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Year 2007, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 73 - 79, 01.06.2007


  • Avşar F.M., Şahın, M., Aksoy, .,Avşar, A.F.. Ak6z, M.• Hengirmen, S., Bilici. S. (200 1). Ettects ol diphenhydramine HCl and melhylp'ednlsoIone in the prevennon abc:lon»nal a<tıeSK)nS Am. J. Surg., 181:512-515
  • Aytaç. B., Çakar, S. (1997). Amil lıyal onrası ortaya Çıkan peotcoeeı yapış ık1ann Onlenmeslnde kart:ıokslmeıil sedüloz ve elextran 40'." eıkileri Ça~ş Cer. Oe19., 11:137-139.
  • Sa.'er G..M.. Broome T. E., Moore J. N, (1989) . Aboomına adhesıons aher smaU in ıesıinal surgery in the bc rse Vet SurQ.. 18:409-414.
  • Brayton, C.F. (1986). Oıme lhyl suııokıdde (OMOS). cerl'\811Vet, 76:61·90.
  • Crowe CT, eıorling D. E. (1993) . Periloneum and pe- rucneat -ln co of Smail Animal Surgery" Ed. stauer. C., Second Ed , W. B. Saunder. ccrnpany,london,407-430.
  • Cesimone, J.M., Meguid, M.M., Kurzer, M.• westerven , J. ( 1988). Indemelhacin eecreeses ca"agonan indIJCed penıcoee adhesions. Surgery. 104:78S·795 .
  • C.'kstra, F.A., Niı..tw9muijz n. M., Reiınen. MM.P.J., Goor, H. (2000). Recenı dri::al develıoptnentsin pa1hophysiology, CiagLOSiS and treatmenı: of nlraatıdominai adtescos. scanı:1 J. Gastroenterol. 35'52·59.
  • üe ereçe. S.G. (1994). Comemporary adhesion preve lıon Fertilııy and Sıenlity 61:219-235 ,
  • ıı ega. S.G., Campeau. J.D. (20011. Perııoneal repa« and posı-$Urgical adhesion tormaııon Human Repo oductıon Updale. 7: 547-555 .
  • Curmus, A.S.. Han . M.C. (2006). Ellecl ot ammoIlC nuıd on suraaboorrnnar adhesıons indian v et J 83.621·623 .•
  • Ellis, H. (1971). The causes and pre...enı ion of poscce euv ap tl ıone adhesions. Surgery, Gyne · cology and Obstetncs. 133:497-51 1.
  • Ellis, H. (1982). The eecses and prevenuon ot ti aohestons. Br, J. Surg., 69: 241-243 .
  • Gluekman, OL, Warrev . W.D. (1966) . The efleet of ıo ieaııy applied eo rticosıeroids ın Ihe ptevenlion ol perdoneal adhesions. Surgery . 60:352·356.
  • Holmdahl, L, ...arsson, ıO (1999) . The role ol cytakınes eoagulalıon. and hbnnoıyslS in perilaneal ıs ue repaır Eur. J. Surg .• 165:1012·1019
  • Holtz, G ( 1980). Pre...enıion of posıeperalı ve acl\esions Journal ol Aeproduc1ive Medieırıe 24:141.146.
  • Holtz , G (1984). Prevenlion and management of peOMaI dhesıons. Fertilıty and Sleriliıy 41 497-507
  • Kappu, A,M., Barsoum, G.H., Ortız l B., l'I:etghiey. MR B. (1992). Pre...ention of penloneal adhesioo z in mbbilS ılh Yeıapamil, hydtoconisone SOdıum suo::ona le, and phosphalidylcholine. Eur. J. Surg . 158:33-35.
  • Kay, A.B., weıs. G.M_,Moqmel, R, MacDonald, A.J., Aıc' herson, H.B, (1987) . Disodium eromogtycaıe inhıbilS ecuvetco ol human inflamalory cess ın v o. J. AUergy Clin. Immuno!. 80:1-8.
  • Koç. Y.. Akan, F" Erol, M. (2002). An expeorrenteı sludy evalua1ıng uwt ellecı ot sodium earbol()'fTlelhylcellulose en !he prevention of postapetalıve IolraabdOminal Revue. Med. vee. 153:803-807 .
  • Langer, J.C., Liebman, S.M., Monk, P.K,. Pelelter, G.J. (1995). Ması ceU medialOfS anel perücoeeı adhesion lormatıorı in the ral J. Surg . Res, 59:344·348.
  • Uakakos, T., Thomakos, N., Fine, P.M., Dervenıs C., Young, R.L (200 1). Peracneal adhesions: ılology. palhophysiology, and elinical significanes. Cig Surg., 18: 26().273.
  • liebman, S.M., Langer, J,C., Marshall, J.S.. Collins, S.M. (1993). Aole ol mas ceus in perdoneal adhesion termeucn. Am. J. Surg. 165:127-130.
  • Moore, RM., Bertone, A.L (1992). Peocperauve meoıcaı therapy ter hOrses wıth inlestınal ischemia. Compendium Contınuing Educalion Mide. 14:1514·1521 .
  • Mueller, P.O.E., Harmon. B.G., Hay, W.P., sonorcsc. L.M. (2000). Effect of carboırymelhylc:eııulose and a hyaluranala carboıı:ymethylcellWose mambrane on healing ol inıestinaJ anastomoses in tersee. Am. J. vet. Res., 61:369-374.
  • Nalr. S.K.. Bhaı. I.K. , Aurora. kA. (1974). Role ol pealeoIytic enzymes in the prevention ot postoperative inı· raabdominal adhesions. Aret\. SUtg., 108:849--853.
  • SOUthwood, L.L Baxter, G.M., Hutchlson. J.M.• ShUSlet, R.(1997). Survey ol dipIomaıes ol the american coolage of veıeri ary surgeons regarding pcstccerauve inlraabdominal adhesion formalion in horses undergoing abdominal surge ry. JAVMA.21 1:1573-1576.
  • Rosin, E, (1965). Principles ol Intestinal Surgery. in "Texıb ook ol Sman Animan Surgery" Ed. Sıeuer. C. Seeond Ed. W. B. Saunde rs Company. l ondon. 720-735.
  • Taçyıld I.H., Aban, M., Şahin. H., Çeldir, A., ele C. (1998). Deneyset periloni! modelinde sooyum kro-- moglı ka ve pi rokSikamın ka rın içi yapı şı klılda ra etkisi. Ulusal Travma Dergisi. 4:230-234. Tsimoyiannis. E.C., Tsimoyiannıs, J.C.• Sarras, C.J.,
  • Akalesl os, G.C.• MQulesidou, K.J., Lekkas, E.T.• Kolouias, O.B. (1989). The Rol ol oxygen derıved Iree radicals in pentoneal adhesion lormallen induced by iJeaI cschemia repe rfusion. Acla. Chir. Scand, 155: 171-174.
  • Yalın. R. (1997). Karın içi amalıyallatdan sonra oluşan yapı,ıklıklar ve 6nIervnesi. Kc*)n .... Aektum Hasıaıık1an Dergi$!. 7:12-17
  • Yılmazıar, T,. Kaya, E., Gür'prnar. E.. ElTIlroğlu H. (1996), Eflicacy ol noxicam on inttaabdomınal adhesıon prevenlion in a ral modeL. J. Int Med. Aes. 24:352-357,

