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Year 2007, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 95 - 102, 01.06.2007


Son yıllarda, kültür balıkçılığında çeşitli bakteriyel ve viral hastalıklara karşı aşıların kullanımı giderek artmaktadır.
Yaygın olarak kullanılan enjeksiyon ve/veya immersiyon (daldırma) aşılar, etkeninin formaldehit ile inaktive edilmesi
sonucu elde edilen bakterin aşısından hazırlanmaktadır. Aşılar, özellikle iç sularda ve denizlerde kültürü yapılan baIıklarda
problem olan bakteriyel (Vibrio spp. Aeromonas spp, Yersinia spp, Pasteurella spp, Streptococcus spp.) ve
viral enfeksiyonlara (Viral Hemorajik Septisemi (VHS), Infeksiyöz Hematopoetik Nekrozis (IHN), Infeksiyöz Pankreatik
Nekrozis (IPN), vs) karşı mücadelede etkili bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Bu derlemede kültür balıkçılığında problem
olan enfeksiyonlara karşı geliştirilen aşılama yöntemleri ile bağışıklık mekanizmaları sunulmuştur.


  • Amend OF al"ld Fender DC (1976) uctexe ol bovine serum albumin by rainbow lrout from hype rosmatic innurasyon . a model for vaccinahng usn (Absıraet) Scierce . 192,793·794.
  • Anl ipa R, Gould A and Amend DF (1980) Vibrio an· guillarum vaccinahon ol ecekeve salmon Oncorhynchus ner1<a (Walbaum) by direct and hype rosmolic immersion. J Fish Dis, 3: 161-165.
  • Ausun B (1984) The future ol bacterial l ish vaccıres veccoe. 2: 249-254.
  • Ausıin B and Austin DA (1999) Baeterial hsh pathogens disease in larmed and wild Iısh Second Edilion Elhs Norwood ltd. London.
  • Baba T, Imamura J, reawa K and lxeda K (1988) lmmune rctecıcn in carp Cyprinus carpio L aller ımmunozatıon wilh Aeromonas hydtophila crude lipopolysaccharide. J Fish Dis, 11:237·244.
  • Croy TR and Amend DF (1977) Immunization of ecekeye salmon (Oncorhynctıus nerl<a) agaınls vıtınosis using the hype rosmotic inhltration ıechnique Aquculture, 12:317- 325.
  • Davidson GA, Ellis AE and Secombes CJ (1994) A preliminary nvesnçaucn fntc the phenomenon ol oral tolarence in rainbow ırcct (Oncorhynchus myldss waıbaum 1792). Fish Shellfish Immunol, 4, 159-160.
  • Duff DCB (1942) The oral ommunization ot trovt against 8Bcterium salmonicids_J. Immunoı 44: 87-94.
  • EUis AE (1988) Fish vaccroaucn Academic Press. London. UK.
  • Ellis AE (1997) tmmuntzatıon wilh bacterial antiçens: Fu- un uıosi Dev Biol Stand, 90: 107·116.
  • Ellis AE (1999) lmmunity to bactenain usn. Fish Shellfish Immunol, 9: 29 1·308.
  • Erganiş O (2003) Clostridial vaccine reacncns on sbeep: a smail clinica l and microbiological field ewestıçeucn. ·Closlridial enteroıoxaemia and Enıeritis in Farm Animals" Workshap organised by the Univ. ol Liege , Velerinary Faeutly and CEVA.Phylaxla Co, Budapesl on 30-31 May 2003 .
  • Erganiş O ve ıstanbulluoğlu E (1999) lmmünoloji, 2. Baskı, S.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Basım Ünitesi, KONYA.
  • ganiş O ve Orhan G (1997) Gumboro Hastalığının Hukum Surduğu ve Farklı Yaş Gruplarında Civciv Bulunan Bir Işletmede Uygulanan Aşı Programı Üzerinde Tanışma. Çiltlik Dergisi, Haz, 69 - 70.
