ölümlerin insidansýnýn belirlenmesi. Doktora tezi, S.Ü. Saðlýk Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya
  • Slosarz, P., Frankowska, A. and Mis, M. (2003). Transrectal ultrasonography in diagnosing the ovulation rate in sheep. Anim. Sci. and Reports, 21, 3, 183-189
  • Strmsnýk, L., Pogacnýk, M., Kdunc, N.C. and Kosec, M. (2002). Examination of oestrus cycle and early pregnancy in sheep using transrectal ultrasonography. Slov. Vet. Res., 39, 1, 47-58
  • Trap, M.J. and Slyter, A.L. (1983). Pregnancy diagnosis in the ewe. J. Anim. Sci., 57, 1, 1-5
  • Vinoles, C., Meikle, A. and Forsberg, M. (2004). Accuracy of evaluation of ovarian structures by transrectal ultrasonography in ewes. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 80, 69-79
  • White, I.R. and Russel, A.J.F. (1984). Determination of fetal numbers in sheep by real-time ultrasonic scanning. Vet. Rec., 6, 200-202.
  • Wilkins, J.F. (1997). Method of stimulating ovulation rate in Merino ewes may affect conception but not embryo survival. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 47, 31-42 Wurst, A.K., Dixon, A.B. and Inskeep, E.K. (2007). Lack of effect of transrectal ultrasonography with restraint on lambing rate and prolificacy in ewes. Theriogenology, 68, 1012-1016
There are 27 citations in total.


Other ID JA69TT57PY
Journal Section Research

Hüseyin Erdem This is me

M. Kemal Sarıbay This is me

Tevfik Tekeli This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 24 Issue: 1


APA Erdem, H., Sarıbay, M. K., & Tekeli, T. (2008). Efficiency of transabdominal ultrasonography in pregnancy diagnosis during late embryonic and early fetal stages of pregnancy in Konya Merino ewes. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 24(1), 15-20.
AMA Erdem H, Sarıbay MK, Tekeli T. Efficiency of transabdominal ultrasonography in pregnancy diagnosis during late embryonic and early fetal stages of pregnancy in Konya Merino ewes. Eurasian J Vet Sci. March 2008;24(1):15-20.
Chicago Erdem, Hüseyin, M. Kemal Sarıbay, and Tevfik Tekeli. “Efficiency of Transabdominal Ultrasonography in Pregnancy Diagnosis During Late Embryonic and Early Fetal Stages of Pregnancy in Konya Merino Ewes”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 24, no. 1 (March 2008): 15-20.
EndNote Erdem H, Sarıbay MK, Tekeli T (March 1, 2008) Efficiency of transabdominal ultrasonography in pregnancy diagnosis during late embryonic and early fetal stages of pregnancy in Konya Merino ewes. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 24 1 15–20.
IEEE H. Erdem, M. K. Sarıbay, and T. Tekeli, “Efficiency of transabdominal ultrasonography in pregnancy diagnosis during late embryonic and early fetal stages of pregnancy in Konya Merino ewes”, Eurasian J Vet Sci, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 15–20, 2008.
ISNAD Erdem, Hüseyin et al. “Efficiency of Transabdominal Ultrasonography in Pregnancy Diagnosis During Late Embryonic and Early Fetal Stages of Pregnancy in Konya Merino Ewes”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 24/1 (March 2008), 15-20.
JAMA Erdem H, Sarıbay MK, Tekeli T. Efficiency of transabdominal ultrasonography in pregnancy diagnosis during late embryonic and early fetal stages of pregnancy in Konya Merino ewes. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2008;24:15–20.
MLA Erdem, Hüseyin et al. “Efficiency of Transabdominal Ultrasonography in Pregnancy Diagnosis During Late Embryonic and Early Fetal Stages of Pregnancy in Konya Merino Ewes”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, vol. 24, no. 1, 2008, pp. 15-20.
Vancouver Erdem H, Sarıbay MK, Tekeli T. Efficiency of transabdominal ultrasonography in pregnancy diagnosis during late embryonic and early fetal stages of pregnancy in Konya Merino ewes. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2008;24(1):15-20.