Researching the Effects of Methylprednisolone (MP) and Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) on the Prevention of Peritoneal Adhesions in Rabbits

Year 2007, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 73 - 79, 01.06.2007


  • Avşar F.M., Şahın, M., Aksoy, .,Avşar, A.F.. Ak6z, M.• Hengirmen, S., Bilici. S. (200 1). Ettects ol diphenhydramine HCl and melhylp'ednlsoIone in the prevennon abc:lon»nal a<tıeSK)nS Am. J. Surg., 181:512-515
  • Aytaç. B., Çakar, S. (1997). Amil lıyal onrası ortaya Çıkan peotcoeeı yapış ık1ann Onlenmeslnde kart:ıokslmeıil sedüloz ve elextran 40'." eıkileri Ça~ş Cer. Oe19., 11:137-139.
  • Sa.'er G..M.. Broome T. E., Moore J. N, (1989) . Aboomına adhesıons aher smaU in ıesıinal surgery in the bc rse Vet SurQ.. 18:409-414.
  • Brayton, C.F. (1986). Oıme lhyl suııokıdde (OMOS). cerl'\811Vet, 76:61·90.
  • Crowe CT, eıorling D. E. (1993) . Periloneum and pe- rucneat -ln co of Smail Animal Surgery" Ed. stauer. C., Second Ed , W. B. Saunder. ccrnpany,london,407-430.
  • Cesimone, J.M., Meguid, M.M., Kurzer, M.• westerven , J. ( 1988). Indemelhacin eecreeses ca"agonan indIJCed penıcoee adhesions. Surgery. 104:78S·795 .
  • C.'kstra, F.A., Niı..tw9muijz n. M., Reiınen. MM.P.J., Goor, H. (2000). Recenı dri::al develıoptnentsin pa1hophysiology, CiagLOSiS and treatmenı: of nlraatıdominai adtescos. scanı:1 J. Gastroenterol. 35'52·59.
  • üe ereçe. S.G. (1994). Comemporary adhesion preve lıon Fertilııy and Sıenlity 61:219-235 ,
  • ıı ega. S.G., Campeau. J.D. (20011. Perııoneal repa« and posı-$Urgical adhesion tormaııon Human Repo oductıon Updale. 7: 547-555 .
  • Curmus, A.S.. Han . M.C. (2006). Ellecl ot ammoIlC nuıd on suraaboorrnnar adhesıons indian v et J 83.621·623 .•
  • Ellis, H. (1971). The causes and pre...enı ion of poscce euv ap tl ıone adhesions. Surgery, Gyne · cology and Obstetncs. 133:497-51 1.
  • Ellis, H. (1982). The eecses and prevenuon ot ti aohestons. Br, J. Surg., 69: 241-243 .
  • Gluekman, OL, Warrev . W.D. (1966) . The efleet of ıo ieaııy applied eo rticosıeroids ın Ihe ptevenlion ol perdoneal adhesions. Surgery . 60:352·356.
  • Holmdahl, L, ...arsson, ıO (1999) . The role ol cytakınes eoagulalıon. and hbnnoıyslS in perilaneal ıs ue repaır Eur. J. Surg .• 165:1012·1019
  • Holtz, G ( 1980). Pre...enıion of posıeperalı ve acl\esions Journal ol Aeproduc1ive Medieırıe 24:141.146.
  • Holtz , G (1984). Prevenlion and management of peOMaI dhesıons. Fertilıty and Sleriliıy 41 497-507
  • Kappu, A,M., Barsoum, G.H., Ortız l B., l'I:etghiey. MR B. (1992). Pre...ention of penloneal adhesioo z in mbbilS ılh Yeıapamil, hydtoconisone SOdıum suo::ona le, and phosphalidylcholine. Eur. J. Surg . 158:33-35.