  • Evelyn lPT (1997) A Historicat review ol lish vaccinology. Dev Biol Stand, 90: 3-12.
  • Fender OC and Amend DF (1978) Hyperosmatic inliltrasyon: taeters inlluencing uptake ol bovina serum atbumin by rainbow trout (sa/mo galfdnari). J Fish Res Bd Can, 35, 871·874.
  • üecrçcccurcu U and Vemier JM (1986) tccet immunological response in the pes terter intestinal segment ol Ihe rainbow trout alte r oral adminisration ol macrrclecuıe Dev Comp Immunol, 10: 529-537.
  • Goldes SA, Ferguson HW, Daousl PY al"ld Moccia RD (1986) Phagosityıosis ol Ihe inert suspended clay kaolin by the gil1s ol rainbo..... trcct sstmo gairdnerl (Abstracl). J Fish Dis, 9, 147- 152.
  • Gudding A, Lilfehaug A and Evensen Q (1999) Recenl e veıcc nı in lish vaecinology vet Immunol lrnmunopalhol, 72: 20:3-212.
  • Hart S, WralhmeU AB, Hans JE and Grayson TH (t988) Gol Immunology in Fish: A Review. Dev Comp Immunol, 12: 453-480.
  • .rcceten PHM, Tiemorsma E. Threels A. CaumartinDhieu x C and Rambout JHWM (1997) Oral vaccination ol lish against V/brio snguıllsrum using alginale mic· ropartiCles. Ftsn Sneunsn Immuno!, 7: 471-485.
  • Kav K {200 1} Balıklarda aşılama çalışmaları Doktora seineri .lı.S U. Sağlık Bdımleri Enstılüsü KONYA.
  • Kav K (2005) Gökkuşs!)ı Alabahklarlnın (Orıcortıyrıchus Mykiss. Walbaum 1792) Streptokokkozis (Lactococcus gar'Viese) Hastalığına Karşı Aşı Çalışmalan S. Ü. sağlık 8j~m!eri Enstitüsü Qoklora Tezi.
  • tlewes EW. Van Cam AH. Voss-maas MG and Bootsma R (1982) Preseoce of anligen sensitiıed leukocy1es in carp (Cyprinus CBrpio L) loüowing bath Unmunization againsl F/exlbaeter coIumnans. V~ Immunor Immunopalhol. 3:603-609.
  • Moore JC, Otoıake M and Nakanishi T (1998) Particulate antigen uplake dunng immersion immlM'lisation ol fist!: The enecıveress ot prolonged exposure and the roles ol skin and gı Fısh Shenlish Immunor. 8: 393-407.
  • Nakanishi T and Otolake M (1997) Anligen uptake and wnmune responses ener ımmersian vaccination Dev 8K>I Stand. 90:59--68.
  • Newman SG (1993) 8aeteria! vecciees for fish. Ann Rev Fish Ois. 3:14S-185.
  • Quentel C and VıgneuJle M (1997) Antigen uptake and ımmune responses after otal veccıeaucn Dev Biol Stand. 90: 69-78.
  • Romboul JHWM. Block LJ. lamers CHJ and Egberts e (1986) Immunozation of carp (CypMUS carpio) with e vıbrio anguiııarum baelerium : indiCalions lot a common mucosal immune system . Dev Comp lmmuncl, 10. 341- 351-
  • Rombout JHWM and Van Den Berg AA (1989) ImmunoıogiCal importanco ol the second gut segmenl ol cerp. L. uptake and processing ol entigens by opithelial ceus and macrophages. J Fish Biol, 35, 13-22.
  • Romoren K. Beate TJ, Smislad G and Evonson O (2002a) Immorsion delivory of plasmid DNA i. A sludy ol the poten tınls ol hı losan based delivery system in ra- ınbo Irout (Oncorhynheus mykiSS) Iry. J Conlrol Ro- !ease. 85: 203-2 13.
  • Romoren K. Beale TJ and e....ensen O (2002b) Immersion delivery ol plasmid DNA Il. A Sludy ol tho potentials ol chı ıasa basod dolivory system in rainbow ırou (Oncomynhcus mykiss) fry. J Control Reloase. 85: 2 15-225.
  • Simith PO (1982) Analysis ol hyperosmo ıic and bath methods lor lish vaccination: comparision of uplak e ol penccıaıe and non pertcuıate antigens (Abslracl). Dev Comp Immuno!. 2,181-186.
  • Stevenson RMW (19971Immunizalion wilh baeterial anligenı Yersiniasis . Dev. BiOl. Stand, 90: 117-124.
  • Tatner MF and Home MT (1985) The euects of veeere dılution Iengıh ol immcrsion time. and eeceter veec:flalions on ne prolection levels induced by dırect immerskMı vae:cinaliOn of brown lrout, salmo trvne. wilh Yersiniaruckeri (ERM) vaccıne AQuacultura. 46: 11-18.
  • Tatner MF. Adama A and leschen W (1987) Arı analysis ot primary and secondary anltbody resporise in ln ıacr and tyhmectomi,zed raiooaw trcuı. Salma gairrinen Akhardson, lO human gamma globul'n and Aeromonas salrn<>nic:ida. J. ot Fesh BioI. 31: ın-195
  • Thorbum MA and Jansson ElK (1988) The effeets ol booster vacdnation and lish sıee on SUMval and antıbody productian lollowflg vibrio inlectian ol baıh-vaccinaıod rainbow lrout. (SalmO ga;rdneri). AQuseullure. 71: 285- 291.
  • Thune AL and Plumb JA (1984) Evaıatıon of hyperesmete inhıırasyon lor the administration ol antigen to channe' cernsn (Ieta/urus punc1s/us) (Absıraet AQueccnure. 36. 4-44.
  • Teraöze AE, Sanlos Y and Bal}8ı J (1997)lmmunization with bect rıa ant'gens: Vibrio inleetions . Dev BioI Stand. 90: 93- 105.
  • Türkyıl az S ve ıu Y (2002) Bakleriyal balık haslıkl a n nda ll nıl an aşılar ve aşılama y6ntemleri. Pendik v eteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi. 33: 1-2.
  • Vhittington RJ. Munday BL, Akhlaghi M Aedd8dıf1 Gl and Carson J (1994) Humoral and peritoneal eell responses ol rainbow !rool (Oncomynchus myk.iss) lO overbumin. Vibrio anguil/srum and Fteund's ccrrcıeıe adJuvant lol lowlng inlraperi loneal and balh immunisalion. Flsh Shem Immunol, 4:475-488.
  • vinitnarüharat S (1999) Fish vaccnes. Adv Vet Med. 41: 539·550.
  • Vinitnanıhara S (200 1) Immunologieal methods of disease control. Aqualic Anımal HealI Oıvision AJpharma Ine. 103-109.
  • Warr GW (1997) The adaptıve immune sysıem of flSh. Dev Biol Stand. 90: 15-21.
  • Zapata AG, Torraba M. Alverez F, Anderson OP. Oıxon AW and Wısiniewski M (1987) Eleetron mic:roskopic exa· minalion ol antıgen uptake by salmonid giU cells afıer bath immunizalion wilh abaeterYı J Fish Biol. 31. 209- 217.

Vaccination Techniques in Fish

Year 2007, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 95 - 102, 01.06.2007


In recent years, fish vaccines are heavily used in aquaculture against bacterial and viral infections. Injection
and/or immersion type vaccines that are used commonly are prepared by inactivation of antigen with formaldehite.