  • Kay, A.B., weıs. G.M_,Moqmel, R, MacDonald, A.J., Aıc' herson, H.B, (1987) . Disodium eromogtycaıe inhıbilS ecuvetco ol human inflamalory cess ın v o. J. AUergy Clin. Immuno!. 80:1-8.
  • Koç. Y.. Akan, F" Erol, M. (2002). An expeorrenteı sludy evalua1ıng uwt ellecı ot sodium earbol()'fTlelhylcellulose en !he prevention of postapetalıve IolraabdOminal Revue. Med. vee. 153:803-807 .
  • Langer, J.C., Liebman, S.M., Monk, P.K,. Pelelter, G.J. (1995). Ması ceU medialOfS anel perücoeeı adhesion lormatıorı in the ral J. Surg . Res, 59:344·348.
  • Uakakos, T., Thomakos, N., Fine, P.M., Dervenıs C., Young, R.L (200 1). Peracneal adhesions: ılology. palhophysiology, and elinical significanes. Cig Surg., 18: 26().273.
  • liebman, S.M., Langer, J,C., Marshall, J.S.. Collins, S.M. (1993). Aole ol mas ceus in perdoneal adhesion termeucn. Am. J. Surg. 165:127-130.
  • Moore, RM., Bertone, A.L (1992). Peocperauve meoıcaı therapy ter hOrses wıth inlestınal ischemia. Compendium Contınuing Educalion Mide. 14:1514·1521 .
  • Mueller, P.O.E., Harmon. B.G., Hay, W.P., sonorcsc. L.M. (2000). Effect of carboırymelhylc:eııulose and a hyaluranala carboıı:ymethylcellWose mambrane on healing ol inıestinaJ anastomoses in tersee. Am. J. vet. Res., 61:369-374.
  • Nalr. S.K.. Bhaı. I.K. , Aurora. kA. (1974). Role ol pealeoIytic enzymes in the prevention ot postoperative inı· raabdominal adhesions. Aret\. SUtg., 108:849--853.
  • SOUthwood, L.L Baxter, G.M., Hutchlson. J.M.• ShUSlet, R.(1997). Survey ol dipIomaıes ol the american coolage of veıeri ary surgeons regarding pcstccerauve inlraabdominal adhesion formalion in horses undergoing abdominal surge ry. JAVMA.21 1:1573-1576.
  • Rosin, E, (1965). Principles ol Intestinal Surgery. in "Texıb ook ol Sman Animan Surgery" Ed. Sıeuer. C. Seeond Ed. W. B. Saunde rs Company. l ondon. 720-735.
  • Taçyıld I.H., Aban, M., Şahin. H., Çeldir, A., ele C. (1998). Deneyset periloni! modelinde sooyum kro-- moglı ka ve pi rokSikamın ka rın içi yapı şı klılda ra etkisi. Ulusal Travma Dergisi. 4:230-234. Tsimoyiannis. E.C., Tsimoyiannıs, J.C.• Sarras, C.J.,
  • Akalesl os, G.C.• MQulesidou, K.J., Lekkas, E.T.• Kolouias, O.B. (1989). The Rol ol oxygen derıved Iree radicals in pentoneal adhesion lormallen induced by iJeaI cschemia repe rfusion. Acla. Chir. Scand, 155: 171-174.
  • Yalın. R. (1997). Karın içi amalıyallatdan sonra oluşan yapı,ıklıklar ve 6nIervnesi. Kc*)n .... Aektum Hasıaıık1an Dergi$!. 7:12-17
  • Yılmazıar, T,. Kaya, E., Gür'prnar. E.. ElTIlroğlu H. (1996), Eflicacy ol noxicam on inttaabdomınal adhesıon prevenlion in a ral modeL. J. Int Med. Aes. 24:352-357,
There are 31 citations in total.