Vaccines are used ellectively against bacterial (Vibrio spp. Aeromonas sPP. Yersinia spp, pasteurella spp,
Streptococcus spp.) and viral infections (Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS), lnfectious Hematopoietic Necrosis
(IHN), lnfectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN), etc) in aquaculture and sea water. In this rewiev, vaccination techniques
and mechanisms of immunizationare describedin aquaculture.


  • Amend OF al"ld Fender DC (1976) uctexe ol bovine serum albumin by rainbow lrout from hype rosmatic innurasyon . a model for vaccinahng usn (Absıraet) Scierce . 192,793·794.
  • Anl ipa R, Gould A and Amend DF (1980) Vibrio an· guillarum vaccinahon ol ecekeve salmon Oncorhynchus ner1<a (Walbaum) by direct and hype rosmolic immersion. J Fish Dis, 3: 161-165.
  • Ausun B (1984) The future ol bacterial l ish vaccıres veccoe. 2: 249-254.
  • Ausıin B and Austin DA (1999) Baeterial hsh pathogens disease in larmed and wild Iısh Second Edilion Elhs Norwood ltd. London.
  • Baba T, Imamura J, reawa K and lxeda K (1988) lmmune rctecıcn in carp Cyprinus carpio L aller ımmunozatıon wilh Aeromonas hydtophila crude lipopolysaccharide. J Fish Dis, 11:237·244.
  • Croy TR and Amend DF (1977) Immunization of ecekeye salmon (Oncorhynctıus nerl<a) agaınls vıtınosis using the hype rosmotic inhltration ıechnique Aquculture, 12:317- 325.
  • Davidson GA, Ellis AE and Secombes CJ (1994) A preliminary nvesnçaucn fntc the phenomenon ol oral tolarence in rainbow ırcct (Oncorhynchus myldss waıbaum 1792). Fish Shellfish Immunol, 4, 159-160.
  • Duff DCB (1942) The oral ommunization ot trovt against 8Bcterium salmonicids_J. Immunoı 44: 87-94.
  • EUis AE (1988) Fish vaccroaucn Academic Press. London. UK.
  • Ellis AE (1997) tmmuntzatıon wilh bacterial antiçens: Fu- un uıosi Dev Biol Stand, 90: 107·116.
  • Ellis AE (1999) lmmunity to bactenain usn. Fish Shellfish Immunol, 9: 29 1·308.
  • Erganiş O (2003) Clostridial vaccine reacncns on sbeep: a smail clinica l and microbiological field ewestıçeucn. ·Closlridial enteroıoxaemia and Enıeritis in Farm Animals" Workshap organised by the Univ. ol Liege , Velerinary Faeutly and CEVA.Phylaxla Co, Budapesl on 30-31 May 2003 .
  • Erganiş O ve ıstanbulluoğlu E (1999) lmmünoloji, 2. Baskı, S.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Basım Ünitesi, KONYA.
  • ganiş O ve Orhan G (1997) Gumboro Hastalığının Hukum Surduğu ve Farklı Yaş Gruplarında Civciv Bulunan Bir Işletmede Uygulanan Aşı Programı Üzerinde Tanışma. Çiltlik Dergisi, Haz, 69 - 70.
  • Evelyn lPT (1997) A Historicat review ol lish vaccinology. Dev Biol Stand, 90: 3-12.
  • Fender OC and Amend DF (1978) Hyperosmatic inliltrasyon: taeters inlluencing uptake ol bovina serum atbumin by rainbow trout (sa/mo galfdnari). J Fish Res Bd Can, 35, 871·874.
  • üecrçcccurcu U and Vemier JM (1986) tccet immunological response in the pes terter intestinal segment ol Ihe rainbow trout alte r oral adminisration ol macrrclecuıe Dev Comp Immunol, 10: 529-537.
  • Goldes SA, Ferguson HW, Daousl PY al"ld Moccia RD (1986) Phagosityıosis ol Ihe inert suspended clay kaolin by the gil1s ol rainbo..... trcct sstmo gairdnerl (Abstracl). J Fish Dis, 9, 147- 152.
  • Gudding A, Lilfehaug A and Evensen Q (1999) Recenl e veıcc nı in lish vaecinology vet Immunol lrnmunopalhol, 72: 20:3-212.
  • Hart S, WralhmeU AB, Hans JE and Grayson TH (t988) Gol Immunology in Fish: A Review. Dev Comp Immunol, 12: 453-480.
  • .rcceten PHM, Tiemorsma E. Threels A. CaumartinDhieu x C and Rambout JHWM (1997) Oral vaccination ol lish against V/brio snguıllsrum using alginale mic· ropartiCles. Ftsn Sneunsn Immuno!, 7: 471-485.
  • Kav K {200 1} Balıklarda aşılama çalışmaları Doktora seineri .lı.S U. Sağlık Bdımleri Enstılüsü KONYA.
  • Kav K (2005) Gökkuşs!)ı Alabahklarlnın (Orıcortıyrıchus Mykiss. Walbaum 1792) Streptokokkozis (Lactococcus gar'Viese) Hastalığına Karşı Aşı Çalışmalan S. Ü. sağlık 8j~m!eri Enstitüsü Qoklora Tezi.
  • tlewes EW. Van Cam AH. Voss-maas MG and Bootsma R (1982) Preseoce of anligen sensitiıed leukocy1es in carp (Cyprinus CBrpio L) loüowing bath Unmunization againsl F/exlbaeter coIumnans. V~ Immunor Immunopalhol. 3:603-609.
  • Moore JC, Otoıake M and Nakanishi T (1998) Particulate antigen uplake dunng immersion immlM'lisation ol fist!: The enecıveress ot prolonged exposure and the roles ol skin and gı Fısh Shenlish Immunor. 8: 393-407.
  • Nakanishi T and Otolake M (1997) Anligen uptake and wnmune responses ener ımmersian vaccination Dev 8K>I Stand. 90:59--68.
  • Newman SG (1993) 8aeteria! vecciees for fish. Ann Rev Fish Ois. 3:14S-185.
  • Quentel C and VıgneuJle M (1997) Antigen uptake and ımmune responses after otal veccıeaucn Dev Biol Stand. 90: 69-78.
  • Romboul JHWM. Block LJ. lamers CHJ and Egberts e (1986) Immunozation of carp (CypMUS carpio) with e vıbrio anguiııarum baelerium : indiCalions lot a common mucosal immune system . Dev Comp lmmuncl, 10. 341- 351-
  • Rombout JHWM and Van Den Berg AA (1989) ImmunoıogiCal importanco ol the second gut segmenl ol cerp. L. uptake and processing ol entigens by opithelial ceus and macrophages. J Fish Biol, 35, 13-22.
  • Romoren K. Beate TJ, Smislad G and Evonson O (2002a) Immorsion delivory of plasmid DNA i. A sludy ol the poten tınls ol hı losan based delivery system in ra- ınbo Irout (Oncorhynheus mykiSS) Iry. J Conlrol Ro- !ease. 85: 203-2 13.
  • Romoren K. Beale TJ and e....ensen O (2002b) Immersion delivery ol plasmid DNA Il. A Sludy ol tho potentials ol chı ıasa basod dolivory system in rainbow ırou (Oncomynhcus mykiss) fry. J Control Reloase. 85: 2 15-225.
  • Simith PO (1982) Analysis ol hyperosmo ıic and bath methods lor lish vaccination: comparision of uplak e ol penccıaıe and non pertcuıate antigens (Abslracl). Dev Comp Immuno!. 2,181-186.
  • Stevenson RMW (19971Immunizalion wilh baeterial anligenı Yersiniasis . Dev. BiOl. Stand, 90: 117-124.