Other ID JA69VU39SB
Journal Section Research

Fahrettin Alkan This is me

Yılmaz Koç This is me

İlhami Çelik This is me

Muharrem Erol This is me

M. Faruk Aydın This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Alkan, F., Koç, Y., Çelik, İ., Erol, M., et al. (2007). Researching the Effects of Methylprednisolone (MP) and Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) on the Prevention of Peritoneal Adhesions in Rabbits. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 23(2), 73-79.
AMA Alkan F, Koç Y, Çelik İ, Erol M, Aydın MF. Researching the Effects of Methylprednisolone (MP) and Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) on the Prevention of Peritoneal Adhesions in Rabbits. Eurasian J Vet Sci. June 2007;23(2):73-79.
Chicago Alkan, Fahrettin, Yılmaz Koç, İlhami Çelik, Muharrem Erol, and M. Faruk Aydın. “Researching the Effects of Methylprednisolone (MP) and Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) on the Prevention of Peritoneal Adhesions in Rabbits”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23, no. 2 (June 2007): 73-79.
EndNote Alkan F, Koç Y, Çelik İ, Erol M, Aydın MF (June 1, 2007) Researching the Effects of Methylprednisolone (MP) and Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) on the Prevention of Peritoneal Adhesions in Rabbits. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23 2 73–79.
IEEE F. Alkan, Y. Koç, İ. Çelik, M. Erol, and M. F. Aydın, “Researching the Effects of Methylprednisolone (MP) and Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) on the Prevention of Peritoneal Adhesions in Rabbits”, Eurasian J Vet Sci, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 73–79, 2007.
ISNAD Alkan, Fahrettin et al. “Researching the Effects of Methylprednisolone (MP) and Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) on the Prevention of Peritoneal Adhesions in Rabbits”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23/2 (June 2007), 73-79.
JAMA Alkan F, Koç Y, Çelik İ, Erol M, Aydın MF. Researching the Effects of Methylprednisolone (MP) and Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) on the Prevention of Peritoneal Adhesions in Rabbits. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23:73–79.
MLA Alkan, Fahrettin et al. “Researching the Effects of Methylprednisolone (MP) and Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) on the Prevention of Peritoneal Adhesions in Rabbits”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, vol. 23, no. 2, 2007, pp. 73-79.
Vancouver Alkan F, Koç Y, Çelik İ, Erol M, Aydın MF. Researching the Effects of Methylprednisolone (MP) and Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) on the Prevention of Peritoneal Adhesions in Rabbits. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23(2):73-9.