  • Tatner MF and Home MT (1985) The euects of veeere dılution Iengıh ol immcrsion time. and eeceter veec:flalions on ne prolection levels induced by dırect immerskMı vae:cinaliOn of brown lrout, salmo trvne. wilh Yersiniaruckeri (ERM) vaccıne AQuacultura. 46: 11-18.
  • Tatner MF. Adama A and leschen W (1987) Arı analysis ot primary and secondary anltbody resporise in ln ıacr and tyhmectomi,zed raiooaw trcuı. Salma gairrinen Akhardson, lO human gamma globul'n and Aeromonas salrn<>nic:ida. J. ot Fesh BioI. 31: ın-195
  • Thorbum MA and Jansson ElK (1988) The effeets ol booster vacdnation and lish sıee on SUMval and antıbody productian lollowflg vibrio inlectian ol baıh-vaccinaıod rainbow lrout. (SalmO ga;rdneri). AQuseullure. 71: 285- 291.
  • Thune AL and Plumb JA (1984) Evaıatıon of hyperesmete inhıırasyon lor the administration ol antigen to channe' cernsn (Ieta/urus punc1s/us) (Absıraet AQueccnure. 36. 4-44.
  • Teraöze AE, Sanlos Y and Bal}8ı J (1997)lmmunization with bect rıa ant'gens: Vibrio inleetions . Dev BioI Stand. 90: 93- 105.
  • Türkyıl az S ve ıu Y (2002) Bakleriyal balık haslıkl a n nda ll nıl an aşılar ve aşılama y6ntemleri. Pendik v eteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi. 33: 1-2.
  • Vhittington RJ. Munday BL, Akhlaghi M Aedd8dıf1 Gl and Carson J (1994) Humoral and peritoneal eell responses ol rainbow !rool (Oncomynchus myk.iss) lO overbumin. Vibrio anguil/srum and Fteund's ccrrcıeıe adJuvant lol lowlng inlraperi loneal and balh immunisalion. Flsh Shem Immunol, 4:475-488.
  • vinitnarüharat S (1999) Fish vaccnes. Adv Vet Med. 41: 539·550.
  • Vinitnanıhara S (200 1) Immunologieal methods of disease control. Aqualic Anımal HealI Oıvision AJpharma Ine. 103-109.
  • Warr GW (1997) The adaptıve immune sysıem of flSh. Dev Biol Stand. 90: 15-21.
  • Zapata AG, Torraba M. Alverez F, Anderson OP. Oıxon AW and Wısiniewski M (1987) Eleetron mic:roskopic exa· minalion ol antıgen uptake by salmonid giU cells afıer bath immunizalion wilh abaeterYı J Fish Biol. 31. 209- 217.
There are 45 citations in total.


Other ID JA69YB64FB
Journal Section Review

Kürşat Kav This is me

Osman Erganiş This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Kav, K., & Erganiş, O. (2007). Vaccination Techniques in Fish. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 23(2), 95-102.
AMA Kav K, Erganiş O. Vaccination Techniques in Fish. Eurasian J Vet Sci. June 2007;23(2):95-102.
Chicago Kav, Kürşat, and Osman Erganiş. “Vaccination Techniques in Fish”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23, no. 2 (June 2007): 95-102.
EndNote Kav K, Erganiş O (June 1, 2007) Vaccination Techniques in Fish. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23 2 95–102.
IEEE K. Kav and O. Erganiş, “Vaccination Techniques in Fish”, Eurasian J Vet Sci, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 95–102, 2007.
ISNAD Kav, Kürşat - Erganiş, Osman. “Vaccination Techniques in Fish”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23/2 (June 2007), 95-102.
JAMA Kav K, Erganiş O. Vaccination Techniques in Fish. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23:95–102.
MLA Kav, Kürşat and Osman Erganiş. “Vaccination Techniques in Fish”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, vol. 23, no. 2, 2007, pp. 95-102.
Vancouver Kav K, Erganiş O. Vaccination Techniques in Fish. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23(2):95-102.